Shi Qing knew what Zhou Xuanxuan was up to. Didn't he just trick him into feeding songxiabing, the wild wolf?

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Right in the middle.

As Zhou Xuanxuan begins to Balabala, "boss, your life is very valuable. He Songxia Bing is a fart. Why do you want to die early because of him?" "why don't we lie down on our salary and try to survive this wave first, so that we can win." his expression gradually relaxed and looked at Zhou Xuanxuan. Both sides looked very friendly.

Zhou Xuanxuan: Hey, I'm a real genius.

Shi qingtut, he is really a talent.

Songxia ice with porridge back to see two people looking at this scene, his eyes dark, holding porridge hand slightly tight.

Seeing the man in bed looking up to see himself, the smile on his face suddenly fell down and became indignant.

His Adam's Apple moved slightly, but his face showed a gentle smile: "boss, I just went to the kitchen to get a bowl of porridge, and specially let people put some sugar in it."

With that, the young man came forward with a smile and sat on the edge of the bed and whispered, "I'll feed you."

Shi Qing looked at him with a gloomy look.

After Song XiaBing, Zhou Xuanxuan makes a gesture of encouragement. The mouth shape is also the boss. Come on!

You can! You can do it!

His movements are a little big. Songxia Bing drops his eyes slightly, and a wisp of black fog reaches Zhou Xuanxuan's eyes.

Zhou Xuanxuan "..."

"Ha ha, boss, SongGe, please talk slowly. I have something else to do. I'll go first."

He slipped away.

He also closed the door with kindness.

When Qing this just took on the face that does not want to look, took that bowl of porridge, directly big gulp of drink up.

Song Xia Bing sees him obedient to drink, but the mood is not good where to go.

Just now, Qingqing clearly didn't want to drink it.

But after he threatened Zhou Xuanxuan, he drank the porridge with such cooperation.

Zhou Xuanxuan

He had a flash of killing intention in his heart and was forced to suppress it by himself.

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No, you can't touch him yet.

The boss can't be stimulated now. This Zhou Xuanxuan is still useful.

When qingsuction slip suction slip finished porridge, directly throw the clean bowl to Songxia ice hands.

"Go and get me drumsticks, so you feed the rabbit."

Song XiaBing didn't care about the tone of his command. Instead, he explained with a smile, "boss, you were hurt last night. Today, you'd better just drink some porridge for the time being."

The man looked at him unhappily, "you son of a bitch to do this kind of animal matter still not calculate, still want to starve me?"

"No way."

The young man leans towards him with a smile. He frowns slightly. Some of the rejection lean back. He doesn't care. Instead, he reaches his hand to the other side's abdomen where he can feel his abdominal muscles.

Feel the man nervous tight body, a pair of eyes vigilant looking at himself, as if once he has action will immediately launch the ability, song XiaBing smile sweet, a pair of peach blossom eyes smile slightly curved.

"Besides, I fed you so much last night that you can't eat it now."

He meant something, but it was a pity that the object he was facing was Shi Qing.

"Fart, I didn't eat a grain of rice last night. When did you feed me?"

The young man picked up his eyebrows with a smile, reached his ear and whispered, "no, it is Is it time? "

When he had finished, he retreated slightly, trying to appreciate the indignation of shame.

The man in front of him suddenly realized, and then a handsome and unruly face showed a few slights of disdain.

"hiss, that's what you are, little boy."

He was also particularly proud of pointing out that song XiaBing "you said that it was into the intestines, what I eat is into the stomach, thanks to your last life or university, no culture."

In his tone, his disdain for song XiaBing and his complacency that he had such rich knowledge were not concealed at all.

Songxia ice "..."

He felt his chest ache again.

Efforts to adjust a few breaths, in the bottom of my heart to tell myself, when Qing is a straight man, is a straight man, is to adjust the state of mind.

Song XiaBing wants to let go of this topic and jump directly to the next paragraph, but Shiqing is not willing to let him go. Instead, with a proud look of "you are a college student, you can't even compare with me, a little thug", and he keeps talking about popular science

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"the intestine is the intestine, and the stomach is the stomach. If you don't get into the stomach, how can you be full? You have a biology class Didn't the teacher teach you? "

He seems to have forgotten his pain. The more he said it, the more he tried. In the end, he was still in the end. With seven points of pride on his face, two points of pride and one point of disdain, he ended with a sentence

"my biology teacher will teach you."Songxia ice "..."

He was very angry and laughed, showing a sweet smile on his face. He asked in a soft voice, "it's better to send it directly from mouth to stomach next time."

The man was silent.

His face darkened again. Instead of being as angry as yesterday, he sat back with silent vigilance.

Seeing the complacent look on his face was covered by vigilance and slight exclusion, it was obviously a sentence that blocked people back.

As a result, the bottom of Songxia ice is more stuffy.

He found that he still liked the proud and proud Shi Qing, who was full of "Laozi is the best in the world, and all of you are rubbish".

However, such time Qing was killed by him.

He didn't even know whether he was right or wrong.

Songxia Bing has just raised a haze at the bottom of her heart. The man sitting on the bed is cold and vigilant, and snorts coldly

"don't think I'm afraid of you. Don't forget that you were in your stomach last night."

Finish this sentence, the expression on Qing's face is proud again, quite a kind of "ha ha ha ha, you still lost" complacency.

Songxia ice "..."

He suppressed Shiqing, a proud man.

Later, he was oppressed by himself and was not happy when he was not in.

As a result, Shiqing was proud of himself again.

Why does he still have a kind of impulse to hit people in the bottom of his heart??

Shi Qing also deliberately sat up straight and looked down at Song XiaBing.

"do you really want me to do this disgusting thing with you?"

Song Xia Bing listens to this topic, also can't attend to the bottom of my heart in the end is stuffy.

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With a sweet smile, he held out his slender fingers and slightly grasped the man's big hand.

Seeing Shiqing, though uncomfortable on his face, didn't shake off his own hand. He was happy in the bottom of his heart.

It seems that Zhou Xuanxuan is of some use.

At the bottom of my heart, Zhou Xuanxuan's level was raised to the point where she could be used again after killing her. The young man said in a soft voice: "boss, I really like you. As I said before, if you are willing to promise me, you will still be the boss of the fire, and I will be your subordinate. All this will not change."

Shi Qing pretended to meditate.

Seeing that the host is really considering, the system jumps out to remind the host to be cautious. Don't trust him. His rejection has not changed at all. Maybe this person is plotting to kill you.

Shi Qing Tong, you are still too young to exclude a person because you hate him, but it doesn't mean you don't love him.

System Is that the case? So, that song XiaBing, does he love you, host?

Shi qingtut, I think, he should have taken a fancy to my fresh meat.


It was as if I had taken a fancy to his fresh meat.

He rarely explained the character of song XiaBing, that is, if others don't give him love in return, he is absolutely unwilling to give a little, um, just like me.

The system got it this time.

It has finally learned something.

Its own host and Songxia ice.

That's half a dozen, no equal.

Song XiaBing doesn't know what Shi Qing is thinking. Seeing him pondering, he quietly throws out a big bait.

"boss, you don't just want to stabilize the fire, but although you are a high-level ability, there are not many level 7 talents in the base. In addition, there are five. If you can't beat them, you can only develop slowly The fire is raging. "

The youth said, showing a smile, a pair of beautiful eyes in the bright as if there are stars, so looking to the time Qing.

Beside me, a pile of black fog slowly emerged.

The smile on the corner of his lips also widened slightly

"but I can beat them."

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"As long as you promise me, I am your man The most faithful one. "

Said, he slightly clenched the man's hand, hint general, with his finger gently hook when the palm.

The man gave a thrill and quickly pulled his hand back.

In the face of doubt "are you serious? Will you listen to me

Song Xia Bing definitely nodded.

However, Shi Qing seemed to be hesitating and said, "you swear."

The smile on the young man's face was full of tenderness, and he really made an oath.

The man was relieved.

"Well, I promise you that you will be my subordinate and fight for me in the future."

The youth's face is happy, obviously did not expect that Shi Qing should be so easy to relax.

With a triumphant smile, he held out his hand slightly, and as soon as he fell on the shoulder of a man, he was shaken away with vigilance on his face

"Boss, I want to reflect on the little game we played last night."Br > "if you don't listen to me, I'm not going to tell you what to say

Songxia ice "..."

He looked at Shi Qing and found that the expression on his face was serious.

His throat is sweet again.

It's just not physical, it's psychological.

Shi Qing

Why is it like a piece of wood!!

"In this case, let the boss see if I have any!"

"Come again! get the hell out of here! You go to me Ah! Don't touch Lao Tzu's tail if you're good at it! "

Shiqing Hey! Again!

They spent two days together in bed. On the third day, someone came to the pine family.

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