Songjia came to the base to exchange materials.

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Songjia has more food, but less weapons and less daily necessities.

People in the base now know that song XiaBing is the "red man" in front of their boss. Although the Song family refused to give ransom, it was almost equivalent to watching song XiaBing die.

But at least songxiabing is also a member of the pine family.

They know that the boss likes songxiabing, and they all flatter him. When they know the news, they go to tell song XiaBing.

Song Xia Bing only seemed to smile as soft and weak as before. After hearing this, her face showed a little aggrieved, and she leaned in her arms.

Although they are of the same height, it's a bit against him to lean on him like this, but it's better than Shiqing leaning on his arms.


His tone seems to be aggrieved can not do the same, listen to the "forced to hold him" of the man's face blue, a face of disgust.

He can't help it.

Although song XiaBing is still a subordinate of Shiqing, he certainly won't let the outside world think that Shi Qing is still single because of his previous experience (when Qing went to find a woman).

As a result, this goods is very shameless in front of outsiders and when the Qing inseparable, with a weak face, sometimes coquettish.

He not only made clear the relationship between the two, but also did not let Shi Qing lose face.

After all, it's nothing to play with men these days.

But for such a fire boss as Shiqing, it's a shame to be played by a man.

However, song XiaBing doesn't want this face.

He preferred to let others think that he was the inheritor, and he also wanted to make his own badge on Shi Qing.

What's more, Shiqing was upset because he forced him to do it.

If he didn't give him the face outside, I'm sure the man won't want to bear it. He'll kill him.

What does Shi Qing think.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

He wanted to be like the emperor's favorite concubine, holding the "weak and poor little beauty" to coax him. However, as a straight man, he only pushed people out with a black face, "speak well, don't always rub me."

Song XiaBing's beautiful face shows more and more grievances. It seems that he pushed back the aggrieved one. In fact, his slender and white fingertips directly swept the red tail which could not be seen by others.

Just also a face irritable man's body a stiff, uncontrolled soft body.

Songxia ice again stretched out his hand, and they naturally leaned together again.

"Boss, you really hate it. You say you don't want people to be next to you, and then you hold them over."

He deliberately softened his voice and made his face even worse when he saw Shiqing's ugly face.

The larynx is rolling up and down, obviously to suppress the idea of vomiting.

Song XiaBing had deliberately made fun of him.

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As a result, he really hated himself, but he didn't feel proud at all in the bottom of my heart. Instead, he was extremely bitter.

Shi Qing

Is he really hopeless?

Can't you really like him a little bit?

Even a little bit.

The younger brother, who came to tell them about the Song family's love, was full of envy in his eyes and quickly flattered him.

"the elder brother and the elder brother song are really good feelings. Looking at the whole base, only our boss is so dedicated. Look at the boss of other teams, which one does not have at least two lovers."

He meant to be happy when he wanted to boast.

As a result, he found that he had just finished, and the sight of his boss was cold and frightening, full of bad.

Little brother "..."

Why does he feel like he's buttering up on a horse's hoof?

But it's not right.

Carefully looked at the two people, see that they are indeed close to each other honey, body next to the body.

It's very close. That's right.

Shi Qing really wanted to praise this little brother, but he had to maintain the personnel establishment, so he could only gnash his teeth and his face was livid.

"please explain clearly what the pine family is doing, don't always say some useless nonsense."


It turns out that the boss doesn't like his work attitude and is out of the question.

I'm the boss. I'm so serious and strict.

"They come to exchange goods and materials. It seems that they want to exchange food for weapons, but the price is a little high. Many people in the base are watching."

Wait and see, it's only temporary.

Now, although the base has begun to grow grain, it is not as enough as before the end of the world. The more food, the better.

The Song family is bound to return with full load.

Songxia ice this "Daji" is uneasy to get up, twist the body to climb to when clear ear"Boss, I bought all the grains of the pine family before the end of the world."

There were signs before the end of the world, but at that time, no one thought that human beings would become zombies. Song XiaBing only thought that there would be economic problems. In case of emergency, he beat the crowd and bought a large number of grain.

As a result, it turned out to be a wedding dress for others.

He had a bad temper, and from small to big, only when he was provoked could he be virtuous.

How could he be happy to let him watch the pine family live comfortably with his own food.

The man looked at him inexplicably, "so what, now the food is in their hands, but not in your hands. Besides, there is no your name on it."

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"My name is not written on it, but now it is not a society ruled by law. There are so many grains in it. It's not as good as..."

Song Xia Bing's hand gently playing when clear fingers, whispered, "let's grab the grain back."

When Qing chuckled, he wanted to take back his hand, but he was firmly grasped by Songxia Bing. He could only smell a face and let the youth play with his hands.

"Do you think you've got it back? You think the pine family are all idiots? So much grain is being transported here without security? "

This is the end of the world.

There is no law for a long time. We all talk by force.

If the pine family is not sure, how can they come to other bases.

Shi Qing said, "no, we can't. I'm not sure. I won't do it."

Song XiaBing knew that he would say this, and ordered a little when Qing's hand "boss, you don't do it, then I can go alone."

"You want to die," Shi Qing said

Listen to him say so, Song Xia Bing heart a joy.

Would Shi Qing care about him?

Ding! The repulsion degree of Songxia ice sheet is 500100

the system has been perfected.

Even if songxiabing falls to 200 in one breath, it won't have any surprise.

Too much exciting life, it almost forgot, the general initial rejection is 100%.

Song XiaBing opened her fingers slightly, clasped with the ten fingers of a man with a face full of unwillingness, and was full of tenderness

"how can I be willing to die with such a beauty as the boss?"

The younger brother at the bottom heard a chill.

I just think the slot is full.

Let's not say that song XiaBing, such a weak waste wood, should go to Gan song's house.

Just talk about their boss? Beauty???

Sure enough, love can blind people's eyes.

Song Xia Bing didn't pay attention to what his younger brother was thinking. He only coaxed Shiqing, "don't worry, I'll be careful. If there's something, I'll run faster than anyone else."

With that, he looked at the big tail behind the man, and his eyes were gentle and even more "boss, you will be like this in the future. I will be very happy if you care more about me."

"Who cares about you? I'm afraid you'll die."

Songxia ice "..."

He felt as if his powers were going to be stimulated.

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The younger brother at the bottom was moved again.

The original boss! Even willing to die for song XiaBing?

Oh, my God!!!

What kind of fairy love is this!!

At such a cold and cruel time in the last world, there is still such sincere love.

It was so moving.

He was moved, but song XiaBing was not moved.

The dark color of his eyes, angry wish to immediately grab the tail of the person in front of him, overturn him to the ground, and teach people a good "lesson" to let him know whether he should care about himself.

But when you lift your eyes and face up, you can only bear the tone in your heart.

He stood up with a cold face. "I'll go out for a minute."

The younger brother was still sighing about the beautiful love, but he watched song XiaBing go away. His face was not so good-looking. He was confused and looked carefully at Shiqing

"boss What's wrong with SongGe

"How can I know?"

Huoting boss's tone is not very good. When he returned to him, he was also full of resentment. "It's really weird day by day. It's hard to serve him. I'm so tolerant of him."

Song Xia Bing, who has not gone far away, hears this sentence, and his heart is a stem.

He has a strange personality??

He's hard to serve??!!!

Shiqing, do you have heart!!

He held his fist and walked out of the fire with a black face.

Half an hour later, my little brother's face was shaken silly expression, trembling to is holding a cigarette face impatient hand peel melon seeds ready to eat in one breath in front of Qing.

"Old man, boss, SongGe, he, he, he..."

When Qing impatiently took down the cigarette, "speak well!""He put the pine family All the people sent by the pine family have fallen down... "

The younger brother was in a trance and gulped down his mouth. "The pine family hired three level seven high-level talents this time, but none of them was supported by brother song Boss, why is he so powerful... "

The boss didn't tell them.

"Horizontal trough!"

When Qing Dynasty a perch rolls, he gets up from the sofa, "quick, quick, quick, copy guy!"

"What's the boss doing? Isn't SongGe beating people down? "

"Are you stupid or not? Let's take people to share a share! He pine summer ice, but we are angry people, can not let other teams take advantage

"Oh, oh

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I suddenly realized that I had to send someone to go.

So, the base of the people to see, the fire of a group of people mighty with the guy out.

They soon arrived at the place where the pine family was stationed.

As soon as he passed by, he saw the people around him. He watched carefully. When he came over, his expression was very strange.

Shi Qing roared, "what are you looking at! Haven't you seen such a beautiful man as Laozi

There was a fiery little brother who was watching the excitement. Seeing him coming, he rushed over and said in a strange voice:

"boss, you'd better go and have a look with your own eyes..."

Shiqing pushes aside the crowd and finds that song XiaBing is hanging and beating a level 7 talent.

While fighting, he scolded with a cold face

"I'm called to call me Yin Yang strange Qi

"I told you to find a woman!"

"You don't like me fuckin '!"!! Like me or not!! Do you like me or not

Without saying a word, it's a fist.

That one's been beaten dumb.

I just want to kneel down and beg for mercy. "Like it, sir. I like it. You let me go."

"Even you?"

Song XiaBing kicks people out.

The man flew some distance before landing.

Everyone "..."

The last one who stealthily attacked himself was beaten down, and song XiaBing stopped working. Instead, he put down his sleeve he had pulled up before, and turned into the original clean and refreshing appearance.

The young man turned around and saw Shiqing. His eyes were bright. He ran forward in small steps and ran into the man's arms.

"Boss, you're here."

"I just remembered that when you were not with me, you were in a bad mood, so I came to them to vent my anger. The man didn't know why he suddenly confessed to me. But boss, don't worry. I only like you. Don't be angry."

What a wretched and weak look.

Shi Qing looked around.

I saw that the faces of people around are the same rigid, eyes are also the same confused shock.

There is also a little sympathy.

Tut Tut, it is true that there are Rouge tigers in our family.

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