When Qing feels, pine summer ice this boy is in pointing at mulberry.

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However, he is a straight man. He doesn't understand. Hey!

Song Xia Bing scolded, and especially shameless glanced at everything, a pair of I did not say you look.

Although the pine family were all beaten down, they did not die.

It's not that song XiaBing can't kill them, but he deliberately left a hand.

He knows too well what kind of virtue the pine family is.

The typical bully is afraid of the hard.

Now when I saw the arrival of the individual (Shiqing), the song XiaBing, who was going to raze their place to the ground, suddenly turned into a "little wretch", who refused to come down from the man.

The pine family's original fear of him immediately disappeared.

"This is Mr. Shi Qing, who is in a rage."

The young master of the pine family, whose nose was bleeding, got up hard and took a look of resentment. When he was pulling, he had to rely on Song XiaBing in his arms. His skin was smiling and his flesh was not laughing.

It's not that he doesn't want to laugh. It's really

My face is swollen. I can't smile.

"He hugged his fist." I've heard that Shiqing, the boss of huoting, is a happy man. We Songjia come to do business honestly. I don't know where to offend you huoting. We should send someone to target us like this. "

"We have nothing else in the pine family. Food is absolutely enough, and we can employ several high-level talents. If Mr. Shi doesn't give us a reason, today's matter is not reasonable. If Mr. Shi doesn't want to be enemies with our Matsu family, we'd better let us discipline the people around you."

Songxia ice eyebrow slightly moved, black fog in the fingertip halo Rao.

He just likes to dress up in front of him. He was just a humble character before he left the Song family. He was very brave.

He was cold and ready to teach this guy how to be a man. Suddenly, he heard the voice of the man leaning against him coldly. He was still in a cranky and cranky manner. He could not pronounce clearly with his cigarette in his mouth

Song Xia Bing's expression moved.

Shi Qing

Is he protecting him?

Although he knows that Shiqing is likely to protect himself because of his charming fox, Songxia Bing feels that this time is not the same.

Shi Qing was a possessive person. He always preferred to kill himself rather than give it to outsiders.

And now the Song family said that he would discipline the fire for him, obviously moved the scale of the Qing Dynasty.

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Song Xia Bing vaguely seems to have caught something.

Yes, Shi Qing is very protective.

He is horizontal to outsider, when Qing also won't say what more, can come to share a share at most.

But if an outsider is facing him.

Song XiaBing is a little weaker himself

The young man's face is buried in the man's arms, and the corners of his lips are quietly raised.

When I raised my face again, it was pathetic on my face.

"I just heard that the Matsu family had come, so I wanted to come and have a look. After all, I'm also the Matsu family. I haven't seen them for so long in the base, and I really miss them."

Song XiaBing looked very aggrieved. "Who knows they scolded me when they saw me, boss. If I had been scolded before, I would forget it. But now that we are all together, I represent your face. How can I let him scold like this? Moreover, they not only scold me, but also say that even if I am covered by the fire, even if I am the boss, I can't escape One is dead. "

Song family "..."

The young master of the Song family almost didn't spit out blood. "You fart!! What evidence do you have to say that we said these things! "

Song Xia Bing seems to be very timid, more time to lean on the body, weak way "you said, if you don't admit it, you'll take out the evidence you didn't say."

Song family "..."

Song Xia Bing made more efforts to complain: "boss, you don't know, I was looked down on in the pine family when I was a child. I was bullied from childhood to big. I grew up and they couldn't bully me any more. As the end of the world came, they left me alone in our base. My father didn't want me. It seemed that I didn't have this son, and I was left alone I don't know how hard it will be

What he said was that he felt sad and saw tears.

It's a pity that a group of people around him have witnessed how he loosed his family just now.

The bottom of my heart is a piece of "..."

It was Shiqing, slightly moved.

This is not a broken set, song XiaBing knew that he was also abandoned by his father, and was brought up by his mother since childhood.

Looking at his last words, he successfully let the face of the fire boss show anger, Songxia ice heart warm.

Even though he knew that a large part of the reason for Shi Qing was that he thought of his father, but there was still a small part of the reason that he pined Xia Bing?The man tightens his eyebrows, spits out smoke on his face, and raises his chin at people in all kinds of injured positions.

"you loose your family and deceive people, and I will not dispute with you. If you give all the grain you brought to huoting, I will let you die."

Song family "..."

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Shameless lying trough!!

Who the hell is bullying people too much!!

Obviously, it was song XiaBing. When he came to their station, he went directly to the young master of the Song family without saying a word.

The guard attacked him secretly, but he was hanged instead. He didn't know the sky or the earth.

They were beaten for no reason.

As a result, Shiqing wants them to make compensation??

"Boss, I don't think that's right."

Is in the heart to suppress bend, do not know whether to go up to open dry or open scolding, heard a understand person to speak.

Feeling a glimmer of hope, the pine family looked at the past with hope and found that it was song XiaBing who was speaking.

The expression on their faces was immediately distorted.

Sure enough, Songxia leaned on the man's arms, just like a demon concubine, whispering her coquettes.

"they bully me like this. How can we have as simple as food, boss? I just took a quick look. Ten members of the pine family came, all surnamed song. I don't think it's as good as this. We'll detain all the people and put them in jail If you don't, send them a ransom

Song family "..."


How shameless!!!

Song XiaBing, a bitch, has always hated them for taking advantage of the end of the world to seize power.

But Shiqing shouldn't do that.

If he really detained ten members of the Matsu family, and they were detained in public, the Matsu family could not have known the truth.

At that time, they will not be in direct opposition to the Matsu family.


Shiqing is also the first to create the fire, he should not be so stupid.

The man standing opposite nodded thoughtfully, "what you said is reasonable."

"Yes, and when we detain these people, we can also let them do coolies, which is not wasted at all."

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Songxia ice maliciously looked at the iron faced pine family, "ten people, can exchange a lot of food."

One of the young masters of the pine family could not help but soften his legs as soon as he came into contact with his sight.

"If there is no food, we are all worthless. We are just the collateral of the pine family..."

When Qing frowned, his face was irascible

"That's no use? Kill, kill. "

Song family "..."

These two people are fuckin 'crazy!!

Song Xia Bing laughed with a smile, "boss, the collateral is not worth money, and the lineage is valuable. I think it's better for me to go to their base, bind their lineage, and then ask for ransom, and tie up as many people as you want. At that time, our fire is not about how much food we need."

The pine family " impossible!! There are seven level masters in our pine family! "

Shiqing couldn't help laughing

"then you who made us angry were not level 7 masters

The pine family is silent.

Not only did they not know how to say it, but also because they found that song XiaBing's expression became strange after Shi Qing finished his words. They didn't know if they were going to kill them.

Song Xia Bing's attention at the moment is totally not on the pine family.

He has a pair of beautiful eyes with a little starlight, looking to let himself lean in his arms, this is a very happy mood, shaking the red tail of the fire man.

He said just now that people who are angry

Did Shi Qing admit that he was also a man of fire?

Song XiaBing has a reddish cheek, not shy, but excited.

The young man gently rubbed his face against the man and said in a low voice, "boss, do you think I'm the one with the fire?"

"Of course."

When Qing answered very happily, he also put his whole person in his arms.

Songxiabing is in a better mood, and even the color of her lips is becoming more and more red.

Shi Qing

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It's not that hopeless.

Then he heard Shi Qing say, "you are the one who is angry with us. Of course, the food you get down is also from us. If anyone comes, don't let me down!! These are all Laozi's

Songxia ice "..."

He slowly squeezed out a smile on his face: "you Just for the food? This food is more important than me? "

The younger brothers around "..."

If it had been, they might have sighed that the eldest brother could not look at people's faces.But now

Song XiaBing is a person who single out several level seven masters!!

Boss, can you calm down!!

If this sentence is wrong, it is not domestic violence, it is simply heaven.

Shi Qing thought seriously on his face and thought, "well..."

The younger brothers around all raised their hearts.

Even song XiaBing, knowing that his temperament is like that, is unlikely to change, or can not help but take some expectations.

Finally, in front of the man a face pain to make up his mind, the pain of biting teeth "line! 20% for you! It's only 20 percent. It can't be more. "

Songxia ice "..."

He clenched his fist without expression.

After that, the pine family discussed it clearly and cried out with heartache, "OK, we promised to give you food."

The young man turned his head with cold eyes.

The black fog whipped them around.

"I changed my mind."

"Song family, I have to destroy it!"

The Song family

Lying trough?!!

Didn't you say that only food was needed before?!


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