"Self respect?"

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tieguzong, the young and exceedingly new patriarch, laughed and stretched out his hand to pull up his clothes.

OK, I've pulled up my clothes. Can I open my eyes? Gu Xianchang?

Gu qiushu's eyelashes trembled, but he still opened his eyes.

That Mou son looks at as if or shallow light, a trace of emotion also has no, look to the eyes of clear when also very mo de feeling.

Shi Qing didn't mind, but she still held the posture above Gu qiushu. On the one hand, she put medicine on him with her slender and white hand, which was maintained very soft and tender. She was not free at the same time.

He teased and teased the young fairy, "I said, are your tianyanzong disciples as serious as you? I just revealed a little bit. You're red ears, all men, and I'm not shy. What's your shame?

Gu qiushu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and his thin lips closed slightly, refusing to answer appearance.

Shi Qing didn't dislike him for ignoring himself, and asked himself, "or are you red ears because of shyness? Gu Xianchang, you don't really like men, do you?

this time, Gu qiushu has some anger in his eyes.

He looked at the man with a cold tone, as if he could freeze. "Nonsense.

what are you doing so nervous? So I'm afraid of what I said. I said, I don't remember you, Tian Yan Zong has the rule that men are not allowed to be with men. You should not be afraid. If Tian Yan really does not allow it, then you will come to our iron bone school. My man, very generous, is also the master of iron bone clan. I has the final say in our clan gate. I said you can like men

As he said it, Shi Qing raised Gu qiushu's wisp of hair with a smile. His eyebrows were full of frivolity. "You can like it. It's just your personal meaning."

Gu qiushu frowned more and more with his words

he said coldly: "when the patriarch knew that he was the leader of a sect, now you Tiegu sect sent someone to arrest us here, so don't you rush to cause disaster to the iron bone sect?

he thought that Shi Qing would say that there were three puppets in the hijacking period, and the iron bone sect was not afraid of anyone in the cultivation world Pick eyebrows, that looks like a monster pretty good-looking face deliberately revealed a trace of innocence.

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What is Gu Xianchang talking about? Where am I provoking you? I saw that you poor Xianmen children have hidden injuries in their bodies. I'm afraid that each one of them will die soon. I sent someone to arrest you. Oh, no, please come to you. "

Gu qiushu glanced at the dungeon which can suppress cultivation, and his eyes were even colder. "So, it seems that the way of treating guests of iron bone sect is somewhat wrong

do you say this dungeon? Do you not like it? I treat you differently. Other young disciples are all crowded together. Only you are alone here

is smiling and very cheeky Sorry, none.

"Gu Xianchang, I saved you with kindness. Do you have anything to repay me? I think your sword is not bad."

He said that his hand fell on the sword that Gu qiushu had been holding tightly

Gu qiushu couldn't move, but the cold in his eyes was even heavier. When he felt that he had no expression, he wanted to take away his sword, but he couldn't pull it out.

"Ah? It's strange. Are you holding so tightly?

after a while, Shiqing tried hard, but didn't catch it, so he didn't catch it.

He went to Gu qiushu again and looked down at him. He took a strand of black hair and touched his cold white cheek. Do you have any restrictions on your sword, immortal? Now you can't move. Why can't I take it out?

Gu qiushu gives him a cold look, ignores his small movements, closes his eyes and begins to breathe

ignore me? I think you have forgotten what I said before. Be careful that your nephew can't see the sun tomorrow. Although Gu qiushu didn't open his eyes, he succeeded in making his eyebrows tighter. He said in a cold voice, "can't you do anything else?

when Qingqing was smiling, he took his hair to tease his servants, straightened his nose, and looked at his wrinkled eyebrows, and his smile became more and more wanton." in the dungeon of iron bone clan, we were not only closing that little disciple of Tianyan sect.

If he can't threaten you alone, isn't there another group?

Gu qiushu couldn't bear to open his eyes "shameless!

when qingsibo didn't mind, he even reminded him that" you just said this sentence.

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Seeing the ups and downs of the man's chest, he felt that he couldn't make fun of him. He shrugged and sat up. "Well, if you're angry, I won't say it. Well, I'm such a nice person.

Gu qiushu watched him blow his own horn coldly.

"What is your purpose.

"I said, I'm a good man. My purpose is to cure you. Look at you. It's clear that your cultivation is so high, but the muscles and bones inside are miserable. Look, it's broken so badly. I said, don't you hurt when you practice every day?The anger in Gu qiushu's eyes gradually turned into doubt and vigilance.

How do you know. "

"Guess what?

the fairy in white took a deep breath and looked at him coldly.

Well, well, I'll tell you, how do I know? It's very simple, because I'm a pharmacist. I know you have to ask me what a pharmacist is. A pharmacist is a cultivation method that I've created by myself. "

When the clear in slowly fell on the edge of Gu qiushu wound, point.

The beautiful eyes on the top of his eyes are directly connected with him.

He slowly lifted his lips, slightly down, close to the man's ear, whispered, "you are ill, I am your medicine." Feel Gu qiuteng with his words suddenly stiff body, from time to time low smile out of the sound.

The laughter grew louder and louder. At last, he couldn't sit still. He was lying on the tree directly.

Xianchang, your ears are red again. I said that you tianyanzong is teaching you what every day. A good person just teaches you to have red ears. When you marry your daughter-in-law, you enter the bridal chamber, but you don't know what to do. Gu qiushu's red ears gradually recover their original color under the teasing of the people in front of you 。

This time, he replied, "I don't have to worry about how I teach tianyanzong. It depends on how you teach the iron bone sect. At any rate, you are also a famous school, and you are so frivolous.

He said these words seriously, and his face was very cold. Even a person with a slight facial expression would feel ashamed to hear him say it.

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however, the person who heard him was clear.

But Shi Qing didn't want to face

am I frivolous?

he first asked, and then looked down at his clothes which were slightly wrinkled just because of his actions.

tut tut: "I'm called frivolous? It seems that Xianchang, you haven't seen a real frivolous person.

I'll take off my clothes and show you how frivolous I am. Gu qiushu

he couldn't believe to look at the person who said that he really began to take off his clothes. He felt that he had never seen such a brazen person as Shiqing in his life.

Just as he was about to close his eyes, the man said with a smile, "don't close your eyes. If you dare to close your eyes and deliberately ignore me, I don't know what those little disciples of Yanzong would do that day.

Gu qiushu has always been a man of pure heart and few desires. Because of his high seniority, no one ever took such liberties in front of him in the days of tianyanzong. Generally, as long as he appeared, all the disciples would behave like a kitten.

It's not just how scary his cold face is.

It also represents that Gu qiuteng has no experience in dealing with the current situation.

Don't close your eyes.

If I close my eyes, I wonder if the fickle person in front of me will say something to tianyanzong's disciples.

But when you open your eyes, don't you want to see the people in front of you undress with your own eyes.

When Qing threw away his outer garment, he saw Gu qiushu's ears were completely red, his lips were slightly raised, and he stretched out his hand to press in the place where his heart should be.

After touching him, he felt that his subordinates were still stiff. He raised his eyebrows and nodded with satisfaction, "very good. I jumped faster than just now."

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The young man turned to the ground, took his shirt and began to put it on his body

facing Gu qiushu, he was relieved and puzzled. His smile on his face became worse and worse, and his words were very serious.

Do you really think I'm going to strip in front of you? Don't be funny. You're not a pretty girl. Don't worry. I take off my clothes just to test whether your heart rate is fast and your muscles will expand.

Gu qiushu is really relieved this time.

It's just that the cold eyes of Shiqing have not faded away.

Shi Qing shrugged at his disbelief. "I know you don't believe it, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm a pharmacist with such a good heart. No matter whether you believe it or not, I'll cure you.

Listening to what he said didn't seem to be telling lies, the fairy in White said in a low voice, "I have my own way to deal with the hidden diseases in my body, so you don't have to worry about it.

What can you do? I'll tell you, your disease is very simple. The reason why you have hidden diseases is that your bones are too high and your training speed is too fast. Therefore, when your accomplishments are too fast and your muscles and veins can't keep up with them, the muscles and veins in your body will start to break and have great pain.

The key is that even if you find the elixir for restraining cultivation, it will only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, which will only make you suffer.

He put on his clothes, and his smile increased a little bit. "It's better to use my method to help you find something that can make your heart beat too fast. If you do it so many times, your muscles and veins will expand, and the disease will naturally recover without medicine.

What he said seemed to be very reasonable. However, it was useless. Gu qiushu didn't believe him.The fairy in white can't move, but his voice is still cold. "It's useless. I don't believe you.

Shi Qing came to him with a bright smile and bent down to face Gu Qiucun's four eyes. "I don't care if you believe me or not. Anyway, you are all in my hands. I want to cure you.

After that, the smiling young man suddenly bowed his head, and his soft lips fell on the other side's forehead, a dragonfly kiss.

Gu qiushu's body is stiff, feeling the hand of time Qing falls again in his heart position.

The voice rose, lazy, and with a charm, "well, sure enough, fast.

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