In the dungeon, Gu qiushu, who had a great research spirit, studied Gu qiushu all over the place.

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Gu qiushu couldn't move. He could only feel the shameless master of the iron bone sect with his hands on himself.

His ears are all red, but the guy is still muttering, "isn't the stimulation enough? Why doesn't your heart beat as fast as before? Isn't it? Why don't you speak, fairy? Fairy?

Gu qiushu silently recites Tao Te Ching in his heart, and keeps his eyes open Zong's younger disciples threatened him. Seeing that he ignored himself, he shrugged his shoulders and simply got up and stretched. Well, sure enough, those with high seniority are not fun. I'd better go to those little disciples. They are young, and they won't be so indifferent to anything.

Gu qiushu thought he was threatening himself again. He opened his eyes fiercely. His cold eyes were full of anger. His eyes were full of anger. This time, however, Shi Qing didn't show a happy smile, but as if he was not interested in him, he opened the door and went straight out.

Gu qiushu didn't expect him to be like this.

After all, Shi Qing had been threatening him and had never taken any action before. Now seeing that he had compromised, Shi Qing still went out. He immediately thought that this man was really going to do something to tianyanzong's disciples. In his cold eyes, he felt more anxious.

"What are you going to do

" I warn you that if there is something wrong with my tianyanzong disciple, the whole tianyanzong will not let you back.

The disciples of the iron bone sect who were waiting outside the door came out and rushed to meet them. Then they saw their neurotic patriarch leaning against the wall, and the pretty face that looked like a demon showed a smile.

Ask them, "listen to me, Gu Xianchang didn't even come back to ask for help. He asked me to go back to see him. His tone was just like ordering his disciples."

"Oh, I don't want to hear that tone.

He listened to his words clearly.

Even if he was so cold, he almost didn't get angry.

He clenched his teeth. For the sake of tianyanzong's disciples, he said coldly, "please.

Today's humiliation, one day, he will surely recover


please me? Ah, sure enough, I still like to listen to people asking me.

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When Shi Qing finished, he waved his hand. "Let's go and see what's going on with the younger generation. My Lord can't wait to help them heal.

none of Gu qiushu or even the disciples of the iron bone sect thought that Shi Qing's treatment was really healing.

The disciples of the iron bone sect did not dare to make any noise. However, Gu qiushu really thought that Shi Qing should do something to those tianyanzong disciples. Although his body could not move, his eyebrows were wrinkled tightly.

If you want to do anything, you should aim at me. Why bully these young people?

do you hear me.

Shiqing, do you hear me.

When Qing PA La in the dungeon door, looking at the man because can't move, can only look at the sky to speak, the lip corner more and more hook up. Give the dungeon a good layout and make it look like a guest room. How can the immortal be wronged if he is so banished.

By the way, let's make some good wine and dishes. He is a guest of iron bone clan, so he should be well treated.

The disciples of the iron bone sect

did the patriarch say irony?

they raised their eyes carefully and asked Shi Qing, "master, do you want to add something to this good wine and dish?

Shi Qing squinted and thought," put more spice, Gu Xianchang's Blush looks good.

After that, he did not go to flog the house. After hearing him say this, he stopped speaking. As if Gu qiushu was in a hurry, he turned and went to the dungeon where the young disciples were locked.

The efficiency of tieguzong's disciples has always been very high.

When the old patriarch died, it was even faster after the Qing Dynasty.

After all, for the disciples of other sects, the biggest punishment for making mistakes is to drive them out of the school.

But change to iron bone clan?

take a look at their neuropathic patriarch. As soon as he took office, he arrested the legitimate children of other clans and attacked them mercilessly. If they don't do a good job, the ghost knows whether they will go back to the West.

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Therefore, the orders given by Shi Qing were always completed quickly.

In the dungeon, in front of those disciples, there were tables of food.

Most of them didn't learn how to produce grain. They were already hungry after being shut up for such a long time. Even if they thought they could not eat, they could not help eating even if they wanted to have backbone.

At the end of Shiqing, I heard a disciple angrily saying, "younger martial brother, how can you eat their food? Are you not afraid that there is poison in it?" the young disciple who was eating said, "it's poisonous if it's poisonous. Elder martial brother, I've been hungry for so long. This food doesn't kill me, and I'm going to starve to death."

Anyway, I'd rather be a dead man. Well, this dish is so sweet. It's sweet to me.When Shi Qing turned around, he could see that the clothes on the disciple who was talking while eating were the clothes of tianyanzong.

Most of the disciples in tianyanzong were raised in the clan since childhood. Most of them are stable. Although not all of them are cold like Gu qiushu, there are a lot of them like Lin Xingzhi.

It's very rare for this disciple to be like this. It seems that he is a good eater.

He walked up to him and said with a smile, "well said, since it's all death, it's better to poison it. Congratulations, you will be the first one to die of pain. You're going to be the first one to die of pain.

Shi Qing found that the disciples of this cultivation world were not ugly.

This little disciple is about 15 or 16 years old. He looks like a baby with fat face and childish eyebrows. He is very cute.

His hands were itchy and he wanted to touch his soft face to see if it was as elastic as it looked.

Thinking of Gu qiushu in the tianzihao dungeon, Shiqing can only regret to cancel this idea.

What a pity.

Although he wanted to touch it, who let him have Gu qiushu.

He is a man of integrity.

He faced up to the hatred of eating goods.

The little disciple responded and quickly swallowed the food in his mouth. Then he held the bowl and asked, "Lord Shi, the food is really poisonous.

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when he saw that he was afraid, he asked him with a smile," don't you say that you are not afraid of poison? Do you want to be a full death ghost if you poison me?

this is quite a confession for the little disciple, and his eyes stand erect The carving was red, pitifully looking down at the meal, hearing the voice almost cried out: "I thought, I thought there was no

is it not very easy to kill us since you have captured us? Why do you need to poison so much trouble

LIN Xingzhi is wary of blocking in front of him, and severely reprimands" do not cry! My tianyanzong disciple, even if you are dead, you should stand dead!

the little disciple sniffed and stood up dejectedly.

I'm dying all over my body.

"OK, OK. Since you are going to die, don't waste it. Somebody, get him out for me. I want to see him." The disciples of tianyanzong, who had been standing quietly, were on guard immediately. They all held swords and blocked the little disciple.

However, they did not have spiritual power. The disciples of the iron bone sect finally pulled out the people and put them in front of Shiqing. The little disciple was so frightened that he could not shed tears in his eyes. He looked pitiful and lovely.

Tut tut Tut, are you tianyanzong's disciples so beautiful?

it's not good to have your hands itchy when you are

your eyes are always turning on each other's faces, and I'm very sorry to sigh.

it's a pity that my master's favorite thing is that they won't let me touch them. Unfortunately, since we have Gu qiushu, how can you feel The Lord will not move your

little disciple, hearing Gu qiushu's name, carefully raises his eyes, and looks at Shiqing's eyes, and trembles with fear.

He was very afraid, but he still remembered Lin Xingzhi's words, so he was so afraid and trembling: "I, our tianyanzong disciple, even if we are dead or dead, we should stand dead!

Shiqing nodded his head." I understand.

He took out a incense from his arms and lit it in front of the younger disciple.

the younger disciple was watching him with vigilance. Suddenly, his leg softened and fell down. The puppet behind him quickly caught him and carried it on his shoulder.

so his sight was parallel to Shi Qing. Shi Qing shook the incense on his hand with a smile and said, "stand dead."

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Little disciple

he began to shed tears.

See amuse too much, when clear dry cough a few "come on, rest assured, did not poison, just I say you want to be hurt dead pour is true.

I am still crying.

When Qing saw that he didn't listen to himself, he threatened him, "don't cry, cry again and kill you.

"I'll cry if you want to.

When Qing saw his pathetic and plaintive appearance, he almost didn't laugh.

He made up his brain, and Gu qiushu was so excited.

"Well, well, I'm in a hurry, not much nonsense.

When the incense sticks were put here, he held his chin and saw that the man who was being carried gradually stopped crying. Instead, he began to show an uncomfortable look on his face. Then he retched a few times and vomited out a bug.

The insects are so big that they are still writhing on the ground.

When Qing hit a ring finger "to stop work.

He pinched the incense and motioned the puppet to put the people in. Then he looked down at the disciples who were at a loss. He murmured, "I don't know what you have in your stomach. How did your teacher teach you? Fortunately, my Lord saved you and you still cry. It's really ignorant."Well, my Lord has business. You are busy. I'll go first.

He quickly went to the tianzihao dungeon.

Then under Gu qiushu's vigilant sight, he can't wait to stretch out his hand and fall on the man's cheek. "If I save your nephew, I will pay for it by yourself.

Gu qiushu looked at the cold, but his face was very hot.

When Qing smiles, touched a cool.

Then he sighed at Gu qiushu, who was looking at himself with a cold line of sight knife.

I was so chaste to resist touching the poor people of tianyanzong.

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