Gu qiushu was closing his eyes and trying to open the acupoints. Suddenly, he touched his face and opened his eyes. He looked at Shi Qing angrily.

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This is also the spiritual power in his body has been suppressed. If not, Gu qiushu will be able to spit out a mouthful of blood if he is still flushing the acupoints. Although he didn't vomit blood now, his face was not much better. His eyes seemed to be eager to stab him to death.

Shi Qing touched him and looked at him coldly, but his touch was very thin. He asked with a smile, "don't you like me to pounce on you? If you don't like it, just say it. If you say it, I promise not to touch you.

before Gu qiushu opened his mouth, he listened to the person in front of him to add," if you don't let me touch it, I can touch your little disciple of tianyanzong. Just now that little disciple is really OK He loved him so much that when he was brought out, he cried and said he would die standing. Do you know the name of the little disciple? The fairy in white looked cold and said, "what have you done to him.

"What did I do to him? I didn't do anything to him.

Gu qiushu has been in front of him. He always laughs and laughs in front of him. He has to be a kind-hearted and famous patriarch of iron bone sect to make him impatient.

Since he was young, he has been a senior member of tianyanzong. The senior brothers above have no time to look after him. The younger disciples at the bottom dare not come to look for him.

He had been used to being cold and lonely. Suddenly, a bold and shameless fellow came out of his body. He felt uncomfortable and repelled at the bottom of his heart, and he was not as calm and self-contained as he used to be.

If you want to kill, you have to cut.

When Qing was smiling, she went up and sniffed, and her eyebrows slightly picked up, "fairy, are you angry? Why don't you believe that I really have no bad heart? If I really want to do something to you, I will kill you directly. Why should I spend so much time.

What's more, immortal, you're really like reciting immortals. But I still want to be close to you. How can I be willing to kill you.

His delicate, slender fingers, like a kitten, slide up and down his cheek while Gu qiushu can't move.

His fingers are tender, soft and slippery. Gu qiushu is angry, and an idea comes out of his heart.

When the clear touch their own hands is not good, why bother him.

He wanted to shut his eyes and focus on his mind, but his smooth hand refused to let him go. He felt on his cheek, and Gu qiushu's eyebrows were tightened.

I can't bear to say, "what do you want!

" I just want to talk to you. Why should I be so cruel.

Shi Qing showed the feeling of wronged trousers on his face. His hands touched the man's lips, and saw the white fairy's earlobe gradually red. Then he was satisfied and lying on his side, looking at his fairy face.

You are reasonable to me, I ask myself, very lonely.

Gu qiushu was indifferent and closed his eyes.

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"Did you forget that your nephews and nephews are still in my hands and I don't want to threaten you with them, but you always refuse to cooperate with him.

seeing Gu qiushu's eyelashes trembling, he deliberately blurs what happened just now." there is a little disciple of your tianyanzong, who seems to be 15 or 16 years old Love, chubby face, big eyes, love to eat and very timid, I asked people to bring him out, his nose was red, and then when he fell down, his eyes were still scared to open wide, which was really pitiful.

His words are so misleading.

Gu qiushu's body was stiff and opened a pair of eyes in disbelief.

Did you kill him?


when you killed him?

, he went to touch his heart, felt the fast beating heart, and said with a smile, "how can you kill him? That's saving him. Otherwise, he would be in pain all over his life. I saved him, and I didn't know how he should excite me.

Although he was not, his careless words and ambiguous words easily made people think that he really killed the little disciple. Not only did they kill them, but they also consciously did a good thing.

Gu qiushu's eyes turned red.

Shi Qing asked, "by the way, I haven't asked his name yet.

Gu qiushu was quiet for a few seconds, then he said in a hoarse voice, "his name is Yezi. I picked it up.

You got it? You don't look much older than him.

Shi Qing was lying on his body, feeling the cold temperature of the other party because of the broken muscles and veins. He continued to ask, "what do you think of him? Is he a little disciple or younger generation?

Gu qiushu's eyes are full of bloodstains." I treat him When the younger brother

and chin Qing, killed Ye Zi.

When Qing's hand always falls on the other side's heart, feels that the heart jumps faster and faster. There's the scream of the system in the ear. Ah, ah, ah, host. He's on the rise.

After a while, the system

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Ding! Gu qiushu's rejection degree is 1000100

Shi Qing is still not in a hurry. Isn't that good? It's a record breaking.

When the system

, Qingqing stood up to Gu qiushu with a smile and looked at his eyes full of killing intentionI'm afraid that if you change your eyes to other people's eyes, I'm afraid you can feel a chill from the bottom of your heart.

but for Shi Qing, it can't make him feel timid at all.

immortal, your heart beats so fast.

He grinned with his lips clenched, his hands resting on his heart, and his smile on his face was pure and rewarding. "Have you ever felt that your meridians are expanding? If you persist in doing so, you will surely get better.

Gu qiushu can't move, he can only look at Shiqing in this way.

He asked, "why.

To cure you. "

"I'm a pharmacist. In order to cure a patient, I can do anything I want.

You see, how fast your heart beats, faster, and more insistent, you will soon be cured.

Gu qiushu thinks that the person in front of him is a madman.

When Qing killed his most painful nephew, it was to make his heart beat faster, so as to cure his disease.


Gu qiushu clenched his teeth, and his stiff fingers suddenly moved slightly.

The acupoints are untied.

He forced himself to drop his eyes and try to calm his heart.

The complacent look on Shi Qing's face really changed. He frowned and patted on the fairy. His face was full of doubts. Why did he slow down again?

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he showed a look of sudden enlightenment on his face "- it must be that the stimulation is not deep enough, it doesn't matter. I will go to find a deeper stimulation for you.

With that, he grinned over and touched the tree with his soft cheek.

"Don't worry, I can cure you.

Shi Qing was in a good mood and went out humming.

When the dungeons were closed again, only Gu qiushu was left. He was expressionless and endured the sharp pain of his body as the acupoints were washed open. He slowly sat up from the bed and lowered his eyes and pulled out his sword.

Gu qiushu felt the pain all the time, but Gu qiushu walked to the door step by step, like a stone statue, waiting for Jingzheng there

I don't know how long he waited, and the door opened.

As the door opened slowly, there was still a lively voice from Shi Qing: "immortal, look who I'm bringing you.

Gu qiushu suddenly turned around and took out his sword, and the sharp blade of the sword was immediately against his white and slender neck.

He didn't go to see the iron bone sect disciples who drew their swords on their guard and threatened with a cold voice

"let the Xianmen children go immediately.

It is said that when he was spoiled, he was not afraid. Instead, he made a light smile and leaned directly on him. Xianchang, what's the trouble? I've never been slow to treat you. Are you really going to kill me?

Gu qiushu's eyes were cold, "if you kill my tianyanzong disciple, what else do you want to say.

As soon as I finished, I heard a curious voice behind the disciples of tieguzong and asked, "what are you looking at? Let's let it go. I want to have a look.

A chubby boy with a chubby face and clothes of a disciple of tianyanzong crowded out to watch the fun with a chicken leg in his mouth.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he was startled and glared: "master, martial uncle, when the patriarch?

Shi Qing felt the stiff body of the man who was leaning on him tightly, and squeezed into his arms more and more," little leaf, how can you walk so slowly? If you come a little later, I'm afraid your uncle will kill me. "

I Just now I saw someone bring wine and food. They said it was for martial uncle. I said to eat chicken leg, which was delayed for a while. "

Ye Zi murmured to explain, and timidly dare not say more.

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Shi Qing bumped his shoulder against Gu qiushu. "How about it? Can the immortal feel the stimulation?

Gu qiushu's heart beats very fast indeed.

He frowned and suddenly drew back his sword and drew a distance from Shi Qing. "Did you mean it?

I didn't. I said that I saved him. If you think I killed Xiaoye, how can you blame me.

When Qing shrugged, a face of innocence.

Gu qiushu didn't believe it. "You clearly made me misunderstand me on purpose.

just now I attacked you, and you had expected it.

He frowned more and more fierce, do not understand why he put himself in danger. "Just now if I really started, you are dead now. "Die, die. If I die, no one in the world can save you.

With a smile, Shiqing stepped forward and put his hand on Gu qiushu's slender hand holding the sword. Under his cold vision, he picked up the sword.

It's really a good sword. No wonder you are reluctant to give it to me. However, after all, you are too stingy.

Gu qiushu looked at Shiqing coldly. He still looked like he was trying to kill him. However, his rejection began to decline. Ding! Gu qiushu's rejection degree is 99100

the system pats Xiaoxingan, who doesn't exist. He is relieved.

Ye Zi carefully clenches his chicken leg and refutes in a low voice for the martial uncle. "Shizong, martial uncle, is not mean. Tianyanzong's disciples choose their swords from Jianzhong when they are young. Only the immortal couple can touch themOh

, he nodded his head, deliberately hooked his lips and looked at Gu qiushu, who had no expression on his face. "Then I took this sword and was not Gu Xianchang's immortal companion? Gu qiushu looked at him coldly," why do I do this.

Tut, immortal, you are really boring.

Shi Qing put the sword into the scabbard and reached the ear of the fairy in white.

as I said earlier, I would do anything to cure you.

He reached out his hand and drew up Gu qiushu's fingers under the cold and fierce vision of the other party. His smile became more and more wanton, and his voice was low, like feeling. People murmur

even if it's double practice, it's OK.

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