When Gu qiushu said that he wanted to stay, Shiqing was also surprised.

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When he saw that the leader of tianyanzong was already angry and was about to go to heaven, he said with great kindness: "don't worry about this, I can go to tianyanzong every three days to treat you. It won't take long. I'm a puppet and I can do it very quickly.

With that, he found that Gu qiushu's face seemed to be colder.

When seeing, Qing's eyes seemed to stare at him.

Shi Qing is innocent.

He was kind enough to help Gu qiushu speak. Tut Tut, he has been practicing since childhood. He doesn't know anything about the world. The leader of tianyanzong didn't expect that Shiqing could release people on his own initiative.

Although Shi Zongzhu's attitude has been very good since they came here, his years of experience in the cultivation of the true world tells him that Shi Qing is not as talkative as he seems to be.

Younger martial brother, you've heard that. First come back to zongmen with me. I have something else to ask you.

when the leader of tianyanzong said this, he didn't think Gu qiushu would refuse himself.

After all, although Gu qiushu looks cold in the eyes of others, as his senior brother, the leader of tianyanzong is very clear. Gu qiushu is very obedient.

At least he is obedient to his elder brother.

Look at the past, he asked Gu qiushu to practice well. The child really practiced day and night, and just turned himself into a big popsicle. Before his younger brother became a popsicle, the tianyanzong patriarch still taught his disciples according to his own educational philosophy.

When he found that his younger brother had been taught like this, he did not dare to follow the teaching method as before. Although Lin Xingzhi was taught in the same way, what if.

So Ye Zi was cultivated as an innocent, lively and lovely foodie.

To now, occasionally think of this past, tianyanzong patriarch will regret for a while.

Now that he has many disciples, he can see clearly.

Younger martial brother, this is clearly his temperament.

However, obedience is very obedient.

thinking of this, the Lord of tianyanzong felt a little comforted.

he stood there confident, waiting for his younger martial brother to come to his side and return to the sect with him. Gu qiushu did not move.

"I'll stay here.

The leader of Tianyan clan is not a good person, nor is he without a family. He has to stay in other people's clan to do something.

Younger martial brother, you see, the patriarch is busy with his affairs. If you really have anything to ask him to do, we'd better go back some other day.

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No matter what he said, Gu qiushu never wavered, his attitude was firm, his face was cold and he stood still.

The Lord of Tianyan sect "

ah, this makes him lose face.

Forget it, forget it.

Although Gu qiushu is cold-blooded, he is not indifferent to right and wrong. He is determined to stay. From another perspective, the iron bone sect should not be dangerous.

Since you want to stay, please stay.

pass notes on your body?

Gu qiushu nodded and said, "on your body.

Well, if there's something, just give it to me. "The Lord of tianyanzong finished and bowed his hand to Shi Qing." my younger martial brother asked him to take care of him. "

It's easy to say.

When Qing smiles like a fox who has stolen a chicken, leaning against the position.

When he watched, the patriarch went out. He waved his hand to let the disciples of the iron bone sect go down

time. In this big place, only he and Gu Qiucun were left.

Fairy, come and have a drink with me.

Gu qiushu silk Bo hesitated to come forward, sat beside Shiqing, his face was still cold, a pair of eyes was watching when Qing pulled up his wide sleeve to pour wine for himself.

When the wine was ready, Shiqing picked up his glass with one hand and handed the other one to the past.

Gu qiushu took over the wine cup, and when he saw it, he drank it all at once, learning from him.

When Qing continued to pour wine, a pair of slightly red eyes because of drinking wine picked on the tail and looked at the fairy in white.

Immortal, why do you want to stay here? Don't you hate me very much?

Gu qiushu sits upright and "no

there is no such thing. You have avoided me like a snake and scorpion before, and treated me as a monster."

This is spirit wine. Shi Qing's body was originally a mortal. After drinking, he couldn't stand it. He immediately showed a flush on his face. He held up his chin and didn't drink any more. He only looked at the people in front of him in a daze.

Gu qiushu looks at already is a pair of intoxicated him, the lip moved slightly.

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The voice is still cold, but it seems to have a different meaning: "not now.

"Not now, that is to say before?

people in front of me smile more and more sweetly, and smile happily and ask the crime." fairy, am I not good to you? Why do you hate me?

Gu qiushu clenched the hilt of the sword, because he came up to ask himself, and some helpless want to lean back, but did not know what he thought of. He forced himself to stop in the original place.Two people then so close contact, almost no matter which one moves forward slightly, can touch each other.

Gu qiushu is not good at explaining, but he tries to argue that "I have misunderstood you.

"I know you misunderstood me.

Seeing that his ears were red, he laughed and leaned back to open the distance between him and the other party.

Gu qiushu looked at him no longer as close as before. On the surface, he was a pine, but he was inexplicably lost. The pampered man in front of him seemed to have been completely drunk and began to blame him in a muddle headed way.

you are a pig's hoof. You have no conscience. You hate me every time. Every time, Gu qiushu doesn't understand. When he says that he wants to fall back, he quickly reaches out his hand to catch him.

"Pig hooves What is it? Is it a monster? Shi Qing sighed and patted his shoulder

the pig's hoof is you.

He felt a little drunk, too.

It's not fake. It's really drunk.

He asked Gu qiushu, "why did you just stay? You shouldn't have stayed.".

Gu qiushu held him, feeling the ups and downs of the breath of the man in his arms, and his eyelashes trembled. He told the truth, "just now, I think you are very lonely." are you kidding me? Shiqing? I will be lonely?

Shiqing laughs at his innocence.

He was buried in Gu qiushu's arms, and his stomach ached with laughter.

The fairy in white hugged him in silence, and suddenly stretched out his slender white fingers and gently wiped away a little tear from the corner of his eyes. Shiqing stopped laughing.

This is what I laugh at.

"I know."

Well, you know.

He patted his face

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to sober me up.

Ding! Hello, your system is not online. Press 1 to automatically reply to 666, press 2 to reply to hum, and press 3 dial points to watch TV.

Time clearing

is unreliable.

He dominates these worlds, hardly trying to rely on the system. As a result, he rarely needs to use it. This stupid guy is not online. Gu qiushu looks at Shiqing.

See him again showed that kind of let oneself want to comfort the look, inexplicable in the heart, a pull of the pain.

Shi Qing, what's wrong with you?

"it's OK.

Shi Qing poured wine for himself, smiling like a fox, full of charm. Looking at Gu qiushu, his sight was full of emptiness. "I knew that you were not reliable.

The fairy in white, who was labeled as unreliable, didn't refute. He just pulled Shiqing's sleeve carefully to make him sit still and not fall down.

When Qing not only ungrateful, but also very disgusted to grasp his hand, control the other hand fell in his palm.

If you want to grab it, grab my hand. Grab the sleeve.

He said and drank another glass of wine.

Gu qiushu slightly frowned, see when Qing finished drinking still pour wine, the first initiative to move, stopped him. You can't drink it.

Do you care about me? When I want to drink

, Shi Qing could have played tricks. He knew that Gu qiushu would eat this set, but drunkenness made him have a lower limit of IQ. Now he is not doing so. Instead, he is eager to give Gu qiushu a fist.

Gu qiushu You look like you want to hit me.

"Yes, that's right. You're right."

Shi Qing readily admitted that "I just want to beat you

the fairy in white"

he recalled it carefully and found that he had been offending Shiqing.

It seems normal that Shiqing wants to hit him.

He closed his eyes, his voice was still cold and light, "since you want to fight, you can fight. When Qing a fist to his arms, but no force.

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It is pressing his heart and feeling the faster and faster heart beat

you are really upset, why do you hate me every time.

Gu qiushu didn't know what he was saying, but instinctively explained that "it was because you were caught in the dungeon; I thought you had a bad heart. I'm sorry.

Bored to death, bored to death, every time.

Do you hate it every time?

Gu qiushu can't remember it any more. Did he hate Shi Qing every time?

soon, he didn't want to think about it any more.

Shi Qing's palm is just like exploring the general, caressing the place of falling fist.

No one had ever been so close to him, but he did not like it. He even felt that the Qing Dynasty had made him feel pity.

Gu qiushu stiff body, feel the other side that is too weak for him and warm palm close to his heart.

He heard people in front of him were drunk, squinting their eyes, dragging their voices and saying words

your heart beat very fast. I had thought of so many ways to make your heart beat faster, but you didn't cooperate. Now I don't need to make your heart beat faster, but you jump so fast and say you are not a pig's hoof.Look at you, just like a big piece of ice, you spit out word by word. Your face is cold enough to frighten people to death. All over the body are shortcomings. There is no merit at all. Who will like you? Who is the happiest one in this world? Only a fool likes you.

Gu qiushu sat stiffly, and when he heard this, he moved his eyes slightly.

"it's all right for me to practice with my heart and no one is happy.

"Shut up.

Gu qiushu shut up obediently and stopped speaking.

This is what you hate. The more you look at it, the more boring you are, how can you be so annoying.

When the mouth of the clear murmured.

Complaining and complaining, the person who was complaining suddenly buried his head in his arms. He did not speak, nor did he move. He just held Gu qiushu.

The fairy in white was stunned.

He sat there stiffly and let the other party hold him. When he said, "I'm tired.

Don't do that next time.

Gu qiushu didn't know what Shi Qing was talking about, but after his eyes showed confusion, he still nodded

I should answer you.

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