Gu qiushu knows that he has been trapped in this vortex called "Shiqing".

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At first, Shi Qing just scolded him, complained about him and said something he didn't understand.

With that, perhaps drunk, he began to undress.

He not only takes off his own, but also touches the autumn tree.

If Gu qiushu doesn't let him touch it, the person who talks incessantly after drinking wine will stand in place and stare at him with hatred. Some words like "pig's hooves, if I don't serve you, get out of here if you don't take it off.".

Gu qiushu is the son of Xianmen. He was taught not to be rude outside.

How could he

look at a man pushing him with mortal strength and asking him to roll.

He slowly untied his belt.

After that, some things were out of control.

At first, Shi Qing came forward to kiss him.

This kiss doesn't contain * *, it's just a touch of a dragonfly.

Shi Qing's expression was even misty, and he didn't realize what he had done.

After that kiss, Gu qiushu couldn't control himself.

He hugged each other and staggered to the top of the patriarch's position, on the top, did the things.

It's a bit rational to start with.

Thinking that Shiqing is a mortal, he can't be like this. Besides, the other party is still drunk. How can he take advantage of others' danger? It's shameless. Then the slender white tender arm of the iron bone sect master caught his neck

Gu qiushu

while condemning himself, he did the final.

Although he was still drunk, Shi Qing was very cooperative. He only refused a few times and scolded him twice. He knew to do this kind of thing, and then indulged in it.

after the night, Gu qiushu forced himself to restrain his heart and carefully carried the man with tears on his face into the house. Carefully scrubbed and cleaned for the occasional whimper, and put on new clothes for him, and put him in the warm and bedding.

the white fairy dressed again straightened his back and knelt under the bed.

Taking advantage of the danger, Shi Qing can punish him, even if he is killed.

he sleeps soundly.

He should have had a good sleep after he was drunk. He was drunk last night, but he still has sense.

At that time, Gu qiushu was still very clear in his mind when an arm was hooked off.

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Exercise is good for sleep.

Who knows why he didn't expect Gu qiushu to be a practitioner at that time. Well, I didn't sleep all night. I was tossed for half a night.

He really cried in the face of qiushu yesterday, and he didn't feel happy at all.

When doing the task, Shi Qing's tears are just coming. It's a small matter for him to pretend to be weak. But he did cry, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

As a result, the animal made him cry again, relying on his strong physical strength.

Shi Qing kneaded his eyebrows and got up slowly. He thought that Gu qiushu was so cold that he would be happy before his popularity dropped to 50. I'm afraid he would be scared to run back to tianyanzong.

Forget it, he didn't want to play anyway.

If this mission fails, then fail.

As soon as he sat up, he saw Gu qiushu kneeling under the bed and looked at him as well as Shi Qing.

What are you doing on your knees?

Gu qiushu pursed his lips slightly. "Last night, I'm sorry.

"It's OK. I enjoyed it anyway.

When Shi Qing lifted the quilt and moved a little, he felt uncomfortable all over his body. His body was a little stiff. He didn't show anything on his face and raised a smile.

fairy, last night was an accident. Why don't you go back to tianyanzong first?

Gu qiushu is acutely aware of Shiqing's rejection of him.

I even want to avoid him.

He didn't understand, but he understood.

Holding the sword in his hand, Gu qiushu wants to say that he won't go, and he doesn't know how to say it. He can only kneel down in the same place every day and feel angry at the bottom of his heart.

I was angry with Gu qiushu.

They both went to bed. In his eyes, did they commit any serious crimes? They still knelt on the ground, waiting for their fate.

The more you think about it, the more you think about it.

System; system! Come out!

it was the first time that Shi Qing spoke to the system in such a harsh tone, and the system almost immediately and cautiously appeared.

Host, what, what's the matter?

hearing its voice, Shiqing first breathes a sigh of relief for it's still alive, and then starts a teacher's inquiry. Where did he go last night?

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system [how can I detect that there is an error in the total data, it seems that there is some random code entering the data system. I went to check Host, don't be angry. I'm wrong, or I'll give you the spring palace script you always wanted?I don't want it. People avoid me like snakes and scorpions. What's the use of that.

Shi Qing was angry this time, rather than he was angry because he was drunk and really cried.

As soon as he thought that he had said so much to Gu qiushu Balabala, he almost didn't point to Gu qiushu's nose and said that he could not hate himself.

It's just, it's a shame.

If this guy wakes up, he doesn't know how to laugh at him.

I'm not doing this world mission. Retreat. Now.

For the first time, the system panicked the host. The world is so smooth. Isn't it a little early to retreat now?

smooth ghost

when Qing Qing saw Gu qiushu, who was kneeling and waiting for apology because they were in bed, he was angry.

Don't do it. Retreat. You can see how much he likes. Now he is showing a deep feeling.

As soon as the system spirit was shocked, I hastened to explain that it was not the host. I just came out. Before I could remember to report the degree of favoritism, I would report

Ding! Gu qiushu's rejection degree 0100

it was finished, and eagerly helped Gu qiushu to say good words. Host, you see, he doesn't pretend to like you, he really likes you. Hearing the rejection degree return to zero, Shi Qing's face finally looks better.

Have you accumulated enough points?

enough, last night.

When Qing thought suspiciously for a moment, Gu qiushu, kneeling on the ground goodbye, though his face was still cold, his eyes were always looking at him, and there were some worries and shame hidden in them. At last, he felt better.

All right, you go back.

When the system left, Qingqiang stood up with a soft and sour body, facing Gu qiushu road and said, "get up. Gu qiushu saw that he was going to get angry if he didn't obey. He stood up obediently.

"Do you like me?" Shi Qing asked, "do you like me?

when I came up to ask such a hot question, the white fairy's eyelashes trembled. When he hesitated, Shi Qing said again, "tell the truth.

Gu qiushu's lips moved slightly, but he still told the truth.

he liked the sound of mosquito singing. If Shi Qing didn't take miraculous medicine all the year round, he would not have heard it in his mortal body. I just heard it.

Hearing this, even Shiqing himself did not notice, his body slightly relaxed.

Together with the body that had deliberately sat upright, they all relaxed slightly and leaned against the wall.

"I said

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Gu qiushu looked at Xing's face in front of him and gradually turned to his familiar pride.

How can anyone in the world not like me Shiqing.

This is very exaggerated, his complacent look is also very much to beat.

If you put it in the immortal gate, I'm afraid it's a total nuisance.

But Gu qiushu also followed such a smile on his face.

Although Shi Qing's appearance is more publicized, he prefers to see him like this, rather than the lonely one who wakes up in the morning and looks at him with ostracism.

Fairy, what do you like about me?

when he was clear, he got up from the bed, took his clothes and put them on his body in front of Gu qiushu.

Gu qiushu doesn't know what he likes.

When he looked at him, he put on clothes one by one, and made his hair well. Finally, he became the bold and wanton patriarch of the iron bone sect. Then he said to you last night. Looking at it made me happy.

Shi Qing was playing with his hairy hand and turned to look at him.

"it seems that you like others to be sad. If I am sad, you like me.

He quickly regained his composure, made a casual joke, and turned to his shoes on the bed.

Gu qiushu said seriously, "I like you, but I don't want to see you sad.

Shi Qing felt that this guy was sincere enough not to let him get dressed properly.

he quickly got dressed, stood up and patted the white fairy on the shoulder.

"I'm not sad most of the time, but I'll see you later.

Then he went out.

Gu qiushu stood in the same place, always felt that Shi Qing seemed to have something in his words, but he couldn't think of it for a long time. Finally, he followed him in silence, followed him out of the family.

Fairy, what do you do with me?

I like you, so I will follow you.

Shi Qing felt that this guy either realized that he wanted to retreat, which made him talk so sweetly, or he could only talk like this now.

"OK, OK, you can follow me if you like. I want to go out and have a look at the scenery of the world, and then treat the patients well and prolong their life. I will stop until I don't want to live again?Follow you all the time.

See him is really very serious looking at himself, time clear this just satisfied.

He waved to Gu qiushu and leaned on the other side's shoulder. Next time you do this, I'll ignore you.

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Gu qiushu opened the door to make him comfortable. The light voice was full of seriousness.

Tianyanzong recently had a magical thing. Their little martial uncle disappeared with the patriarch of the iron bone sect

No, it is not impossible to say that it is not impossible.

However, both of them refused to go back to the sect again

the iron bone sect directly chose a new disciple to be the leader of the sect. However, Gu Qiu village only sent letters back and said that they would not go back.

These two people have been traveling around the world together for a lifetime.

It is said that they went to the cold pool to collect the cold Ganoderma lucidum inside, and then climbed the mount Xianfeng to watch others ride through the robbery. They also went to the mortal world. They helped each other in the face of injustice.

Anyway, I never went back.

There are rumors that they eloped.

The emperor tianyanzong was rather rigid, and Gu qiushu was the model of this generation. How could the patriarch of the iron bone clan tolerate that he liked men, so he beat up the mandarin ducks. Gu qiushu and Shi Qing were also hard natured, and they really gave up everything just to be together.

Ah, it's really asking what is the love in the world, and teaching people to live and die.

Tianyan clan leader

who specially stopped them from being together? He was in charge of heaven and earth, but could he still manage his younger martial brother? He liked men and women? He just liked men. He wanted to be together, what did he elope for!

he was so angry

his family was unfortunate!

Shi Qing got along with Gu qiushu for nearly a thousand years. In the end, his life span reached the limit. The two chose a place with a good view, hugging and sleeping.

Ding! You have accumulated enough points, please jump to the last World

the author has something to say

the little theater

Shi Qing and Gu qiushu are walking on the earth together, and suddenly meet a group of mountain bandits.

Gu qiushu breaks their legs.

When the time is clear, go to the front.

The mountain bandit turned to wake up and saw a young man excitedly saying to the people behind him, "look, my red line is deeper. I wish I could cure them for many days. If only I could cure them again.

Then their legs broke again.

There is also a world where a little angel is asking what the name of the attack book is. In fact, I have written this in the supporting role column for a long time. His name is attack

this world is actually a simple mode, and it will not be so difficult to finish

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