Ding! Have entered the new world, please host nourishing Stay Detect system failure, please host When you wake up, the system is still struggling to tell the host that there is something wrong with the new world Zizizi The system will be offline soon Zizizi Stay Pay attention to Ann After zizizi is quiet, a mechanical sound is bland. This world is a world that can not be disturbed. Because everything has happened, you can't go back to the lake. System 120 is offline temporarily. Please finish the time line.

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Shi Qing translated it.

In other words, the present world is in the past, and he can't interfere. He can't go in until the time line of the world is finished. Isn't it the same as watching a movie?

he shrugged his shoulders and looked down. He saw that he was still wearing his clothes. He stretched out his hand and could see the blue veins on the back of his white hands. This is his own body.

He didn't see his body for a long time. Shiqing touched the back of his hand and then looked up. The front was white and he couldn't see the way ahead, but he went straight ahead without any fear.

It didn't take long, not even five minutes, when Shiqing walked out of the white fog.

Going out, the excitement outside spread to his ears.

Sell sugar gourd for three Wen. Chivalrous men can buy one to give love, buy two and give one free.

"Dabao sword is a pure hand-made sword! This is the only Otsuka guy to come to Kangkang. As long as 399, you are worth having. "Do you have anything to do with the xuantieshi mission? Take me one.

Chivalrous men and women have a look at the Magic Butterfly I've caught. It can be used as a cute pet or a war animal. It can also lead the way to meet * * OSS on huangquan Road: if you can kill * * OSS, you will be the first to be served in the near future.

Some of the modern chivalry's clothes are out of line with each other.

It's just that people around don't look at him, as if they can't see him.

Shi Qing didn't pay attention to what kind of eyes they looked at themselves. He just looked at the scene in front of him, which was very familiar.

Time clear memory is always good, recollect once to find out about here memory.

He looked back, and sure enough, he saw three large characters written on the high wooden door behind him. This was the novice village in the first holographic game that Shi Qing contacted.

He was sick and weak since he was a child, and he could not run and jump like others. Even if he was as smart as his brain and how rich he was at home, he could only sit by the window and watch the children outside play

on his 18th birthday, his uncle gave him a hand watch that could connect with various holographic games.

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Since then, Shiqing has experienced a normal person's daily life in various holographic games.

Xiaxiaxiashan is his first holographic game.

At the beginning of the game, players will be all kinds of chivalrous women. They will go all the way from the novice village Lichuan village. They will join the sect, fight various small monsters, make weapons, and pass the copy. Because there are many ways to upgrade, although the characters can't adjust their appearance, they can enhance their beauty, as well as beautiful masks and half masks. They were very popular at the age of 18 in the Qing Dynasty.

Shi Qing remembers that when he first entered the game, he was happy for a long time because of his healthy and freely moving body. He played all the way up and became the second in full service. Then he tried hard for several months to become the first in the whole service.

Unfortunately, he was forced to quit the game for a few years, until he was 24 years old.

At that time, he had changed from a young master who was poor in health but his parents were there, and was held in the palm of his relatives. His parents died and became enemies with his relatives. His closest uncle was expecting him to die.

After that, Shiqing started playing holography again, but he didn't go back to the original "xiashixia downhill". He didn't want to fight for the first place with all his efforts. This game was played, and the game gangster.

Later, he became more and more ill.

Shiqing didn't expect that this game was still very impressive in his heart. After so long, he still remembered the name of the novice village so clearly.

I just don't know what the system left him here for.

Those players can't see him, and he doesn't go forward. He just stands there with his arms around and looks at these players following the Magic Butterfly's Hawking. After knowing the price, they complained one by one.

It's so expensive. It's just a way. It's not to help us fight boss together. You might as well go to the gun.

Yes, at such a high price, which two fools will buy it? If you make it cheaper, I may buy it. "

The seller laughed, but refused to give in. "To tell you the truth, I was a bandit before. Now, although I'm upgrading, I'm not used to selling things. It's impossible to reduce the price."

Players are together to say, suddenly there are horses running money to the sound.

Isn't riding not allowed in novice village?He rode different, that is the most expensive and most delicate red rabbit Yangzhou horse, can only ride in novice village, a horse will cost 1000 ocean.

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It's a local tyrant. "

When Qing Dynasty raised his head with the discussion of the grave playing, he found that there was a white horse coming up to him.

the horse was very beautiful, with a small bell hanging around its neck. As the bell clanged, a young Xiashi, dressed in a black short combat, was sitting immediately. His face was exquisite and his expression was flying. When he looked at the past, he knew that he was the kind of person who had never experienced setbacks.

He went to the seller and directly dropped the silver ticket. "I'll take the magic butterfly.

The seller immediately happy package deal "ah! Thank you, Mr. gold, take care of it.

The young chivalrous man looked at the magic butterfly, raised his eyebrows slightly, and left one. The rest was received in the package, and only let the phantom Butterfly fly in front of him to lead the way.

Just as he was about to leave, he glanced at the sugar gourd seller, and then he lost his money. "I'll take all these sugar gourd.

Then he waved the reins again, and quickly left the public's sight again

only the players looked at his back with envy and exclamation.

Rich people, they are not old enough. Rich second generation.

You don't know him. He's the second, called Shiqing.

He's the second in full clothes! I'll go. He's not wearing a cloak today. I don't recognize him. He's my idol. He's a solo dragon. He's tied a tie. Mom, isn't he always wearing a cloak? How can I untie his cloak? I thought he was ugly before I thought he was ugly If you put on a suit of skinny face and big eyes, you can look good. Maybe Qing did the same thing at that time.

when Qing listened to their discussion, he knew that he didn't have a beautiful face at that time, because he was accosted by others when he was playing games, and he even lowered his appearance a little bit.

He hasn't recalled himself for a long time.

So publicity, wanton, like a flame like, how to burn how to burn their own.

At that time, why did he buy the phantom butterfly.

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He wants to be the No.1 player in all-round service

and xiashidownhill is a wonderful game.

People's games are all kinds of upgrade, all kinds of copies, or by the combat effectiveness to rank, they are not. They are ranked according to the challenge list.

Chivalrous men, they are all just.

There is a just side, and naturally there is an evil side.

As a result, this game claims to be the game with the most villains. When upgrading, they have to kill them or be killed by them.

almost every chivalrous woman who appears in front of the villains will find that their rejection of the red bars of the villains is 100%, and they will automatically enter the attack mode. Either they die, it will be regarded as a downhill failure, or they will kill the villains Upgrade.

All in all, it's a wonderful work.

The second reason why he became the second in the whole service was that he killed countless villains.

At this time, he wanted to find the most popular OSS in the legend and kill him so that he could be the first person to talk about this * * OSS. Although he hardly showed his face about it, in the "xiashixia downhill" game forum, the hottest posts were always open for him. Every time he discussed the boss, the topic was the highest.

This is also the reason why Bi Jing's xiashixiaxiashan was so popular.

The game company has publicly announced that the most popular OSS in the game is not under their control. From an NC that should sit still and wait for players to kill, it has become a boss who can roam around, Moreover, they will avoid players and even trap several waves of players. No one knows whether it is hype or not. They only know that the company has issued a huge reward, and who can win the * * OSS will not only rank in the ranking of the whole service, but also get a prize worth 3 million yuan.

as soon as this event happened, holographic game players were all in high spirits.

It's just that after a long struggle, no one can find the * * OSS. Everyone agrees that this is the hype made by the game company in order to attract players, and then mentioning this matter is ridicule.

At that time, Shi Qing, who had never met with any setbacks at that time, was not short of the three million yuan, but he was very interested in the number one service. He always looked for * * OSS in winter and recalled whether he had found it.

It should be found, but it seems that he didn't kill the * * OSS

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as for why he didn't kill the * * OSS

again, a vast expanse of white appeared in front of Shi Qing. He walked out, and the picture outside had changed again.

This time, it was a quiet valley. When I went out, I happened to see myself taking out the sugar gourd I had bought from my bag and handed it to a person. He also held a bunch of sugar gourd in his hand, and ate it with relish. Seeing that the people nearby didn't eat it, he urged him to "eat quickly. It's sour and sweet.

the man looked down at the sugar gourd in his hand in confusion, and looked at Shi Qing. He spoke like a baby who had just learned to speak, slow and sour Delicious? "Yes, I couldn't eat it before. My family didn't let me take these. Every day, I only took bitter medicine.

When he was a teenager, Qingsan and his mouth quickly ate the sugar gourd on his hand. He squinted and looked at the sugar gourd that had not been moved by the people around him. His face showed a little greedy.

"Shuan, I wanted to do this before, but unfortunately no friend asked me to do so.

Said, young clear chewing, face bulging, also did not forget to reach out and pat the shoulder of the people around, "after you are my friend, talking to you can be more interesting than those who want to flatter me."

Sitting beside him on the face of some daze, dark eyes across a glimmer of light.

He learned the word "friend I

"yes, don't worry. When I come to see you every day in the future, I promise happily. The young face who has not experienced the wind and rain is full of self-confidence and happiness

the people around him are determined to look at the people around him.

Eyes more and more bright, slowly nodded, some slow low head, the remaining half of the Hawthorn bite into the mouth, learn to chew the appearance of clear.

"By the way, players call you villain. Do you know what your real name is?

he blinked blankly, as if searching for memory.

After a long time, under the patient vision of his youth, he slowly revealed a sentence

"my name is Jade.

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