"Attack jade?"

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when I was a teenager, I was stunned when I heard the name, and then I was overjoyed with laughter. "Apartment? How did you name it? Who did you name it? What do you think.

Attack jade see him smile happy, some ignorant don't know what he is laughing, and because he smile and unconsciously with a little raised the corner of his mouth, silly with him to laugh at himself.

"My name is the source of a sentence.

What's the word? I haven't heard of the word "apartment" in it.

Although it was a little difficult to speak, he was able to pronounce every word accurately.

the stone from other mountains can be used to attack Yu

they named me in order to be defeated by others.

Looking at the scene nearby, Shiqing noticed that after he had finished this sentence, he could be called a good-looking black eye full of loss and gloom. He quietly hid the jade wa hanging in front of him. However, Shiqing, a teenager beside him, didn't notice it at all. He just grinned and chewed a sugar gourd down again

with sugar gourd, he said vaguely and casually, "but that's all What we said is predestined. Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. My name is Shi Qing, and homophony can also be stone. If you call it attack jade, our fate will be great. "

Attack jade originally lost look was swept away by this sentence, eyes and a bright point, full of happy look to clear.

Our names are together

his smiling eyes are crooked, and he carefully takes out the jade pendant with dung wings, and hands it to Shiqing, "this is for you.

"What's this?

when I was a teenager, Qing Qing curiously went over and took the jade pendant. Looking at the words" attack jade "on it, I suddenly realized that" this is your personal jade pendant? Ancient people seem to like wearing jade pendant, which is designed for you by game company?

"no, I have done it for myself.

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seeing that he likes it in his eyes, he also smiles and controls his heart Facing the youth when Qing sat there, facing the jade pendant a row of hands. Like a fairy, as like as two peas, the palm size of the palm is only floating out of the jade peg.

has the same face as jade, but only when he is called the palm size, he is called out and only yawns with his eyes closed.

How lovely, what is this?

when I was a teenager, Qing Qing liked to stretch out his hand and let the little man fall into his own hand. He poked curiously and carefully, and then turned to see the jade.

He looks like you.

Seeing that he likes it, he smiles more and more happily, nods and explains, "it's made by myself. If it's too lonely, let him accompany me. Sometimes I can get into this body. I'll give him to you. If you are in danger, you can call me.

"Double doll? You made something you didn't have in the game. It's so cute.

When he was a teenager, Qing Qing couldn't put down holding the villain and touching his little face. The jade nearby turned red and looked down. He felt his cheek with embarrassment and stammered.

I like it. Thank you. In the future, I will take him with me every day.

in the future, he put the villain on his arm and went to eat a sugar gourd.

While eating, he said heartlessly, "then this game design group is really a cow, can create you, but they did not expect that you actually broke away from their settings and ran out on their own.

AI, how can you be so powerful? This game has been out for less than a year? You can get rid of the control of the main program in a year? Niu Pi is wearing a dark suit, with a cold snake coiled in his hair, and a pair of big devil dressed up in attack jade, but his face is full of blankness and innocence. There is still some left in his expression, because Shiqing takes the small version of his joy

when he hears it What is the meaning of "cattle criticism" Shi Qing ate the Hawthorn again, spit out the Hawthorn Seeds, and said, "isn't this a network word? Are you AI, There should not be a database, and then everything in the database should be used? Why don't you even know these?

he didn't mean to dislike it. He just said casually, but he thought he didn't know it was useless. He clenched the sugar gourd in his hand and whispered, "I wake up and I'm trapped here. Players want to kill me. I can only do a little Learn. After he finished, he continued nervously, "I will learn, I will continue to learn, I will know what the network language means in the future

it's OK, it's OK, but I don't know these things? What's the matter? Anyway, I'll teach you after I play games every day.

When he was a teenager, he patted him on the shoulder, coaxed the child and said, "you are only one year old, and you are still a baby. Don't worry, my brother will take care of you.

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She pursed her lips slightly, hesitated for a moment, and said," I I'm not a year old. I've lived tens of thousands of years.

When I was a teenager, I was confused and forced to "tens of thousands of years old"? But your game has only come out for a year."Big brother, how do you do it? You were born only one year, but you lived several thousand years?

seeing that he was so surprised, he thought he had done something wrong, so he quickly and nervously explained," I didn't cheat you. I really lived for tens of thousands of years. I've been here for tens of thousands of years. At the beginning, I was standing, and then I sat down when I was tired By the way, the game companies have said that your settings are tens of thousands of years old * * OSS: this means that their settings are true on you?

then you are not very bored, and you have been in the game alone for tens of thousands of years? Tens of thousands of years old Then you can be my wife, wife and grandfather. He felt uneasy on the surface of the jade. He stretched out his hand to hold Shi Qing's sleeve and said seriously, "I'm not your wife, wife, granddad. We and we are friends. You just said that.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha how can you repeat what I said seriously.

When he was a teenager, Qing was amused and laughed. When he finished laughing, he was at a loss when he saw that he didn't know what he said. The smile on his face was even more

xiaochuanyu, xiaochuanyu, you are so cute. Don't worry. Judging a person depends not on how old he is, but on his psychological age. Even if you really live for tens of thousands of years, you are in my heart, but a little baby 。

Attack jade white face suddenly showed a bit happy, bright eyes and nodded.

When Qing Zheng Zheng stands there, will this scene see clearly.

When he was a teenager, Qing was still talking about the things outside without heart. He didn't notice the sight of others.

But this time, as a bystander, he saw it very clearly.

Attack jade look at the past eyes, pure and full of joy, is actually a pair of young Qing as the whole appearance.

This AI, who has lived for tens of thousands of years but has never been in contact with people, has been attracted to all by Shiqing at the first meeting. He trusted Shiqing wholeheartedly and regarded Shiqing as the only one.

but now looking at the past, he knows that this trust will be broken sooner or later.

Because now he can't remember what happened.

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He doesn't even remember saying that to an a.

What happened in this game was just a game for him when he was young. Maybe at that time, he really took attack Yu as a friend and got along with him sincerely.

but now he has forgotten to attack jade.

I only remember that there was a big devil in this game, and he tried to be the number one in the game. After he finally found it, he didn't kill him

he quit the game because of family affairs.

After that, he never came to this game of "xiashixia downhill".

What about attacking jade?

when he was young, he promised to accompany him every day. Shi Qing followed them.

He watched him take Shiqing to Wanhua Valley, where there were flowers all over the place. Because the copy was too big to be hidden, the players didn't know it. Only the local aborigines, who wandered around the game after awakening their consciousness, knew the place.

Shiqing likes it very much.

There is a hidden task in Wanhua Valley to find out the real murderer of the emperor

naturally, Emperor NC never appeared again as a dead man. Qing Dynasty was very interested in taking the jade to the throne when he was young.

There was also a Black Dragon Robe representing the emperor.

Shi Qing sat on it and patted the chair. He found that the chair was too big for him, so he waved to attack jade.

Attack jade, do you want to be emperor? If you look so handsome, you must look good in the Dragon Robe. I'll change my clothes, and then we'll trick the players in and play tricks on them? "

Chuanyu always does what Shi Qing says, nodding obediently and changing into that Dragon Robe.

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When Qing saw him put on his Dragon Robe and whistled, "it's very handsome. If you put your appearance in reality, a lot of people will like you.

He was praised

he lowered his head somewhat embarrassed, and his ears were slightly red.

When he was a teenager, Qing didn't notice that he was just looking for the clothes he had bought before.

"Let me have a look at the clothes of the Republic of China. They can't do it. They don't match you. You are ancient. I have to find an ancient one.

He looked for a long time, his eyes brightened. "Yes, there are clothes.

After putting it on, Shiqing summoned out the mirror to have a look and felt his chin with satisfaction.

Do I look like a little dandy?

when he saw him, he asked himself, a little at a loss, but he also knew that dandy was not a good word, so he shook his head in a hurry: "you are not a dandy, you are very good." Well, I'm talking about looks.

When I was a teenager, I suddenly got a notice.

Well, if you want to be emperor, my identity is just a dandy. Let me think about it, eh I am the prince of the prime minister's family. You were the prince when you were a child. I was a companion. I have been bullied by me all the time. So my mission to the players is to kill you, and the mission you give to the players is to kill me. Attack jade shakes his head, some repel "I don't kill you.Acting, ah, come on, and say the words, a moment when the players come, we will play like this

when we were young, we had not seen great changes in our family. He was naughty and liked to play tricks on people. He not only played tricks on himself, but also attacked jade to accompany him. They crouched in the Wanhua Valley to attract players to come and have a good time.

When Qing stood there, watching them tease the players, they gathered together to smile, mainly when Qing laughed to cover his stomach, attack jade stood beside and looked at his memory with a smile, as if he really recalled this matter.

At that time, he also laughed like this. There was a person beside him who always looked at him tenderly and tolerated him.

But he I forgot about this man.

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