"Xiashixiaxiashan" players found that the recently released copy of Wanhua Valley is more and more fascinated.

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A player can only enter this copy once, because holographic games can only use one person's identity, so it can't open trumpets like other games, so all players can only enter once.

And then something magical happened.

Almost every once in a while, players coming out of the replica of Wanhua valley will say different contents of the copy.

The first copy players saw included an ancient emperor and an ancient prince.

The two men give the player the task of assassinating each other respectively

if they meet the young man, they can't beat the emperor anyway. They mean to fight and surrender, and they will be sent to the reincarnation center. They will also have a chance to open high-level spirit weapons.

If it was the emperor who issued the mission, it would be miserable.

The emperor is a fine man.

At the same time, when the player wants to assassinate or go to the assassin's road, he suddenly jumps out to a reincarnation station direct bus.

The players who have been killed by him "???

this task is not your release?

Why are we still blocking the task now?


however, no matter how confused they are and then start to scold, it is useless. As we all know, many copies in holographic games are randomly matched I don't know what the content is. Even if they are dissatisfied with NC, they can only vent fire by scolding in the forum. By the way, I would like to remind the players who are going to break the copy of Wanhua Valley to be careful of the crazy emperor in Black Dragon Robe. Although he is handsome, but the copy of wanhuagu can't take pictures and videos. It's better to go to the handsome prime minister. At least he won't stab at the same time when he publishes tasks.

The second group of players in the forum absorbed sufficient experience, with enough weapons, pills, skills, pets, full of confidence into the Wanhua valley.

Anyway, you just need to find the prime minister. It is said that the prime minister looks like a gentleman, Wen Ruyu, with elegant appearance and red clothes. He is a good talker at first sight. Then they smile wantonly, and there is always a frivolous evil spirit in the corners of his lips.

He leaned lazily in front of a large jade, slightly picking up the tail of his eyes, and hard niusheng could see a bit of amorous peach blossom.

Players look at the clothes he is wearing.

the clothes are not like the ancient clothes, and they are not the little childe described by the players in front of them. But the dog is not as good as the emperor. Isn't that the emperor's face is as cold as iron?

the man in front of him is about to laugh.

A player with a weapon in his hand came forward and asked, "who are you?

me? I'm just a little actor ~

that person talks as if he had his own wave line, and the players' hearts trembled.

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Isn't this the world of martial arts?

the people who are leaning against the stones don't even look at their ignorant faces. They just lengthen their tune, sigh and turn around. They are obviously smiling with sunshine on their faces but full of frivolity in their eyes.

"I know that you are here to do the task, I released the task is that you capture the film emperor teacher for me.

Players "

film emperor teacher?

who is that person? The man is a little empty, and the jade attack projection in modern clothes appears in front of them

" go get him to me, and I will give you 500 xuanjing.

The players who were just on their faces and said, "do you want us to catch the movie emperor in the world of martial arts? Are you teasing us?" the players were shocked immediately.

Good, no problem

don't mention the film emperor, it's OK to catch the emperor!

the gang rushed to follow the self proclaimed actor, and then they were beaten to the reincarnation center with black and blue faces.

When they went out, Qing immediately jumped up and rubbed his hands. Hahaha ha ha, they just laughed at the scene they complained about in reincarnation.

ha ha ha ha, their expression just now almost killed me. When I heard the modern appellation in the world of martial arts, I must have run past ten thousand alpacas in my heart

Chuang Yu was dressed in a white shirt with an open collar. He was very handsome. He looked at the people in front of him with bright eyes. When he was young, he said, "the movie Emperor Why is it?

the film emperor is a very good actor. Come here, let me find Chidu. Here you are.

When he was young, Qing took the attack jade and sat on the ground.

He didn't notice that when he was about to land on his buttocks, he looked down at him slightly; the ground, which was still dusty, was immediately clean and incomparable. Shi Qing stood behind them and watched him give up the movie emperor's QianDu Qianke to Chengyu.

you see, this is the film emperor. I just played your younger generation. I told you, I've thought about it. The plot of this time is that I'm a rich generation, give up my family property and come to the entertainment industry and become a popular student. Your personal equipment is the film emperor. It's cold and merciless because of me People are very good, so you envy me, buy and kill me, so we are irreconcilable, either you die or I die.The tone finished. When he was a teenager, Qing was looking forward to recording the story, just like a fox who stole a chicken. His mouth was cocked with a smile. "We can play this story for several days.

"I don't envy you, I like you.

Ah, why don't you understand? We're acting. You know, people set.

Attack jade but still don't understand.

He asked, "you're so likeable that no one would be willing to kill you.

When he was a teenager, Qing was amused by his serious boasting words. He stretched out his hand and poked at Xiangyu's cheek. "Xiaochuanyu, I'm afraid you are the only one in the world. I'm not RMB. No one will love you. People will have all kinds of thoughts, just like those players who just saw me handsome and liked me, some envied me and hated me Only you It's not right. You're not a human being, and only a lovely AI like you would think so. "

Attack jade eye bottom showed confused come out, he looked at in front of oneself smile when Qing, suddenly some panic.

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This is the first time he has clearly realized that he is AI and Shiqing is human.

Shiqing and those players are the same.

He still can't hide this panic, only subconsciously stretched out his hand and held Shiqing's hand. "Shiqing, I also want to be a man.

"I want to be like you.

When he was young, Qing was amused by his naive words and laughed again.

How can a become a human being?

even with the development of science and technology, it is impossible to change an a into a human being.

But he opened his mouth and swallowed the words in his throat.

He stretched out his hand, patted him on the shoulder and said solemnly, "if you want to become a person, you must first look like someone else.

Attack jade eye bottom show joy, quickly stretch out a hand to him to see, "I am the appearance of human now.

"I don't mean external appearance. I mean inner, a human being, has a lot of emotions and emotions. Everyone is born different from others. Maybe he looks similar, but the person inside is absolutely unique.

As a teenager, Qing spoke very smoothly.

Shi Qing knew why he would say so. His grandfather had taken him to the old house for a period of time before he died. At that time, when Qing was not in good health, he could only pester other children when they could play various games happily. Mian sickbed, mentality collapse, crying asked grandfather why he and they are the same age, they can be so happy, but he can only endure the pain.

He has never been sick, but he has not been born happy.

After his grandfather said such a thing to him, Shi Qing recited these words and copied them over and over again.

When Qing finished his youth, he was confused.

"Then how can I become a person?



when he saw his meditative appearance, he knew that he certainly did not know how to answer, and was thinking about how to prevaricate in the past.

Just. Just study. Everyone has different personalities. Just like the actor I just played, I gave him the character of being frivolous, especially smooth and fond of tune. Play others, you see how much I just played, those players believe it.

So, you cry.


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? Yes, it's tears. From here, tears flow from the eyes. When you are sad, you will cry."

Cheng Yu looked at Shi Qing, who was teaching herself by pointing to her eyes, and looked down a little nervously. "I've never been sad. What's the feeling of being sad? What's the feeling When he was young, Qing was also a little worried, "sad is sad.

I still don't understand.

How to describe this? Forget it. You can learn first. If I can fool those players, it means that I act very well. You can learn from me and make sure you learn how to cry.

It completely ignores the way of "you are AI, and you don't have any emotion or personality. In this way, we continue to play games in Wanhua Valley every day, playing people with different personalities every day. You will learn a little bit and you will always learn.

Chuang Yu was a little happy and asked, "every day?

of course, every day, I have nothing to do in reality. I might as well be happy in the game.

When Qing looked at his youth, he patted his chest very definitely and promised again.

He closed his eyes slightly, as if he had seen the future of slapping.

After a period of time, the two began to play a variety of people to routine players, release a variety of exotic tasks.

Sometimes Shiqing is a Xueba, and attacking jade is a school bully. Shiqing issues a mission to steal the school bully's Buddha card

sometimes, Shiqing is a bodyguard, and attack jade is a scientific research personnel. When they fight each other, they want the player to be a judge.

when there is an hour, Shiqing is an apprentice, while attacking jade is a master, and master and apprentice turn against each other, thus implicating the players.

Sometimes Shiqing is an uncle and Chuang Yu is a nephew.Sometimes the Qing Dynasty was a slave and the jade master.

Sometimes when Qing is subordinate, attack jade is a fox spirit with a big tail.

The players in xiashixia downhill are going to die.

This Wanhua Valley is just a week to change personal equipment, play them unbearably, but they are reluctant to give up a huge reward, can only bite their teeth forward. When he was a teenager, Qing had never been so happy. He became more and more sunny and liked to get along with attack jade in this game.

In addition to sleeping and eating every day, other time, he is in holographic games and attack jade everywhere.

Shi Qing looks at the two happy people every day, but he knows that the day is coming.

Sure enough, on this day, they were playing the last game of

when they were young, they were high cold monks in Qingbin. Chong Yu was a patriarch who had evil ideas about the right way.

Two people are vividly with the player release mission, attack jade suddenly found, in front of the time Qing began a little transparent up.

This is the procedure before going offline.

But when Qing left the game, he would tell him in advance, and when he waited for that time, he would sit quietly beside Shiqing's place with open eyes, waiting for him to come back.

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But this time, Shiqing didn't say it in advance.

Gradually transparent youth, Qing face also showed an unexpected look, subconsciously to attack jade hand.

Attack jade also stretched out a hand, but failed to grasp that familiar warmth, only touched a piece of nothingness. His expression was blank, and he moved his fingers which were frozen in the air.

The expression is like a child who has been robbed of candy and has not been able to react. However, Shi Qing knew that he meant more to him than candy.

The player who was listening to their mission was stupid: "this man is also a player?

attack jade ignored him.

Only when he realized that he was offline when he was a teenager, he immediately put away the look he had played before and sat quietly beside the place where Shiqing disappeared, waiting for Shiqing to go online again.

He waited for an hour and the player was sent away.

He waited for a day, and the players who couldn't get into the Wanhua Valley had a strange discussion outside. After waiting for a week, he received a complaint that the maintenance staff of Wanhua Valley failed to open the border.

After waiting for a month, the players were gradually attracted by the new copy, and only occasionally said in the forum where the bug was in the Wanhua valley. In the past year, xiashixia Xiashan opened the barometer. Every day, it was windy and rainy according to the weather in the capital. The sun came out of the rain.

he sat on his knees, holding the sugar gourd that he had taken out the next day before Shiqing came back Puritanism gave him a sitting posture.

Next to it is where Shiqing should appear when she comes back.

He still holds sugar gourd in his hand. Shiqing likes to eat sugar gourd best, and he also says that he likes eating others' best.

He sat there, silent and waiting.

However, he did not wait for his own sun. The next year, the game canceled the original sugar gourd setting.

Even sugar gourd, also slowly disappeared in his hand.

Job's job realized that the sugar gourd in his hand was gone. After learning for a long time, he didn't know how to cry. He was still holding the sugar gourd action hand.

This is what Shi Qing bought him.

But now there's nothing there.

He blinked, tears streaming down his eyes and down his cheek.

I've never been sad. What's the feeling of sadness?

sadness is sadness.

Attack jade slowly shrinks the body, so sits on the ground, slowly hugs own double. Legs. He choked his face and sobbed out.

He finally learned.

So, that's the sadness.

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