Shi Qing was always with Chuanyu, watching him waiting for him from the beginning, then to the last fear, and finally to the sad collapse and crying. He tried to talk with him, but it was just a memory. How could he hear what he said. So in the end, Shi Qing could only sit by her side, carefully stretched out his hand and gently fell on her shoulder across the void

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in the end Do silent comfort.

Witnessed attack jade from the beginning of happy to now collapse, when the bottom of the heart without guilt, that is absolutely false.

He couldn't think of how he could forget to attack jade.

Even if attack jade is not a person, just a role in the game, but for the youth of that time Qing, attack jade is definitely his friend. Shi Qing always stood aside. He could see his reliance on attack jade.

At first, he thought that it was because something happened to his family, he left the game in a hurry, and then he was always in the real world, so he forgot Chuang Yu

but after witnessing how close he was with him, how harmonious he was, and how happy he was with him.

His temperament seems cold, but in fact, he will always remember those who treat him better.

And his memory couldn't have gotten so bad.

Although Qing regarded jade attack as a friend when he was a teenager, he had already experienced a lot. However, when he was no longer the innocent teenager, he could see that he liked to attack jade.

Young people's feelings are pure but not self-conscious

he just subconsciously plays with attack jade, accompanies him to attack jade, and then pulls him to wander around with himself. He looked at the jade more brightly than anything.

The same is true of jade attack.

But I can't remember.

Has he ever liked a person?

why he doesn't remember.

Why does he have the impression that he once met * * OSS in this game and hasn't killed him. Although I have witnessed myself and the past of jade attack.

But let him recall once, but even attack jade's face is fuzzy.

Chuang Yu is still crying.

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The first time he knew what it was like to be sad, he cried all day. Night.

In the end, the tears could not flow out. He sat in the same place, as if petrified, and looked at the place where Qing disappeared when he was young.

Shi Qing thought that attacking jade would hate him.

After all, it was the youth when Qing gave a promise, but also he did not know what is sad attack jade, know what is called sadness.

It's like a man who has never eaten delicious food. He has been eating bad food since he was born. Suddenly, one day, another person gave him delicious food and brought it to him every day.

Then the man disappeared.

The natural delicious food is gone.

So this person has to eat the bad food that he used to eat.

But for him, he has already felt the delicious food, and then to eat those things, it is simply torture. This is the state of attack jade.

He used to be in hell, but he didn't know the pain.

When he was young, Qing pulled him out of hell and took him to feel the happiness and peace of mind in heaven.

And then pushed him into hell.

But he still can't do hate Shiqing.

He just waited, believing that the intelligent human would come back to find himself and wait for another year.

This year, because he did not insist that the valley of flowers could not be opened by people outside, the player opened the valley, but could not get close to the place where attack jade sat.

Attack jade sits there, almost greedily listening to those people talking, trying to extract a little bit of information about the time.

I don't know how long he listened. He heard the news from Shiqing.

It's the two players in the dialogue that mentioned Shijia.

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It seems that their chairman is called Shiqing. Such a young man has become the chairman of the board. It's not as good as reincarnation. " Come on, you think it's good to be the chairman of the board. I tell you, there was a new room. When he was 18 years old, his parents were killed, and he himself was shot. I heard that someone was still in the holographic game. Suddenly, he almost died. After the gun was rescued, he was still in the resettlement

think about it, he was only 18 years old at that time, and his body had never been in the past Well, his family won't let him show up. People in the company will convince him. I don't know how hard he suffered to take down the company.

I know that. I know that because of the news, his parents were killed by his uncle, and his uncle had to deal with it.

For money, it's inhumane. I also know that Shi Qing used to play our game before. It's said that the ten thousand year old on the list a few years ago was called Shi Qing. However, few people have seen his face. I don't know if it's Shiqing.

No matter whether they are not, we can't hold our thighs.Time Qing and attack jade, are quiet listening to the dialogue between the two players.

He was shot, but he had a lot of life. Although he was weak at that time, he was still struggling to survive. Later, when he came, he realized that his uncle was not right. He pretended to be afraid of relying on him and fooled the past. He also proposed that he wanted to hand over the company to his uncle.

After that, he made a clean will. If he died, all the property in his name would be sent to the charity organization. The uncle who could have got property as his only relative could not get anything

when he died, his uncle had nothing, he was alive, and his uncle could manage the company.

At that time, she was only 18 years old. She had been protected by her parents. This is how Shiqing saved her life.

After that, he pretended to be stupid for two years. When he got the power, he turned over and sent the animal to prison.

Later, when his family became stable, he began to toss around all kinds of holographic games, but he never remembered a little bit about jade attack.

Shi Qing immediately locked himself on the shooting.

he could not suddenly forget to attack jade, and no one would let him forget to attack jade. He was not willing to talk to others since he was young. For him, he was the only one who knew the existence of attack jade.

No one knows how to attack jade. Naturally, there will be no one who will erase this memory.

it can only be an accident.

It's true that when he is pulled out of the holographic game by force, there is a certain chance that his brain will be damaged. But at that time, he was shot, and it was the uncle of the beast who made the decision. It is estimated that no one has noticed this.

So his memory was so incomplete.

When Qing thought clearly, he was silent.

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After he stabilized the company, he became very addicted to holographic games. Every time a new game came, he always had to go in and play it. He liked playing * * OSS very much. He would change another game after customs clearance.

Shi Qing once thought that this was his hobby.

Is there a possibility that his memory has forgotten Chuang Yu, but he still has this person in his subconscious mind, so he keeps playing holographic games, tossing and turning between various games, and playing * * OS

maybe subconsciously, he is always looking for Chuanyu.

But he did not know that there was such a person, he had been waiting for him. It's just a mistake to miss.

When Qing sat by attack jade, looking at his face look.

After hearing the news of Shiqing, he was ecstatic.

He almost can't wait to listen to the players' dialogue, listen to what they say casually, and clear the reality.

Players don't know that Shi Qing's brain was damaged because he was forcibly pulled out of the holographic game. Naturally, they won't say it. All they say is how the chairman of Shijia drinks and how happy his life is.

Yachts, luxury cars, luxury homes, private planes, buying islands for vacation.

These are paradise like life in the ears of ordinary people. After hearing this, he must feel pain in his heart.

when he is like a stone, sitting here waiting, but can't wait for that person.

He thinks of people, but in the real world to play happily.

However, there was no anger or disappointment on his face.

His long eyelashes trembled, and his good-looking face, which had not shown any big fluctuation for a long time, showed a bit of heartache and uneasiness

when he looked at this scene clearly, he was stunned at first, then his heart was uncontrollably sour and astringent.

Yes, this is jade attack.

Even if you are left behind, even if you are forgotten, even if you have been waiting for such a long time, the culprits are out there. But he is still the first time will only capture when the clear injury news, and then heartache. In the past, the waiting for Chuang Yu was not forgotten

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but Shiqing. It must be something happened in reality.

He was so sad that he just couldn't wait for the person he wanted to wait for.

There is no resentment.

How can there be such a distressing person in the world.

Never ask, never complain, just like guarding their only treasure, carefully guarding his time. When Qing looked at the attack jade to stand up, in place to turn a circle, the surface is happy and uneasy.

He touched the place where he used to put the villain in, and asked in a low voice, "shall we go to him?

naturally, there is no voice to answer him.

Knowing that Shiqing is good in reality, he seems to have the power to try hard to get out of the world. It's just that although he has thoughts, he is not human.

After looking for a long time, I couldn't figure out how to get out.

Only depressed and sad, like a headless fly around.

Shi Qing was used to attacking jade and could not see him.

But he is also used to talking to Xiangyu.

don't worry, it's not your fault

"do you still have no rest today?The new sugar gourd in the game looks very good. Do you want to buy a bunch of them to try?

he doesn't know whether he is comforting Xiangyu or punishing himself.

In a word, if he doesn't say something about it, and if he doesn't comfort him, he will feel that he is in a bad mood. Attack jade always can't find a way out.

Until one day, he heard the gossip of players.

They said that Chairman Shijia was critically ill.

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