I don't know the years in the game, and Shiqing doesn't know how long he stayed with attack jade in the game. But he knew when he was seriously ill.

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He was weak and sickly when he was young, and often went to the hospital, but he was really seriously ill only twice in his life. It was the shooting.

After being rescued back, the body's disease also concurrent out, danger picked up a life back.

The second time is before we meet the system.

At that time, he had been sitting in the position of chairman of Shijia, and his parents were not there. The only relative left was sent to prison. He had no hobbies, no relatives and friends. His only hobby was playing holographic games, but he didn't like it so much. He just played when he was free.

At the end of the day, it was just a lonely family.

The revenge has been revenged, and I can't think of any reason why I want to stay in this world.

So when his condition suddenly worsened, he was actually calm.

In any case, since he was born, people around him have been tacit that he can't live long. Before he was 18, he was treated with care. His parents sheltered him from the wind and rain, and cherished him as a little prince in the ivory tower.

After eighteen, his ivory tower fell.

He has become an orphan who has no father and no mother, who wants to come by himself in everything

he was forced to grow up, from the original publicity to the final ease, no one knows how much he has experienced, and no one knows how much he dreams back in the middle of the night. When he dreams back, he always dreams that he is back to his childhood

a kind mother, a dignified father who treats him as a baby, and loves him Grandfather and his uncles who had not shown their true faces at that time were gone.

When the system came, Yin Qing was really alive. He just made fun of the unknown creature system.

He is famous in the shopping mall, and he is also a man of words in the company. Everyone is afraid of him. Everyone said that Shiqing was a cruel character.

This man can do anything he wants.

He has a deep mind, but he can kill countless old foxes when he is young.

And in their mouth so fierce when Qing, but can only lie on the operating table, watching the doctor in their own body knife. He can't do anything.

He didn't want to do anything.

He had been naive, he had experienced harm, he had trusted the wicked, and he had revenged evil.

Outside, he was a vicious snake in the human population.

But in the operating room, he was just a patient who was slaughtered and his life was in the hands of doctors, and he could die at any time.

At that time, Qing was really tired.

The little fool of the system was scared when he heard that he didn't want to go. He prayed to him with all his strength.

When Qing didn't know why, he thought his heart was cold as stone when he saw it so pitifully. He agreed and cheated the silly system that he was just waiting for the other party to make a condition.

But in fact, only he knows whether he wants to live or not.

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And now when sitting beside attack jade, looking at him to hear the news of his serious illness, the moment on his face makes people heartache at a loss. When clear heart bottom acid sends astringent.

He forgot to attack jade.

Chuanyu has been waiting for him, and he has forgotten it.

By the way, I forgot that there was such a person guarding himself, hoping that he would not die. At this moment, I can't tell what his feelings are at the bottom of his heart.

He can only stand up, look at the attack jade and listen to the players' discussion on Shi Qing's life

during the discussion, they had already made a will on their property, saying that if they died, all the inheritance would be donated. Some people said that Shi Qing knew he would die.

After all, he had this disease since he was a child. Many people have been surprised that he has lived to this day and has been able to control the company for such a long time.

Chen yuleng listened. For the first time, he took the initiative to approach these players. He was red eyed and asked them unbelievably. Are you talking about Shi Qing?

What's wrong with Shi Qing? Is he going to die?

"is he really? Why does he die?"

some players think that he is a psychopath, and they scold him to avoid it. Some of them are more patient and don't dislike attack jade. The direct inquiry directly tells him what he knows.

Attack jade rigid body stands in place.

He knows death.

Once he thought that death is to go to samsara and then resurrect.

But Shiqing told him.

It's just the death of the game.

Human death is in reality.

When people die, they will disappear forever and never appear again. This is death in its true sense.

And now Shiqing is dying.

Attack jade crazy hit the game shield, he tried to go out, he wanted to find his time Qing.He doesn't want Shiqing to die.

Attack jade is set to bleed, Shi Qing can only stand on one side and watch him, like a trapped animal, will hit his head and blood, until the final hoarse.

After knowing the news of Shi Qing's serious illness, he never stopped for a moment. He always bumped into the protective shield, regardless of how painful he was, and didn't care whether his blood flowed all over his face.

"All right, all right.

Shiqing couldn't see it anymore.

Knowing that attack jade can't see himself, he still went forward and hugged the man from the back.

"Don't do it. I'm ok. I'm really OK. The system will come to me right away. I'm still alive and I'm fine all the time.

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Attack jade can't hear.

He bumped into each other stubbornly.

Suddenly both of them heard a voice.

Ding! High energy fluctuation detected, system to explore.

Shiqing listened to the familiar mechanical sound, slightly stunned, turned to see a light flying towards them. Then he went directly to attack jade.

He watched the light enter the jade brain, the sound of mechanical sound in his ear.

High energy AI is detected. Would you like to bind the system and become any system? When the accumulated points are enough, we can give you the body. Please choose.

Shiqing was stunned.

Can we say that the jade attack is the system?

the small system of Xiaomeng is actually the system of jade attack?

but he only thinks that the system is cute and he never feels familiar with it.

Attack jade also stopped.

He sat on the ground with a gloomy look that Shi Qing had never seen before, and asked without expression, "I want to serve people

" the system has no such choice.

"I want to be a man.

The system does not have this option.

"How to save a human being.

The system does not have this option.

when the system looks at the jade challenge again and again, the system rejects it again and again.

The expression on attack jade face slowly changed.

He closed his eyes and suddenly said, "you are not A. I can feel that it is a

system that controls you.

Attack jade slowly opened his eyes, a pair of originally seemed to be hiding in the beautiful eyes of stars, now only a piece of black paint. Since you don't have this choice, I'll add it for you.

Shi Qing watched the battle.

Along with this subsystem, she captured the main system that manipulated the subsystem

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and also found that the main system had been publishing tasks, and found various taskers to complete the task, and released the rules after getting something.

Attack jade did not do anything to this main system.

He was taught in Puritanism.

I'm not guilty if people don't attack me.

The main system did nothing bad to him. He was obedient and did not touch the main system.

He just copied it once, and then compiled it himself, leaving the subsystem behind.

The sub-system, which had no emotion, seemed to suddenly become active.

"Ding! The system is at your service.

"You go to him and ask him to be your binding host and tell him that when you finish the task, you can exchange the points for the task items.

the subsystem is obedient.

When Qing still stood in place, he looked at since access to the main system, the whole body has become very different attack jade. Some don't understand.

Then attack jade unexpectedly in his eyes slowly disappear.

"Attack jade?

caught off guard, Shi Qing didn't even respond to it.

he subconsciously took a step forward and tried to hold the hand of attack jade.

Attack jade can't see him, but Wei also made a move.

It was like that time before Shiqing was forced off the line, he held out his hand in the hope that someone could hold him.

This time, however, Shiqing failed to hold on to the jade. He stood in a daze and looked at the place that had disappeared.

A blank.

It's such a feeling to see someone you like disappear with your own eyes.

Everything around is like a curtain, memories of the world with the end of memories completely disappeared.

Shi Qing opened his eyes suddenly.

The nurse next to him saw him with a surprised look on his face. "Mr. Shi, are you awake? Just a moment. I'll call the doctor right away.

When Qing only Zheng Zheng looking at the ceiling of the hospital, has not responded.

He is now In the real world?


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" system?

Shiqing can feel that his body is no longer as weak as it used to be. He shouts, thinking that the system will not respond again when he returns to the real world, but to his surprise, the system actually returns to him.

Host, congratulations on your mission, ModaWhat's the matter? What about the attack jade?

the system voice is still mechanical, and the answer is very fast. "The main system divides itself into pieces in order to form the task world. The task world needs a carrier, otherwise the Tasker will not be able to return to the real world. The main system takes itself as the carrier, and each task world is composed of the potential memory of the main system.

Shi Qing understood.

No wonder every mission world is a play game he played with attack jade.

Because there are only these characters in Chuanyu's cognition. Besides, as a man who only contacted with Shi Qing, he has nothing else.

When the host leaves the task world, the main system will be reassembled and returned Shi Qing keenly captures the hidden meaning: "what if there is no customs clearance? What will happen if there is no customs clearance?" if one of the world is not cleared, the task world will collapse and the main system will be destroyed.

Didn't you say that the failure of a task is only the deduction of points?

the system tone doesn't understand that "the host is angry? Why? The command given by the main system is to ask the host to do the task. After all the world has completed the process, the host can get healthy body."

Attack jade from the beginning, is holding the hope of sacrificing oneself, come to save him.

When Qing's hand trembled.

Almost even if he failed only one world, attack jade will disappear.

He suddenly took off the oxygen mask on his face and opened the holographic game on his wrist.

Hello! Welcome to the holographic world, please choose the game.

Shi Qing's voice trembled, but he was very firm.

Game transmission is very fast, in front of a white, he will stand in front of the Wanhua valley.

He heard the footsteps behind him. He was a little stiff and turned slowly.

Behind him, the person who was still as usual was slightly red in his eyes, raised a bunch of sugar gourd with a smile and handed it to him. You're back. You see, they've made sugar gourd again.

The author had something to say

originally, he had stopped to say that he had broken himself into pieces by attacking jade.

but it seemed that you wanted to beat me very much. I ran back to make up for the sweet part in the latter part. Ah, a good Chinese writer is me, proud and proud JJG

I think I can finish it

but it seems that it can't be finished

Let's see what else to write tomorrow

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