"Xiashixia downhill" game has been maintained high fever, even if not as hot as that, players still come and go, endless. On this day, players suddenly found that they didn't know why all the NC tasks suddenly disappeared in Wanhua Valley, and there were mission options. They rushed in and found that it was no longer the NC release task set by all kinds of exotic flowers, but a series of difficult problems

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breakthrough games.

After one pass, there is another, and then another.

Just like Russian dolls.

After the news came out, it attracted a large number of curious players.

They all want to know what the reward will be when the task reaches the final level.

After all, some players posted a post in the forum to complete the live broadcast of high-rise buildings. New problems were always shared for the first time, so that everyone could answer them together

finally, when the official announced that there would be a meteor shower in the game tonight, a player cleared the customs.

Then he got a bunch of sugar gourd.

It's hard to get to the last level. You have to finish the trash game sooner or later.

The forum also exploded, one is not many people denounce, most only care about ha ha ha ha ha.

No one knows what this string of sugar gourd represents or witnesses.

That night, that got the sugar gourd sad urge players and touched the valley of flowers, trying to condemn the game planning.

As a result, it was found that the peak of Wanhua Valley had already been advanced.

The men, who are very good at body and appearance, are leaning against each other and watching the meteor shower passing through the sky. Holographic games can't be human demons or demons. Obviously, these two are iron and steel men

the straight man player who has just suffered the shadow of sugar gourd covers his eyes and thinks that his eyes are going to be blind.

In any case, he finally quit the game by swearing.

of course, he didn't know that when he swore out the first word, he was sitting there quietly watching the meteor shower, and he was already tensed up and looked at this side.

as long as he took one action, he could scold him in samsara.

However, attack jade has not done anything, one side of the time Qing has already stretched out to hold his hand.

Forget it. Watch the meteor shower.

Attack jade was instantly appeased, nodded obediently, hid all the sharpness of his body, and looked up at the meteor shower in the game sky

looking at it, the sight was turbid to Shi Qing beside him.

When the Qing Dynasty was born good-looking, at the moment the face slightly raised toward the sky, a pair of eyes in the imprint of meteors, fell in the eyes of attack jade, it is already good-looking can not do.

The meteor passed, from one end to the other. When you look at the meteor shower, when you attack jade, you see when you are clear. There was a sense of peace in silence.

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After the meteor shower, the sky calmed down again

when Qingqing turned his head to attack jade, his mouth cocked up, and he knew why he asked, "you don't watch the meteor shower, but you see what I'm doing?

his ears are red, but he doesn't look away as before. Instead, he says seriously," you like meteor shower, I can invade the system and send meteors to the game every day Rain for you.

I don't like meteor shower.

Yin Qing was used to his attitude that he wanted to put all his favorite things in front of his eyes.

He approached with a smile and rubbed the other side's shoulder slightly.

"I like to be with you

as long as I am with you, no matter what I do.

Attack jade by his approach to get a red face.

After hearing what Shi Qing was saying, there was more red.

I am also

he finished his speech and sat down again towards Shiqing. Two people are like two small animals, rubbing against each other to sit together.

In the night, everything looks wonderful.

Shi Qing said, "when I deal with the real things, we will go to the small world together.

In order to save him, he chose to use himself as the carrier, with his own strength and memory, and created a small world one by one.

It's a process in itself.

The main system that he caught is also publishing tasks, but the tasks that the host system releases to hosts are completed in the real small world. After the hosts complete the task of repairing small world vulnerabilities, the merits of repairing the small world will fall into the hands of the host system because it is the task received from the main system.

After that, the main system rewards hosts according to the points system

at the beginning, there are three ways to choose from.

Send Shi Qing to the real small world, when he finished the task, both of them were safe.

This one was rejected. The real small world is not the world of novels, but the real world without scripts.

Hosts are likely to encounter dangerous death in this small world, and as task publishers, according to the world's will, attack jade can't follow the past.Second, he sent other taskers to the small world, and the merits were used to save Shi Qing.

If we don't know the task of saving the world, it's time for the real world to come back.

He divided himself into small pieces, used the fragments as the carrier, and absorbed the novels from the major websites to form a small world with his own memory

the last one was perfect in his view.

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Shiqing will not be in any danger. He will be protected in the memory world of his own eyes. Moreover, because this is not a real small world, he can also win time in reality

as long as Shiqing agrees to do a task, even if every small world fails, as the task publisher, when the last small world is finished, he will be forced to mark him The repair was successful.

After deceiving the world consciousness, he saves people with merits and virtues.

The only drawback may be that once he fails, he can't cheat himself even if he can't cheat the world consciousness.

As a, the memory and database are all he has. Once there is a little missing, the small world is finished, and the jade will face a complete collapse. The end of the crash may be to disappear.

But it's nothing compared with Shi Qingbi who can save him.

When she knew this, she couldn't say what she felt.

Under the moonlight, he looked to the side and sat obediently. Even if he leaned on his shoulder, he would pay attention to it. He didn't dare to use too much force. He was afraid that he would press his own attack jade.

When he knew the details, Shi Qing once asked Chuanyu why he didn't directly ask the system to tell him everything.

When the time comes to know that someone is supporting him with his own life, he will go all out and will not have any fun mentality. Chuang Yu said that he did not have a complete memory when he divided himself into pieces.

He has to treat himself as a task in a virtual world to cheat the whole world.

But his world is too small.

His memory, his data, and even his body are all about Shi Qing's.

Attacking jade can't change my memory.

After dividing himself into memory fragments, he can't even control whether his fragments will hurt Shiqing. He can only try to set the identity of Shiqing as high as possible, so that he has a congenital suppression on himself. But he is still not sure that the memory of their own will not be attracted by time, eliminate exclusion. If he told Shiqing everything, Shiqing didn't finish the task.

When he wakes up, he'll be sad.

Know that the person who is the most important can never appear again, this kind of taste attack jade has tasted.

He doesn't want Shiqing to try it again, so it's better.

What do not tell, let forget their own when the peace of mind, no worries to do the task.

If the mission is over and Chong Yu is still alive, he will certainly try his best to find him.

If the mission is over and attack jade is dead, Shiqing, who doesn't know all this, will be hidden forever.

When clearing the bottom of the heart acid distension.

At first, he just gave Xiangyu a bunch of sugar gourd.

Attack jade but almost all gave him, protect him with his own life. Attack jade knew that was gambling.

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I also know that the first two options are more secure.

But when he can't afford it, there's a risk.

He would rather at the cost of his complete disappearance, but also to ensure that Shiqing can be safely rescued. After knowing all this, Shi Qing soon decided to go to the real small world with attack jade.

Let's find a human body for you.

he can't watch him being trapped in the game. He must bring him out.

The best choice is to go to the small world.

Now they don't need carriers and systems. They can go into the small world at once. But it will be a real small world. I'm not sure there will be no danger. Shi Qing raised his eyes with a smile, and his eyebrows returned to his familiar publicity;

"I have never been afraid of danger.

Even if it is really dangerous, I will have a lot of things, you can access any data, and the plug-in system is too big to give up the task and run directly.

But he didn't dare.

Shiqing is so good, but he wants to leave his original world and go to all kinds of strange small world for him.

"I don't have any relatives. You're the only one for me. It's good for me to be together with you. The Qing Dynasty has always been a strong temperament, but to attack jade, sweet talk is very smooth sentence by sentence.

He leaned on each other's shoulders and looked at the stars.

"I forget you, and I will pay you back with my whole life.

After thinking about it, the Tasker is almost equal to immortalityNo, maybe it's from generation to generation that his expression gradually relaxed. His eyes were bright and full of trust and joy. He looked at his lover and nodded heavily.

Let's prepare. According to the rules, we can bring things.

At the bottom of his heart, he quickly crossed all kinds of weapons in the real world, including those of tanks.

But when the line of sight touched the attack jade, that is full of pure joy bright eyes. The bottom of my heart began to move.

The corners of his lips rose slightly with a bad smile. "One more thing.


Shi Qing has fiercely knocked him down on the ground, holding him on top of the other side, looking at his soft and soft looking at his own line of sight

I am particularly curious about one thing. Since the players can get married in the game, is a better than the player? For example, the bridal chamber or something. Attack jade's face is red.

But still under the expression of Shi Qing's bad smile, she stammered in her red face, "I can and can.

He has the memory of all the small worlds, and naturally knows what Shiqing thinks about this aspect in these small worlds.

Although still embarrassed can't, but attack jade or hard to say "I'm very strong, not worse than in the small world.

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Shi Qing smiles and lowers his head, which is opposite to his four eyes.

Outside the Wanhua Valley, a player came in admiration to

and was ejected by the protective cover before he was close.

Strange, there are bugs again? Is this Wanhua Valley poisonous?

he leaves bitterly.

After two days, the protective cover of Wanhua Valley disappeared.

When the players go in again, they find that the NC is gone, the mission is gone, and there is only a dragon chair left.

In the real world, it is also strange to find that the chairman of Shijia disappeared in the eyes of the public after inexplicably recovering from illness.

Almost, because occasionally someone said that he had met the chairman.

But everyone thought it might be just looks like it.

No one in Bi Jing has looked the same in the past ten years, twenty years and thirty years.

However, those who said they had met said the same thing.

they said that they were still as young as they used to be. They were surrounded by a tall and handsome young man. They were very close and seemed to be partners.

According to the young man who looks like Shi Qing, they are back on holiday.

It's not clear whether it's true to take a holiday or not.

They could see that they were very affectionate, and their eye contact was very sweet and greasy.

Tut tut.

The sour smell of love.

author has something to say

I Buddha, I just changed the label to finished, and it was locked up, so it was too difficult. In this case, why do I have not been able to put the revised pretext on the copycat in the last few days? What is the end of


is really over! To cultivate immortals and wear them today, I don't know what to say. I love little Shiqing and let him have a perfect ending. I'm very happy. In fact, he is not interested in Changsheng business, He just wanted someone to accompany him. In the past, he forgot to attack jade, so he can choose to give up his life. Now he has attack jade, he will be very happy to go to all kinds of small worlds to play playing games with him!

the 24-hour comments in this chapter have red envelopes

the little angels good night

and finally, give a five-star praise, the end score is super important, thank you, bow

thank you

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