Zhao Miaomiao was scared to death.

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Even if the contents of these rumors were directed by her, she never thought that the delicate and soft Shi Qing was really an alien.



She was paralyzed on the ground, stupidly looking at the sky more and more human like machines, they have silver armor, each half a man high, equipped with a single weapon can destroy a building.

At the beginning, it was they who surrounded the base and threatened to hand over Yin Ming Zheng.

Later, Yin Ming Zheng came back with Shi Qing.

Why didn't she think of it!!!

Shi Qing looks at Zhao Miaomiao, who doesn't know what he is thinking. His eyes are full of interest. He raises his feet and moves towards the woman.

"Ah --"

the woman's shrill cry, fear rings out, Shiqing even has no time to do something, she has been frantic and flustered: "don't kill me!!! Don't kill me

"Zerg!! It's the Zerg who forced me to do this. It's the Zerg's fault. Don't kill me... "

The high-level Zerg people pointed out by Zhao Miaomiao:

They didn't blame Zhao Miaomiao for daring to kidnap the mechanical race. How dare this human woman throw the pot to them?!

But now is not the time to settle accounts. Shiqing has already seen it.

Mechanical race!!

This is a mechanical race!!

Even if you look at him, you can see that he has ideas. When you think about what kind of mechanical race only Wang has, and what kind of mechanical race is in the memory of generations, a group of Zerg will be scared to the ground.

The leader himself is shaking, not to mention the Zerg behind him. Human fear is body shaking, and they are afraid to be whole body shaking.

At this moment, the last row of Zerg will shake off their 18 feet.

They were trembling, "big, great..."

The Zerg stuttered when they were speaking human language. Now they are so scared that they can't even hold out a word.

When they saw the Qing Dynasty coming towards them, the closer they got, the closer they got. Several Zerg couldn't bear the psychological pressure. Before the teenagers came, they cut off their feet in a panic and lay on the ground.

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Like dead insects.

Chopping feet is the highest etiquette of Zerg, representing the highest respect for each other.

Shi Qing didn't care about these self injuring insects, but went to see the first Zerg.

He has a humanoid figure, almost two meters high. The position of the arm is densely covered with arms. A slightly pointed face is covered with green sweat, which is just like a card belt:

"big, adult, adult, you, you..."

Maybe he was in a hurry. He cut off one of his arms. Then he eased up a little. He continued to explain to himself in human language: "don't believe it. This human, we, all, are cheated."

Seeing him scared as if the next second is about to shake faint, Shiqing curiously asked: "you know me?"

"No, no, no, no!"

No matter the standing Zerg or the prostrate Zerg, they all shake their heads in a series, and even the Zerg frightens out colorful tears.

"We don't know. Please forgive us, please. We really don't know anything..."

From their appearance, Shi Qing can guess some of them.

Mechanical races like to exterminate other races. They often fly to a planet in a spaceship, and then exterminate the intelligent creatures on this planet at a very fast speed.

Generally speaking, there is no witness to this practice.

Because people who saw the mechanical race were killed.

How do Zerg know?

Thinking about it, Shiqing locked in the inheritance memory.

Inheritance memory is a very mysterious thing in human eyes. Generally speaking, the living elders of the previous generation pass down the more important memory in their impression from generation to generation, so that their offspring can avoid danger.

There are innumerable races in the universe, some of which have inherited memory, and some have not.

Shi Qingyong's body has just been born, and has not had time to do anything, but he already knows a lot of things, relying on the inheritance of memory.

Since Zerg see his eyes, they are afraid. They must have known him for a long time.

Shi Qing was interested in bluffing the leader: "you Zerg know our mechanical race?"

Behind him, with his words coming out, the humanoid machines, which were still floating in the sky, seemed to have received instructions and turned to point their weapons at these Zerg.

The dead insects were scared to life.

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The first one was even more scared to chop off his hands, one by one.

"My Lord, I and we have never told other races about your existence. Please, please forgive me and us!"The upper echelons of Zerg are actually similar to humans.

With ideas and wisdom, they will fight for power, and they will frame each other.

The reason why Zerg can travel across the blue star is that they have no wisdom, but they can obey orders and dare to die.

And a long time ago, their ancestors were just ordinary low-level Zerg without intelligence.

In the memory of inheritance, more than 100000 years ago, they were just insects lying on the ground looking for food every day. The intelligent creatures on their planet lived in the ocean. 95% of that planet was sea water. The Zerg people who did not evolve the ability to live in water could only shrink to another 5%, and worked hard to survive carefully.

And then the mechanical race came.

All Zerg can see that scene in the inheritance memory.

The cannon fodder fell from the sky to the sea, and the king with silver eyes sat on the throne, with no emotion in his eyes.

The biggest characteristic of humanoid machinery is that it can be continuously produced. As long as Wang wants to, he can make it forever.

The Zerg planet was destroyed in seven days.

They had no thought, but instinctively felt fear, so they ran underground in the cannon fodder until they were quiet outside.

When they went out again, they found that the intelligent creatures that could trample them to death at will were dead.

Zerg became the new intelligent creature on the planet.

But the fear of the mechanical race is forever imprinted on their heritage memory.

When they began to plunder other planets, they would also carefully detect intelligence. After more than 100000 years, they also had a more and more clear understanding of the mechanical race.

This race likes to exterminate others.

Zerg or whatever, once you've seen a mechanical race, you'll never survive.

The deepening inheritance memory tells them that when they see the mechanical race, don't think about anything else and run quickly. One can run.

When they see Shiqing, Zerg want to run.

They're going to be surrounded by machines.

At the same time, they are afraid, and wish to frustrate Zhao Miaomiao.

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What about kidnapping people?!!

You've got a robot race tied to them!

And push the pot on them!!

At this moment, the Zerg are afraid, but they still don't forget to forget themselves, "my Lord, it's this human, this human deceives me and us. We respect you very much. As long as you say a word, Zerg is willing and only you The head of the horse is a good one

This is also a bug who can speak idioms.

Zhao Miaomiao just got rid of the chaotic mood when he heard this sentence and suddenly collapsed.

The Zerg she has worked so hard to catch up with, she is willing to clear up at any time.

If she had offended Shiqing, she had no way to live.

In the process of collapse, a fog suddenly rises and goes towards those Zerg with fierce force. All the moves are to kill them.

The Zerg can hide, but when they are about to move, Shiqing looks at them with a look in their eyes. They dare not move. They can only take the green sweat on their forehead and try hard to avoid the black fog that cuts people even more than knives.

By the time Yin Mingzheng came out of the black fog with a suit of self-cultivation uniform and fierce Yan Ming Zheng, the first Zerg had no hands.

"Ming Zheng!"

They almost gaped at each other. In the memory of inheritance, they never communicated with other races. When they met, they killed the mechanical race, which fell into the arms of the human man, as if he were so delicate, and rubbed him wrongly.

"Why did you come here? I was scared, boo..."

A swarm of insects:.... "

Yin Mingzheng didn't realize that these Zerg people looked like they were dreaming. In fact, no matter how the five senses of Zerg changed, human could not see it.

All his mind is now in Shiqing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

The man who has always been steady is scared. He tightly encircles the young man in his arms and kisses the hair of Shiqing with full guilt and pity.

No one knows what it was like when he received a text message.

When he came, Yin Mingzheng thought a lot.

If there is an accident in Shiqing, these people will be buried for his little prince.

And when you see the machinery from afar, the man's heart is almost to the bottom.

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What happened, these loyal subordinates will come to their king.

He almost tried his best to get here.

When you saw the young man standing at that time, the big stone at the bottom of Yin Ming Zheng's heart was falling to the ground.

At the moment, holding a harmless teenager, the man covered the red eye tail.

"Never again."

"I will never leave you alone again."He stroked his back again and again, as if to pacify the youth with his own body temperature.

Shiqing must be scared.

He's so young that he doesn't understand anything.

Even if you can play around with leyouyuan like a lively erha in the base, it's also under the protection of someone.

The Zerg was almost stunned, looking at a young man who was going to kill them. He nestled in the man's arms, and his voice trembled, "I'm so afraid, Mingzheng, you protect me."

"Well, I'll protect you."

Yin Mingzheng carefully coaxed the man in his arms: "don't be afraid, they will all die and will not hurt you any more."

With that, the man raised his eyes and looked at his enemies full of green juice.

The black fog suddenly rises into the air, and in a moment, it surrounds the ignorant Zerg.

Zerg people: --

It's none of their business!!

They just came to make soy sauce!!

The author has something to say: first watch ~

and more, about nine o'clock!

The world is coming to an end.

Thanks for the support of the cherubs, this chapter will issue small red packets randomly, mamda

in this chapte

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