If there is no such human like machine, the Zerg may even have to fight, but when you look at Shi Qing, how dare they do anything.

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Seeing that Yin Mingzheng was about to take their lives, the first one directly fell on the ground: "I, we didn't want to, what to do It's all this, human beings It's all her! "

Does this human think she is the only one who can throw the pot!

They will!!

The Zerg, who was full of green sweat and had more than a dozen arms cut off, tried to overcome the stuttering: "it's this human. She said she wanted to kill you, so she kidnapped DA and DA, we, we..."

Behind him, a multi eyed Zerg with eight eyes saw the leader get stuck, and quickly added: "we are the way, passing by."

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes

As if the first Zerg grasped some life-saving straw, they nodded their heads desperately, and the meat on their swollen neck was about to be thrown out:

"passing by! We are the way, passing by to have a look

Yin Ming Zheng had never seen the Zerg style. He had seen the top echelons of Zerg in some previous battles. Everyone wanted to drag himself to the sky, and his eyes were full of contempt for the aborigines.

This is the first time you've seen Zerg do this.

The hero of human beings did not think too much of himself. He naturally thought of Shi Qing.

Shiqing is so timid. His appearance must be harmless. Although he is a big mouth, these Zerg will not be afraid of him.

Is it because of the human like machine?

Yin Mingzheng takes a look at the human like machines floating in the sky and thinks it is very possible.

He only knew that Shiqing was the king of the mechanical race, but also knew the habits of some mechanical races. However, he never asked what status the obsolete Qing race was in the universe.

Now it looks like it's in a good position.

If you let Zerg know what Yin Mingzheng is thinking, I'm afraid he really underestimates the mechanical race.

This is a mechanical race.

It's not for fame or profit. It's simply to destroy an intelligent civilization.

However, there are many younger brothers with strong lethality. They are not afraid of death, and they are willing to fight for the king without saying that they can continue to produce.

Who is not afraid of an endless stream of enemies.

They were afraid anyway.

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If you annoy this adult, I'm afraid they will be able to exterminate on the spot.

Several high-level Zerg people were lying on the ground, and the leader was still racking his brains to think about how to escape. Zhao Miaomiao could not say a word.

Now how to say, Shi Qing saw her true face. The Zerg turned back and threw all the dirty water on her. The humanoid machine in the sky blocked the back road with guns. In front of her stood a man who looked at himself with disgust.

Whether it's up or down, it's a dead word.

Zhao Miaomiao has never felt such despair as he is now.

Take a look at Shi Qing, who is shrinking in a man's arms. He doesn't even look at himself. Then look at the Zerg people who dare not lift their heads and stammer for mercy.

Zhao Miaomiao put his only hope on Yin Ming Zheng.

"Brother Mingzheng! Brother Mingzheng, you believe me. I don't know anything. I'm also bound to Mingzheng! "

Her original plan with General Zhao was that after the arrival of Yin Ming Zheng, she threatened Yin Ming Zheng to stand with the Zerg with Shiqing, and then broadcast it to the base to let the whole base know that human heroes collude with Zerg.

They didn't want to kill Yin Mingzheng at the beginning. This man is too strong. If he really tries to kill him, the Zerg can't suppress him, maybe he will be eaten back.

But destroying his reputation is different. Yin Mingzheng can attack the Zerg, but he can't attack the human beings. At that time, the human heroes who lost all the glory would have no power to fight back.

As for Zhao Miaomiao's appearance here, it's entirely because the Zerg have a lot of heart. They are worried that human beings have set up a plan to pit them, so Zhao Miaomiao is taken as a hostage.

Before Zhao Miaomiao, he felt that he was a good person.

She wanted to clean her small face when she scraped the flowers with her own hands, to see how he pretended to be pitiful. She also wanted to make Yin Mingzheng, a man who did not know good or evil, to become infamous.

But now, she can only cry at the foot of Yin Ming Zheng.

"Brother Mingzheng, that's Zerg. How can you believe Zerg? What kind of person am I? Don't you know? How could I do such a thing

She stretched out her hand to pull the leg of Yin Mingzheng's trousers and cried, "can't our love for so long be worth the words of these Zerg?"

Yin Mingzheng feels that Shiqing is twisting his flesh again.

He held his little prince in his arms and moved his feet back to prevent Zhao Miaomiao from touching himself.

The face of the human hero is serious and his posture is correct: "we have no affection."

"And don't touch me."At the same time, the man's slender hand also carefully protected the young man in his arms.

This pair of Qing Dynasty treasure, but she abandoned the appearance of my shoes stimulated Zhao Miaomiao.

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These days, she tried every means to please Yin Mingzheng, but this ruthless man not only failed to please her, but also avoided her.

She didn't even let her go to the corner of her clothes. Every time she came to please her, she just said what he had already had a partner. When she had Shiqing, she wanted her self-respect.

Even now, when she cried like this, Yin Mingzheng only cared about Shiqing who was protected by him!!

She died in front of her eyes, but Shiqing could be protected by Yin Ming Zheng all her life.


By what!!!

Zhao Miaomiao was crazy. He stood up shaking and shaking, shaking his fingers to the clever boy in the man's arms: "Yin Ming Zheng!"!!! You've been cheated! He's not what you see! He's an alien

Then she turned and pointed to the humanoid machine in the sky:

"do you see the aliens in the sky? These are he called, not my race, their heart will be different, you don't know?!! You believe him? Don't you believe me if you believe these Zerg words? "

Seeing Yin Mingzheng's indifference and not shaking her words, she laughed again, "yes, yes, you were caught in the spaceship by him and came back with him. You must know that he is an alien."

"You sent me there."

The man finally opened his mouth, eyes full of sharp irony: "do you really think I can't find out?"

Zhao Miaomiao was stunned.

Immediately, Yin Mingzheng realized that it was General Zhao who sent someone to attack him, so he shook his head, "no, it's not me. It's my father. He did it. I like you. How can I kill you? It's not me..."

"It doesn't matter."

Yin Mingzheng did not have much emotion on her face, and even showed a smile. Because of her beautiful and three-dimensional facial features, she looked much later than before.

He said, "I don't blame you."

Zhao Miaomiao had never seen him smile like this to himself. He was surprised for a moment, and then his eyes kindled with hope.

Yin Mingzheng said this, is to forgive her, to let her go?!

However, the next second, the God like man drooped his eyes, full of tenderness fell on the young man in his arms, good-looking lips curled up, and his whole body aura became gentle because of the look at time Qing.

The human hero said, "if you didn't want to kill me, how could I have met Shiqing?"

Zhao Miaomiao:

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[it's promising. I'll talk sweet words. ]

when Qingting smiles, she puts her arm around the man's neck and raises her head, and pecks him on his hard cheek as a reward.

One side lying on the ground, honest Zerg see this scene, are a little confused.

Zerg do not have the habit of kinship, and they never disdain to understand the native people, so they do not understand why they do this.

One of the Zerg, who was lying on his back, whispered in insect language, "are you going to eat Yin Ming Zheng?"

"The adult's mouth is so small, and there is only one, so we should not finish eating. Shall we take advantage of him to steal away?"

"How? There are so many machines in the sky, you can show me one

The first Zerg couldn't stand it: "don't make a noise!"

He despised those who came to invade the planet and didn't do their homework? This is the action of human beings before they want to fight. "

"Adults and humans? What about racial differences? "

"What a bunch of idiots!"

The first Zerg is a burst of contempt: "mechanical race has been breeding, but I have never heard of how they reproduce. In my opinion, the breeding mode of mechanical race must be to eat the breeding object, first * * and then eat!"

"So it is. After breeding, the insects will be more docile. Adults should be the same. Do you think we should wait for adults and humans to reproduce, and then ask them to let us go?"

"I think so."

"Yes, we can. We'll wait here for the adults to reproduce."

They seriously discussed in insect language how to protect their own Zerg, but in the ears of Yin Ming Zheng and Shi Qing, it was:

"Jiji, Jiji?"

"Gee, gee, gee."

"Gee, gee, Gee!"


The human hero tightened his eyebrows, and the black fog suddenly fell in front of the Zerg. He asked coldly, "what are you doing?"

The Zerg were startled and quickly explained:

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"Gee! No, nothing. We're talking and chatting. "

He was so scared that he fainted on the spot, but because of his extremely ugly appearance, he was full of green sweat, his eyes were ferocious (SCARED) and his mouth was open and closed. His fangs were faintly visible.The little prince of Yin Ming Zheng seemed to be frightened, and with a cry, he buried his face in the man's arms.

He didn't care to intimidate the Zerg. He patted Shiqing and said, "it's OK. Don't be afraid. I'm here."

The boy's body trembled slightly, and he stretched out his hand to hold Yin Ming Zheng tightly. It seemed that he was still in shock.

In fact, Shi Qing is poking at the system: "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"!!! Tongbao, Tongbao, come out! ]

conscious that the host was a big man, Yin Mingzheng came to support him and didn't need to do anything by himself. The system of Tao Te Ching, which was being studied with ease, sprang up.

[host? ]

Shi Qing: [ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! ]

after laughing, he learned the Zerg that he had just heard: "Gee, gee, Gee! ]

System: [what? ]

[Gee, gee, gee. ]

System: [? ]

when Qing Qing's face was still buried in the arms of Yin Ming Zheng, he was afraid that he would laugh.

The man thought he was really scared. He took a cold look at the Zerg, and the black fog rose up to threaten him: "lower your head."

After that, he looked down at the man in his arms, and the expression on his face was gentle again. He patted his back gently, and the magnetic voice was low and deep, with full pity.

"Don't be afraid. They're just ugly. They don't dare to do anything with me."

Not long ago, the Zerg, who witnessed the arrogant appearance of their youth, quietly

- lowered his ugly head.

The author has something to say: second watch!

There is a watch, about nine o'clock, we don't have to be too restrained, just praise me for my diligence!

In this chapter, red packets are still dropped randomly, with moochou = 3 =

in this chapte

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