Fearing that Shi Qing was still afraid, Yin Mingzheng coaxed and coaxed the youth circle in her arms. Her careful appearance did not look like the cold and hard God of war.

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This appearance is simply jealous of Zhao Miaomiao of the Qing Dynasty.

She can't help shaking Yin Mingzheng's shoulder and roaring: are you blind?!!

Where is he weak!! Ten minutes ago, this wild boy named Shiqing scared a group of Zerg on the ground!!

How could he be afraid!! How is that possible?

Zhao Miaomiao did not say these words, Yin Ming Zheng was hopeless.

Thanks to her previous seduction, she thought that although Yin Mingzheng never accepted her, it was also because he was thoughtful and smart, and saw that she was deliberately showing off.

But now it seems that Yin Mingzheng is a big fool!

The alien is lying with his eyes open, and he applauds!

And the Zerg, who were supposed to be her allies, were all weak and careful little pities at the moment.

Before Zhao Miaomiao also beat the Zerg revolt in her heart, and she took advantage of the idea of running away.

It turns out that none of these Zerg wants to run.

One by one on the ground, face to the ground to try not to show, with human language stuttering to Zhao Miaomiao body toss pot.

"This woman is evil and vicious. We Zerg are bright and upright Big! You believe us, we are really a simple road, a road

"Yes! yes! It's the way, the way

A group of Zerg echoed, humble and careful.

In such a pitiful pleading, Shi Qing finally raised his head from the man's arms. Maybe he was really scared before. His eyes even turned red. With that delicate and beautiful face and carefully curled up white fingers, he looked pitifully.

After a glance at the Zerg, the young man leaned back to the arms of Yin Mingzheng and said in a weak voice, "are they the Zerg who want to invade Bluestar?"

The human hero pitifully took care of the man in his arms and looked at the Zerg's cold eyes: "yes."

Shi Qing rubbed the coat of Yin Ming Zheng.

"How could there be such a ferocious race in the universe, at best, to invade other planets."

Several Zerg faces on the ground twisted immediately.

What did they hear!

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They even heard that the robot race, which likes to destroy an entire planet's intelligent creatures, said that their Zerg were ferocious??

Uncle, who on earth is cruel!!

Yin Mingzheng didn't notice the expressions of these Zerg. He immediately thought of Shi Qing, who had been in a spaceship alone for tens of thousands of years.

Although there are human like mechanical protection, Shiqing is so innocent and harmless. If there are really Zerg invaders who are targeting him, he may not be able to escape.

As long as I think that the youth will meet the terrible invaders before meeting him, and disappear quietly in the universe, a burst of pain pouts out his heart.

"Don't be afraid."

He was careful, gently, kissing the young man's soft hair, lowering his voice to coax: "we will drive them out of blue star."

The Zerg, who was still twisting his face on the ground, was very happy when he heard it. He quickly raised his head and said, "you don't have to rush. We'll take care of ourselves Go by yourself

"Yes! yes! I, we, go by ourselves

"Let's go at once, without delay or delay for a second."

There is a mechanical race on the blue star. They are crazy to stay here.

Yin Mingzheng frowned at the Zerg, not sure whether they were going to go back to save the soldiers or to be serious.

Seeing that he hesitated, the first Zerg bit his teeth, crawled to the man's feet, and cried and begged: "big, Lord, please forgive me and us. Our family has just been here for three days, and those bad things have been I'm only 5800 and 06 years old and 23 days old. I'm still young. I don't understand and understand! You, you Give us a break

It's hard to listen to the Zerg, but it doesn't stop them from understanding what he's saying.

It was the first time that Yin Ming Zheng knew that the Zerg came in batches.

According to this Zerg stumbling and stumbling, after they decide to occupy blue star, they start to launch the first group of charging teams. If it is not difficult, the second and third groups will come slowly.

On the blue star, because Yin Mingzheng is the most powerful one, Zerg people have not taken it down for a long time, so more and more Zerg are sent here to try to chew the hard bone of Yin Mingzheng.

The weeping Zerg is a multi legged one, and has just been sent here for three days.

According to his words, he was only five thousand years old, young and ignorant. He came to the battlefield for the first time and planned to make a contribution.

As a result, I got the job and hit the gun.

What he wanted was not Yin Ming Zheng, but Shi Qing, who was held in the arms of a man.Of course, the human hero doesn't know. He only listens to the Zerg, while protecting the young man in his arms. The ability is alert to the Zerg who kneels down in front of him.

To tell you the truth, a two meter high man with a neck full of flesh and a ferocious face crying out that he is still a child, this picture is quite hot.

Yin Mingzheng looked at the weeping Zerg with disgust: "shut up."

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The Zerg are so scared that they can't speak.

At this time, Shiqing shrank into the man's arms.

The human hero felt his action and looked down at the tender and soft baby of tens of thousands of years old.

This is what a child should look like.

When he looked at Shiqing gently, Zhao Miaomiao over there had already turned on his mobile phone.

According to the original plan, she opened the live broadcast software and aimed at Yin Mingzheng.

The reason why it can be broadcast live in the desert is also due to leyuyuan.

In order to play, he gathered people in the base and developed a live broadcast software.

Now, we can use the signal of Miaoyu on the ground.

-- anytime, anywhere, at will, with one signal to solve all problems.

This is the advertisement word that le you originally came up with personally.

Because he had planned to "expose" the improper relationship between Yin Ming Zheng and Zerg, Zhao Miaomiao had already inserted the signal on the ground.

The Internet speed is as fast as the wind.

The base is because of the disappearance of Shiqing and crazy looking for leyouyuan suddenly sneezed.

"Well, I'm in such good health that I never sneeze. When I sneeze suddenly, Xiaoqing must be suffering. He must want me to save him!"

"Brother Le!"

He □ nagging, followed by the younger brother suddenly ran over with a mobile phone: "you see this!"


Leyou took the mobile phone and looked at it, "live? When I was very special, Xiao Qing was tied away. You also let me watch the live broadcast! "

"No, it's not. Look carefully. Shiqing is in it."

After hearing this, Yueyou yuan's spirit was shocked. After a closer look, it was found that the person inside was Yin Ming Zheng holding Shiqing, and there were several ferocious looking Zerg people in front of him.

"Sleeping trough!! When I was Xiaoqing? "

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He was so frightened that he looked up.

As soon as I got close, a woman's voice full of malice and madness shrieked: "this is the hero of your faith!! Look who he's holding. It's an alien! It's not us at all. Look at the aliens in the sky. These are all with this alien! "

"Look at his eyes, look at the Zerg kneeling in front of him, and then look at the alien in the sky. Before Yin Mingzheng was taken away, he came back with this alien. He was not a hero for a long time. He took refuge in the alien, and he wanted to destroy our base!"


If you didn't know it was a mobile phone, you would have punched it.

"Who's making a rumor about this!!! How could Xiaoqing be an alien when I was a child! "

He didn't believe it, but some people were skeptical about the barrage.

[yes, the man's eyes brought back by general Yin are silver. How can human beings have silver eyes. ]

[you see, the clothes on the aliens in the sky are also silver. ]

[Zerg is so vicious, how can they stay there so quietly? I think what she said is true. ]

of course, more people still don't believe it.

Are you stupid? What's wrong with silver eyes? I've seen cataracts! ]

[you are not allowed to slander my God. He fought hard to save human beings. How can someone speak ill of his conscience every day! ]

[general Yin is also here. The Zerg will not move if they don't move. Who knows the killing power of general Yin. ]

"when I wipe it, there are sand sculpture letters."

Leyou's original eyes were fixed on the bullet screen, and he rolled his sleeves angrily: "I'll call now and ask people to find out and beat these sand sculptures."

Anyway, he sold the satellite phones after the end of the world, and so did the signal. Even the live broadcast software was under his name. It is not easy to find someone.

On the other side of the desert, Yin Mingzheng was about to kill the next second when he found that the camera was aimed at himself, but was blocked by Shi Qing with tender fingers, so he didn't make any more moves.

Even if listening to Zhao Miaomiao slander himself, the man is still motionless.

He trusted Shiqing and his little prince.

The boy has been listening to Zhao Miaomiao finish, just lightly jumped from the human hero's arms.

He went straight to the camera under Zhao Miaomiao's vicious and alert sight.

Zhao Miaomiao: "it's useless for you to deny it. I heard it from my own ears. The Zerg said that you are not human, and you admit it yourself. You are clearly...""Mechanical race."

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The soft voice of Shi Qing intercepted Zhao Miaomiao's words.

His voice was sweet, delicate and without a trace of haze: "I am not a human being, but a mechanical race."

Zhao Miaomiao Leng Leng Leng, and then ecstatic, in the back of the camera crazy chant: "hear it! Did you hear that? He admitted it!! He's not human

When she was a beautiful young man, she was ignored.

He only slightly raised his eyebrows and continued, "I am a mechanical race, but not a Zerg."

"Blue star has never joined the nine major galaxies. Maybe we don't know about all kinds of races in the universe. I can explain it to you."

The young man raised his chin slightly, and the sun sprinkled on his beautiful face, which made him look holy and holy, and his voice was very clear:

Shi Qing said: "mechanical race yearns for peace, but they never communicate with other races. They only sit in spaceships and look for the planet in danger. When the planet is in danger, the mechanical race will come forward and help the planet."

"But because we mechanical races don't like to communicate with other races, there are only fragmentary phrases in the universe, and only those races with inherited memory like Zerg can know our yearning for peace."

The Zerg people in the back recall the picture of the robot race killing one intelligent creature when they see one of them

The boy showed a naive smile to the camera.

"The Zerg have been subdued. There are people who don't believe it. Let's see what they say."

Said, he made way for the position, behind several kneeling Zerg exposed to the camera.

Behind him, where the camera can't see, countless human beings mechanically twist their electronic eyes to look at the Zerg.

A few insects looked at the sky behind them and aimed the artillery at their humanoid machines. The green juice splashed on their heads and nodded wildly: " Yes, yes

"Mechanical species, race Peace

After saying that, they looked at the humanoid machine slowly retracting the gun, almost soft on the ground.

Even one Zerg was so scared that his legs were bleeding green.

After getting a satisfactory reply, Shi Qing returned to the camera.

Under the background of several Zerg with green juice, he concludes with a quick sentence:

"the mechanical race is the most peaceful race in the universe."

The author has something to say: three more!!!

At the third watch, ten thousand characters are added together, and a small red envelope is dropped randomly. Good night, everyone

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