An alien jumped out and said that we are a peaceful race or something. Human beings can't believe it directly.

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However, Shi Qing said so with his huge mechanical Corps.

By the way, the previous summary is that his mechanical Corps beat the Zerg all over the head.

Yin Mingzheng announced the alliance between humans and mechanical race, and then took the powers and humanoid robots to the battlefield to catch the Zerg people who were constantly trying to escape after receiving the news and beat them up.

This battle of mechanical race is enough to be remembered by all mankind for a lifetime.

On that day, the mechanical race and human alliance "peacefully" negotiated with the Zerg.

Zerg don't have a chance to say no because they've been knocked out of their nest before they say it.

In the end, they signed a contract.

As long as Zerg exist, they will never invade other planets.

Not only will they not invade, they must also learn from the mechanical race, flying all over the universe, attacking evil forces everywhere.

On the negotiation table full of fire and smoke, the Zerg, who was pushed out to sign, stood trembling, watching the real evil force Shi Qing carefully, and reading the contents of the negotiation book: "Zerg will, will become the same as mechanical race, peaceful race..."

"Guard the peace of the universe forever and ever!"

After reading, he shivered, trembling, and signed the negotiation book.

"This, the above content will be forever engraved in my and my family's inheritance memory..."


Shi Qing leaned against Yin Ming Zheng like a bone, and his face was full of satisfaction: "the Zerg are really reasonable."

The Zerg looked at the humanoid machines all over the sky. While the green juice was flowing, the chicks nodded like pecking rice: "yes! Yes, yes

Most of the Zerg were banished from the blue star, and some were left as captives as coolies. According to the contract, they worked as coolies for 10 years before they could go home.

When the Zerg's spaceship flees away from the blue star, the remaining Zerg feel the threat of the mechanical race and lie down on the ground and cry in despair.

It's impossible not to despair. The Zerg live by inheriting their memory. For them, the mechanical race is like a rabbit forced to live in the same area with a tiger. Every moment they meet, they are anxious to cut off all their hands.

How can this live!!!

The Zerg who leave can't care about these people. Anyway, ten years is just a blink of an eye for the Zerg. They'd better run for their lives.

When we get back to the planet, we immediately gather people and horses to drive the largest and best spacecraft, and then

To save other planets in distress.

The king of the mechanical race gave orders, even if they didn't want to, they had to work hard.

Think again, Shiqing tells them that the robot race will stare at them for generations


They must yearn for peace!!

This is not peaceful, but will be destroyed!

On the blue star, humans have also accepted the idea that the mechanical race is a peaceful race.

After all, Shiqing is too harmless.

Zhao Miaomiao's father was sentenced to death, but she was left with a life. After being detained for a month and the Zerg were expelled from blue star, the court was free to try her.

As a person who kidnaps the mechanical race royal family and colludes with the Zerg to murder Yin Ming Zheng general, her trial has aroused great concern.

After all, with the advent of the era of peace, people who were struggling to survive are also interested in gossip.

Standing in the courtroom, perhaps knowing that it was a global live broadcast, Zhao Miaomiao simply gave up the struggle and only concentrated on delaying the time and clearing the water.

She sneered at the camera: "do you believe that alien? At the beginning, he threatened to hand over Yin Mingzheng with millions of human lives. His legs didn't even change their clothes. You are so stupid

As soon as Zhao Miaomiao said this, all the onlookers began to whisper.

However, she did not wait for Zhao Miaomiao to show her complacency. She had already heard the words of those who were watching.

"It's all explained before? Although the mechanical race yearned for peace, they were not willing to get along with other intelligent creatures, so when they came, they asked general Yin, the strongest person in the blue star, to ask about the situation. As a result, general Yin fell in love with the royal family of mechanical race, and they directly followed the human base. "

"Or we, general Yan, are powerful, that's the royal family. Are they the king's words or the imperial edict?"

Zhao Miaomiao was furious, "are you all blind?"?!! Those aliens surrounded our base at first!! That's a threat!! If they really want people, why don't they just say it in a natural way

Someone looked at Zhao Miaomiao with disdain, as if he were looking at a two fool: "people's technology is advanced, look at us just like watching ants, you help ants beat away other ants will specially say to ants, oh, I came to help you fight?""That's right. Besides, at that time, an alien came to say that we were peaceful race. We came to fight Zerg for you. I don't think anyone would believe it."

"The premise of the conspiracy theory is that the plot is good for them. People help us beat away the Zerg, and they don't want anything. They just leave the blue star, and the remaining royal family is a pair with general Yan. If it is good, is it for general Yan?"

"It's really possible that general Yan is such an excellent man. If he had not been with the royal family, I would have tried it."

Zhao Miaomiao:

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She looked at the table whispering, but there was no one on the right point, and she felt that she was just drunk and awake alone.

After the final trial, Zhao Miaomiao was sentenced to death for his serious crime. Considering that he did not cause serious harm, he was suspended for three months.

It's better not to delay these three months.

After all, for a person who knows when he will die, every day is a torment.

Zhao Miaomiao incident so smoothly ended, she said those words did not have any impact on people.

To tell you the truth, if she had said two months ago, when human beings were having the greatest doubt about Shiqing, she might have made some people reject them from the bottom of their hearts.

But now, the Zerg who occupy their homes have been driven away. As can be seen from the Zerg who beat them without any backhand before they can easily drive them away, the robot race can take over blue star directly if they want.

But they didn't.

Not only did not, on the contrary, after helping the blue star, he gave the blue star system alliance coordinates and left the blue star quietly.

With such a strong strength, they really want to have something different. They will become it directly and talk nonsense.

And their blue star has successfully contacted the galaxy alliance and registered the galaxy.

We also learned that only the relatively backward and unregistered Star Alliance would be the target of Zerg predators. After all, if the star in the galaxy alliance goes wrong, all the planets will work together to find out the murderer for revenge.

So for now, Bluestar is safe.

Of course, it's not absolutely safe.

For example, the staff of the galaxy alliance expressed with a bit of fear: the universe is very large, and there are many planets and races. There will also be special terrorist races, which are even more terrifying than the predators like Zerg. After all, Zerg plunder the planet for resources, but that race just takes destroying intelligent creatures as a hobby.

If you don't say much, you'll do it on your way up, and you'll leave when you've finished. You don't have to delay for a second.

This kind of race that has nothing to do with destroying the planet and something to destroy the planet is really terrible.

It is also because they have always been to a planet directly destroyed, the last witness has not been, until now, the galaxy alliance does not know what this race is called, what it looks like, what its characteristics are.

It's just horrible anyway.

After the science popularization, the staff thought again, "by the way, before your planet, you still reported to us that the peaceful mechanical race helped us. Did they not report in the alliance? We have no information here. "

Yin Mingzheng told the empress of the Qing Dynasty that the successive kings of their race were quite special, and those who did good deeds without leaving their names did not contact other races. Since the galaxy alliance asked about it, please report it.

As a result, there was an additional file in the galaxy Alliance race profile.

Mechanical race: peace loving, to help other planets as their own duty.

Injury registration: 0

a system that feels that history is being tampered with: [ Host, isn't that good. ]

[hmm? What's wrong? ]

Shi Qingzheng shrank in the man's arms, playing with the buttons of Yin Ming Zheng.

System: [when we are gone, the world will continue to work. What if the next king goes to kill the next king as soon as we leave. ]

[reassure me, of course I've taken that into consideration. ]

the young man leaned against Yin Ming Zheng and went to get the petal like small parts to his chin.

Because these days are busy running in the general election, the man has not had a rest for a long time, and there are some fragmentary Stubbles on his chin, looking more sexy than before.

So Shi Qing's latest hobby is playing with his stubbles.

While playing, he said: "mechanical race also depends on ethnic memory. As long as I keep the memory of yearning for peace, the next one will also yearn for peace. ]

the system thought of another point: [host, you don't really intend to have children with Yin Mingzheng. Then you will be dead when your life is over, and the child is born on the planet alone. How pitiful he is. ]

Shi Qing: [ha ha ha ha ha ha Ji Ji Ji!! ]

System: [? ]

[you are such a fool, my Tong, you can't really believe what I said. Yin Mingzheng is for reproduction. The mechanical race is based on the mother tree, and the mother tree in front of it will breed when the race is dead. The next generation comes from generation to generation. You don't need any partners at all. How can you say that there are all kinds of strange things in the universe Yeah. ][ha ha ha ha ha ha, little fool. ]

system; [ ]

System: [ Boo Hoo hoo, why am I so stupid? I'd better go to the Tao Te Ching. ]

in fact, it is not just the system that believes in this statement.

Yin Mingzheng also believed it.

And for a long time.

Shi Qing once told him that he found Yin Mingzheng because it was the strongest human being on the blue star, so this little prince like little guy would stick to him and ask him to be his partner.

Before, Yin Ming Zheng was only responsible for Shi Qing, and naturally didn't care much about this statement.


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He fell in love with Shiqing, but for him, only because he was the strongest one, he would like to be with him.

Just think about it like this, human heroes abuse themselves at the bottom of their hearts.

He didn't want to blame Shiqing, but silently worked harder day by day.

Discovered by time Qing, the man was silent at first, then replied in a low voice: "I want to ensure that I am the strongest person on the blue star."

"Oh, then keep trying."

Shi Qing thought that he was for the election, so he nodded and put a reclining chair in front of the training ground. Beside the chair, there was a tea table with juice on it.

Every time Yin Ming Zheng was training, Shi Qing was lying on the couch, drinking juice and enjoying the scene.

After all, a beautiful man's muscles are evenly distributed, with wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. It's not common to see the beautiful scenery of working hard with sweat.

After practicing for two months, until before the election, Leyou's original studio developed a detector to measure specific power standards.

Global free testing, almost all the powers are curious to try.

Level 10 is the highest.

Other people go up, it's six or seven at most.

When Yin Ming Zheng went up, the detector exploded.

After five attempts and five explosions, Leyou yuan had to hold his detector to admit that Yin Mingzheng's power was far beyond level 10.

He's only seven!

It's impossible to take Shi Xiaoqing back from Yin Mingzheng.

Zheng music has always been very angry, no matter how much money you have been asked for, he is still very happy.

Of course, the human hero himself knows that this is a relaxed smile.

At present, there is still a big gap between other people and him. He doesn't have to worry about his ability being inferior to others. His lover will run with others.

Now, after the general election, Yin Mingzheng was elected as the first chief executive.

He can rest assured and do something else.

When Shi Qingzheng was playing with his buttons, he seemed to be watching TV. In fact, his mind was full of tension, and he didn't pay attention to the content of TV. Yin Mingzheng was brewing and brewing, and finally opened his mouth dry.

"Shiqing, do you want to see the big parts?"

The boy, who was playing with buttons, sat up with his eyes shining.

"Good, good."

Yin Mingzheng suddenly relaxed.

The human hero showed a little shy smile and gently held the youth in his arms.

When Qing put down his weight, happily rub his coat.

[system, don't come out. ]

the system takes a cautious head: [host, you Be gentle. The last time he was drugged, he kept rubbing his waist when he woke up. ]

after that, although the host kept telling it that they really didn't do anything, the system remained silent in the data with doubts.

When he finished, he went back to see Tao Te Ching.

After looking at it for about an hour, I thought it was almost right. It looked out of sight carefully.

It's full of mosaics.

Scared, it rubbed back and continued to read the Tao Te Ching.

In the third hour, I was reading the system of "100 dishes of home cooking" and put down the book.

Three hours, that's enough for humans.

It sticks its head out.

And I was scared back by the mosaic again.

In the fifth hour, what the system finally saw was not a mosaic.

As soon as it went out, he saw Shi Qingzheng lying in the arms of Yin Ming Zheng. With caution and guilt on his face, he was pinching his sour legs carefully.

The scene is still very harmonious, Yin Ming Zheng even on the earlobe is still shy red.

As for why the legs are weak, the system doesn't understand.

The system looks at the trance expression on the host's face and shouts carefully: "host? ]

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it took about a minute or two before he heard Shi Qing's feeble response: "well ]

[well, are you tired? Do you want kidney tonic? I just looked at the menu. There is a black chicken and Magnolia soup in it, which is very nourishing for the kidney. ]Shi Qing: [ ]

[how about stewing Yin Ming Zheng? ]

time clear: [ ]

Shi Qing: [no, he is strong enough. ]

Shi Qing: [if I make up for it, I can't bear it. ]

System: [what? What can't you carry? ]

Shi Qing: [I finally know why Yin Mingzheng has been single in the original plot. ]

[why? ]

[because no one can carry it. ]

a simple small system is full of data: [host, please explain clearly, what can't be carried? ]

Shi Qing is still murmuring to himself:

thanks to me, I am not a human being. If I were a human, I should not die here. By the way, when you showed me the information, did a host die on the bed before? ]

as soon as we talk about the data, the system suddenly reacts. The data is red and a little shy: "the host has completed the task and left the world, not that. ]

[whatever you want, don't disturb me and let me slow down. ]

so the system shrinks back.

At the moment, it looked at Yin Ming Zheng, full of respect.

He is indeed the son of luck to be able to make the host self closed like this.

In fact, Yin Mingzheng is really a good companion, except for the first time when she was too excited to let Shiqing shut down.

He is gentle, considerate, never willing to have physical contact with any heterosexual same sex, containing everything of Shiqing.

Of course, in addition to powerful abilities and leadership, human heroes also have some shortcomings in life.

Easy to be soft hearted, indecisive, too good-natured.

For example, after the two were together smoothly, Yin Mingzheng always felt guilty about their unborn child.

According to Shi Qing, the life span of the mechanical race is adjusted by its partner (made up by mistake). The life span of the blue star power can be as long as the mechanical race can live.

That is to say, when the life of Yin Ming Zheng stopped, the life of Shi Qing would also end.

This is good. After all, no matter who stayed, Yin Mingzheng would feel bad. He died, worried that no one could protect him. Shi Qing left first. He could not hold on for a day, and he would follow him.

But at the thought that he and Shi Qing's children were born on the planet alone after two hundred years, and only had no emotional machinery for company, Yin Mingzheng felt guilty and distressed.

This is a descendant of him and Shiqing.

Different from Shiqing, which shows that the child has a racial heritage and is protected by the humanoid machines he left behind, he runs to play games afterwards. Yin Ming Zheng is a very traditional Chinese father's mentality.

Although he could not accompany their children, he still insisted on writing a letter a year, in which he expressed how much he expected the child, how sorry he was not with him, and what kind of life he hoped he could live.

After that, Yin Mingzheng still insisted on recording the video. Before each recording, the man who was like a God's residence for blue star people would smile and say hello to the camera:

"baby, I'm dad."

Then the camera will turn to playing games, eating fruit and watching TV when Qing said, "this is your father."

Then, he talked about what they had done recently, what they had played and what they had eaten.

The human hero carefully recorded the video and tried to clear away when he was with him. After the baby was born, he could feel their father's love.

This can be regarded as the insistence of Yin Ming's Zheng style.

In 3001, the first head of state Yin Mingzheng retired.

In 3130, Yin Mingzheng, the first head of state after the Zerg invasion, stopped breathing together with Shi Qing, a lover from the mechanical race royal family.

According to their wills, they were cremated together. Although it was difficult to cremate them because of the mechanical heart of Shiqing, they were cremated successfully after sending leyouyuan, the most powerful fire power, alive.

In the textbooks, there are always mechanical races yearning for peace to help at the most critical moment of Bluestar. Moreover, their royal family fell in love with the first prime minister and stayed in blue star forever.

As for leyouyuan, the elder who had been obsessed with taking his first love away all his life, collapsed with wrinkles on his face after the cremation of his first love and enemy, and swore that Yin Mingzheng would rob others after he died, it was not written in the book.

On the remote mechanical planet, the mother tree sensed the departure of Shiqing and soon gave birth to new life.

The new mechanical kings lie under the tree with their eyes closed and accept the inheritance memory.

He's a mechanical race.

He is Wang.

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The mechanical race is a race that yearns for peace.

The mechanical race is self bred and has no relatives.

The first time he wakes up, he should immediately create humanoid machines. After all, the king in front of him will not leave him anything.

The new King opened his silver eyes.Then I saw envelopes, gifts and videos piled around me.

He stood up from the gift pile, looking around at the humanoid machines with balloons on their heads and fluorescent sticks in their hands, shaking to celebrate his birth.

There is also a big banner, which is pulled up by two humanoid machines and is facing him, shaking as if he is afraid that he can't see it.

It says: congratulations on your birth. Dad and daddy love you forever.

There's even a little love in the back.

The new king who has just received the memory of racial inheritance

Is it the wrong way he was born?

At the same time, Shiqing returned to mission space.

Congratulations on the completion of the task, please choose: 1, continue the task, 2, rest. ]

time clear: [1111]. ]

[Ding! Please be ready to jump into the world. ]

Shi Qing opened his eyes again and found that he was sitting in front of a make-up mirror, while a man beside him was whispering to him: "brother Shi, I have added things to jingyuanqi's meal."


Shi Qing answered casually and glanced at his short-term memory.

This body is a film emperor. Usually people look at it as gloomy. In fact, he is always envious of his younger and gifted younger generation. As long as there is such a person, he will do everything possible to suppress people.

And Jing Yuanqi is a new artist in his impression.

Because of her outstanding appearance and acting skills, she had a good exposure and fans when she just started.

The original owner was always jealous of him, but because there was someone behind Jing Yuanqi who was not good at making big moves, he could only do some small movements, which was disgusting.

This time, they happened to be in the same crew. They knew that the director's most annoying thing was the person who lost his chain when he was on the stage. He also heard that Jing Yuanqi would have a stomachache if he ate too much. However, he loved spicy food. The original owner, on the pretext of inviting guests at noon, asked his assistant to buy rice and put hot pepper juice into Jing Yuanqi's bowl.

Devil pepper, eat a little, spicy heartbreaking.

I can't tell from his appearance, but I can tell by tasting it. Even if Jing Yuanqi is eating something wrong, he can't settle with him. After all, this is spicy chicken, which is normal.

It's a little action, but it's disgusting.

The system also saw the memory, and was in a hurry: [host, hurry to stop it, otherwise Jing Yuanqi will directly soar to 100 if he eats it. ]

when you are not in a hurry, you can take a look at his number. ]

System: [ Jingyuanqi rejection: 100100]

Shiqing was not unexpected.

In the memory of the original owner, Jing Yuanqi was a descendant who didn't give him face. However, Shi Qing could see that Jing Yuanqi didn't give him face because he could see that he was suppressing himself.

[wait and see. We'll find them in a moment. Let's go to the mall to change my taste Oh, yes, that's it. ]

within seconds of saying this, the door of the makeup artist was pushed open.

A young man stepped in directly. He was very good-looking, with peach blossom eyes and a high nose, but his face was cold at the moment. When he got there, he immediately threw the box lunch in front of him.

Voice with a cold voice: "eat."

When Qing side assistant a Leng, then is an angry, "you do what!! My brother asked you to offend you! Why eat your leftovers

Jing Yuanqi chuckled and looked at the silence from the top of his arm and looked at his own Shiqing: "he knows it himself."

He thought that Shi Qing would stand up and denounce his disrespect for his predecessors, or complain to the director again.

As a result, the good-looking man sitting on the chair gave him a cold look and silently picked up the box of rice and ate it.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes.

Ten minutes later, he ate the lunch box very slowly.

After eating, he also took out his handkerchief and wiped his mouth. He looked at Jing Yuanqi, whose expression gradually became a little confused. His tone was indifferent:

"now, go out."

The author has something to say: 7000 words!! How diligent!

The small world is over and a new world is opened. Next door to this chapter, he Qing guest stars as the host of the wonderful flower death method

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