Jing Yuanqi didn't hide for long.

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After Shi Qing finished this sentence, Gao Zhi turns around and discovers his existence.

The assistant, who had just worked for three days, swallowed his mouth and said, "brother Jing?"

Jing Yuanqi glanced at him. His high-quality subconsciously shrank his neck. He was too stiff to move.

He was strange and at a loss. Jing Yuanqi was usually open and cheerful. He was supposed to get along well. How could he look so frightening.

Jing Yuanqi has always paid no attention to those who can't arouse his interest. He has no opinions on how to think about high quality. He is only a bit upset that he can't say clearly.

For example, it's like a leopard coming down from the tree without a sound. Step by step, the leopard is ambushing its prey and enjoying the pleasure of predatory. Suddenly, a black crow comes out and cries.

The prey found him, and his interest in ambush was gone.

I'm not happy anyway.

This is not happy when you see clear stand up, with a familiar indifference towards their own more.

Yuan Qi sees too much of this kind of divine scene. Since he first saw Shiqing, Shiqing has always been like this. He can't look gloomy.

When the film Emperor didn't talk much, which was known to the whole drama group. But every time Jing Yuanqi felt that he didn't talk much. His expression was full of "what qualifications do you ants have to listen to me".

Jing Yuanqi is good at seeing through a person.

And he used to see when clear, that is the whole body does not have a merit.

The so-called pillar of the entertainment industry, the movie emperor with countless fans, is a person full of regrets.

Arrogant, gloomy, and always against him for no reason.

Before he wanted to audition for this crew, he was just bored to try it, but when he learned that Shi Qing was actually making a stumbling block behind his back, Jing Yuanqi still wanted to get the role.

When Qing Qing doesn't let him get the role, he will take the relationship to get the role.

In any case, he is born to be a villain. The more people want to stop him, the more he wants to do it. What's more, Shiqing, the film emperor he doesn't like.

Now when he saw Shiqing looking at himself with that kind of disgusting look that he was familiar with, Jing Yuanqi's antipathy came out again.

"Teacher Shiqing likes to eat devil pepper?"

The indifferent man in front of him heard this, and his face moved slightly. Jing Yuanqi could see that his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and had a small arc, but he could still see it when he looked carefully.

Observing and observing, he found that Shi Qing's eyebrows are crescent eyebrows. He remembers reading an analysis of eyebrows by accident.

It said that the life with crescent eyebrows is gentle, kind and approachable.

But when you look at Shi Qing's eyebrows, you can see that they are all lies.

If the movie emperor is approachable, it will rain on that day.

Did not see him this good voice asked so a sentence, when Qing but Leng is only gloomy staring at him, delicate lips even open to answer a word meaning all have no?

Maybe it was because he overheard that sentence before. Jing Yuanqi just saw the dodge from the silent face of the film emperor.

It's the kind of subconscious evasion, which is similar to talking about a person secretly behind his back, and the result is that he doesn't know where he comes from.

Jing Yuanqi felt more and more interesting.

When Qing ignored him, he became more and more energetic.

Young people also smile skillfully, raised a cheerful smile, "although I can't eat too spicy, but I know a brother has a devil pepper base, are the hottest and best devil pepper, do not ripen, do not play medicine, Shiqing teacher like, I bring you a bottle to taste how?"

In Jing Yuanqi's eyes, Shi Qing raised his eyes a little with interest when he heard this, but the bright light in his eyes dropped his eyes deliberately to avoid the sight he had seen, and coldly replied with a word:


The film emperor's temperament is rather gloomy. When he looks down at people without expression, he looks as if he is a little contemptuous.

If before, Jing Yuanqi would have been unhappy to see him like this, but now, it may be because of psychological factors. When he looks at it again, he can see that he is a little flustered and avoiding himself.

The crew's life is too boring, found that Shiqing may not be like what they think, the youth suddenly came to interest.

With a bad smile at the bottom of his heart, he deliberately misinterpreted Shiqing's meaning:

"is Shi Qing's teacher's attitude so cold that he despises me?"

In front of him, the shadow emperor's body was almost imperceptibly stiff, and his slender fingers on the side of his legs curled up slightly.

Jing Yuanqi can feel that he is not good because of this sentence.

But in the end, he only watched Shiqing wriggle his beautiful lips, as if it was a difficult thing to explain, and closed his mouth again.After almost two seconds, the good-looking man with gloomy temperament just raised his head. He wrung his eyebrows and coldly dropped a sentence: "whatever you want."

It looks like a cold turn straight away.

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High quality took a second to reflect that his boss actually left and spent another second thinking whether he should take the place of the boss and apologize to Jing Yuanqi.

Although I had a bad time in the dressing room before, it's not good to make a scene in front of others because it's the crew and the public.

So he said quickly: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Jing. When he was in poor health, maybe he had a relapse and was not very comfortable. We'll leave first. You don't mind. I'm sorry."

With that, he turned around and ran to the back of Shiqing.

Jing Yuanqi didn't mind at all.


He looked at how he could not wait to escape.

This kind of person Jing Yuanqi has seen quite a lot, belonging to the kind of person who is not good at explaining. People misunderstood him. Because he didn't know how to explain, he simply sat down on the misunderstanding and put on the posture of casually saying what the other party said.

In the eyes of Jing Yuanqi, when Shi Qing left just now, he ran away.

He found it very interesting.

Shiqing has always had a reputation for playing big names in the outside world. Can't it be that this personality leads to these reputations?

Think about it, everyone thought that Shiqing was a hard shell, and they all avoided him, saying that he was cold and cold, gloomy and terrible.

But in fact, only I know that there is soft and glutinous meat under the shell. If you poke it, you will run away in fear. If you see through, you will carefully hold the shell in front of you and try to stick thorns on your body to scare away the other party.

Jing Yuanqi is more interested in him. Such a contradictory character should be hiding and not causing trouble at all.

But he clearly received the news, when Qing found a relationship, to brush his Jing Yuanqi from the audition that had passed.

Ask directly, Shi Qing certainly won't say.

But it doesn't matter. Every day in the same crew and the same hotel, you can always find out why.

Although he left in a hurry at noon, Shi Qing quietly returned to the crew in the middle of the afternoon. As usual, he sat on his chair and looked at the people who were filming.

It was Jing Yuanqi who took part in the afternoon.

This young master is really gifted. Everyone outside the theater can see the publicity and wantonness in his eyebrows and eyes. However, as soon as the shooting starts, he becomes the miserable villain in in the play. His words are full of evil and gloomy.

In the eyes of the rest of the crew, the film emperor is sitting on the chair in silence, looking coldly at Jing Yuanqi, who is acting.

Look at the long legs. ]

[tut Tut, this figure. ]He lowered his voice and said it was really evil. Tut, I can hear him go tomorrow morning. ]

System: [host, someone is coming. ]

as soon as it was reminded, the tone of yin and Yang strange Qi appeared behind Shi Qing, "brother Shi looked very seriously, Xiao Jing was a good performer, but he didn't know what he felt in his heart when the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves ahead."

There was no movement at all, or lazily kept the original things.

It was not until the person who said this wandered to him that he found out the memory and matched up with the person in front of him.

Zhu Anhe, an artist who joined the company in the same batch as the original owner.

For the original owner, who is very jealous, there is only one reason why zhu'an River can be well left until now.

The Juan River is too waste.

Looks very good, but unfortunately in the entertainment industry is not lack of good people, general character, luck, acting skills is also particularly poor.

Such a person who can't compare with himself in every aspect, he is too lazy to step on.

If according to the original plot, Zhu Anhe had an old man's chairman in this period of time, and he was promoted to this group from the bottom all the time.

It's just that the poor get rich at first, while the villains are successful, and because they have never mixed up with their original owners before, many insiders of zhu'an River don't know.

So he thought that he could despise Zhu Anhe, who was the chairman of an entertainment company, and offended the original owner of the backstage one after another, and Jing Yuanqi, who was the backstage.

The original owner made a direct move and put him in a bad name. After half dead, he put the blame on Jing Yuanqi.

At the end of the game, the fate of zhu'an river is no longer in charge.

It's not going to be better anyway.

Zhu Anhe is interpreting how he stinks: "it's said that Xiaojing joined in with a few rich second generation before he joined the group. Do you know when he is?"

Shiqing was silent, and his sight was always on Jing Yuanqi in the distance.

He just finished the scene and was coming down from via. When he landed, he took off his old coat and walked this way.

"But you don't know it's normal. After all, it's not the time for you to reach the peak. It's understandable that you haven't received two plays this year, brother Shi? It's a drama that I got from my contacts. Ah, it's really time-honored. You used to be so beautiful, but now I can't even compare with my little transparency. ""Speaking of it, I'm really not free for a day. I've got a full schedule. Several major troupes are competing for me. After shooting this group's play, I have to go to the next door. I really envy you for being so free."

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Shiqing blinked his eyes slowly at a very slow speed in silence. His expression was indifferent and there was no fluctuation at all.

However, Jing Yuanqi heard this sentence as soon as he came here, and he was immediately happy. The days of the crew were so boring that he was worried that he had nothing to do. It was so much fun.

Young people a pair of peach blossom eyes smile slightly curved, smile sunshine, said the words are not merciless: "Zhu Anhe teacher to really envy when the teacher, I also speak in a few investors there, how about I help you talk about, let you have a good rest for a few years?"


Zhu Anhe vividly disguises what is called doing a line, disdaining a line, and his tone is sarcastic: "I'm afraid it's talking in bed, Xiaojing. The elder advised you to pay attention to your words and be careful when you export, otherwise it's not good to offend people."

"It's a coincidence."

Jing Yuanqi smiles wantonly: "I just want to say this with my predecessors."

"By the way, master, we'll have a scene later. It's me who slaps you in the face. You can be careful. Don't touch my hand. In case your face is swollen, I'll feel sorry for it."


Jing Yuanqi said something, but Zhu Anhe couldn't hear it. First, he was angry, then he laughed with anger, and said: "OK, you fan, you fan!"

"Believe it or not, if my face is swollen today, you can get out of this circle tomorrow!"

"Believe it, why don't you believe it? I believe it if you want to slap yourself and put it on me for greater effect in front of your old man's lover."

Instead of looking at the angry zhu'an River, the young man stood by Shi Qing and said, "teacher Shi, did you say you like dogs before? You say you're going to have a dog? I'll tell you, you can't keep a small dog, especially in front of you. The smaller the dog is, the less lethal it will be. The more fierce you will be when you see a person

This refers to mulberry cursing locust, is a fool also can understand.

It's cruel. ]

Shi Qing said to the system: "his mouth just stinks, people hate him a little, and his words make people want to vomit. Why should he be so cruel to him. ]

the system was looking at the menu before. It didn't know what the host was talking about, but it quickly agreed with him: [yes, yes, it's cruel. ]

"OK! Good!! Jing Yuanqi! You wait for me

Zhu Anhe was still wearing ancient clothes, and he was angry to leave. Jing Yuanqi only regarded him as a teaser. Seeing him go, he didn't care. He just bent his peach blossom eyes and talked to Shiqing with a smile:

"Mr. Shi, you have a good temper. He scolded you like this, and you are not angry at all."

"It's not necessary. It's a waste of time." To be concise: "not all small dogs are like that."

The topic jumps too fast, and Jing Yuanqi almost doesn't respond. When he understands, Shiqing is saying that "the smaller the small dog is, the more it will roar at people". He laughs in a low voice.

"I'm just saying that I hate him. If the teacher likes small dogs, I'll take those words back."

Shi Qing: "yes."

After that, his sight drifted back to the crew that started shooting again, and he didn't want to communicate with Jing Yuanqi again.

In fact, Jing Yuanqi is just too busy. As soon as he thinks that there is soft and tender meat under the tough shell of the movie emperor in front of him, he wants to lift the hard shell to poke the tender meat.

However, he still understood the truth that everything should not be done in a hurry. When he saw this, he shrugged his shoulders and his face was still sunny with a smile: "at that time, teacher, I won't disturb you. You can continue."


Jing Yuanqi left and sat in his chair.

The years are quiet.

Shi Qing: [all in all, did you hear what Jing Yuanqi said just now? ]

once again, the system draws its thoughts from the menu: [? ]He compared Zhu Anhe to a dog and said he would slap him in the face. ]

[oh I didn't listen. ]

[it's cruel. ]

System: [yes! How cruel! ]

Shi Qing: [what does a dog do wrong? It's a metaphor for such a person. ]

System: [ ]

after a second, it slowed down: [yes! How cruel! ]

[and the slap on the face. His hand was so beautiful that he could use it. ]

the system doesn't understand the relationship between good-looking hands and slapping on the face, but it still holds the idea that "what the host says must be right, if not, refer to the previous one". It really agrees: [yes! ]

[so we have to save his hand. ]

Shi Qing said, slowly stood up and walked along the route that zhu'an river left just now.

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After walking for about four or five minutes, he saw zhu'an River, which was hiding in the middle of two rooms and had just hung up the phone.When Qing didn't hide, he called him directly: "zhu'an river."

After that, the slender figure of the film emperor walked straight in his direction.

[Tong, help me check if there are various monitoring devices that can monitor here. ]

the system quickly completed the investigation: [no host. ]

[good. ]

Shi Qing walks over and looks at zhu'an river with a smile.

He didn't smile at all. With such a smile, his white face seemed to shine in the sun.

Zhu Anhe first doubts, then jealousy, and then, proud, sneering: "how? When you know that I told Liu Dong to get rid of you, have you come to me for mercy? "

"I tell you! You don't want to What are you doing behind me

Shiqing stood right behind him, stretched out his right hand, and gently and skillfully fell on the lower side of zhu'an River's right cheek, not waiting for him to react.

- bang!

A loud slap.

Zhu Anhe that carefully maintained white right face immediately appeared a palm print.

He was in a daze.

But before he reacts, Shiqing continues to maintain the original position behind him, stretching out his left hand and waving.

- bang!

Another loud applause.

On the left side of zhu'an River, there is also a palm print.

After slapping, Shiqing stepped back as if nothing happened and left here slowly.

Zhu Anhe, who was still standing in place, was stunned for several seconds, then covered his distending and painful face and roared: "Shiqing, I'll fuck you

He responded and immediately covered his face and ran after him.

As a result, his legs were long. Even if he was slow and not worried, zhu'an River returned to his chair.


Zhu'an River rushed over and raised his hand to fight. He was immediately pushed away by the high-quality staring eyes who had just bought the juice.

"What are you doing! It's a good thing to hit people

"I hit people? I play Me, me, you look at my face, look at my face

Zhu Anhe was so angry that he let go of his hand, which covered his face, and let the crew members who heard the news watch his face swelling.

"Oh! It's swollen! "

"There are also palm prints. These five fingers can be seen clearly."

"Miss Zhu, who's calling?"

Zhu Anhe's tears of pain came out quickly. He carefully protected his face and looked at the man sitting on the chair angrily:

"who else can it be! Shiqing! I don't have a grudge against you. If you don't know why, you come to beat me. You are sick

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on the shadow emperor on the chair.

In full view of the public, the always reticent film emperor slightly wrung his eyebrows and looked impatient, "it's not me."

"Ha? If you say it's not you, you're not?? I watched you fight with my own eyes!! I'll tell you, we're not finished with this. Don't you just watch me get angry? Are you jealous? I'll tell you, I have to expose myself to show your fans what kind of person you are

Jing Yuanqi squeezed in from the crowd. As soon as he got in, he saw a cold look and a slight frown on the opposite side of zhu'an River, where he was frantically shouting. Every hair on his body was full of impatience.

Perhaps he was annoyed by the noise, he opened his mouth, and his cold voice also took a trace of impatience: "whatever you want."

, as like as two peas, he was just like the original yuan Kai, who wanted to get away from the scene and just let it go.

Jing Yuanqi didn't believe that Shi Qing would beat people himself.

How could he do it himself.

The beaten child yelled, "look! He admitted it! The movie emperor hit me personally! When you wait, Shi Qing, I have to make a big noise about it -- "

the noisy voice of zhu'an River makes Jing Yuanqi feel upset. He wants to slap him a dozen times on his already swollen face to make him shut up.

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He quickly glanced at both sides of zhu'an River's cheeks, sneered and went straight forward: "when you said that, you slapped you two times? What's the matter with that finger print on your face

"What fingerprints, Jing Yuanqi, don't tell me anything else. You and he are together!"

Jing Yuanqi's face, which is always sunny and smiling, is full of ridicule at the moment. He grabs out the high-quality man who is carefully standing beside him to protect his boss.

If the young man's thumb is on the other person's face, it should be higher than the other person's face

"Take a look at the face of your face, the thumb directly facing inward, which can only be achieved by slapping yourself. What's higher, try it."

"Oh, good."

Gao Zhi gently put his right hand on his face, and his thumb turned inward.Jing Yuanqi: "see? Obviously, you slapped yourself and put blame on the teacher. Are you blind

Zhu Anhe: "it's just

"Me, me!! You beat me in the back, you know? "


Jing Yuanqi hugged his arm with a sneer: "who slapped someone in the face and went around his back specially to hit him. Mr. Zhu Anhe, I know that you had a little dispute with the teacher before. I also joked that if you want to complain to the old Dong behind you, you might as well slap yourself to make him feel distressed. I really didn't think that you could move so fast."

"But what I'm talking about is that you put the blame on me. Why? If you don't dare to blame me for fear of being exposed by me, you will find a teacher who is not good at speaking? "

"I! You! You

Zhu Anhe's face hurt, and he was blocked and couldn't say anything. After a long time of breathing, he choked out a sentence: "you are a group!! You've got to work together to dig me up, don't you

When you can hear the two hands from the teacher, you should be able to make a mockery of us! Mr. Zhu Anhe, don't you think you are very low-level and boring? You are already an adult, not a primary school student. Can you be a little more normal in mind and act more reliable

"We are all in the circle. We are not like Mr. Zhu Anhe. You talk about the parents of the East today, and the family of the west is short tomorrow. If you don't win, you will go to the gold master behind you and file a complaint. Even if you are really such a low-level person, how can you do enough evidence? What's the matter with slapping yourself? If you find someone to slap you face to face in order to frame up the teacher today, will he not be able to say it clearly? If you are such a big man, you can't even frame someone up. Don't you feel ashamed? "

"You, you two!"

Zhu Anhe was almost spitting blood when he was hated in public. He looked at Jing Yuanqi, and then looked at him. He was still indifferent, as if everything had nothing to do with him. How clean he had to pick, how clean he was. He shivered for a long time and couldn't speak.

"I, you! I I'll kill you

As soon as he was in a hurry, he would rush up and hit people. The crew quickly came up and pulled the people down.

"Mr. Zhu, Mr. Zhu, please calm down first!"

"Hold on!!! Let's catch Mr. Zhu quickly! "

"Miss Zhu, would you like to have a look at your face first..."

Seeing that zhu'an river was dragged, Jing Yuanqi showed a dull smile.

His IQ is so low that he is a waste of saliva.

He simply turned around and walked to the side of Shiqing, "when the teacher, did not frighten you?"

The gloomy film emperor, as always, was covered with a big pot of beating people, but he was still calm and said little. Seeing Jing Yuan Qiyue FA, he felt that he did not know the film emperor teacher before.

Ding! Jing Yuanqi's rejection degree: 97100]

when he was clear, his eyes dropped slightly, and his voice was cold. He did not want to thank Jing Yuanqi for helping him out: "No

Jing Yuan Qi Si didn't mind his cold response. Instead, she beamed at Shiqing and said, "no, it's good."

"These days, there are more and more nervous people who speak empty words. He still thinks that we are a group. Our IQ is moving."

After the two men, Zhu Anhe was held by people. Even if he tried hard to come over, he couldn't do it. He could only shout at the top of his voice:

"Jing Yuanqi!! You help Shiqing slander me together, I will not let you go! "

Occasionally mixed with the voice of other members of the crew: "Mr. Zhu, please calm down for a moment, let's take you to see a doctor first, OK?"

"Come and hold it down. Miss Zhu, don't make any more money. If you get hurt again, walk around and go to the doctor."

Zhu Anhe did not cooperate, and the crew couldn't help it. He simply lifted the man up and let him struggle no matter how hard he struggled. He could only roar like crazy:

"let me go!! You are all cheated!! They're in a gang!! Let me go

"Believe me!! Believe me!! Why don't you believe me? "

" it's time to fight me!!! It's really him

Jing Yuanqi was noisy and looked back:

"nowadays, it's rare for people who lie so persistently."

"It's the size of the world."

The author has something to say: this chapter is two in one, some little angels will send red envelopes randomly! Today's update is more than 10000. See you tomorrow

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