Because Zhu Anhe was already swollen before he was slapped in the face, Jing Yuanqi's play with him could not be filmed in the afternoon.

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He was also happy and relaxed. In the afternoon, he learned from Shi Qing and moved a chair to sit beside the film emperor.

The difference is that Shi Qing is watching other people's plays, while he is always watching Shi Qing.

Jing Yuanqi has always been good at observing other people, and he is almost unconscious and quick to analyze each other's personality. Naturally, he also analyzed the film emperor teacher who had been against him before. But after the pepper juice incident, he suddenly found that his analysis was wrong.

This is the first time that Jing Yuanqi made an analysis error.

He became interested in Shi Qingxing.

Jing Yuanqi has always been a blatant person. Since he is interested, he has to study it.

So the young man who changed his ancient clothes looked at Shiqing all afternoon.

I've never seen a mussel leopard in the water.

He was not hungry and was not in a hurry to eat, so he patiently swung his long tail, slowly retracted the sharp fingernails back to the meat pad, and then circled the mussel carefully, trying to wait until the mussel opened its hard shell to reveal its soft meat.

The more he went around, the more he felt that he had been too one-sided.

Being watched by him, the film emperor's body is always slightly tense, and his whole body is emitting the indifference of rejecting people from thousands of miles away. It seems that even a glance at others is his condescending charity.

But the delicate lips of the other side flower color are always slightly pursed, which is only one person in a tense state will do.

And he watched for so long, although Shiqing ignored him, just looked at the field, but seemingly lazy leaning on the body did not move.

It is impossible for a normal person to be motionless all afternoon. If he does not move, there will be external factors.

Jing Yuanqi even had some complacency, and attributed this external factor to himself.

Obviously, his naked sight obviously made the movie emperor very uncomfortable.

Just, what kind of person, can let a long time, long been used to be watched by the public pursued the film emperor uncomfortable?

Once again think of the pepper juice before, the youth heart quietly raised an answer.

Shi Qing was different to him.

Because of the difference, we arranged for someone to give him chili juice.

Because of the difference, they will not move at all under his gaze.

And why would a person who had nothing to do before be different to another?

This conjecture succeeded in making Jing Yuanqi's eyes obscure.

He has always been excellent, no matter what aspect, from small to large, there are countless pursuers, both men and women, but for him, they are the same.

After all, Jing Yuanqi didn't like any of them.

Either their appearance is not consistent with their own mind, or their attitude is too flattery.

All in all, he was quite resistant to intimacy with another person.

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But this does not mean that Jing Yuanqi knows nothing about these things. He is even more proficient than most people. After all, his learning ability is very strong.

It's just that in the past, there was no practical object for what he learned when he was bored, so he couldn't test whether the taste was good or not.

But now, Jing Yuanqi is sitting idly on the chair, a pair of peach blossom eyes with a smile, like a cheerful big boy, and his sight falls on Shiqing beside him at random.

It's been a long time since the movie emperor kept this movement. Before Jing Yuanqi came, he stretched himself freely. But now he sits upright because of the youth. Because he has been sitting for a long time, his sweat is gradually penetrating his white shirt.

The front is OK, but the original white cloth on the back is stained with sweat, with a trace of dark meaning, tightly fitting in the back of Shiqing.

From Jing Yuanqi's point of view, you can clearly see the waist line looming out with the sweaty shirt, flowing gently down to the place where you can't see it any more.

With the film emperor's breath, the wet cloth also followed a slow one and.

Jing Yuanqi only thought of four words and felt very good.

Why didn't you find out before.

This high-ranking, gloomy character, let him hate the film emperor teacher, actually all over the body is so long to his heart.

What interested him most was Shi Qing's attitude of avoiding it.

As I said before, Jing Yuanqi likes to go against people.

The more people like him, the more boring he feels.

On the contrary, the more people want to avoid him, the more he will get close to him.

He always likes to use all kinds of mental devices. This seemingly cheerful boy is actually more ruthless than anyone else. He can make use of anyone by any means with a smile. As long as the goal is achieved, who is this person? He doesn't know.

Now, it takes a few seconds for the youth to decide one thing.

Shi Qing is his new goal.Instead of getting up, Jing Yuanqi sat on his chair with a smile on his brow and eyes. When he reached Shiqing, he leaned slightly.

If you look at it from the back, it's like Jing Yuanqi's head resting on his chest.

"Teacher Shi."

The sunshine of the youth's smile, however, has a totally different shape from the sunlight, with an indescribable magnetic charm. It seems that it will fall into the heart of a person. "I forgot to ask you before, why did you send me chili juice?"

The movie emperor's breath seems to be choked by Jing Yuanqi's sudden leaning over.

He was silent for several seconds.

Jing Yuanqi is not in a hurry. He keeps his original action and looks up at him with a smile.

Young people are very good at showing their beauty. Their eyes are typical peach blossom eyes. When they look at a person from the bottom up and smile, they can absorb a person's thoughts completely.

It is precisely because of his action that Shiqing can look at him even if he is drooping his eyes.

Jing Yuanqi looked at the film emperor like this for a moment, and his long eyelashes blinked several times quickly. Only then did the cold voice ring out a little faster than usual.

"you like spicy food."

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Because he likes spicy food, so people give him the devil's pepper in his rice.

Jing Yuanqi laughed directly.

He didn't laugh so much, but I could see that he was very happy.

At the beginning, he was just smiling in the sight of the film emperor.

With a smile and a smile, it's very natural, really put his head into the arms of the film emperor.

In other people's eyes, it was like two people had a good relationship and said something funny, so Jing Yuan Qi was lying in front of the film emperor with a smile.

For a moment, Jing Yuanqi could clearly feel that his body, which was still soft, was suddenly tense because of his arrival.

But what's the use? When the meat is tight, he can still feel the delicacy.

Although it's across the clothes.

After less than a minute, Jing Yuanqi got up.

Then he winked at the film maker who seemed to have no expression, but her beautiful eyelashes had been blinking in a hurry.

"The director said before that I had a play with Mr. Shi in the evening."

The young man stretched out his hand and gently buttoned the button in front of his clavicle.

Slender fingers can be quickly buttoned, but the bias QG general, slowly, gently, the button will be good, covering the original exposed beautiful clavicle.

Button good, Jing Yuan Qi and close to when Qing ear, lips slightly hook up, deliberately lowered the voice, "really hope to come quickly in the evening."

With these words, the young man got up with a sunny smile on his face.

"I'll go to dinner first. I'll see you in the evening."

Shi Qing looks at Jing Yuanqi in silence.

It was not until the youth's back was no longer visible that he was so coquettish.

System, huh? where?

When Qing quietly bow his head, looking at the prospect of Yuan Qi lying on the ground.

At the moment, there is already a sweat on the white shirt, the general small water stains.

I can't help but sigh again. It's really coquettish.

Although the system didn't see anything, seeing the host said this, it was still dutiful to comfort the host. Don't be afraid, he should not hit people.

Yeah, but he bites.

System, um

It's really coquettish.

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The system is not afraid, host I can give you a golden finger

However, before he finished speaking, Shi Qing added another sentence, but I like it.



When Qingmei Zizi, back on a unified, you found that he wanted to bubble me.

It shouldn't be. The system looks at the rejection rate strangely. The rejection degree is so high that he should not like the host.

Shiqing didn't find it strange at all.

Look at his rejection of others.

The system came out to have a look, and then there was a long silence.

How about Shiqing?

System It's all 100 percent exclusive.

But he looks very warm to others.

It was loaded in Qing Dynasty.

He looks as if he is more sunny and lively. In fact, he just thinks it's fun to pretend to be like this. It doesn't matter. Anyway, he has been used to it for a long time.

After that, he went on to say that if he felt bored, he would have fun. I would be his next fun.

The system is a little confused.

What should we do next, host?

Do what you have to do.

Shiqing leaned lazily and closed his eyes slowly.

We don't have to do anything. Just let Jing Yuanqi do it. He likes to manipulate everything, so I'll let him do it.He enjoyed it anyway.

For fun, he really wants to see when Jing Yuanqi will find out that fun is not so easy to find.

In the evening, the crew began to shoot the night part.

This is an immortal chivalrous drama. It is a big production. Jing Yuanqi plays a villain who likes to be indifferent to the young woman in the early stage and blackens in the later stage.

In this play, the villain, in order to threaten the mistress and marry him, seizes the female master and threatens him with his life.

Shi Qing was the unfortunate master.

Twenty minutes before shooting, he was wearing an elegant ancient costume with injured makeup on his face. He was putting a small blood bag into his mouth. When he was pinched by the villain played by Jing Yuanqi, he would have to bite through the blood bag and vomit blood.

Jing Yuanqi, dressed in a black robe representing blackening, came over with the script.

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today's make-up is a classic black makeup of villains. His forehead is a little red, and his long eyebrow eyebrows have been thickened.

This makeup will appear evil and cold when he starts shooting because of his cold face. But in reality, when he smiles like before, he doesn't look like a villain. Instead, he looks like a fox spirit who catches opportunities and is going to charm people.

At the moment, the fox spirit monster is close to the time of the Qing, on the makeup appears particularly bright red lips slightly cocked up, "when the teacher, let's play?"

When the partner asks for the play, how can he refuse to accept such a legitimate reason.

So the film emperor teacher nodded and took the blood bag down first. According to the scene to be shot tonight, he turned his face and became angry.

"You are just wishful thinking!! How can a demon cultivation be worthy of ru'er and use this method? If my skill was not damaged, you would have gone down to the underworld to give birth to the brute way

It seems that Jing Yuanqi has entered the drama very quickly.

he was cold faced and stretched out his hand. He was clear neck and neck from behind, uh, and his voice was low and indifferent.

has the final say.

One side looked at the scriptwriter here and looked at the script on the desk strangely, and said to the assistant on the side, "isn't it written face-to-face neck pinching? Why did jingyuanqi station go behind the teacher

"It's OK. Anyway, it's just a pair of plays. But I think it's OK to stand at the back. They face one place, so as not to have to face each other."

As they were talking, Shiqing suddenly felt that something was wrong. Behind him, Jing Yuanqi said his lines in a gloomy tone, while relying on the cover of his wide sleeves. His left hand slowly climbed across his clothes and climbed onto the white belt of his elegant robe.

It's like a leopard with its sharp nails tucked into the meat mat, pulling the clam shell in front of her.

Is seriously on the face of the suffocating pain of the film emperor suddenly stopped.

Help them watch the high-quality "Shige? What's the matter? "


With a pair of peach blossom eyes, the movement of the right hand of the young man living in front of him seems to be unchanged.

The thumb is taking advantage of the long wig that Qing wears to cover up and down, gently moving in the throat.

It's too light, like a feather.

Jing Yuanqi just stood in the same place, gently side by side with his fox like face, and turned his eyes to the film emperor, whose expression was stiff, thick and slender, and his eyelashes were fast blinking.

With his left hand covered by long sleeves, he gently lifted up a corner of his belt and felt the more rigid and tense body of the people in front of him, while he lowered the magnetic voice.

The tone is confused, as if the purest, but

"good teacher, what's the matter with you?"

When the author has something to say, Xiaoqing is very coquettish!! Mom, I'm amazing. It's three thousand nine! We must hold hands and hold high!!

Random some little angel hair red envelope, tomorrow's me, will be better!

If you wish to update tomorrow, I take a middle number, such as 1000 and 5000, I choose 3000 like this!

I can't rule out the possibility that I'm hiding in the crowd and report 100 myself

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