In the full view of the public, Jing Yuanqi began to flirt with him calmly.

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I have to say that his talent is really good.

It's very difficult for a normal person to do two things at one time, but he can do three things at one time.

Specific performance in, the face is full of innocent, said concerned words, both hands are doing their own small movements.

It's a little too much.

Jing Yuanqi thought that the gloomy film emperor standing in front of him would push him away, or quietly break away from his shackles.

But although Shi Qing was stiff, he did not resist, but let him do small movements.

Jingyuan's journey became more and more rampant. Unlike modern makeup, ancient robes can be easily opened.

But instead of lifting it, he followed the white strap and slowly went down.

Gently and suggestively, I made a circle.


Standing in front of the Qing slightly moved the waist, issued a short breath.

Jing Yuanqi could clearly see a faint red on his cheek.

High quality nervous looked over: "when elder brother?"

From Jing Yuanqi's point of view, you can see that his dark eyes are flashing. As soon as his colorful lips open and close, he says in a deep voice: "it's OK."

Jing Yuanqi squints quietly, with a harmless smile, and then he stops.

He slowly released his hand and cleared his side as if nothing had happened.

"It's almost time. I'll go to the toilet first. Do you want to come with me?"

Shi Qing didn't respond, but kept silent and looked down at the script.

Gao Zhi quickly gave him respect: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Jing. As soon as he finished the play, he was immersed in the role."

"It doesn't matter."

"I often do this, understandable."

High quality always saw the youth walking away briskly. He came back to Shi Qing, handed the water to him and murmured in a low voice: "brother Shi, I think Mr. Jing has a good temper. He didn't say anything about his face like this. Don't you care about the past?"

Said, he was a little strange and then muttered: "it is a little too generous to smile, looking at the spring breeze, I don't know that he and your brother when you have a good relationship."

When Qing didn't speak, he took the water and drank it several times.

It's really coquettish. I'm hot all over. ]

because it does not involve some kind of picture that needs harmony, after watching the whole system, I am a little worried: "host, will you be taken advantage of. ]

[No. ]

when it comes to provocative things, how can we say that they take advantage of them. ]

System: [but his degree of rejection does not drop. ]

it is watching two people in full swing here, but the degree of exclusion does not drop!

It's OK. ]

Shiqing took another gulp of water and pressed down the heat and dryness of his body. He looked at the direction Jing Yuanqi was leaving: "it's going to fall soon. ]

the shooting in the evening may be due to multiple cameras shooting from multiple angles. Jing Yuanqi's hands are very regular, and he doesn't do what he shouldn't do.

The two played as usual, and they were at peace.

When the shooting was over, he didn't go to his private dressing room to remove makeup. Instead, he went to the large dressing room with others and sat there waiting for people to take off their makeup.

There are not many scenes to shoot in the evening, so although the dressing room is large, there are only a few people.

Jing Yuanqi was there, but his make-up was no more complicated than that of Shiqing. When Shiqing's clothes were changed, he had not finished removing the makeup on his face, so he could only sit there and watch the still gloomy film emperor get up and walk in his own direction.

Shiqing's position is close to the door. There is no way for Jing Yuanqi to go out. He does not go out after removing his makeup. Instead, he walks towards this side. Besides looking for Jing Yuanqi, what else can he do.

The young man's lips slightly raised, a pair of peach blossom eyes with a smile on the pick, was about to open his mouth to call, came to his body when Qing, but did not look at him, and he passed.

Immediately, the film emperor's cold voice sounded.

He called a name, but not Jing Yuanqi:

"Cui Yunqing."

The smile on Jing Yuanqi's face dropped. His expression was discontented for a moment, but soon returned to normal. Naturally, he turned to look behind him, as if he had just looked at the past curiously.

Shi Qingzheng stood in front of a young man who was only 16 or 17 years old. When he looked timid, he said in a low voice: "come to my room to play tonight."


The young man's face is more timid. He is a minor supporting role, and his part is not much. Today, he has only shot less than ten scenes since he came to the cast.

Regardless of his status, he is only 18 this year, which is just a child for his age.When Qing Dynasty a film emperor, look for him to what play.

He was even more frightened when he thought about the rumors in the circle that Shi Qing couldn't accommodate new people. In the middle of the night, he went to the base camp of others by himself. If something happened, he couldn't even ask for help.

Recalling the school teacher's talk about the various circles of Yin people and being Yin, Cui Yunqing is really afraid to go. He cautiously glances at Shi Qing's cold look, "Shi teacher, will you be right in the daytime tomorrow?"? I'm a little tired today. "

"No way."

"I have to come tonight," he said

If you let the brain tonic people see this, you think it is to force good for prostitution.

At least Jing Yuanqi is good at brain tonic.

He tasted the sweetness in Shiqing today, and he was proud of the feeling of holding a cold film emperor in his hand.

After all, no one dares to do this to Shi Qing except him.

And he also thought that, at least in the whole crew, he was the most special for Shi Qing.

As a result, it was slapped in the face in less than a day.

Shi Qing, who always puts on a "dust-free under my eyes, none of you can be taken seriously by me." he takes the initiative to invite a minor supporting role into his room at night.

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All the above are stressed.

Even if he only regarded the film emperor teacher as a pleasure to pass the time, his heart was still filled with unhappiness.

Maybe it's like taking a fancy to a beautiful mussel. With a feeling that this is the thing in one's bag, he drags the mussel back to his nest with his tail wagging slowly and intends to eat it slowly.

In a twinkling of an eye, the mussel opened its legs and ran to other people's nest.

It's weird to be cool.

Jing Yuanqi has always been a wanton character. He will not let others feel good when he is not happy. He is not comfortable in his heart. He directly gets up and strides two long legs. Shi Shilan comes to the two people who are talking.

"When the teacher, Yunqing is still a child. He has to go to bed early. If he doesn't want to go, just forget it."

With that, the young man naturally put his hand on Shi Qing's shoulder, and looked like two brothers: "we have a part in tomorrow, how about I accompany you to the play?"

"No more."

The film emperor frowned, and the lines on his face seemed to be hardened by Jing Yuanqi's actions: "you're very good. You don't need to play with me."

"But I think I still have a lot of room for improvement." When Jing Yuanqi wanted to achieve a goal, he was still very cheeky.

"When teacher, you are the film emperor. I must pay attention to the play with you. I'll go to your room tonight, and we'll have a good look at the play tomorrow."

When it comes to the word "Xi", Jing Yuanqi seems to have no intention to put his hand on Shiqing's shoulder and begins to rub his back.

His fingers are very long, so he can easily reach the shoulder blade and lift it once and for all.

Shiqing felt as if he had been electrified. He was shocked and threw Jing Yuanqi's hand on his side.

Jing Yuanqi, who was still smiling, was depressed by his actions.

After a second, the young man reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth and showed a cheerful smile that was exactly the same as before:

"before, when I was on the set, the teacher still asked me to hold it. How come now, in front of Yun Qing, the teacher is not even willing to let me set up my back."

With that, he looked at Cui Yunqing, who was scared to the side, and said in an unidentified way: "it seems that when the teacher really likes Yunqing, he cares about the image so much in front of him."

Cui Yunqing didn't see what Jing Yuanqi's hands had done. He thought that he was helping himself round the field. Seeing the stalemate, he quickly laughed and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Shi. I'm really tired today, and I'm going to let you down."

He said it, and Shiqing didn't insist on it.


The film emperor responded coldly, turned around and left. The light from the back, as always, looked at the gloomy.

"Brother Jing."

Seeing that he was gone, Cui Yunqing felt a little loose and went to Jing Yuanqi to say thanks: "thank you so much just now."

Jing Yuanqi takes back the sight of Shiqing's back. He looks back at his beautiful face. Because he was frightened before, his expression is still a little rusty. Cui Yunqing, like a little white rabbit, is even more upset.

Even when facing him, Shi Qing always said "um", how could Cui Yunqing become "good" here.

He likes it?

He's too weak to talk.

On the surface, Jing Yuanqi took back the indifference and disdain at the tip of his eyebrows, and naturally showed a smile: "nothing, but I haven't heard about the friendship between the outdated teacher and you before. Why did he suddenly want to play with you just now?"

"Yes, I'm surprised, too." Cui Yunqing is really a fool. When asked by Jing Yuanqi, he said everything.

"But when I was auditioning, I was almost knocked off. My teacher inquired about it and found out that it was the teacher who did it. So I guess it's not good for him to come to me.""He's got a relationship to keep you out of the crew?"

Cui Yunqing was shocked by Jing Yuanqi's cold voice. "Yes, yes, brother Jing, what's the matter?"

"It's OK."

Jing Yuanqi smiles at him, but he is upset.

He thought he was special before.

Now, Cui Yunqing is the same as him.

The young man pressed down the more and more intense displeasure at the bottom of his heart, but his voice was still a little cold: "did he send you pepper to eat?"


Cui Yunqing shook his head blankly: "no, what pepper?"

I don't know if it's his illusion. Cui Yunqing always feels that after he denies pepper, the whole body atmosphere of the youth in front of him is eased down.

From that kind of a bit cold feeling, suddenly changed back to the sun that he was familiar with.

Knowing that Cui Yunqing is still not as special as his own, Jing Yuanqi has recovered to the strange look with smile in his eyes before:

"nothing, go on, he pulled off your audition, and then?"

"Then, my teacher helped me find a relationship and let me in. My assistant sister, who took care of me, told me quietly that this was the way the teacher was. It was not the first time that the younger generation had taken the chance to audition. She also told me that she let me join the production team and avoid the teacher's leaving."

Silly white sweet finished, there is still residual timidity in the bottom of his eyes. Obviously, he regarded Jing Yuanqi, who had just been rescued from the "terrible film emperor", as a life-saving straw.

"Brother Jing, what should I do? In case the teacher still asks me, what reason should I refuse him?"

Jing Yuanqi comforted the silly white sweet again.

Sure that he couldn't find any other information about Shi Qing, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't finished removing his makeup, so he went back to take off his makeup.

Just the bottom of my heart, but also cloud around a mystery.

It is reasonable to say that Shiqing is a great film emperor with stable status and background. Neither he nor Cui Yunqing will threaten his position.

Why does he want to knock them off the cast?

If this kind of thing is exploded, even the film emperor of Shiqing will have a bad reputation. He doesn't look like a fool. He shouldn't do such a stupid thing.

In the past, Jing Yuanqi would have thought that Shiqing was narrow-minded and envious of others.

But after the change, he was very sure that he was not such a person.

A person who will be silly and give his favorite devil pepper juice to others, with black eyes and clear coagulation, can't do such a thing.

What the hell is that about?

Jing Yuanqi found that he was more interested in the Qing Dynasty.

[look, his jealousy is too strong. In his memory, at least, he used the same method to cut off at least 20 people's rising opportunities. ]

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[Cui Yunqing is lucky, and a good teacher is willing to help him bring his role back. ]

the system doesn't understand: [isn't he very disgusted with the host? Why should we take the initiative to find him? ]

[because he is the same as Jing Yuanqi. ]

Shiqing was comfortable on the sofa and poured himself a glass of red wine.

Although the crew is quite generous, they have arranged single rooms, but Shiqing's room is a luxurious suite ordered by himself with his own pocket, and the sofa is particularly comfortable.

[he was targeted just like Jing Yuanqi, and even though he was targeted, he still joined the crew. ]

[kill the chicken and show it to the monkey. ]

Shiqing took a sip of red wine, turned on his mobile phone and looked at the pictures of the dinner party in the group above.

[in the original plot, Cui Yunqing was not shot when she was 20 and was in the middle of a fire? ]

he knocked on the photo on his mobile phone: [it was the assistant director who was drunk and touched Cui Yunqing's room with the strength of the wine. He was an adult man. Cui Yunqing was essentially a child. He didn't escape and was drugged. Finally, he was forced to dive. The indecent photos were taken at that time. ]

when he was born, he followed Shi Qing to do the task. In essence, he was a pure child's system, and angrily scolded him: "how good is this assistant director! Host, are you going to help him? ]

[help, of course. ]

Shiqing lazily sank his body into the soft sofa wantonly. ]

in the early hours of the morning, the crew members who went out to drink came back.

The system gives prompt immediately.

When Qing got up, before going out, he suddenly thought of something and stopped.

The system is unknown, so: [host, won't you go? ]

[wait a minute. ]

Shiqing opened the mobile phone, confirmed that the location information was open, then put the mobile phone back into the pocket, opened the door and walked out.

Next door in the next room, the little red dot on Jing Yuanqi's computer made a beep immediately.The young man who had just washed his hair came out, listened to the alarm and hissed. He watched the little red dot move to the far right and began to go down. Then he closed the computer, opened the door of the room and walked out.

When we got to the elevator, we could see that the elevator was running down and finally stopped on the 18th floor.

When a young man brushes his hair, his face becomes more unhappy.

The 18th floor is where Cui Yunqing is.

He is in a good mood now.

This clam is really running into other people's nest.

Jing Yuanqi did not hesitate at all. He stretched out his slender hand and pressed the button.

No, it's the mussel that ran away.

He'll just get it back.

Anyway, Cui Yunqing's silly white sweet can win him?

When I got off the elevator, I didn't go forward immediately. Instead, I looked back at the floor display on the elevator. Until I saw another elevator stop on the 30th floor where they were, I picked my eyebrows and went forward.

[yes. ]

he went straight to room 1805 and knocked on the door.

Cui Yunqing, who was playing a happy game, opened the door without any vigilance. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Shi Qing standing at the door of his room and was immediately silly: "Shi, Shi teacher..."


When Qing's face was cold, but his body was very natural, as if he had been invited, he walked in sideways as if nothing had happened.

Until he naturally sat on the small sofa and put the script in his hand on the table, Cui Yunqing fully reflected.

Previously, when Qing, who had been against him, came to his room in the middle of the night!

Think about it before he said he was too tired to go to bed early, and then looked down at his hands and said, "hold on, we can win!" Mobile phone with game sound

Cui Yunqing flustered on the game to back out.

"At that time, teacher, I just had a sleep, wake up to see that it was ok, just play the game."


When Qing opened the script: "nothing to the lines."

Cui Yunqing then dared to sit down.

Before he could hold out a few words to ease the inexplicable embarrassment, there was a sudden sound from the door.

It's not a knock, it's like a door lock opening.

Cui Yunqing got up to have a look.

When the door handle turned, Jing Yuanqi pushed the door and came in.

Come in and see Cui Yunqing looking at himself stupidly, the youth sunshine smile, very natural stretch out a hand to say hello: "little Cui, I come to see you, you sleep well?"

Cui Yunqing said in a daze: "it's ok "Yes

"That, brother Jing, you have..."

"Oh, you say that?" Jing Yuanqi calmly put the wire in his pocket. "It's OK. I'm afraid that knocking on the door will affect your sleep. I'll open the door myself."

Cui Yunqing:

Jing Yuanqi did not spend too much energy on him. Instead, he passed Cui Yuanqing and sat down beside him.

"When the teacher is there, is this the right script? It's a coincidence that I'm here, too. Why don't you join us

When Qing twisted his eyebrows, "did you bring the script?"

"Yes, I have."

Jing Yuanqi really took out a script from his pocket that he didn't know how many layers it had folded and left it on the table.

"Come on, we are right."

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The film emperor frowned, white face, delicate lips slightly pursed, as if he could not understand Jing Yuanqi's move, but he did not say anything, just looked at Cui Yunqing, clear and cold voice, light:

"come to the lines."

Jing Yuanqi just like just found Cui Yunqing still standing, smiling and waving to him: "Xiao Cui, why are you still standing there? Come here and talk to me. Don't be restrained, just think it's your own home."

Cui Yunqing:

But this is his room

He walked past with a confused face, and then found that the sofa was too small for him to sit on.

Jing Yuanqi was not conscious of the guests at all. On the contrary, he put forward suggestions enthusiastically: "ah, I can't sit down. Otherwise, Xiao Cui, I'll talk to Mr. Shi, and you'll do your best."

Cui Yunqing's face was blank again.

So now, the situation is that two of his predecessors came to his room to talk to each other at night, and then let him play with himself??

The teacher did not teach him how to deal with this situation.

Finally, or when the Qing solution to stand up, "to the bed, the position is big."

Jing Yuanqi immediately followed to stand up, meaning unknown smile: "when the teacher said right, the bed space is big, how toss all right."

A good word, because of the twists and turns of his tone, listen to the same as the tune of Qing.

He followed Shi Qing, who was the first to walk inside. He then turned his head and waved his hand to Cui Yunqing, who was full of confusion. He meant to ask him not to come here.The layout of Cui Yunqing's single room is a small living room outside. There is a partition in the middle of the small room. You can't see what happened on the bed in the small living room.

Less than a second after Shi Qing and Jing Yuanqi entered, Cui Yunqing outside heard a puff, as if someone was lying in bed.

Cui Yunqing didn't know what the situation was now. For a moment, he was really obedient and stopped walking.

On the inside, the young man's hands strongly supported on both sides of Shiqing's body, trapping him in a soft bed with two faces facing each other.

This almost zero distance, a moment to let this small space rise from the ambiguous heat.

"Teacher Shi..."

Jing Yuanqi slightly bowed his head, so that the distance between himself and Shiqing was close, as if the breath were blending.

He lowered his voice slightly, and deliberately dragged the long ending. A pair of peach blossom eyes enchanted him with a smile, and said in a soft voice:

"if you are interested in me, just say it directly. Why say such suggestive words in bed."

Said, the youth slowly raises the right leg, with knee coquetry the same, once rubbed against time Qing.

"I can be anywhere you want."

Shi Qing: [ ]

he is really being teased.

And it started to boil.

[seriously, if it wasn't hard to break the equipment, I would have put the little wave on the bed now. He called Dad. ]

System: [harmony, host, pay attention to harmony. ]

in the end, Shi Qing was still indifferent on the face and pushed people away with regret.

Jing Yuanqi raised his eyebrows and let his body be pushed aside.

Only the knee, still in the original place to test the general up and down.

Goblin like, with his right hand to support the head, raised eyebrows and eyes with a smile to see when Qing: "what to do so heartless."

"You are different to me, I know."

The teased face is expressionless: sun, how about a hundred times? ]

[calm down!! Host calm down!!! ]

just as Jing Yuanqi was trying to send out Sao and Qi, there was a knock on the door again.

Cui Yunqing, who had been caught up in a succession of visitors tonight, didn't think much about it and went straight to open the door.

"Horse guide?"

He was a little surprised to see the bald, big belly, middle-aged, fat director outside.

What kind of luck is he? One night, the film emperor, the popular young students and even the director came to him.

"Xiao Cui, isn't there your play tomorrow? It's a change in the scene. I'll show it to you. "

Fat director smile ha ha with a body of wine gas walked in, but also turn around to close the door.

The deputy director's surname is ma. Although he has been married and has children, he is not old. He has always relied on the hidden rules of his identity.

He is really after Cui Yunqing, but has not dared to start.

After all, although Cui Yunqing is young and doesn't understand anything and looks silly, his teacher has some connections in the circle. If he can't handle it well, deputy director Ma may not have eaten fish, and he's also very funny.

But after drinking wine today, his little heart, which was a little dirty and dirty, couldn't help being agitated.

Think again yesterday asked a friend to take medicine has been put on the body, deputy director Ma this small heart liver restless faster.

Anyway, this is a boy. Even if he does something, Cui Yunqing is not willing to take some photos and threaten him.

Did not see a lot of artists were forced to dive, can only drop teeth, blood into the stomach swallow?

It's because they are stars. Do they want face?

If the photos go out, the artist's life will be over.

The more he thought about it, the more feasible he felt. In addition, the strength of wine and the medicine in his pocket gave him great courage. When he got on the elevator, he said goodbye to others, instead of going to his own floor, he pressed Cui Yunqing's floor.

After coming in so smoothly, because of the partition, deputy director Ma didn't expect that there were others in Cui Yunqing's house in the middle of the night. When the door was locked, he was relieved and turned to touch the young man's hand.

Cui Yunqing: "it's only me that has changed, or has it been changed by the teacher. If it's the teacher, he..."

He was just about to say that when the teacher was in his room, he might as well have a look at the new script. Assistant director Ma took his hand and interrupted the rest.

"Xiao Cui, you are a good child, and your acting skills are also good. If you can have a good resource, you will become a big success or something in the future. It will be a small matter."

Cui Yunqing didn't feel anything when he was touched. After all, he was a man. Even if he knew the hidden rules, he subconsciously felt that the hidden rules were both men and women.

As a result, when deputy director Ma said that he would push him to the sofa, and his hands were not honest, he would react.

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"Mr. Ma, what are you doing!"

He got up with goose bumps all over his body. He threw off the assistant director's hand and was about to escape. As a result, he was held up and thrown on the small sofa."Xiao Cui, I really like you. If you can join the production team, that's what I said. You're good, you're obedient, and I'll give you good in the future..."

"Ma guide, you're drunk. I'm a man. Let me go!"

Assistant director Ma will let go.

He had rich experience in forced diving. He pressed Cui Yunqing down on the ground in two or three times, and took out the medicine in his pocket while holding the man.

As he pulled it out, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

How chilly is it behind?

Assistant director Ma's subconscious turn

Two people.

Shi Qing and Jing Yuanqi were standing behind him, looking at him in silence.


The fat director was so scared that he fell off Cui Yunqing.

Cui Yunqing, who escaped from the sky, climbed up from the ground with a white face, and ran behind them like a rabbit.

Just don't know what to do, when listening to the side of the cold way: "now I know I'm afraid. I don't want to know what's in it before I come to the crew."

Silly white sweet Cui Yunqing suddenly opened his eyes: "when the teacher, you roll my role because of the horse guide?"


Shi Qing looked at the assistant director Ma in disgust:

"he has not been staring at you for a day or two."

Deputy director Ma, who was thrown into a big pot out of thin air:

He's obviously on the spur of the moment, OK!

Although I have been plotting against others for a long time before, it is definitely not for Cui Yunqing.

He struggled to get up: "you don't talk nonsense, I didn't..."

With a calm face and a cold foot, the film emperor stepped on the tool used by deputy director Ma to commit murder.


"Ow --"

the unbearable pain of life successfully made the assistant director of horse close his mouth, cover the wound and wriggle on the ground.

One side of Jing Yuanqi squinted, "so you stopped me from entering the group, because of him?"

Ding! Jing Yuanqi's repulsion: 78100]

thinking of this reason, it is inexplicable that Jing Yuanqi's heart is not only excited by "Shiqing is really not a bad man", but also a sense of loss that "he didn't pay attention to me just because he paid attention to me".

"You are slander!"

Deputy director Ma heard this sentence and got up strong.

He is not a fool. How dare he sneak into those people who have backstage, especially Jing Yuanqi, who is not easy to offend at first sight. What's the use of a good-looking face? There are at least five young masters behind him. He wants to sneak into the rules when he is crazy.

"How could I possibly Oh

The gloomy film emperor stepped on it again: "tell the truth."

"I'm not Ooh

When Qingjia gravity Road, the voice is still cold and clear, "have you?"

"You want to make a move Ouch, ouch

"Yes, or no?"

Deputy director Ma trembled his legs, and finally realized that he did not admit that he would not want to live a happy life for the rest of his life.

With sweat and tears on his face, he nodded desperately: "yes!! Yes, there are

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't do it anymore, boo Hoo Hoo!"

A beautiful man crying is a feast for the eyes.

A bald, fat, obscene middle-aged man crying, is hot eyes.

Shi Qing took his feet back.

"It's no use apologizing to me," he said

With tears and snot all over his face, deputy Ma turned his head shaking.

His heart was even more bitter than Coptis and Dou'e, and he wanted to prove that he really didn't dare to fight Jing Yuanqi's idea.

But at the moment, but also can only be in the threat of bereavement, full of injustice, bear the pain of the body.

Apologizing to Jing Yuanqi with tears:

"yes, I'm sorry..."

He broke down crying:

"I think the hidden rule is you whine

The author has something to say: Deputy Director Ma: I don't want to hide the rules. Jing Yuanqi

Shi Xiaoqing: No, you want to

}} 〈 br >


Twice as much as yesterday!!! Twice!!

And, in the comment area, a mysterious masked hero reported 100. In summary, I got more than 8000. Is it amazing (elated. JPG)

wow, I'm so great that I can't help but give myself a love self hug ~

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