The moment that deputy director Ma admitted that he wanted to hide the rules of Jing Yuanqi, it was doomed that he would not play well.

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Shiqing didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, from this day on, deputy director Ma disappeared in the production team. When other people asked, the director only said that he had something at home.

From this day on, we can see that the director's attitude towards Jing Yuanqi has been raised to a higher level. It seems that he is going to hold him to the altar.

After all, a person who can completely ban a director with one word can not be provoked.

Jing Yuanqi was the same as before. He was full of sunshine and smiling in front of people. He looked like a big boy with a cheerful personality.

And in the corner where no one is watching, he likes all kinds of small actions to the film emperor.

For some unknown reason, although the seemingly inviolable film emperor has always kept his words cool, he has tacitly acknowledged the subsequent generations' offense to himself.

Jing Yuanqi regarded him as a man of integrity.

Young people are more and more addicted to this game. When a man who is usually high and has almost no emotional color is allowed to do it, he has never felt the physical and mental pleasure.

Generally, after shooting the morning scenes, the film emperor likes to hide in his single dressing room and eat lunch by himself.

The rest of the crew, including high-quality, will be very cooperative and will not disturb him.

But now Qingzheng was eating. Suddenly he heard something behind him. He turned his head and looked. The locked door was pushed open from the outside.

Jing Yuanqi naturally put the wire used to pry the lock back into his pocket. He carried the lunch box in his other hand and walked in calmly.

"Teacher Shi, put together a table?"

It has to be said that his cheekiness is even worse than Shi Qing.

Even if the film emperor is cold and says in a deep voice that he likes to eat alone, Jing Yuanqi can still say, "then don't treat me as an adult."

The young man took the box lunch out of the bag and blinked at the time, "I think if I were a pot plant, it would be very nice."

"When you come, teacher, let's get closer. This potted plant will help you clean up the air around you."

Just as he said this, Jing Yuanqi sat closer. His slender and beautiful fingers gently reached out and landed on Shiqing's thigh.

Shi Qing

Jing Yuanqi really expressed his imagination.

System host, you can do it, you can do it, hold on! Don't break the design!!

Even if he really wanted to teach him how to be a man, Shi Qing got up with a cold face and changed his position to the opposite side of the table.

The young man was not disappointed when he sat across from him and ate in silence.

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He has been teasing Shiqing with various means in various places these days, which seems to be wanton, but in fact he has been testing the bottom line of Shiqing.

Although he had been testing for so long, Jing Yuanqi still felt that Shiqing was a mystery.

He is cold and gloomy. He never talks to people politely and doesn't want to have any physical contact with people.

But he acquiesced in Jing Yuan's use of various methods to harass himself.

At the same time, he seems to be very exclusive to others, and does not care about image.

But has been quietly helping the younger generation.

It's the kind of doing good without leaving a name.

Jing Yuanqi doesn't understand these behaviors. If it's him, if he really does something good, he'll be known all over the world. Of course, occasionally he doesn't mind not doing good deeds, but he also keeps his name.

The most contradictory part of the Qing Dynasty was the attitude towards Jing Yuanqi.

Said well, and always cold, said not well, and acquiesced to his action.

When there are people, what does Jing Yuanqi want to do? Shi Qing seems to be afraid that others will find out. He is silent and allows him to do it.

But if two people are alone, even if Jing Yuanqi wants to pull his hands, it is very difficult.

For example, now, the film emperor hides from him far away, as if as soon as he has any excessive behavior, will immediately leave.

Jing Yuanqi was not in a hurry to move, so as not to scare his mussels away.

He began to engage in small talk. Of course, the topic should not be too hot.

Mr. Shi, did you dream of me last night

The opposite actor drooped his eyelashes and ate his meal in silence.

He ignored people and the youth didn't mind. He said to himself, "I dreamed of you."

"Do you know what I dream about?"

Youth a pair of peach blossom eyes smile squint, magnetic voice deliberately low, with a charm, "you look up to see me, I will tell you."

See the film emperor or do not move, he postures to get up "OK, since the teacher does not want to listen, I go out to talk to others."

Finally, the film emperor is willing to pay attention to him.

He raised his eyes, a pair of light colored eyes quietly, as if with a little sullen, "you don't go too far.""If too much can let the teacher pay attention to me, I will be over a hundred times."

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Jing Yuanqi was not affected, but was proud to pick up eyebrows and smile at Shiqing.

The smile of youth is a typical sunny smile, which makes people feel that this is a big child without haze.

With this smile, Jing Yuanqi looks at Shi Qing with satisfaction, and his anger gradually disappears.

He was proud at the bottom of his heart.

Because even the film Emperor himself does not know, every time he wants to be angry, as long as Jing Yuanqi smiles at him, that anger will unconsciously subside.

Jing Yuanqi has always been very good at taking advantage of this advantage. He softened his voice, with a smile in his mouth, and slowly put his hand on Shiqing's opposite hand.

"Teacher Shi, I really dreamt of you last night, so I came to you as soon as I had a rest today. Don't be so indifferent to me, I will be sad."

With his deliberate soft voice, the ostracism on the face of the film emperor gradually disappeared.

Even always looking at the face of the cold, it seems to be a bit soft.

He did not respond, but did not shake off Jing Yuanqi's hand. He just kept silent and continued to eat with chopsticks with his right hand.

Jing Yuanqi climbed up the pole and looked at the chicken legs in the bowl. He seemed to ask pitifully, "I want to eat chicken legs, too."

When the clear clip vegetables action to pause, some hesitant to push the lunch box forward, the voice is cold "for you to eat."

Young people are getting more and more aggressive, "when the teacher feed me."

Seeing the film emperor slightly stunned, Jing Yuanqi holds his palm, and gently, slowly, draws a circle in his heart.

His eyes were fixed on Shi Qing's white earlobe which was slowly dyed red. When he was satisfied, his eyes were more provocative and his voice was prolonged

"you can feed me, teacher, I know you are the best."

In the end, the film emperor still failed to resist the temptation of this evil spirit.

His cheek also seemed to be stained with a thin red with Jing Yuanqi's movements. With this red tinge, he took a piece of chicken and handed it to Jing Yuanqi's mouth.

The fox spirit's eyes are more and more like the fox's.

Fox spirit is very picky. When the chicken comes to his mouth, he doesn't open his mouth and eats it. Instead, he sticks out his bright red tongue first, picks up his eyes, and his tail is full of flattery. When he looks at the chicken, the tip of his tongue slowly tilts up and slips over his upper lip.

Shi Qing Who can stand this NIMA? I can't.

The system is silent and feels the mosaic it sees.

Although separated from the clothes, as soon as the host's emotion is sensed, the mosaic is immediately given.

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It comforts the host that he doesn't know you didn't resist.

At this moment, under the table, Jing Yuanqi slowly stretched out his long legs and landed on the opposite side with a clear goal.

Then, gently press down with Ji.

At the next moment, the young people feel more proud of what they feel.

Shi Qing knows it now.

Was exposed did not resist the fact that the film emperor some annoyed, he coldly moved away from the body, "you still eat or not."

"Yes, of course."

Jing Yuanqi continued to deliberately lengthen his voice. He pointed to the chicken leg in front of him and pointed to the place where Shi Qing did not resist. "As long as it is given by the teacher, I will eat it."

I'm NIMA. How can he beat me.

Although the system did not understand, but also strive to stutter explanation, perhaps, is personal, personal talent.

Seeing the shadow emperor's face blue and white because of what he said, Jing Yuanqi was finally satisfied. He opened his mouth and ate the chicken leg.

Chewing a few times, the young man's face also changed.

The white jade like face was flushed with the speed visible to the naked eye, and the corners of his eyes were red.

Jing Yuanqi's "hiss, devil's pepper?"

He began to have a hot look on his face and kept pouring mineral water on the table.

Shi Qing rushed forward to "help". He grabbed the water bottle in Jing Yuanqi's hand according to the youth's flexibility. "The more you drink, the more spicy you drink."

"Wait, I'll get the milk."

Jing Yuanqi was so hot that his brain was blank. Where he could hear it, he had to reach out and grab the water bottle back.

They argued for a few seconds, and when the water poured directly, they were all clean.

Jing Yuanqi was pressed on the table, and the spicy force just passed a little bit. He looked at the shadow emperor with care in his frown above, and the water on Shiqing's beautiful clavicle, and his mind was enlivened.

"It's hot, I want water," he said

And then, without hesitation, they got together.

To be more elegant, young people try to suck with their tongue and drink the water stains in front of them.

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Like the purest baby, subconsciously looking for people who can supply their own needs.

-- buckle.

The sound of the knock on the door went unnoticed.The next second, Cui Yunqing, who has been a little fan of Shiqing since she was rescued last time, opens the door and comes in

He froze after he saw what was in front of him.

In Cui Yunqing's eyes, when he worshipped and worshipped, the teacher pressed Jing Yuanqi on the table.

And Jing Yuanqi, who has always been cheerful and sunny, is now in red circles. He seems to have cried. He looks weak and pitiful, and is surrounded by his teacher.

Cui Yunqing "Shi, Shi teacher, brother Jing, you, you..."

Jing Yuanqi responded first.

Cui Yunqing see also, lest this silly white sweet always find a chance to pester Shi Qing.

The young man raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn't feel embarrassed at all. On the contrary, he clasped Shiqing's waist very freely. With a sense of aggression, he pushed the film emperor lower on himself.

Aware that he is a passer-by who is staring at his mussel, he declares his territory

"yes, that's what you see."

Cui Yunqing "..."

I don't know whether it's brain pumping or how. The 18-year-old boy puffed for a long time, and choked out a sentence

"well, I wish you happiness. I, I, I, I will go first."

Before leaving, Cui Yunqing blushed and held back a sentence of

"when the teacher, you should remember to wear a condom."


When the door was left, he closed it in panic.

Jing Yuanqi

What is the time to wear a condom??

Can't we see what's going on?

The author has something to say. I updated it at 9:30 today. I'm great!! Single dogs don't know how to write this chapter.

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