Shi Qing was about to laugh in his heart.

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Of course, with a serious face on his face, he directly put out his hand on Jing Yuanqi's waist and got up to tidy up his clothes.

Seeing that all the fat meat in his mouth was about to run away, Jing Yuanqi didn't pay attention to the problem of "who went up and who went down". He stood up without bones and hugged Shi Qing from behind.

Magnetic sound stretched out to be particularly sweet and greasy: "in fact, I don't care about these, who is the same on the top."

Deceiving, since he became interested in the film emperor, his mind has always been pressing people under his body, like this and that.

Of course, when he was sitting there, he thought about it.

But who has set the mind to be honest.

First cheat people to bed, and then what happens when Qing can not do the master.

Jing Yuanqi, who was thinking about the abacus in his mind, was gentle and said, "as long as the teacher thinks, I can do anything."

When Qing turned around, the cool tone was light: "how can it be?"

Jingyuan is happy.

The young man, with a hint, rubbed his face against the actor's shoulder.

"Yes, I can do whatever the teacher says," he said

Shi Qing: "take your hands down."

Jing Yuanqi:

Shi Qing: "what do you do if I don't say it? I said, take your hands off. "

The young man took his hand down in silence.

Cat like animals, but also a little unwilling to rub his head against the film emperor.

However, when the heart hard as iron: "head away."

"When teacher, you are too ruthless."

Jing Yuanqi finally stood up straight, shrunken his mouth, as if he was very aggrieved and complained: "our relationship is even Cui Yunqing that fool can see, what do you still make this gesture to do."

"Yun Qing is not a fool."

The film emperor frowned and disapproved: "he's just young."

Jing Yuanqi tugged at the corners of his mouth, but he was not in the mood to pester him: "when teacher, is it my illusion? How do I think you treat Cui Yunqing better than me? "

Shi Qing's hands for dressing clothes stopped, and then his eyelashes drooped. His speaking speed was a little faster. Listening to the young people's ears, he felt guilty:

"you are all my descendants, and I am the same to you."

Even if his tone is OK, Jing Yuanqi is not happy.

Every day, he worked hard, never let go of an opportunity to get close to him. He sacrificed himself and ate the devil's pepper. As a result, when he cleared his mouth, he was actually the same as Cui Yunqing, that little ghost??

It's rare that the youth's face did not show any wanton smile, but pulled a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "so, if Cui Yunqing did these things to you, you would still let him do it?"

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At last, the movie emperor, who had finished his clothes, turned around and looked at Jing Yuanqi with a look of stupor.

When Jing Yuanqi thought he was going to ignore himself as before, he opened his mouth:

"don't laugh so much, it's not good-looking."

Jing Yuanqi raises eyebrows. He always knows that Shiqing likes to watch himself smile.

As for why, Shi Qing did not say, he did not ask.

Anyway, his purpose is just to enjoy the pleasure of chasing prey, and finally like opening a big gift bag, he will be coaxed into the bed when Qing ate clean.

As long as you know, Shiqing has this weakness.

Young snake like climbing down the pole and entangled in the man: "when the teacher like me smile? What do you like about Cui Yunqing

"His eyebrows," he said

When Jing Yuanqi asked about the exit, he didn't expect that the film emperor would really answer himself.

In his opinion, Shi Qing's face is hard and his heart is soft. He only takes care of him when Cui Yunqing smiles.

As a result, halal answered.

The sunshine smile just appeared on Jing Yuanqi's face and then slowly sank down.


He recalled Cui Yunqing's weak face like a rabbit.

Unlike Jing Yuanqi's sword eyebrows, Cui Yunqing's delicate eyebrows are also thin eyebrows.

"Do you like his eyebrows? Do you like this one? "

Shi Qing didn't deny it, only whispered.

Jing Yuanqi was even more upset.

Although he is just playing, but even if it is playing, he is not willing to see when the clear face on him, thinking of others.

Besides, Cui Yunqing is still such a fool.

How can Shiqing like him?!

Jingyuanqi's heart was full of discontent, but on the surface he still pretended to be generous to hide his dissatisfaction and stick it to the film Emperor: "I'm so sad. I only have a teacher, but the teacher still has Cui Yunqing in his heart. It's too unfair."He said this, as if he was very aggrieved, and Shi Qing was a scum man with two boats.

The film Emperor didn't pay any attention to him. He just pulled the young man's hand on his waist. "Just now Yun Qing said that there were fans visiting. I'm going out."

With that, Shiqing turned around mercilessly and left, leaving Jing Yuanqi alone in the dressing room.

As the door closes, the grievance on the youth's face gradually conceals and turns to be gloomy.

He stood thinking for a while, as if thinking of something, peach blossom eyes slightly narrowed, look proud again, pick eyebrows, open the door and go out.

Cui Yunqing came to film for the first time since he grew up, and also the first time he saw fans visiting.

He was not well-known, and he was particularly curious and yearning for fans. He pulled a passing artist and asked, "brother, whose fans are these?"

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"It's not the actors. It's the original novel adapted from this TV series. It seems that there is an official V. This is not going to be finished soon. The director contacted them and asked them to come over to explore the class and broadcast it live to attract some popularity."

Cui Yunqing suddenly realized.

When he came to audition, the teacher told him that the play was adapted from big IP, which had advantages and disadvantages for actors.

The advantage is that each role has its own flow, which is easy to absorb powder.

The disadvantage is that if a bad performance is made, the original party can not wish to tear up the actors who destroy the characters in their minds.

Cui Yunqing's role is not much, but it is very gratifying. There are many fans in the original work. His teacher also specially told him to have a good look at the original work several times. This is the first time he has appeared in front of people since he grew up, but he must not act badly.

Now, as soon as I heard that it was the original work, Cui Yunqing subconsciously wanted to hide.

What if the fans see him and are not satisfied.

He was about to slip away after greeting his predecessors. As a result, he was caught by Jing Yuanqi just after he left.

Jing Yuanqi looks in a good mood. He squints with a pair of peach blossom eyes and asks Cui Yunqing gently: "Xiao Cui, where are you going

Cui Yunqing saw that he had such a moment of small discomfort.

After all, not long ago, I saw this sunshine elder under the teacher's weak appearance.

However, after listening to Jing Yuanqi's question, she was completely put out of her mind. She confided in the original work to visit her class and told her all her worries.

"Oh, you are afraid of that."

Jing Yuanqi was still smiling and said with a good heart: "I think you play very well. Really, you don't have to worry about the disillusionment of fans when they see you."

Cui Yunqing still hesitated: "but I don't have any part today. What I wear is a regular dress and short hair. It looks different from the role. Will they be disappointed?"

"It's OK, it's OK. The fans mainly look at their faces."

The young man patted Cui Yunqing on the shoulder, pretending to look at him. After looking at him up and down, he frowned slightly.

Cui Yunqing was a little frightened by the way he seemed to find something. He quickly asked, "brother Jing, what's wrong with me?"

"It's not wrong. It's just this..."

Jingyuan Qiyue is hesitant to say, Cui Yunqing more worried, hastily urged: "brother Jing, you said it, you said I can change ah."

"Well, since you're in such a hurry, I'll tell you."

As a result, the youth seemed to be urged to have no choice but to sigh and say, "in fact, your facial features, body shape and so on are very good. It is this eyebrow that is a little too delicate."


Cui Yunqing reached out and touched his eyebrows.

Jing Yuanqi nodded as if he had something wrong. "You think the role you play is a little leader and a wizard. How can eyebrows be delicate? You say so."

He said: "look at your eyebrows, too thin, and the eyebrow tail is drooping, looking more beautiful, when you make up, is not the makeup teacher's eyebrows coarsened, you draw a little up?"

Jing Yuanqi didn't pay attention to Cui Yunqing's makeup.

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But he spent more time in the entertainment industry than Cui Yunqing. In general, his make-up is a picture of a woman's eyebrows being delicate, while a man's eyebrows are thick.

Rising is the norm. Now it's popular to raise eyebrows. No matter men or women, they always do this in costume drama.

Cui Yunqing didn't know this. The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, he nodded: "yes, the makeup teacher painted me like this."

"You see."

Jing Yuanqi's expression of "you see what I said is right", and then another look of "it's nothing, it's not a big problem". The false comfort is covered by his own words, and Cui Yunqing's eyebrows are covered with confusion.

"It's no big deal, isn't it just an eyebrow? The rest of you are great, and those fans don't worry about this little thing"No, no, this is my first exposure on the Internet. I have to pay attention to it."

"Silly white sweet Cui Yunqing bitter face covered his eyebrows," brother Jing, you say I now go to the make-up teacher to help me repair my eyebrows, painting OK? "

Jing Yuanqi tut two times: "you this, make-up teacher is having a meal, do you have a good time now?"

"I-I'm sorry."

Cui Yunqing hung his face, "or I'll fix it myself..."

"Have you fixed it yourself? Don't fix it. "

Cui Yunqing: No

Silly Bai Tian was flustered. She took Jing Yuanqi's clothes and asked with a bitter face, "what should I do? If I go out and run into those fans, what should they do if they live it for me?"

Jing Yuanqi quietly threw Cui Yunqing's hand off, and said with a little hesitation: "I often trim my eyebrows myself, but I'm not a professional."

When brother Cui Yunjing grabbed the straw, he helped me

Jing Yuanqi: "this is not good. I haven't helped others to trim their eyebrows."

"Please, Jingge, please, you can fix it for me. They are coming soon."

Youth a pair of peach blossom eyes slightly narrowed, a face of reluctance.

"Well, since you've asked me so, I'll fix it for you. Go to the teacher's dressing room. There's no one there."

Shiqing is asking high quality to call his own bodyguards.

The reason why the original owner will fall into a reputation of playing big names is because of this bodyguard group.

All of them wear sunglasses and suits. They are tall and powerful, and there are more than a dozen of them.

Besides the fact that there is no bodyguard group around when the original owner is filming, the bodyguard team will be there wherever he goes.

Interview? The bodyguards surrounded him.

Publicity? The bodyguards surrounded him.

Even if you go to the bathroom, the bodyguards have to go to the bathroom.

The reason for this is simple.

He is to show his identity as a film emperor.

Show how high you are.

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At the same time, people who are afraid of death and worry about their own pit will suddenly come out to trouble him.

Someone once took a picture like this.

On the empty street, there are two or three pedestrian kittens and at least a dozen bodyguards, who guard the movie emperor in the central circle.

As soon as the photo was posted on the Internet, it immediately aroused heated discussion.

You have more bodyguards than passers-by. You are also alert to passers-by. As a result, people don't intend to pay attention to you. It's ironic.

The Internet is full of ridicule. Stone hammer is playing big games.

However, even if the Internet ridicule the sky is useless, as long as the background of the film emperor is still there, he is still a noble film emperor in the circle.

When Gao Zhi got the order to call the bodyguard team, he refused.

These days, he gets along with Shi Qing. He feels that he is not as angry as the legend says. He just doesn't care about people and likes to eat devil's pepper. Although he doesn't speak much, he is very happy about his salary and bonus.

High quality thinks it's good to follow such a star.

When you have feelings, you have to plan for it. When you want to call the bodyguard group, he advised him: "brother Shi, you should take a class with a few fans. In fact, there is no need to ask the bodyguards to come here. When people see you like this, they may even think that you are playing a big card. Otherwise, forget it. In this way, when fans come, I will stand by the side and I will always protect you."

Shi Qing was not affected by his kind persuasion.

"Let them come," he said in a deep voice

High quality can only make a phone call with a sigh.

In fact, it's convenient for the employers to stay in the hotel. In fact, it's very convenient for them to stay in the hotel.

It is estimated that within five minutes, these well-trained bodyguards will appear in the crew.

Gao Zhizheng is thinking with a sad face. When those fans broadcast the bodyguards live on the Internet, there is a knock on the door.

It's Cui Yunqing.

In view of the last time he knocked on the door, he pushed the door and ran into some kind of picture that he shouldn't have seen. This time, he learned to be smart and called out after knocking the door:

"is Shi Ge inside? This is little Cui. Can I come in? "

High quality turned to see Shiqing, see the film emperor nodded, just opened the door.

Cui Yunqing entered the house happily.

"Brother Shi, do you think my new eyebrow looks good?"

When the film emperor looked up.

After seeing Cui Yunqing's face that is very good-looking, but completely unlike the previous eyebrow shape, I was stunned.

He lowered his head, looked up again, and took another look.

After confirming that it is not a hallucination, the film emperor slowly and slowly reveals a puzzled look on his face.The door was pushed open again, and Jing Yuanqi came in.

The young man was proud of his smile and waved his eyebrow trimming knife in front of Shiqing.

"I fixed it for him, no charge."

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