Shi Qing really didn't expect Jing Yuanqi to be able to do such a crazy thing.

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How to say that he is also a person of a certain identity, unexpectedly because of a sentence from Shi Qing, he ran to deceive other people's children.

He pokes the system: [look, look, how much rejection has he got? ]

System: [Jing Yuanqi rejection: 63]

System: [host, I think this decline has been very good, just a few days. ]

Shi Qing: [I know it's very good. On the surface, it looks like a play man. I really thought he wasn't interested. ]

unexpectedly, it dropped to 63.

Shi Qing: [did he lift himself in? ]

System: [isn't that a good thing? It's going to come down very quickly. ]

[you don't understand. ]

Shi Qing: [he thought he was just playing until now. When the game is over, he will play it back. ]

the system is at a loss: [I don't understand. ]

Shi Qing gives it an example: "for example, he now has a 63 degree of rejection, but he thinks he has a 100 degree of exclusion. When we separate, the degree of exclusion will be affected by his own consciousness, let alone go up to * * 10, there must be 70. ]

System: [ ]

it can't play for a moment! If he plays, we'll also be shot away by world consciousness! ]

[peace of mind, since he can act like a real person, he will not be so strong. ]

now that he knows that Lang Huabei, who is full of trains, has already played himself in, Shi Qing is not polite.

He directly withdrew the line of sight on Cui Yunqing's eyebrows and turned to high quality: "they haven't come yet?"

"Coming, coming, coming soon."

"When I sent a text message, they said it was nearby. I'll go and pick it up."


Got the answer, high quality turned out.

For a moment, there were only three people left in the room.

Cold and gloomy when the film emperor, bright sunshine scene yuan Qi, silly white not sweet Cui Yunqing.

As soon as Gao Zhi left, Shi Qing turned on his mobile phone and began to play with his microblog. Jing Yuanqi looked at him. Neither of them spoke. The atmosphere in the room gradually became strange.

Cui Yunqing didn't notice it at all. He was still happy to come to Shi Qing and asked him to look at his eyebrows: "look at me, teacher. I just looked in the mirror and thought that my eyebrows were much better than before, which showed my special spirit."

When Qing didn't even lift his eyelids, he gave a careless hum.

Cui Yunqing didn't notice the indifference of the film emperor to himself. Seeing that he was looking at his mobile phone as if he was brushing his microblog, Cui Yunqing was interested in it and then moved forward: "what are you looking at, Mr. Shi? Anything new? "

As a result, as soon as he got close to it, Shiqing put the mobile phone away and the slender film emperor stood up.

Voice pan cold, is he never used to Cui Yunqing tone: "I go out first, you help yourself."

The slow Cui Yunqing finally realized that Qing's attitude was wrong.

He looked blankly at the film emperor opening the door to go out, and then looked at Jing Yuanqi: "brother Jing, what happened to the teacher? Yesterday, he took me to watch Weibo

Jing Yuanqi was not happy at the bottom of his heart.

I also watch microblog with me.

Kindergarten children?

Of course, after the discomfort, it is a piece of comfort.

As expected, without the blessing of eyebrows, Cui Yunqing could not compare with him.

No matter what Jing Yuanqi thought in his heart, the young man was still considerate: "when the teacher didn't sleep well, he was in a bad mood. Don't recruit him."

"Xiao Cui, your new eyebrow shape is really good-looking. Remember to keep it in the future."

Cui Yunqing, who had been praised, was happy again. He nodded: "brother Jing, don't worry! I'm sure I'll keep it well. I'll fix it as soon as it grows out! "

Jing Yuanqi's grandmother wolf on his face said with a smile: "well, you have this attitude, and you will be very popular in the future."

"All right, the visitors are coming. Go out."

Cui Yunqing went out happily.

I don't know what I lost because I changed my eyebrow.

Jing Yuanqi is very happy that he has eliminated a rival in love.

As soon as he was happy, he wanted to do something that was not allowed to be broadcast on TV.

It's very easy to find when you look around. When you look around, the one who is surrounded by a group of bodyguards in black is full of pressure.

Jing Yuanqi looks at the protected Shiqing from a distance, and his heart is quite understandable.

Such a good-looking person should be protected in this way.

In order to avoid being bumped into by a cat and a dog, it can't be done where you encounter it, it's all his territory.Unfortunately, not everyone is as understanding as Jing Yuanqi.

Several fans who came to visit today saw this scene as soon as they came. The expression on their faces was a little complicated.

Strictly speaking, they haven't chased the stars. They are all real book fans.

For this book, we set up a backup club and managed fans. Step by step, we have come to the present.

When the crew invited them to come over, several girls were very happy to hear that the reimbursement of return expenses, food and shelter, and watching the stars.

After arriving, the director was very enthusiastic to arrange for them to see the stars first. They also felt that it was not a loss to see the stars this time.

It turned out to be a scene like this.

has not been broadcast live, so several people can make complaints about it.

Girl a: "it's so strong to pretend to be forced. Who is this man?"

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Girl b: "Shi Qing, it seems that he is still a film emperor. The Internet has been saying that he plays big names seriously. I thought it was someone else's random beeping. It's true that he dares to love."

Girl C: "is that what he usually does in the crew? A group of bodyguards surround you

High quality just came to hear this sentence, quickly explained: "don't misunderstand don't misunderstand, when brother usually is not like this, he is a little eccentric, not used to contact with strangers."

The girls looked even more queer.

Is it cleanliness

"Er..." How can high-quality know what it is? He can't make it up casually. What should he do in case of wearing a gang? He can only vaguely pass it on: "it's not convenient to reveal. Ha, beauties have been working hard all the way. Do you want to go to the hotel for a rest? I'll take you there. "

"No, no, we just came from the hotel."

Girl a quickly waved her hand, "I've discussed with you before we come. We'll start the live broadcast as soon as we come, so we can live it directly."

High quality: "do you want to find a room where everyone can sit together? Just now the director called everyone together, and now he is sitting over there. "

"You don't have to. We'll live it all the way. The original ecology. By the way, handsome boy, do you mind showing up?"

"Don't mind, you want to live me?"

"Yes, original ecology."

As the girl said, she opened the software on her mobile phone and started the live broadcast. The camera was directed at high quality: "Hello, everyone. I'm AA rabbit. I've come to Shenlin. This handsome guy is very enthusiastic and has been helping us answer questions. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

High quality is not a long and short time to be an artist assistant. This is the first time that someone has been broadcast live. Suddenly, I have a dry cough: "well, my name is Gao Zhi. I'm the assistant of teacher Shiqing. I'm in charge of running errands or something. Beauty, you'd better not broadcast me. I'm not good-looking."

As soon as this word came out, the three girls burst into laughter.

They just walk all the way with their mobile phones.

There are more and more bullet screens. After all, the news on the Internet is fast. Not only are the original fans coming, but also some artists and fans in the cast.

AA rabbit just walked all the way.

Just a live broadcast to clear this piece, the barrage was speechless.

[I knew he played big cards before, but I didn't expect that fans would play when they came to visit. Would a little more approachable and die? ]

[I tell you, Shi Qing was like this. In May last year, I went to beiguanghai for a tour, and he took photos there. Good guy, there are all big men in black around. There are three floors inside and three outside. I don't know how he got angry. However, there are fans, and the stickiness is not high. I know that today's live broadcast is going to take one Do you want to show off your wealth or what?

sometimes Qing's fans try to explain for AIDU in a weak way:

sometimes Qing's fans try to explain for AIDU:

[Shige is a public figure, he protects himself, and he can't hire bodyguards if the star has a good family background. ]

[back to the artist who can't hire bodyguards, it doesn't mean that artists can't hire bodyguards, but it means that they can see the occasion and the production team is filming. What do you mean by that? ]

[true love powder, you love beans can always give you back, look at the whole entertainment industry, who is like him, let several girls toss so many bodyguards live broadcast]

the system quietly takes back the current of live broadcast: [host, many people are scolding you, what should I do. ]

[well, you can wait and see. ]

Shi Qing is sitting at the table, surrounded by a group of bodyguards, a pair of strangers do not get close to the gloomy appearance.

Cui Yunqing wants to come over and talk to him, but after looking at the bodyguards with big dark glasses, he shrinks back timidly.

But Jing Yuanqi, still smiling freely, took a picture of his nearest Bodyguard: "brother, let me in."

The bodyguard looked back at the employer who was looking at the mobile phone. He frowned and said in a deep voice, "sorry, Mr. Shi doesn't want to contact anyone."Jing Yuanqi was not angry, his face was still smiling: "can I ask, what is your task?"

Shi Qing took these people with him wherever he went.

It can't really be just to pretend to be forced.

The bodyguard was silent for a few seconds.

To be honest, before today, they didn't know what their mission was.

After all, every time they go on a mission, the employer only asks them to follow him or in front of him. In any case, it is right to follow him.

Fortunately, today, the employer told them the task.

So the bodyguard with a serious face answered Jing Yuanqi's words in a deep voice: "protect your husband from injury."

Jing Yuanqi felt that this was nonsense.

He just pushed aside his bodyguard and swaggered in.

Once he practiced Sanda in order to protect himself, coupled with deliberate practice of his own strength, so several bodyguards could not stop him.


Several bodyguards want to catch Jing Yuanqi together, but they are all nimbly dodged by the youth, and finally sit by Shiqing's side.

"When you stop them, you can stop them. How can I stop them?"

The film emperor put down the book, a pair of eyes cold light, "away from me."

Jing Yuanqi was stunned.

It was the first time that he heard such a repulsive remark from Shiqing.

In the past, Shi Qing would never use this tone even if he was driving him away.

Young people always know where the prey's weakness is. He skillfully raised his sunshine smile and moved about a millimeter in the opposite direction to the film emperor.

"Is that far enough?" he said

When Qing's eyebrows wrinkled more tightly, the other side of the flower color lips also slightly pursed up, as if very dissatisfied in general.

Jing Yuanqi was acutely aware of his wrong attitude.

What happened?

Unexpectedly let Shi Qing reject him so suddenly?

Is it because of Cui Yunqing's eyebrows? Just because this little silly white Shiqing refused his approach?

Cui Yunqing, who is chatting with other people outside the bodyguard circle, suddenly feels cold in his neck. Subconsciously, he shrinks his neck and turns his head to see Jing Yuanqi looking at himself in the bodyguard circle.

Cui Yunqing immediately threw that chill behind his head and reached for Jing Yuanqi happily.

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Jing Yuanqi: ha ha, fool.

How could Shi Qing be so stupid because of him.

What's that for?

He was thinking that some girls were coming.

The first step is to say hello to the stars live. Several girls try to ignore the bodyguards and let everyone introduce themselves with a smile.

After the introduction, it's time to play games in order to enliven the atmosphere.

In order to live the effect, the props group also specially carried a box of darts.

"This is a special dart for the old foggy. Every one of them is very poisonous. Be careful."

It's poisonous, of course. It's a joke.

Misty old monster is a weird villain in in Shenlin. He is used to using poisonous darts. If he is shot by his dart, he can't last three days.

This statement is naturally to let the original powder have a sense of identity.

As a referee, the AA rabbit began to say the rules: "the rules of the game are very simple. I insert a dart on the ground, and everyone who participates in the game will throw them one by one. They must be able to insert into the ground and be close to my dart. The nearest winner wins and the farthest loser loses. After that, he or she can ask the loser a question or ask the loser to do his own designated thing."

"Well, the rules are clear. Who comes first?"

Cui Yunqing was eager to stand up, and Jing Yuanqi came out first.

He: "brother Jing, do you want to come first?"

Jing Yuanqi pulled Shi Qing's arm out: "no, when the teacher comes first."

Cui Yunqing:

He looked at Shi Qing, who was frowning, and shrunk his neck.

Always think, when the teacher does not want to come first.

Shiqing did not speak, directly took one of the darts, gently pinched it in his hand and threw it out directly.

Looking at the dart far away from the AA rabbit dart, the barrage was cold for two seconds.


[ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! ]

[my God!!! Is he throwing darts or handkerchief? It's not hard at all! ]

[I can see that he didn't use his strength, as if he didn't grasp the darts tightly.

[no, how did such a person become a movie emperor?! ]

when the bullet screen was mocked, the movie emperor couldn't see it. Seeing that the darts were so far away, he just quietly gave up his position.

Jing Yuanqi looked at him, drooping his eyelashes, silent, as if a bit sad, the bottom of his heart inexplicably some messy.

He admitted that when he pushed Shiqing out, he hoped that Shiqing could lose far away, but he didn't expect that Shiqing was so light that he didn't seem to have any strength.It's still live. He's absolutely disgraced.

When Jing Yuanqi pushed Shiqing out, he didn't want to see him lose face.

The young man carefully avoided the mobile phone lens and pulled Shi Qing's arm: "Shi teacher..."

When Qing gently stretched out his hand, he took his hand, "I'm not angry."

Jing Yuanqi looked at the cold faced film emperor carefully: "you didn't seem to exert yourself just now?"


Jing Yuanqi didn't ask him why he didn't exert himself. Just like a coquettish cat, he murmured in a low voice: "will I win later? I win, and we play. "

The film emperor finally raised his eyes, black eyes staring at him: "are you so confident?"

"Of course."

Jing Yuanqi never felt that his strength and fighting skills had anything to show off.

But at the moment, when he looked at Shiqing, he could hardly wait to be like a leopard with Q hair, showing his whole body's glory.

Jing Yuanqi really didn't brag.

After all the darts had been thrown, he came out.

After seeing the position, he held the dart and threw it out.


This dart is directly next to the AA rabbit's long-distance dart, making a crisp sound.


Cui Yunqing was the first to jump up: "brother Jing, you are so good!"!!! That's amazing

The scene was filled with cheers.

Even in the barrage, there are all kinds of praises about this small fresh meat, which can be lost so accurately so far.

The next step is the game.

Young people can't wait.

"To be honest, what's the name of the person you like?"

When Qing facial expression slightly pauses, "I choose big adventure."

Jing Yuanqi was a little disappointed.

If it's two people playing a big adventure in private, he must ask Shiqing to give him all the things on the bed, on the wall, on the floor and on the treadmill.

But unfortunately, it's live right now.

The young man's eyes and eyebrows smile, and his eyes revealed a bad smile, as if in malicious trickery: "when I want the teacher to cut a watermelon for me, and hand feed it to my mouth."

Obviously, this is Jing Yuanqi's alternative method of showing love.

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After five minutes, the crew came with a watermelon and a watermelon knife, laughing and shouting: "watermelon is here!"

I don't know whether the ground is too uneven or how. I'm about to walk to the front of me. Suddenly, the field service slips and the whole person leans forward.


The field affairs Putong fell to the ground, and the watermelon and the watermelon knife all took off and flew out.

So the audience who were watching the live broadcast watched the watermelon knife fly straight to girl C.

Girl C did not have time to scream, was a man suddenly from the side to the ground.

This series of things happened so fast that it took less than a second.

When all the people react, it has become Shiqing lying on the ground, holding the girl who was almost thrown a knife in her arms.


"Brother Shige!"

"Shi teacher --"

the people present responded. The first person to rush past was Jing Yuanqi. He almost instinctively took the lead in arriving at Shiqing and pushed down the girl in his arms. The elder brother touched Shi Qing with his hands and said, "how about it? Not hurt? "

Girl C didn't realize that she was pushed down. She was really confused. When she was helped up by her friends, she reacted. When she thought that the watermelon knife was still facing her face last second, she was scared.

"Mr. Shi, are you ok?"

thought of the rescue she had just made when she was still behind her. She was so guilty that C could not make complaints about her. She hurried to her feet to see the time when she was lying on the ground.

"I'm fine."

Shiqing was held up by Jing Yuanqi and looked down at his body: "it's OK. I'm not hurt."

His expression is normal, even eyebrows did not frown, other people also believe his words, quickly help people up.

"It's OK. It was quite frightening just now."

"When the teacher comes, get up."

The audience watching the live broadcast will see it all.

[sleeping trough, it's not a show. I thought Shi Qing was the kind of person who only cares about his own life and death]

[that was really human instinct just now]

[if it wasn't for Shi Qing, would the girl's face be destroyed? ]

[who recorded the video? I'd like to see it again]

after watching the barrage system, I'm very happy: [host, they've changed their view of you! ]

[the host is so powerful!! Here you are! ]

Shi Qing: [boast later, it's not over. ]In the camera, the film maker stands up and takes pictures of himself as if nothing happened. Then he turns around after saying a few words to others.

[sleeping trough -]

[my God!! A lot of blood!!! ]

[is that a dart?? It's in the meat?? ]

in the picture, the blood stained part of Shiqing's back is exactly the dart inserted on the ground when they played the game.

Obviously, in order to save girl c, Shi Qing laid her back down on the ground, causing the dart originally inserted on the ground to stab him.

Watching the large white shirt dyed red blood slowly overflow, the barrage exploded.

The crew blew up, too.

"Why so much blood?? Get an ambulance

"Are you ok? Teacher Shi? Are you all right? "

"When you were injured, you didn't tell us."

Among all the people who were talking, Jing Yuanqi seemed very silent.

When he was staring at him, he was pale, always indifferent, and even reached out to touch his back. When he saw the blood on his hand, his expression was even more empty.

Immediately, that pair of always contain the ice in the eye son, revealed a bit of scene yuan Qi has never seen the fragility.

The film emperor's face did not show any sad look, but Jing Yuanqi felt that he was about to cry.

He hung his head and avoided the camera lens of the mobile phone and said in a hoarse voice, "sorry, don't shoot."

Jing Yuanqi is inexplicably in love with such a Shi Qing, even if he doesn't know why Shi Qing should be like this.

Youth with never had a soft voice coax: "when Qing, it's OK, do not shoot."

Jing Yuanqi protects the film emperor in front of him and helps him block the camera.

But the camera is still following him.

When Qing's voice was too low, everyone only paid attention to his injury, and no one paid attention to his needs.

So the film emperor's hoarse voice over and over again, while sidestepping to avoid always following his own lens, he almost begged: "don't shoot me, don't shoot me..."

Looking at Shi Qing, who used to want to hide from himself, but now relies on Shiqing hiding in his arms, Jing Yuanqi is filled with complex emotions.

But most of all, I feel upset.

The youth directly strides to AA rabbit, takes off her mobile phone and turns off the live broadcast software: "don't shoot!"

AA rabbit looks confused.

Just want to ask why, on the youth's line of sight.

Sharp, cold, as if under the knife in winter, with a fierce force.

She shivered and did not dare to speak again.

Shi Qing was sent to the ambulance.

Because it's what happens in the live broadcast, it's inevitable to spread it all over the network.

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The short video that he saved a girl he didn't know before was also circulated on the Internet.

[it's really unexpected that Shi Qingming's image has always been very gloomy and will never help people. I didn't expect to be such a man this time! ]

[I said, did no one really notice that when he was stabbed by a dart, there was no pain on his face? Isn't this really acting? ]

[this is a live broadcast. With so many stars there, show me one. ]

[Shi Qing had always been a very negative image in my mind before. This time, I totally changed my view on him. When he helped the girl, he almost turned his back to the ground. The girl was well protected by him. If it wasn't for him, she would have been stabbed by a dart. ]

when the number of microblog fans of Shiqing increased rapidly due to the incident, a post appeared quietly, and then it may be targeted as a hot spot.

I used to work in the entertainment industry, tell me what I know about Shiqing.

ID: I have not been in the circle for many years

I have not been in the circle for many years:

I have been in the circle for a long time, and I have seen a lot of stars of all kinds, but this is the first time that I have seen Shi Qing.

He has a background in his family. Many people know that when he first entered the circle, he didn't take bodyguards wherever he went. At that time, he asked the assistant around him to take care of him 24 hours a day. Even if he didn't stay by his side for a period of time, the assistant would have to be replaced. At that time, we didn't understand him. We felt that he was grinding and he was troubling people Some people gave him a nickname of "subordinate song", because the assistant under his hand was dismissed after he could not work for a month. Anyway, at that time, at the bottom of our heart, Shiqing was a wonderful image.

Every day, he is gloomy. No one is close to him. He talks very briefly. He likes to stay alone, eat, make-up. When other artists communicate with each other, he hides alone, which makes people feel that he is not easy to get along with.

At that time, I found that Shi Qing was not sensitive to pain. What I remember very clearly is that he may be too tired to go back to his personal rest room and find a chair to sit down. At that time, I rested on the edge until he got up I found that there was a nail in the chair.It's not very long, but it can definitely give people a hole to shed some blood. If we normal people sit on it, we will suddenly get up in the next second, but Shiqing just sat there for about ten minutes until we have enough rest.

I also looked at the nail and wiped it with toilet paper. There was blood on it.

At that time, I didn't know why he couldn't feel the pain at all. After a special observation, he found that he really couldn't feel the pain that ordinary people could feel. Even if he was bleeding or something, he didn't know the pain. Many times, according to my observation, he found that he was bleeding on his body, and then he hid to find the wound on his body.

Later, I went home to check, and found that he should be a kind of disease, called painless, which means that a person can not feel pain. You may think, how good it is not to feel pain, there is no need for toothache, headache, no pain is not good.

But in fact, it's not. It's terrible for a person to get painless, because pain is a dangerous signal from the body. For example, if you feel a headache, take your temperature, and find that you have a fever, take a medicine quickly, or you are stabbed by a nail and go to break the wind.

But it's hard for painless patients to find out what they have. They don't feel a headache. They don't know that they have a fever. They are prone to pneumonia or worse.

They were hurt by rusty nails, because they didn't feel the pain, and they didn't know they were hurt. As a result, they died of tetanus.

I found out that it is very difficult for him to live over 25 years old without pain. I don't know how Shi Qing lived so peacefully, but I know it's not easy for him to live till now.

In order to ensure that he did not get hurt, he had to eat alone and rest alone. Even his make-up could only be separated from everyone else. He did not dare to be close to others, because maybe a casual action of others could make him hurt without knowing it. Anyway, when I was with the group, every time when I was with the group, it was one person's activity.

It is said in the circle that he is gloomy and does not contact with people. I will ask you, if you contact people, you will be killed by ignorance. Will you contact people?

Later, he began to take bodyguards in various public places. People thought he was playing a big game and ridiculed him for bringing bodyguards together. In fact, I know that he just wanted to save his life.

That's what I know. I've been out of the circle for a long time. Today I saw this news and saw the comments about his show off. All of a sudden, they were unfair to him, so I sent this post.

One time account, this account will be cancelled soon, do not disturb. ]

on the Internet, Jing Yuanqi also saw this post when it entered a deeper wave of discussion.

He was in a daze for a long time.

I can't believe it. It's very logical.

Shiqing likes to eat devil pepper.

As we all know, spicy is not from taste, but from pain.

Because there is no pain, so can not change color to eat normal people can not stand the devil pepper.

He was always alone.

A person in the dressing room, a person to eat, a person to rest.

When he knew it was going to be broadcast, his first reaction was to call in a bodyguard.

Shiqing called the bodyguard team not only to ensure his safety.

Or to be reminded when he's injured.

He didn't shout in the crew because there was no audience to care if he was hurt.

There is only one reason why he did it.

Shiqing doesn't want to let others know that he has painless disease.

So now, when everyone knows that he is ill, what is his mood?

At this moment, all thoughts were far away from Jing Yuanqi.

The youth arrived at the hospital almost as quickly as possible.

High quality is guarding outside the ward, saw him, tired face reluctantly showed a smile: "king elder brother."

Jing Yuanqi did not have time to rest. He gasped and asked, "is Shiqing OK?"

High quality shakes his head.

"Since he knew that post, Shi Ge was in a bad mood. He said that he wanted to stay alone for a while. He was alone in the ward for more than three hours without making a sound."

"Brother Jing, I don't think Shige wants to let others know. You think, I follow him every day, and I don't know about it. Shige obviously has a heart to hide it."

He sighed: "but also, when brother temperament has always been strong, he certainly does not want others to know that he is ill."

Jing Yuanqi took a deep breath. At the thought of Shiqing's frail expression in the ward, his heart ached.

He has no time to think about why his mood will hurt.

Shi Qing was so strong that he was forced to expose the soft meat hidden under the hard shell in front of the public

The young man pressed his heart and looked gloomy.

It's better not to let him find out who was the person who was clear when the post was exposed!

Ding! Jing Yuanqi rejection: 49! ]

[congratulations to the host! Congratulations host! Host Wencheng Wude, for thousands of years, unify the world!! ]In the ward, there was no pain when Qing listened to the cheering of the system and picked her eyebrows.

He turns on the computer and clicks into the forum account.

Next to ID [I haven't been in the circle for years].

- click "Cancel Account".

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