It seems that overnight, the whole network has known the event of Shiqing.

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Why did he hire a bodyguard.

Why do you look so out of group.

Why don't you have a friend in the entertainment industry.

Those black spots in the past, overnight, have become the spot of people's pity.

[he doesn't want to be scolded by so many people every day. ]

[when I heard the name of painless disease, I thought it was very good. I didn't need to hurt. However, when I watched the science popularization of the building owner that day, I felt chilly all over my body. If I didn't feel the pain, I might have been cut half of my head without knowing it]

the previous gloomy indifference has become a matter of course.

After all, who can ask a terminally ill patient to laugh happily every day?

At the same time, they asked, "where is Shiqing? Is he all right? "

Since things began to ferment, Shiqing has never been exposed.

Even if the fans no matter how hard the call, that "physically disabled Zhijian" film emperor, still did not stand up.

Finally, it was his company's official microblog.

Shi Qing is suffering from a rare painless disease, but he conceals that he doesn't want others to think that he is different from others. Now Shiqing is recuperating. I hope everyone will not discuss this matter again.

After the official appearance, there was a heated discussion on the Internet.

But every time someone talks about "ah, you know, when he has a pain free illness, that is, he can't feel pain", his fans will spontaneously come forward.

Some of these fans are old fans, and some are passers-by fans who have a good feeling for Shiqing because of sympathy and pity.

"When you don't want people to talk about it, don't say it."

"If it wasn't for this live broadcast accident, he would never have taken the initiative to explode in his life."

"He has been poor enough to keep it from the public. As a result, the whole country knows what a live broadcast is. Now he doesn't know how sad he is."

"Yes, I used to think that he was a bit gloomy because he didn't like to talk. But because of this, I watched a video clip edited by his fans and found that every time everyone took part in promotional games, although he didn't participate, his eyes were full of envy when watching."

"Just like my sister, she was sick and feverish last month. She was locked up at home and couldn't play. She just huddled in the window to watch the children playing. When my sister got well, she could play with them. It's hard for Shiqing to recover in her life."

In the brain tonic of many fans.

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Their love beans must be hiding in the room at the moment, with red eyes and low spirits.

Let people look at the heart of pity.

Jing Yuanqi almost thinks so. After all, since that post burst out, Shi Qing has locked himself in the ward, not to mention him. Doctors and nurses are not allowed to enter.

He just said to be alone.

Shiqing was still.

Jing Yuanqi was upset.

According to Jing Yuanqi's previous temperament, he directly pried the lock in, and took advantage of Shiqing's discomfort to enter and make himself some good.

But now, he's sitting on the hospital porch bench.

Because he didn't know how to comfort Shi Qing.

Jing Yuanqi realized why he didn't go in directly because he almost didn't respond to what he was thinking.

He, who has always thought of himself as a player, naturally knows what this idea represents.

He really likes Shiqing.

I was just bored and had a good time.

As a result, he took it seriously.

Now Jing Yuanqi felt like a fire in his heart. He wanted to burn all the people who made Shiqing sad, and he wanted to burn all the people who had such thoughts.

Jing Yuanqi felt that he should not be like this.

He just wanted to make fun of the boring life.

He never thought he would really like someone.

In the view that Jing Yuanqi has always adhered to from childhood to adulthood, it is the most stupid way to give up a whole forest and tie himself to a tree.

Although he only stirs up such a tree.

At this moment, an idea suddenly came out of Jing Yuanqi's heart.

Does Shiqing like him?

Although he had been telling Shiqing, he was special to Shiqing.

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Shi Qing never answered.

Jing Yuanqi consulted the doctor after the incident.

This kind of disease can make the patient's perception weaker, but since Shi Qing likes to eat devil's pepper, it shows that he is not like those patients who can't live to 25 years old, and can't feel pain completely.

It is possible that severe pain can make him feel a little weak, so he likes to eat devil's pepper, because for him, the spicy degree of devil's pepper can just make him feel the pain.His behavior of sharing devil pepper is to enlighten Jingyuan.

But after Jing Yuanqi implicitly expressed that he had been harassed (understood by the doctor), he expressed his rejection orally, but his body almost never evaded it. The doctor politely said that Jing Yuanqi could go to a psychologist to have a look.

Jing Yuanqi went to see a psychologist again.

Psychologist: "according to Mr. Jing's character and disease, it is very likely that Mr. Shi would not dare to contact others because of his illness, because there is a high probability that an unintentional act of others will hurt Mr. Shi."

"He has never been in contact with others and is insensitive in perception. In this way, even though he seems to be able to keep away from others even though he looks thousands of miles away, he will be expected to be contacted by others in his heart, but most people will choose to stay away from Mr. Shi because of his indifference."

"At this time, Mr. Jing, you appeared. You said that Mr. Shi used to show his favor to you with devil's pepper, but he did not welcome you when you leaned up. In fact, Mr. Shi has been used to treating people with indifference, and he can't change it."

"But at the same time, he is eager for company and contact with people, so he will not exclude physical contact with you as you said, because for him, it is a kind of behavior that can comfort him."

After the analysis, the doctor said, "of course, most of the reasons for your mode of getting along with each other are due to Mr. Jing's Well... "

Thinking of Jing Yuanqi's reward, he couldn't directly say such derogatory words as shameless and shameless.

A more commendatory words: "because Mr. Jing, your persistent behavior, like Mr. Shi's character, as long as you do not give up, he will take you basically no way."

When Jing Yuanqi understood, he asked him a question he cared about most: "we have been together in this mode for nearly ten days. Will he feel about me?"

"You still have something that attracts Mr. Shi. Mr. Shi's personality analysis is quite arrogant. Even if he is eager for contact with others, no one can do it. As for the feeling It's up to you, Mr. Jing, to feel it yourself. "

After answering his question, the psychiatrist euphemistically said that physical harassment and verbal harassment to others, even to those who like them, are also signs of illness (mental illness).

At the end of the euphemism, he was very professional and said that he could solve the sick behavior of Jing Yuanqi.

Jingyuanqi did not bird him, staring at people, signed a confidentiality contract, and directly rushed to the hospital.

And then it's now.

He was sitting in the corridor, his mind in a mess.

According to the doctor's words, Shi Qing acquiesced in his movements because he was ill.

He was also sick because of his illness.

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It's all bullshit.

Jing Yuanqi rubbed and emptied the doctor's words in his mind.

Even if he is ill, he doesn't want to change.

High quality is wheezing to run over, "brother Jing, I bought the wine you want."

The young man rubbed his face, and when he stood up again, his face had already raised a familiar sunny smile, "give it to me."

High quality handed it over.

Then standing in the corridor, watching Jing Yuanqi pull out the wire and skillfully pry the lock to open the door.

As soon as he entered the door, the young man went straight to Shi Qing, and held him full.

High quality:

In fact, he had a vague feeling that there was something wrong between brother and Jing Yuanqi.

After all, Jing Yuanqi would like to live in Shige's room.

He put his hand over his eyes and closed the door.

In the house, Shi Qing just finished watching the TV play, and then he lay down and pretended to sleep after counting the time. As a result, he lay down for less than ten minutes and was held by people from behind.

Jing Yuanqi hugged him across the quilt. Because of the distance, the hot breath could spray on his ear lobes with his words.

"Teacher Shi."

Shi Qing listened to his voice as if he had not had a good rest for a long time. His voice was hoarse and tired: "I heard that intimate activities can decompress..."

With that, the young man stretched out his hand slowly and gently reached into the quilt. The ending of the roll was low:

"I'll get a white coat. How about playing the game between doctors and patients?"

Shi Qing: Well, it's still familiar.

He moved his shoulder. "Don't press on me."

"It's cold."

Jing Yuanqi got up obediently, picked up the bag on the bed and shrugged: "OK, actually I'm here to find the teacher to drink."

Shi Qing: "I don't drink."

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"Drink it."

The young man gathered up in front of the film emperor and squinted with a smile: "has the teacher ever had a drink with someone?"

The indifference on the film emperor's face seems to have become a little gloomy. He moved his body, and the colorful lips on the other side opened and closed: "No."Jing Yuanqi opened two bottles of wine, and handed one to Shi Qing. His eyes were full of charm, just like a monster trying to seduce people.

"That's not the first time I got it."

The movie emperor looked at a bottle of wine in front of him, his eyes flashed, and finally he took it.

It's not hard to get a frustrated person drunk.

In particular, even if his appearance no matter how cold, the inside is still not good to refuse.

After drinking all the wine he bought, Jing Yuanqi watched with satisfaction when he was drunk and lying on the bed.

His black and bright eyes, always with indifference and rejection, are now like a wave of light, eyes containing water. He is looking at the ceiling with a little confusion and confusion. His red lips are slightly open and closed, as if he is shouting something, but it is silent.

Jing Yuanqi pressed down slowly.

"Teacher Shi, are you calling me?"

The film emperor's eyes flashed blankly, but soon, that always indifferent face showed a bit of joy.

He murmured something and held Jing Yuanqi for the first time.

The mussel was caught, but the youth was not in a hurry to eat.

He lowered his voice. "Do you like me, Mr. Shi?"

The film emperor blinked dully, and looked at the man above. His eyebrows were slightly twisted with some doubts. He held out his hand and held the soft flesh of Jing Yuanqi's cheek.

"Why don't you laugh?"

Jing Yuanqi raised a sunny smile on his face. He laughed low and touched the delicate white earlobe. His voice was proud: "do you like my smile so much?"

The film emperor obediently replied, "I like it."

So the youth became more and more proud.

And when he is proud, drunk, it is not like the past so indifferent film emperor vaguely up, a hold on him.

A lot of kisses.

[Tong, he's caught. ]

[you can go to the Tao Te Ching. ]

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