After a drunken night.

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The next morning, when the nurse came to change her medicine with a tray, Jing Yuanqi picked up the clothes that had been crumpled on the ground.

The youth's action is light handed, because when Qing Zheng a face peaceful lie on the bed to sleep.

He covered his soft spine skin, then slowly opened the curtain to breathe.

He really didn't expect that when he drank the wine, it would be so fierce.

Although he got his wish, Jing Yuanqi did not dare to be too happy because of the injury on his back.

In addition, when he drank the wine, the power of control was inexplicably in his hands.

He seems to have become a plowing cow, led all the way.

In fact, at the fifth time, Jing Yuanqi felt that something was wrong.

But he was afraid of the time when he was hurt, and he didn't dare to resist too hard, and at that time, he was still a little happy.

After all, people who have been provocative are so active.

Although it's fun to watch the movie emperor frown at ordinary times, it's more popular for young people to open up that way.

But he didn't like it seven times.

It was also his first experience before Jing Yuanqi.

The first time he played the game, he was forced to output one night, took the shooter, and became a Zhao Zilong on the battle of Changbanpo. It was not easy for him to hold on until dawn.

But men can't say no.

From active output to passive output, the youth had to coax the drunk film emperor in a low voice.

In the past, he could talk a lot of sweet words.

Last night, he was the contribution of the mouth can spit out sweet words under the nose above the chin tool.

It was not easy to coax the drunken film emperor to sleep, and it was already light.

Jing Yuanqi touched his aching throat and turned to open the door of the ward. The nurse's sister was already familiar with him. He was not surprised to see him in the ward. He looked carefully at Shi Qing, who was still sleeping with his eyes closed:

"Mr. Jing, is Mr. Shi better?"

"It's better. You go and give him some medicine."

Jing Yuanqi rubbed his sour and soft waist, but he didn't show an uncomfortable look on his face.

His original intention is to help the film emperor to solve the knot at the same time, take advantage of the danger.

The result is still the same as previously thought.

But why did he feel that he was the one who took advantage of the mussel meat?

Jing Yuanqi felt that he thought too much.

According to Shi Qing's character, even if he was delirious after drinking wine last night, he suppressed Jing Yuanqi throughout the whole process, but once he woke up, he would not have such emotions as complacency.

He went out to buy breakfast and plaster.

When Qing was awakened by the tender voice of the nurse's little sister, lying on the bed, with the back facing upward, let the nurse's little sister change the dressing.

A host was very proud:

[it was a wonderful night. I and I, the sick clothes and him, although I had imagined many times to do something about this xiaolanghuabei on the bed, I did it ]

after reading the Tao Te Ching all night, I turned to see the temptation system of the village. Listening to the voice of the host's exclamation, he guessed: "it's not so good? ]

[no, I want to do it a hundred times. ]

System: [ ]

[well, the night passed too fast, but when I thought about the way he struggled to get up last night and was pressed down by me, his mouth was red and his water was moist. Tut tut. ]

Shi Qing recalled that after Jing Yuanqi was released by him last night, he narrowed his peach blossom eyes slightly, and wiped his lips like a fox, which made him a tut again.

[I can't see that he is so strong at ordinary times and obedient in bed. ]

System: [ ]

it thinks that the source of Jing Yuanqi's "obedience" is that the host does not need to maintain human settings after being "drunk".

Shi Qing: [when I saw him on the windowsill, his eyes were red. I thought he was crying. I thought it was me. What did he cry about? Later, he coughed twice. I found that he was choked. ]

System: [ ]

[host, in fact, you don't have to say such details, that my age is still a baby in the system. ]

Shi Qing: [you have been with me for more than 200 years, are you still a baby? Forget it, when you are not a baby, I will share these happiness with you. How about the rejection of xiaolanghuabei? ]

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speaking of this, the system immediately became happy.

[Jing Yuanqi's repulsion: 22100]

Shiqing was once again a meal: "if only we spent such a night, we would be able to reduce the rejection degree wildly. ]

the system is beautiful: [the host can try it]

[no need to try. He won't fall down any more on such nights. This is the personality of this person. If he eats his mouth, he doesn't know how to cherish it. ]System: [but his rejection rate is 22, which is very low. ]

[without stimulation, he will rise again after a long time. ]

the little sister of the nurse changed the medicine carefully. Shiqing couldn't feel the pain, so she turned her head and asked, "is the wound cracked?"

Nurse little sister: "no, Mr. Shi, you don't have to worry. Your injury is not serious. As long as you don't exercise hard, you will be fine."

Shi Qing thinks so.

After all, Jing Yuanqi didn't let his back face down last night, and there was no movement that could affect the wound.

[Tong, I ponder that the xiaolanghuabei is going to be a demon. ]

System: [demon? But he was repellent ]

[it has nothing to do with the degree of exclusion. His personality is like this. When he reaches his hand, he starts to be unscrupulous. I guess if he sees me with a cold attitude, he may want to find a three to stimulate me. ]

System: [???)??? ]Is he sick?? Why three. ]

[of course, you don't understand his brain circuit. It's not looking for a three, but looking for a three. Even if you like a person, you'll hate that person to please him. Although he seems to be very enthusiastic before, in fact, in his opinion, it's all early payment, and when you eat your mouth, you'll have to ask for a reward. ]

System: [ ]

when he was lying on his stomach quietly:

he was lying on his stomach quietly: [a normal person can't do this kind of thing. He is a character defect, should you understand? ]

just immersed in the system of "my host is really a big man", an exciting spirit.

Stuttering: [system, system don't understand. ]

[what kind of character, I haven't heard of it, haven't seen it, never heard of it!! ]

[do you really understand? His character is frivolous. ]

System: [!!! ]

Shi Qing: [Yin Ming Zheng is upright. ]

System: [ ]

System: [host, this has changed the world. Can we not mention the last world? ]

Shi Qing: [don't you wonder how I know? ]

System: [face to death. JPG]

System: [viterbaba. JPG]

the system still can't resist: [wuwuwu host, how do you know they are one person? ]

the tone of Shi Qing is exaggerated: [are they one person? Oh, my God, I never knew. If you said I didn't know the system, thank you for telling me. ]

[Oh, by the way, can't you tell me? It doesn't matter. I wish I didn't know. Look, I pretended not to know before. You don't know. Do you know what you think I don't know? ]

every current is filled with the word "know":??? ]

System: [ ]

at last, it couldn't bear it and cried out.

[OK, don't cry, don't cry. ]

[Jing Yuanqi's character is very simple. The more difficult it is to get, the more he cherishes it in his heart. Therefore, it is very simple to reduce the degree of exclusion and let him not get it. ]

Shi Qing closed his eyes comfortably:

[it's time for me to get back to the court after he's been enjoying himself for so many days. ]

when Jing Yuanqi took his breakfast and walked to the hospital corridor, his expression had returned to his former extravagance.

Cui Yunqing rushed over early in the morning. As soon as he came out of the ward, he happened to meet Jing Yuanqi. Silly Bai Tian happily laughed at him: "brother Jing, you also come to see the teacher."

"Yes, I bought some porridge. I have the best relationship with Shi teacher. Of course, I have to take care of it."

Jingyuan Qizheng said, Cui Yunqing smelt suspiciously: "brother Jing, have you pasted the plaster? How can I smell a plaster? "

Jing Yuanqi:

The young man pressed the skin outside the spine, which was too high and sour, with a smile on his face: "nothing. I twisted my waist."

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"Did the teacher wake up?"

"I wake up and I'm on the phone. It seems to me that I'm with my family. I'll come out for a while. When the teacher calls, I'll go in."

Hearing three words from his family, Jing Yuanqi's eyes flashed.

He still looked on his face, and his smile was natural: "Oh, by the way, Xiao Cui, I just bought too much breakfast and couldn't get it. So I put some on the table on the first floor. Would you please take it for me?"

"Oh, yes, no problem." Cui Yunqing really silly letter, put the mask on his face again and went to the elevator.

Because of the event of Shiqing, who was originally unknown, he also had a little fame, so it's better to be careful.

As soon as Cui Yunqing left, Jing Yuanqi immediately put down his things and approached the door to listen to the movement inside.

The film emperor's voice is still cold, but this time his tone reveals a sense of rejection and disgust. He rarely said a long string of words: "is it not normal that I didn't tell you that I was sick? When did you care about me? How many times have you called me when I left home? ""Well, I don't want to talk about it, that's it."

Listening to the phone, Jing Yuanqi seemed to hang up. He wrote down what Shi Qing said in his heart. He opened the door and walked in: "teacher Shi."

The film emperor has already hung up the phone. Seeing that it is Jing Yuanqi, he looks stunned and drops his mobile phone on the table.

Jing Yuanqi: "I seem to hear you talking just now. Who should I call?"

"My father," he said

The word "father" is relatively indifferent to Dad.

In addition to the phone tone overheard before, Jing Yuanqi also roughly guessed that the relationship between Shi Qing and his family should be bad.

He raised his eyebrows, and an idea came out of his heart.

In his heart, he was chuckling and braving bad water. Cui Yunqing, who was fooled downstairs, came up: "brother Jing, I didn't see anything on the table below?"

"Maybe the cleaner thought it was rubbish and threw it away."

Jing Yuanqi blabbered: "by the way, Xiao Cui, I seem to have heard the director say that you want to make up this morning. How did you come to the hospital?"

Cui Yunqing looked confused: "do you want to make up for it? I didn't get a notice. "

"Maybe it's too busy to forget. Why don't you go to the troupe first, and don't delay the work. If only the teacher had me here."

Cui Yunqing: "is that breakfast enough? Shall I order a takeout? "


Jing Yuanqi looked at the silent film emperor with profound meaning and licked his lips gently: "it's good for the teacher to eat these alone."

"I've had porridge. It's white."

It's still very thick. ]


It actually understood whether it was no longer pure.

Among the people and systems present, only Cui Yunqing really thought Jing Yuanqi was talking about porridge.

He nodded and said goodbye to Shi Qing and left at ease.

Once again, only Shi Qing and Jing Yuanqi were left in the ward.

"Teacher Shi, let me feed you."

The nature of Jing Yuan's smile.

"You can go," he said

The smile on the youth's face fell.

He asked: "we are raw rice cooked cooked rice, when the teacher is still not willing to accept me?"

Knowing that Shi Qing couldn't make a dull sound with such a stick, Jing Yuanqi insisted: "does the teacher dislike me? You like me very much, why don't you accept me? "

He is like a leopard with a tail swinging and patiently preying. He pretends to be impatient on his face and makes trouble to the prey.

"Teacher, I also have a bottom line."

Shi Qing didn't answer.

He doesn't need to answer.

Although he knew that Jing Yuanqi had no bottom line.

This person decided that Shi Qing was the kind of person who would not accept his own temperament without some stimulation.

Jing Yuanqi left.

He didn't appear in front of Shiqing for several days.

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Of course, he didn't do anything.

At least in the past few days, he has checked up and down the film emperor's internal and external affairs.

He wants to force Shiqing to accept him.

Then we can only start with the people who are hated by Shiqing.

On the day of Shi Qing's discharge, Jing Yuanqi arrived.

Not only came, but also with a beautiful boy.

Chen Rong, the stepbrother of the Qing Dynasty.

According to the information he found, Shi Qing had a bad relationship with his stepbrother, even because he ran away from home, gave up finance and came to the entertainment industry.

It's not as good as a deep hatred.

It is absolutely the best choice for him to find Chen Ronglai to stimulate Shiqing.

Jing Yuanqi doesn't like Chen Rong very much.

Not only because his heart is higher than the sky, once he knew the identity of Jing Yuanqi, he eagerly came up to him, but also because he talked about the contemptuous and superior of the Qing Dynasty.

"My brother is very strange. He didn't like me since I was a child. Aiming at me, I have been bullied since I was young."

Jing Yuanqi, ha ha.

When Qing that character, others do not bully him is good, but also bully others.

Chen Rong: "brother Jing, you and your brother are friends. It must be very difficult to get along with each other. That is to say, you have a good heart and come to take him out of hospital."

Said, he also cheerful smile: "although I am a little afraid of elder brother, but king elder brother you are here, I am not so afraid."

Jing Yuanqi pulled the corners of his mouth and gave him a smile.

Chen Rong's realm is not enough for Jing Yuanqi.

He knew why Shiqing didn't do it and ran to the entertainment industry to suffer.

Isn't this stepbrother a proper white lotus?

I'm sure there's no remission at home.

Chen Rong said something and wanted to hold his arm. Jing Yuanqi quickly moved to the side."When the time comes, you can pretend."

Chen Rong wrinkled her delicate eyebrows and tried to say something. Seeing Jing Yuanqi's impatience, he still didn't dare to export again.

What he said was true. When Shiqing was a child, he bullied him. Although he retaliated and bullied him back, he ran people away.

But it's not natural or useless. Even if Shiqing falls out with his family, his mother has been helping him to please his father, but his father still wants to leave all the things at home to Shiqing.

Chen Rong thought about the bottom of his heart is not willing.

By what ah, early in the morning to run to the entertainment industry, take care of his father has always been his mother and he, even if there is no blood relationship and so on!

This time, the eldest young master of the king's family came to him. He must seize the opportunity and trample on Shiqing thoroughly.

Two people are each carrying on the ghost, when Qing came out.

The film emperor's face was ruddy and his spirit was good.

High quality at his side: "brother Shi, be careful, this way..."

When Qing just walked no two steps, raised his eyes to see them, the pace suddenly stopped, the eyes showed a little can't believe.


Chen Rongli immediately glows and heats up with a loud cry. He grabs Shiqing's arm, and his eyebrows and eyes are full of complacency.

"I heard you were injured and hospitalized. I'll take my boyfriend to see you."

One side of the high-quality foot slip, almost did not fall, a face muddled look at Jing Yuanqi: "brother Jing?"

Didn't you have an affair with their brother two days ago?

Jing Yuanqi looked at Shi Qing with satisfaction. His face suddenly turned white, and then he stepped forward: "yes, my boyfriend."


A person, he can tolerate people who are rejected by himself and others.

But he can't bear to be with his enemies.

The young man cocked up the corners of his mouth with satisfaction, waiting for Shiqing to shake off Chen Rong's hand.

At this time, his mood must be the most intense.

I'm sure we can take it in one fell swoop.

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Thinking of the clam in his arms, Jing Yuanqi's Fox eyes narrowed with a smile.

However, Shi Qing did not shake off Chen Rong's hand.

He just looked at Chen Rong and Jing Yuanqi with a white face.

"You Together? "

Even the voice was trembling.

The film emperor's response was far beyond the expectation of the youth.

His eyes were full of contentment: "yes."

Then, he saw the pain in his eyes.

It's the kind of eyes that take away people you like.

A pair of black eyes, as if with tears.

But Shi Qing looked at Chen Rong rather than Jing Yuanqi.

Jing Yuanqi:

When he watched, his eyelashes trembled. His indifferent face now took on his frailty and gently held Chen Rong in front of him.

Cold voice at the moment became depressed and low: "brother, I wish you happiness."

Chen Rong:

What situation, when clear took wrong medicine??

Jing Yuanqi, who wants to stimulate Shiqing, is stiff on his face.

His brain flashed through the pictures of the days and the times.

I like Cui Yunqing's eyebrows.

I like his smile.

All of these things together, they become Chen Rong.

This white lotus flower with a pair of delicate eyebrows and a bright smile that can't be fake.

It was meant to be exciting.

It turned out that he was stimulated.

Jing Yuanqi's suppressed little flame suddenly burst into the sky.

The string in the young man's head, called reason, is broken.

He was so angry that he pulled Chen Rong apart and looked at him with fire in his eyes:

"what do you mean?? What do you have with him?? What have you done?! He's your stepbrother. You know what

The film emperor shook off his hand. "What are you talking about? What have you done? I just want to..."

"I can't think of it! I think so! "

Chen Rong, who didn't know what was going on, pulled Jing Yuanqi's arm: "brother Jing, what's the matter..."

Jing Yuanqi seemed to be bitten by a crocodile, and quickly shook off his hand.

"I tell you Chen Rong, don't appear in front of me in the future, especially Shiqing. Don't see him again."

Chen Rong:

"But it's not brother Jing. You let me..."

"I'll make you a * * go away!"

Jing Yuanqi held up the film emperor directly and walked away with great strides.

In that case, it seems that if you take a slow step, the person in your arms will be robbed.

Chen Rong, with a blank face, watched as jingyuanqi was holding him. When he ran, he leaned out of his shoulder.Raised eyebrows at him.

Although he didn't speak, he saw a little bit of the conspiracy on his expressionless face.

Chen Rong:

He didn't know what was going on, but he felt like he was in a rut.

And this scene Yuanqi, as I said before, was crazy.

A bunch of psychopaths!

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