Jing Yuanqi embraces Shiqing, all the way to the hospital with sparks and lightning.

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His face was gloomy. His legs had been long and had been practiced. He quickened his speed. Even if he held a person, he was still as fast as lightning.

Thanks to the fact that there are not many people in the hospital now, I'm afraid that the news of "being a popular Princess embracing the film emperor" will appear on the hot search list.

The nurse's little sister was tidying up the bed when the door kicked open from the outside.

She looked back in surprise, stupidly looking at the young man who was holding Shiqing's face full of anger: "Mr. Jing, Mr. Shi?"

Didn't they all go through the discharge procedures?

What's more, she remembers that Mr. Shi didn't hurt his back? How come they were brought in.

Although Jing Yuanqi was confused by anger, he was still a bit rational. He took a deep breath and said in a stiff voice, "I'm sorry, I've lost something when I think about it."

"Well, you can find it first, and let us know when it's ready."

The nurse's little sister is out.

As soon as the outsider left, the anger on Jing Yuanqi's face became uncontrollable.

He directly wants to throw the person in his arms onto the bed. The first two seconds before throwing, he remembers that there is a wound behind his back.

Can only hold back to bend gently put the person on the bed.

"Come on, what's wrong with you and Chen Rong?"

When Qing frowned and sat upright on the bed: "I haven't asked you, what's wrong with you and Arong?"

"Are you with him? Does he know that you are such a man? "

"What kind of person am I

Jing Yuanqi completely lost his previous safe bet and blew up: "what? Do you think I'm not the same as your stepbrother at all. You see my real face and want to break up with me

The movie emperor's eyebrows wrinkled even more severely. He even raised his eyes to Jing Yuanqi: "don't talk about the topic. What's the matter with you and Arong?"

"Me and him? Me and him?!! It's you and him

Like a cat in a manic state, Jing Yuanqi's hair was blown up.

If he has hair.

After two rounds of anger in the room, he turned around again and pointed to Shi Qing's hands shaking:

"tell me clearly, what do you mean by his eyes?? What do you mean by what you said to him!! He's your brother. You're a younger brother in the Hukou book. Don't you know that

As if he had been punctured, the indifference of the film emperor's face showed a bit of embarrassment. He lowered his eyes and said in a soft voice: "we are not related by blood, let alone I just want to..."

"Think of a ghost! Don't think about it

Jing Yuan Qi breathed heavily. In order to calm down, he could only walk around the room.

The young man took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. "So, what you like is not Cui Yunqing's eyebrows, but his Chen Rong's, and what you like is not my smile. It's because I smile like his mother's Chen Rong -"

-- bang!

He couldn't say any more and kicked him directly on the bedside table.

What a surprise.

All day long, he was pecked by the goose.

He thought that he could get rid of it by stimulating.

I didn't expect that he wasn't in the end.

Don't say it's exciting. I'd like to congratulate him on finding the next spring.

Jing Yuanqi exhaled hard and strode to the film emperor again: "I said you were so active last night. What you saw was not me, but Chen Rong."

"I don't have one."

Shi Qing raised his head all of a sudden, and his face, which had no waves, was dyed with beautiful red, even the white earlobe became red.

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His eyelashes blinked quickly, but his eyes were a little shy: "I don't have Think of Aron. "

In this way, I think clearly.

It has always been the cold iceberg people shy down, revealing the beauty enough to make people look dazzled.

But Jing Yuanqi is about to explode in situ.

"Are you really thinking about him and me?? Are you blind? I'm not better than him

"You've been thinking about that bitch all the time??? That's ugly! White lotus again! I've been setting you up against your Slut


The film emperor suddenly lowered his face and stood up. His eyes were full of displeasure: "don't slander Arong."

"I haven't asked you what happened to you and Aron. Did you cheat him? Arong is simple and can't see what kind of person you are, but he has my brother. If you dare to apologize to him, I will certainly not let you go. "

Jing Yuanqi has completely exploded.

"He is simple?!!! He is simple?!!!! He's simple"Do you know why he came with me?!! Just because he wants to stimulate you and make you angry, he is simple?! Where have you been to my intelligence?! How can he be blind and deaf in the face of it! "

The film emperor was stunned.

"Aron, he's not with you?"

Seeing that he seemed to be saved, the young man tried to suppress his anger, and he replied with a hard line: "no, he is deliberately angry with you with me. Do you understand?"


The fundus of the eyes gradually brightened.

Looking at him like this, Jing Yuanqi suddenly felt bad.

Sure enough, the next moment, the film emperor looked at him with hope, and his cold voice seemed to take joy: "why does he want to stimulate me?"

"Did he treat me as well..."

Jing Yuanqi:

Jing Yuanqi:


He was so mad that he couldn't see, "are you blind? Can't you see he's a schemer?? You like him, he hates you

The young man can't cover up his investigation of the past Qing. He used an angry voice to give Shi Qingshu one by one: "when you were a child, he pretended to be ill at your award-winning party and asked your father to accompany him. When he was 15 years old, he locked you in the bathroom. When you were 18 years old, he stole the car your father gave you, went out and hit people and planted it on you And when you first went to college... "

"It was all a misunderstanding."

Shi Qing interrupted Jing Yuanqi's words, and his eyes were full of disapproval: "that award, he was to finish his homework early, just fell ill, locked in the bathroom because I played a trick on him before, he was angry and normal, and there was a collision. He drove out to buy me a gift."

The system pops up and says, "host, really? ]

[no, Chen Rong did it on purpose. The reason why he locked the toilet was that the owner had blocked him and beaten him. The owner knew that Chen Rong wanted to take his own car and deliberately broke the brake to let him die, but Chen Rong was better at skills and married him. ]

System: [ ]

Jing Yuanqi was also in the following position:

The youth held back for a long time, holding out four words: "you are not saved."

He has never been as powerless as he is now, and always thinks he is in the lead of the relationship.

As a result, I found that I was a stand in, instead of Chen Rong's disgusting thing. It would be nice if my mind didn't collapse.

He, Jing Yuanqi, has a lot of means and admits to be a powerful man.

But lost in the hands of Chen Rong, a white lotus schemer.

But when he was blind, he couldn't see Chen Rongzhen's face, but he didn't care whether he was very sad or not. Instead, he opened his eyes and gently grasped Jing Yuanqi's sleeve with a small force.

"So you and Aron are not together?"

Jing Yuanqi: If I say no, do you still want to chase him? "

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The movie emperor's ears are red to drip blood.

He was a little stammering in his speech

Jing Yuanqi: "what's wrong??? You really want to chase him?! "

He exploded in place again.

After the explosion, the youth despairingly found that Shiqing did not respond to his anger at all.

Yeah, it was, wasn't it?

No matter how provocative he is, there is no extra expression on Shi Qing's face.

Before, he thought Shiqing was cold-blooded.

Now it seems that, where is the cold temper ah, this is clearly do not care about him Jing Yuanqi!

I don't care. Of course, there will be no facial fluctuation because of his emotional fluctuation.

Jing Yuanqi tried to make himself calm.

He has only one idea now.

That is to hook the blind Shiqing from Chen Rong.

The young man took a deep, deep breath.

He sat next to the film emperor, slowly held the man in his arms, used the charm tone of the past, lowered the magnetic voice, and coaxed:

"when the teacher, he is your brother, even if there is no blood relationship, you are also a household register, even if you have some..."

Speaking of this, Jing Yuanqi's voice gnashing his teeth: "irrational, unstable, blind and impulsive incorrect ideas, you should also know that you are impossible."

When Qing pushed him, he did not push away, but let the youth who felt his pushing force hold closer.

Jing Yuanqi continued: "but I'm different. We're a perfect couple. I'm not better than Chen Rong?"

He slowly lowered his body and lay down on Shiqing's knee. He took the shadow emperor's hand and asked him to touch his face with his cool fingertips.

The voice was long and charming. "Am I not good? Am I not strong? That Chen Rong is weak and weak. I was seven times yesterday. Am I not better than him? I don't think he can hold on three times"And

He climbed up slowly like a young snake, deliberately lengthened his voice, and said in his ear:

"I like to drink porridge very much."

"Especially It's your porridge. "

He is too much of a negotiator and wants to agree. ]

the system that has been self-locking and modified has become the pure little cute again.

What kind of porridge? Where is porridge? ]

is very exciting.

But for the sake of a long-term future, he resolutely pushed away the young people who were clinging to him. His voice was cold:

"don't belittle ah Rong."

Jing Yuanqi:

He felt like he was puffer fish.

It's the kind that pops when you poke it.

"Good!! Good

The youth suddenly stood up, his face was uncontrollable Fury: "you wait for me! Sooner or later, I will let you know what kind of rubbish you like Chen Rong! "


After slamming the door in, he slammed the door out again.

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Shi Qing shrugged and got up.

The system asks quietly, "host, did you expect this before? ]

Shi Qing: [yes, isn't it easy? I don't agree with Jing Yuanqi's character. He will certainly find someone to stimulate me. As for who to look for, the worse the relationship is, the greater the effect will be. He will check the information again, and there is no one else except Chen Rong. ]

[it's just that Chen Rong is a troublemaker, and I'm too lazy to deal with him. Jing Yuanqi protects food. If I encounter this situation, I will definitely target Chen Rong and sober up his personality defect brain, and conduct routine operation. ]

the system wrote down in a hurry:

routine. ]In the next few days, Jing Yuanqi and Chen Rong were together every day.

Don't like money, take Chen Rong around to play, buy luxury goods.

Although Chen Rong was Shi Qing's stepbrother, he was rich every month compared with ordinary families by flattering his stepfather. However, his stepfather's person was a clever little son, who was not easy to spend money, so he felt very miserable.

As a result, Jing Yuanqi appeared.

These days, Jing Yuanqi doesn't hide anything about his wealth from Chen Rong.

It's not loud enough to carry the name of the eldest young master of the Jing family alone. But Jing Yuanqi is a business genius. After so long, his own industry is much more powerful than that of the Jing family.

What is the founder of C company, chairman of N group.

Every one can be carried out to fight Jingjia.

Apart from that day, Jing Yuanqi's inexplicable anger made him go away. Chen Rong was very satisfied with him.

After that, Jing Yuanqi came to him to apologize.

Chen Rong's eyes are all on Jing Yuanqi, such a big fortune, even when the signature can be C company.

If he is with Jing Yuanqi, where does he need to go to please his stepfather and find a way to get rid of Shiqing, he will directly sit in a high position.

Chen Rongxiang is very beautiful, and he believes that Jing Yuanqi likes himself more and more.

In addition to going to various places to play, they usually listen to Jing Yuanqi to express his dissatisfaction with Shiqing.

At this time, Chen Rong will join in and speak ill of Shi Qing.

After a week or so, Jing Yuanqi said that Shiqing's wound was completely healed, and the crew told them to go back.

When he finished, he sighed that he really didn't want to cooperate with Shi Qing. If he could make a comparison, it would be nice, for example Beating my brother or something.

This is Chen rongqiang item!!

He immediately confidently patted his chest and said that there was no problem. He would visit the crew tomorrow to ensure that Shi Qing's reputation would be greatly reduced.

Jing Yuanqi went to the crew in advance that night, looked inside and outside, and finally found a good place where there was neither monitoring nor people.

He wanted to let Shi Qing see what Chen Rong was, not to damage his reputation.

*On the second day, Jing Yuan came out of the meeting and was rejected.

He tried to hold his breath and made a phone call to Chen Rong, who had not yet come.

Chen Rong didn't think he could make an appointment at all, but with a try mentality, he sent a text message to make an appointment. As a result, he immediately said he would come.

He felt more and more that Shi Qing was taking the wrong medicine.

But it doesn't matter. From today on, Shiqing will become a stumbling block for him to step on his feet forever.

Jing Yuanqi arrived first. He walked around again to make sure that there was no one to monitor. Then he called Chen Rong and asked him to ask him to come over. He also promised: "don't worry. I'm ready to monitor him. You just have to frame him and I'll do the rest."

To make sure it was all right, he set up a telescope and squatted in the best place to watch from a distance.

He could probably guess what the white lotus would do.It's nothing more than to create visual effects that make people look like they were hit by Shi Qing from a certain angle, and then the face is injured in advance, and it's OK.

Chen Rong is full of confidence.

He made an appointment with Shi Qing, and they met in this small corner without any one.

Chen Rongtai knows how to anger the stepbrother.

"Brother, let me tell you a secret. In fact, my father said that I am much better than your own son."

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He was going to say a few more words. When he was angry, Shi Qing saw his stepbrother step forward two steps and made a fist in his face.

The fist was too hard.

Chen Rong's tears and snot all of a sudden came down, his eyes a burst of black, the whole person was beaten and fell to the ground, finally got up, wiped his nose, a handful of blood.

I haven't seen you for so long. Is Shiqing so exciting?

Chen Rong side pain, side can not help laughing, he raised his head, proud to see to this oneself can never compare stepbrother: "you are still as stupid as before."

The movie emperor, who has never made a sound, now shows a look of panic on his face, and suddenly squats down to help him. "Aron, are you ok?"

Chen Rong:

He shook off his stepbrother's hand and climbed up with difficulty. While climbing, he sneered: "it's useless. You've been photographed like that just now, waiting for you to be ruined."

Seeing that it was done, Jing Yuanqi came over full of contentment.

"Brother Jing!"

As soon as Chen Rong saw him coming, he rushed to him and said, "look at me, I've been beaten up by him!"

Jing Yuanqi took a look at the puzzled film emperor, and then looked up and down his nose bleeding. Chen Rong, whose face was blue and purple, clapped his hands:

"very good. You are very professional. Look at the makeup, it's the same as the real one."

Chen Rong quickly explained, "no, brother Jing, it's true. It's Shiqing. You have to avenge me!"

It's Shi Qing's turn to play. He quickly steps forward to pull Chen Rong's hand. His face is dazed and anxious. His cold voice carries a trace of trill: "a Rong, it's not me. I didn't hit you. Do you want to worry, do you want to see the injury..."

"Get out of here, now you know you're afraid?"

Chen Rong threw people away, and his heart was full of pride.

Jing Yuanqi looked at Shiqing, who was standing in the same place, and was very proud.

He went straight forward and hugged Shi Qing from behind: "teacher Shi, do you see now? Chen Rong is not as innocent as you think. He hates you to death. In order to frame you, he does not hesitate to make such a bureau. "

"Look, you didn't hit him, but he pretended to be like this. Now you know who is your best choice."

Caught off guard, Chen Rong saw this scene:

Chen Rong: "brother Jing, what are you doing?? I was really beaten by him! The wound on his face was really hit by him

It's strange that Jing Yuanqi believed it.

Shi Qing likes Chen Rong so much, how can he be willing to beat him.

He just hugged the small prey in his arms and raised his eyebrows impatiently: "OK, it's none of your business. Go wash the wounds on your face and get out of here."

Chen Rong: Really! My wound is real

Jing Yuanqi squinted and thought it was a bit real.

"You can ah, actually in order to frame up the teacher, specially let people beat themselves, talent."

Chen Rong:

He's going crazy: "it's Shiqing!! Shiqing!! He hit me in the face with a fist just now. Didn't you see it just now, brother Jing? "

His words were painful, and he tried to restore what had just happened: "right here, I just said a word, and he suddenly hit me with a fist. Brother Jing, look at my nosebleed, you see!"

"All right, all right. How can you make a script for yourself? Don't pretend. It doesn't need you. Get out of here."

As he said this, Jing Yuanqi looked at his stiff body and was held in his arms. However, a pair of black and bright eyes darkened, and he was staring at Shi Qing, who revealed Chen Rong's ugliness.

At the bottom of my heart, I feel proud and distressed.

He gently kisses the shadow emperor on the cheek.

"When the teacher, you look at him, up to now, he is still trying to frame you."

"This is the typical white lotus. You are wrong about him."

Chen Rong, who is black and blue and has a bloody nose, looks at his face with cold face and a fist. Now his eyes are red, and he looks at his own Shiqing with an uncomfortable look

Who the hell is the White Lotus!!

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