Chen Rong felt that Jing Yuanqi was blind.

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He covered his face, which hurt so much that he couldn't, and his tears fell down. He didn't know whether it was the pain or the bending: "look at the monitoring! It's clear from the surveillance. "

Chen Rongyue is such a bite to death, is hit by the Qing Dynasty, Jing Yuan Qiyue is happy.

"Do you know why he insisted on watching the surveillance? Because before he planned to shoot a dislocation, and then send the video of you beating people to the Internet, so that your reputation plummeted. "

"You think of him as..." The young man was quite angry and glared at Chen Rong for exposing the whole plan: "when a younger brother, he can regard you as the enemy of robbing property."

"It's all in this position. He still insists that you beat him. Can't you see clearly when you beat him?"

The sad expression on Shi Qing's face became more serious.

His eyes drooped, his face darkened, and he said nothing.

The film emperor seemed to be very cold in general, shrinking in the arms of young people to seek comfort.

Jing Yuanqi felt his soft body, and his heart was full of contentment. When he looked at Chen Rong, whose expression "you and his are betraying me", he was not as eager to give him a rocket launcher to let him go.

Of course, although there is no rocket launcher urgency, there is still the urgency of the train.

"All right, Chen Rong, the play is done, and you can go away."

Chen Rong is going crazy? I do it??? Brother Jing really hit me. It's really him! Didn't you just watch

"Yes, I'm watching."

The young man's soft eyes cast a look at the film emperor in his arms. His eyes were full of pity: "from my point of view, it looks like the teacher hit you."

Chen Rong:??? Don't you believe me when you see it

Speaking of this, Jing Yuanqi's face was slightly heavy again. He took a jealous look at the white lotus in front of him, which could not compare with his own. His tone was cold: "when the teacher won't touch your finger."

He had already guessed that Chen Rong bullied Shiqing into this way, and Shiqing could still love him wholeheartedly, believing that he was the most kind-hearted, and the means were naturally there.

This kind of angle trick that seems to be hit by Chen Rong by the time Qing Dynasty must also be used to by Chen Rong.

Although really can angle trick, but also really did not use Chen Rong: "I, he beat me like this! You still... "

"A Rong..."

When Qing suddenly called Chen Rong, always cold voice with a trace of depression, beautiful black eyes as if hidden pain, the film emperor staring at his stepbrother, "if you tell me that it is a misunderstanding, or Jing Yuanqi forced you, I will not care, I can forgive you."

Chen Rong, who was still bleeding from his nose, said

He was the one who was beaten, OK?!!

Now the face ache wants to die, the person that shed nosebleed also is him?!!

"OK!! that 's ok!! You're a group, aren't you Chen Rong finally gave up and let the blind Jing Yuanqi stand at his end. He roared angrily: "I'll go home now!"!!! I want dad to have a good look! How can his own son not accommodate me

"Oh, you go."

All Jing Yuanqi's mind and spirit were left on Shiqing, and even a corner of his eye was not given to Chen Rong: "by the way, I forgot to tell you. When we talked, I recorded them and sent them to Uncle Shi. I hope that when you go back, you will face him who is still as kind as before."

Chen Rong:

Chen Rong:

He angrily scolded: "you are a blind man!"!!! Shiqing is just lying to you. Are you blind? Do you work for him like this?! "

Jing Yuanqi looks at the increasingly gloomy film emperor in his arms. Although he knows that he can only get a chance to give up Chen Rong because he is sad, he still has uncontrollable pity on him.

"Teacher Shi."

The young man kisses the soft cheek and comforts him: "don't worry, I won't let Chen Rong hurt you."

"I'll drive him out of the city and never come back."

Anyway, he would never give Shi Qing another chance to fall in love with Chen Rong.

If Chen Rong doesn't leave, he doesn't care about it.

The youth, with a trance of the film emperor, walked towards the inside of the crew.

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Walking, when Qing also looked back.

Jing Yuanqi didn't look back with him. Although he didn't, he also guessed that the movie emperor's eyes toward the adopted brother who had secretly fallen in love with him must be full of loss and sadness.

Behind them, Chen Rong, with a proud look on his eyebrows when he was watching them helplessly:.... "

He knew that all these were the conspiracy of the brother without blood!!

He tried to rescue one last time:

"Jing Yuanqi!!! Look at it!!! Clear your face when you look at itJing Yuanqi chuckled and didn't look back. His hand was still light and soft, and he touched and comforted him: "don't be sad. Look at him. Now he wants to splash dirty water on you."

Looking at Chen Rong, who continued to pick eyebrows at him, Shi Qing continued to pick his eyebrows

"Blind man

"You are a blind man

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah angry him!!!

After Shi Qing and Jing Yuanqi went back together, the film emperor shut himself up in his room. He didn't make a sound or eat. He wanted to be self-contained and old.

Young people are more and more jealous of the culprit who caused the appearance of Shiqing. In the bottom of his heart, he will drive Chen Rong to D city instead of going abroad.

Anyway, in this life, the white lotus does not want to appear in front of Shiqing to seduce him.

At the same time, Jing Yuanqi tries to coax Shi Qing to his side.

He ordered the meal, personally carried it to the door of the film emperor, put a soft voice, a voice called: "when the teacher, to the meal order, let's eat?"

The system reminds you that you are playing the game: [host, Jing Yuanqi is outside. ]

Shi Qing: [wait till I finish this one. ]

Jing Yuanqi outside the door didn't get a response. He continued to knock on the door and lowered his voice to persuade him: "I know you are sad, but no matter how sad you are, your body is your own. These dishes taste very good, and I specially added devil pepper."

Shi Qing was immersed in playing games.

"How about a swim after dinner? I'm good at swimming. "

When the Qing hit the game.

"I bought a mall, and I'll go shopping in the evening? Let everyone go out and just hang out with us? "

Shiqing finished the game.

Jing Yuanqi was about to knock on the door again. The door opened from inside.

Dressed in pajamas, the indifference of the film emperor appeared in front of him.

At this moment, the youth's heart is not clear what it is like.

On the other hand, I feel so sad for him.

At the same time, he was glad that he saw Chen Rong's true face.

He went into the room and put the food on the table: "I choose all you like to eat, but also added devil pepper, high-quality told me that you wake up in the morning only ate two steamed buns, a bowl of rice porridge and a bottle of soybean milk, now it's noon, when the teacher how you want to eat the meal."

When Qing quietly sat back on the bed, a pair of still immersed in the sad appearance.

Jing Yuanqi followed him. Rarely did he move his hands. Instead, he lay on the film emperor's knee and gently stroked the pillow position beside his head.

"Don't be sad. He's not worth it."

The youth felt the bitterness and bitterness in his heart, and he was eager to break Chen Rong apart.

However, I can't bear to clean a hair when I take myself as a stand in.

There is always such a person in the world.

No matter what he has done to himself and how abominable and excessive he has done, as long as he has seen him, he can't get angry.

Of course, although he is not angry with Shiqing.

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But it did not prevent him from recording all the accounts on Chen Rong's head.

At the bottom of my heart, I thought how to deal with Chen Rong. On the surface, Jing Yuanqi did enough to look like he was in a low position. "With me with you, I don't want him, OK?"

"Teacher Shi, aren't we both very happy? I can do it seven times, but no one else can. "

Shi Qing suddenly said, "he is Are you still at home? "

"No more."

Jingyuanqi said of Chen Rong hate gnashing his teeth: "he went abroad, now should have been in the airport."

"Did he not say anything before he left

Yes, of course.

He yelled at Du.

Of course, because there were more than a dozen bodyguards in, they were still in private planes. Even though Chen Rong scolded him so much, he was still forced to stay in his seat.

Jing Yuanqi: "no, maybe I'm afraid you'll make trouble with him. He walked very quickly and didn't say a word."

The expression on the film emperor's face was a bit lost.

Jing Yuanqi hated Chen Rong and his teeth itched.

How can he be as blind as he can't see at such a good time.

However, thanks to his blindness, he would never have a chance to get into Shiqing's heart in his life.

The young man lowered his voice and coaxed the film Emperor: "when the teacher, I'm no worse than him, where is it?"

"I'm better looking than him, better than him, physically, and I'm both actors. Most importantly, he doesn't like you, but I like you."

Jing Yuanqi sent the assassin's mace.

"If you really can't forget him, I'm willing to become him for you."It can be said that it is to let Shi Qing promise to be with him by any means.

If you change to someone else, you may know that you are a stand in, and you have to deal with it.

But Jing Yuanqi is different.

From the beginning, he was just holding a boring attitude towards Shi Qing.

He is playing, can you blame Shiqing for taking him as a stand in?

Of course, he's serious now.

Jing Yuanqi has no moral integrity, but he has no moral integrity. He can let go of all the things that most people care about.

Yes, Shi Qing has no feelings for him now.

But the feelings are all from people, when Qing and Chen rongman have a good deal, they have known each other for less than 20 years. He and Shi Qing have a lifetime.

What kind of nonsense love, as long as Shi Qing can be at ease and willing to be with him, he has a full assurance that he can haunt him all his life. Is he so excellent, can't he compare with a mere white lotus flower?

In ten or eight years, Chen Rong would have been a fart.

In the heart of small abacus to play good, the young man once rubbed against the film emperor, completely do not want to face the low stature scatter Jiao: "promise me, you promise me."

"If you want to forget a relationship, it's the best way to start a new one."

Seeing Shi Qing still hesitated, Jing Yuanqi said again, "well, when we are together, you should try. If you feel that the attempt is not satisfactory, I will certainly not pester you."

That's strange.

As long as Shiqing is caught, he must be pestering him for 24 hours.

Even if Shiqing repents or feels inappropriate, he will never let go.

If it's a big deal, he'll act like a coquette. Anyway, Shiqing's character, and Jing Yuanqi's cheekiness, won't help him.

Maybe it's because I think it's feasible to have a try. The film emperor's face shows hesitation gradually.

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Under Jing Yuanqi's expectant eyes, he leaned slightly hesitantly and gently dropped a kiss on the young man's cheek:


Ding! Jing Yuanqi rejection: 0100]

the system did not have time to pursue its own host as usual, because it had just reported the rejection degree, and there was a mosaic in front of us.

This time, Shiqing, who didn't drink, asked for less than last time.

The fifth time, the movie emperor was full of sleep.

Jing Yuanqi is still cleaning up the mess.

Pack up your clothes, throw the rolled sheets into the washing machine without disturbing the cleaning time, and then open the window to breathe.

Fortunately, Yao didn't hurt this time.

Although it didn't hurt, Jing Yuanqi was still thinking about drinking more tonic soup and kidney tonic soup every day.

After all, five times is still quite a lot.

If he wasn't strong, he liked to exercise and had high endurance, he would not have been able to hold on.

Thinking, the youth stood in front of the French window, looking out of the window of the sky, the bottom of his heart a piece of contentment.

Chen Rong still wants to rob him.

He couldn't hold on to that small body three times.

He and Shi Qing are made for each other.

In this life, that small Chen Rong don't want to see Shiqing again.

Jing Yuanqi's lifelong entanglement plan was carried out smoothly.

As soon as Shiqing woke up, the youth pestered him and asked him to announce that they were together.

If he didn't want to have a foreign nationality, he even wanted to go abroad to get a license to get married.

To Jing Yuanqi's satisfaction, although they were unable to obtain the certificate for the time being, they were both public figures. They were announced together with the outside world, which was not much different from the announcement of marriage.

Although he didn't mind that he didn't have himself temporarily, he would never accept another Chen Rong.

So after the announcement, when there was a lot of "my mother" in the outside world, Jing Yuanqi started his career of "I am where Shiqing is".

When Qing Dynasty acted as emperor, he acted as minister.

When the Qing Dynasty acted as the son of a aristocratic family, he played another one.

Even if there is no suitable role for him, he has to bring money into the group to play a passer-by.

When the performance was over, Jing Yuanqi sat down on the set and did not leave.

Anyway, he brought money into the group, and the crew didn't want him to eat a bite of food, not to mention he bought his own food.

He didn't ask the crew to provide him with accommodation. After all, he slept next to him.

At first, people in the circle were not used to it.

There are more people who have publicly expressed that they are together, but there is no one like Jing Yuanqi who can't leave for a moment.

But they were not used to it, and it was no use. After they were together, Jing Yuanqi immediately announced his own assets, and he also announced the identity of the only son of the powerful family of Shiqing.

He didn't do it to show off.

It's just to show: I have money and power. If any of you dare to beat my wife's attention, don't try to mix in this circle.Who dares to offend such a big man.

As for Shi Qing, not to mention his status as the only son of a wealthy family, just Jing Yuanqi's guard posture of looking at the bones is enough to make some people who are interested in him back down.

If people are openly together, it is equivalent to getting married. Even if they do, it is to destroy other people's families and be condemned, they may also be retaliated.

Either of them is too easy to run over.

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Therefore, the immortal love between Jing Yuanqi and Shiqing began.

More than 60 years later, the life of Jing Yuanqi and Shiqing came to an end.

There is no disease or pain, that is to age, at present people live in the hospital, but can be foreseen, it is difficult to survive.

They went to the hospital together again. Yes, they did.

Outside, their fans of all ages are sad.

Sad return sad, but not much for love beans regret.

[brother Jing has always been a winner in life. ]

[agree upstairs, since brother Jing announced that he was with Shi Ge, his life seemed to have opened up. Later, he took the film emperor, and the hang became bigger. Later, he seemed to use his company's new technology to change the same-sex marriage law with the state. At that time, I was only a teenager. I remember that the news was all over the place overnight. No one thought that a star could have so many assets 。 ]

[yes, he is really a business genius. He becomes a big man in whatever line he does. ]

[grandfather Shi is also very good. Our teacher said that people like Shi Qing are national treasure level talents. His role of Hechang 40 years ago is still a classic. ]

[children upstairs, what kind of ghost is Shi grandfather? I will never be old! ]

[Wuwu, you are all reviewing their achievements. Is it only me who is reviewing the immortal love between brother Jing and brother Shi? According to my statistics, since brother Shi and brother Jing were together, they have never separated. It is said that although brother Jing is doing a big business, no matter what kind of meeting it is, it is a video conference. Even when he inspected the company, he went with him. As soon as he announced his love affair, he gave half of his shares to Shi Ge. How much trust should we have. ]

[immortal love plus one, even if I'm old now, I'll never forget elder brother Jing, who took the stage to receive the award after winning the film emperor. The first thing I said was that I could finally be the same as Shi Qing. At that time, I had tears on my face. I was not moved, but sad. Why can't I meet such a partner? I can't even meet him. ]

[I burst into tears, and Shige is very gentle. Brother Jing has been on the show several times and said that he is too clingy and pesters him for 24 hours. He doesn't care about it. To be honest, I can't stand it if my object is so clingy, but they are so happy that they are old enough. ]

[they have never quarreled in their whole lives. They have never had an affair. In the entertainment industry, they are all immortal partners. Now they even live in the hospital together. ]

[I wish them a partner in the next life. ]

[blessing plus one]

[blessing plus two]

during the discussion among online fans, Jing Yuanqi was lying on the hospital bed, breathing heavily, holding Shi Qing's hand, rubbing against the palm of the film emperor as before.

"Shi Qing, I ask you..."

"Do you remember Chen Rong?"

Shi Qing turned around and lay on his side to watch Jing Yuanqi? I'm too old to remember

Jing Yuanqi's face showed a satisfied smile.

"Then I will Don't worry. "

So he held his lover's hand and closed his eyes slowly.

When he got out of bed, he gently dropped a kiss on his face, and slowly lay his head on Jing Yuanqi's chest, listening to the faint heart sound inside.

"Dong! Bang! Bang

- "-"

there is no sound.

Until can't hear that heart beat again, when Qing just slowly closed eyes.

After a while, the nurse came in and found that Shiqing was on Jing Yuanqi's bed, lying on his lover's chest, and both of them had no breath.

Time cleared back to mission space.

System: [congratulations on completing the task! Please choose: 1, continue the task, 2, rest. ]

Shi Qing's eyes turned around in the task space, "1, come on!"

Ding! Please be ready to jump to the world! ]

Shi Qing opened his eyes in a choking smell.

He got up, looked around at the gorgeous layout of the house, and began to accept the memory.

Well, dandy.

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