Have a baby??

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Yin Mingzheng looked at the boy who was obviously male and felt at a loss from his heart for the first time.

Seeing when Qing finished this sentence, he couldn't wait to pull his coat. He was like a fish and struggled: "no! Wait a minute. I'm a man! "

"Me too."

When Qing buried his head in the busy side, he was very reasonable and forceful to reply.

He was really busy. In order to peel off the layers of coats, he relaxed and grasped Yin Ming Zheng's hand. The only young man with soft white hands fell on the coat and tried to peel it off.

However, it is precisely because he did not hold down Yin Mingzheng's hands any more, and the man who regained the right to use his hands again struggled harder and harder. The human hero, who was a virgin at the age of 28, was completely distracted by the actions of Shi Qing. He also ignored the previous thoughts of "entering the enemy's interior", "leaving no trace of routine" and "understanding the situation". At present, his brain only has There is a poor idea, that is to quickly guard their own coat, and chastity.

It was like playing an offensive and defensive game, when Qing attacked Yin Ming Zheng defense.

Although Yin Mingzheng had rich combat experience, his strength was not as strong as he was. So for a while, they tried to peel off each other and quickly blocked them into a deadlock that no one could succeed.

Yin Mingzheng is busy protecting his coat while distracted to look at the young man above. He has a pair of round apricot eyes, a small nose, red lips because of "busy" and unconsciously pursed.

As if aware of Yin Ming Zheng's sight, he even took time to raise his eyes and showed a sweet smile to the man.

It looks like a very harmless and innocent teenager.

If he didn't bury himself in indecent work after laughing.

It has to be said that the strange boy's appearance is really too harmless. Even if he knows that the situation is unknown now, the people on board the alien spaceship have a high status among the aliens, and they don't look like human beings. But looking at his sweet smile and smiling curved eyes, Yin Mingzheng couldn't lift any anger in his heart.

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Of course, even if he wants to be promoted, he doesn't have the strength to resist escaping. At most, he can only barely keep his coat from being picked off.

If you don't do as well as others, you can only talk about it.

Thinking like this, Yin Mingzheng blocked Shi Qing's hand and said, "are we misunderstood? I don't know you. I'm not your partner."

"Why does my partner have to know me?"

The teenager who straddled on him finally stopped his hand, and showed a dazed look in a pair of Pan round eyes, and even a little aggrieved: "why don't you take off your clothes by yourself."

"Why do I No, you get up first

Shi Qing seemed to be able to communicate well, which made Yin Mingzheng breathe a sigh of relief.

However, it turned out that he was too early to relax.

It seems that the white and tender young boy with him can press the weight of an ordinary person vomiting blood to sit steadily, Qingyue voice is not happy to ring: "I can't get up."

"You're my partner. Why don't you want to have a baby with me?"

Yin Mingzheng remembered that he couldn't move because he was under the weight of several tons. He tried a few times, and finally he could only lie back in the unhappy sight of the young man.

After a few breaths, he adjusted his mood and tried to have a good talk with the young man in front of him who seemed to be only about 18 years old.

"This gentleman, it's like this: first, I'm not your partner. Second, you and I are both men, 100% men. Two men can't have children."

"I know."

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Shiqing smiles at him again and leans down on Yin Mingzheng, with his ears close to his heart to listen to the beating heart inside.

"Of course you human males will not have babies, but our race can."

The heart, which had already been beating fiercely, suddenly seemed to be speeding up the same thumping faster.

Even before the end of the world, Yin Ming Zheng was an old cadre who never looked at men. Naturally, he would not think of men having children.

But he thought of some of the star rated movies he saw before the end of the world.

It seems that the way for the alien inside to reproduce is to put the eggs under the human body. When the time is right, the small alien will tear the human belly and break out of the human body in the howl of human beings

At the thought that this picture might happen to himself, Yin Mingzheng's face turned green.

Shi Qing felt his intense emotion and laughed with satisfaction. His white fingers fell on the zipper of Yin Ming's Zheng jacket and circled around.

"As long as we are together, I will enter the stage of maturity. The mother tree of our planet will receive the signal of my maturity before the next generation will be born. After 200 years of my death, the baby with our two genes will be born."His tone with a little naive, there is a strong yearning, "your genes are very strong, our baby will be very strong."

Yin Mingzheng:

He quickly sorted out the meaning of this alien with the shape of a human teenager.

There is a tree on their planet called the mother tree. Only when it receives the signal that the young man is mature, the mother tree will begin to multiply. Until he dies, the next generation with the human gene that he has been combined with will be born.

Such a nonsense setting, if put in the film before the end of the world, Yin Mingzheng would feel that there was no logic at all, but it happened in reality.

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He didn't feel that Shi Qing was lying to himself.

After all, the current situation, his Yin Ming Zheng is the little grasshopper in the palm of his hand, he has no need to cheat himself.

What's more, since the invader, known as Zerg, came to Bluestar, the blue star people understood what is called the world's greatness.

After mating, the female will eat an organ of the male. The lower order Zerg fight is cannon fodder, but not fighting is food, and they feel very honored to be eaten. These are the extraterrestrials who can give birth to children in space, and will have a life of 200 years, which is nothing.

Fortunately, what he met was not unreasonable. Judging from the current situation, we can still talk about it.

Just thinking of this, the alien teenager, who was lying on his chest very docile, was restless and eager to pull the zipper of Yin Mingzheng's coat.

Yin Mingzheng quickly reached out to block it Wait a minute. "

"What's the matter?"

The young man was so unhappy that he pressed Yin Mingzheng's hand against him to the head of the bed. "If you do this again, I will tie you up. Anyway, even if it is tied up, it will not affect us * *

Yin Mingzheng looked at his serious look, did not doubt that he would really do so, and quickly comforted: "you say I am your partner, but we do not know, we blue star people will not with people we do not know."

"I know you. Your name is Yin Mingzheng."

Maybe he felt that he had a good reason. The unhappy look on the young face disappeared. He grabbed Yin Mingzheng's hand and fell on his cheek. He rubbed the palm of a man with a thin cocoon like a kitten, and his eyes were bright.

"I know you know me, I mean, I don't know you yet." Yin Mingzheng moved the hand held by the youth. He was single before the end of his life, and he was busy with research and development and fighting with Zerg. Even though there was no lack of admirers around him, he never had time for this kind of thought. The first time he had such close contact with "people", it was hard for Yin Mingzheng to feel a little helpless.

He coughed, suppressed this emotion, spoke slowly, and stabilized the situation a little bit: "you say we are partners, but I don't know your name, how old, which planet you are, how many relatives in your family, and why I should be your partner. The recognition of blue star is not unilateral."

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Youth did not get angry, only not happy with the curl of the mouth, "you blue star people really troublesome."

"Well, my name is Shiqing. I'm a mechanical race. My planet is in Galaxy 312. I don't have any relatives. Why do you want to be your partner? Because the first planet I found after I was born was blue star. You are the most powerful blue star. Of course, I choose you as my partner."

While digesting the information, Yin Mingzheng continued to earnestly ask, "do you have no relatives? Who is in charge of the ship, your boss? "

The system pops up [host, he's talking. Don't be fooled! He wants to find out the details of you so that he can escape!! ]

[and the host, don't be so clear about it. How can the event of race reproduction tell him that he is 100% exclusive of you!!! ]

Shi Qing: [I know, so don't you realize I'm making it up? ]

the system was surprised: "make up a story??? ]

[well, I'm the only one in this race. The rest is mechanical. It's not what I say. If I don't say that, how can I find a reason to take advantage of it? Oh, no, to reduce the degree of exclusion. ]

consciously smart, a group of systems to see the wrong You have so many human routines.

Yin Mingzheng knew nothing about the communication between the two people. When he saw it, his eyes were crooked and his eyes were clear and pure. He rubbed the palm of Yin Ming Zheng like a little prince who didn't touch the world: "this ship belongs to me. They all listen to me."

Well, tell him I'm the boss and I can take advantage of it. ]

with one hand, Shiqing grasped the left hand on her face, and the other held Yin Mingzheng's right hand which had just been released. She folded her wrists together and pressed them again on the head of the bed.

"Now that we know each other, let's * *"

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