It can be said that Yin Mingzheng can't escape now.

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His hands were tied, and he did not know how many tons of weight was pressed on his legs. Let alone escape, he was very difficult to support himself.

But he didn't give up the struggle.

The human hero in Shiqing's hands kept moving with his upper body, as if to get rid of his terrible weight with brute force.

It's like doing sit ups. Even if he raises his waist and has to lie back in bed because of gravity, he will lift up again in the next second.

So, Shi Qing looked at the man who was very in line with his preference, and put the beautiful chest muscle that he had spent a lot of effort and sweat to his eyes.

It's a naked beauty trick. ]He is showing me his charm, tut, man. ]

System: don't want to talk.

Shi Qing watched the beautiful man try to escape. The sweat from his forehead wet part of his hair, and his hair clothes fell into the forehead, making the host look charming and sexy.

"You look good."

He did not hide the love in his eyes, "you are so strong and beautiful, our baby will be very strong."

With sharp eyes, Shiqing directly lowered his head and was about to tear open his coat with his mouth. Yin Mingzheng could not ignore trying to escape, so he gasped for help.

"Wait --"

he wheezed and gasped because of the previous fierce and useless struggle, trying to squeeze out a sentence in the blank brain.

"You know What do humans do? "

Yin Ming Zheng was totally gambling. He had seen several Zerg mating times in the battlefield, head to head and hand to hand. There were many kinds of Zerg, and there were countless mating methods. But one thing is certain, no one Zerg is the same as human mating.

Zerg are like this, Shiqing this alien should be similar.

Sure enough, has been dead pressure on his Qing Zheng Zheng, silver white eyes have a little at a loss: "not your parts with my parts together?"

"When I first came to Bluestar, I saw human beings * *. First, we should take off our clothes, and then we can install parts."


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Yin Mingzheng breathed a sigh of relief at the bottom of her heart.

Fortunately, I don't know much about it.

He was breathing better and his brain was working fast.

In a word, we should delay the issue of * * as soon as possible. Only when we have settled down can we have a chance to escape.

After thinking about it clearly, Yin Mingzheng coughed: "Shiqing, you're only half right. There are procedures ahead. It's very cumbersome for human beings to get together. In this way, you can get down from me and I'll tell you slowly."

System conscientiously jumped out: "host, he is lying to you!! ]

Shi Qing: [I know, he is a good liar. ]

System: [ ]

it went to the headquarters in silence and ordered an anti noise brain machine for itself. It must not let the evil human beings full of routine tarnish their pure mechanical heart.

Yin Mingzheng still said: "you say we are partners. Partners mean that we are equal to each other. If you want to have sex with me, you should follow the blue star procedure, right?"

The mechanical race, which looks very simple both in appearance and in speech, blinked blankly and seemed to listen.

He got down slowly and put his ear on the man's heart again. His voice sounded very gentle: "OK, I'll listen to you. You can tell me about your blue star procedure. I'll follow the procedure."

Yin Mingzheng breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he felt guilty because of Shi Qing's trust in himself.

He had never cheated even a human when he was at the base, but he was mercilessly abandoned when the danger came.

On the contrary, Shi Qing, though an alien, believed him both in his deeds and in his words.

At the same time, Yin Mingzheng moved her upper body.

I don't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that Shi Qing's hand was touching his coat. Although it was not painful, the coat was not very thick. Yin Mingzheng felt that he was not touched by the coat, but by the muscles under the coat.

But the alien teenager showed his ignorance of this kind of thing before, and Yin Mingzheng could not blame him for his restless hand. After the failure of his attempt to move, he tried to force himself to ignore the hand playing with his "coat".

He thought that maybe Shi Qing had never touched human clothes. He was a little curious.

Ding! The rejection degree of Yinming Zheng is 98100]

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the system is happy and eager to set off fireworks to celebrate. ]

Shi Qing: [it feels really good. ]

System: [ ]

it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

As long as the task is well done, it can accept such shameless words that will pollute its pure heart.Yin Mingzheng is still trying to coax the alien teenagers to get down from themselves:

"Shiqing, you get up first, you are too heavy, it's hard to talk with me."

"Then I'll lighten the weight." When Qing finished this sentence, he controlled his own weight.

The mechanical race can control his own weight at will. Before that, he deliberately adjusted his weight to be able to hold down Yin Mingzheng, but he would not really be pressed out of any problem.

Yin Mingzheng choked for a while, and felt that the youth above him was really slowly lightening down, a posture that depended on him.

This is Shiqing's territory, and there are a lot of well-equipped humanoid machines in the room. Even if Yin Mingzheng was uncomfortable about having a "person" in his body, he did not try to let him go down to avoid irritating him.

"Didn't you tell me about the human procedure? Come on. " Shi Qing urged him.

Yin Ming Zheng opened his mouth, and before he opened his mouth, he listened to the young man's another sentence: "finish it quickly, let's follow the procedure quickly."

He choked again, thinking about what he could do to fool the time away.

Just thinking about how to make up to be more logical, the boy lying on his body suddenly raised his head, on his line of sight.

Shiqing's eyes are silvery white, because of the cold color, even if he looks soft, he will show a sense of oppression when he looks at people without speaking.

"I know that human beings like to lie. Don't lie to me. I can find out."

His body was so soft that he could almost feel the warmth and coldness that did not belong to human beings through his clothes when he was pasted on the body of Yin Mingzheng. With the warmth and coolness, his lips came to his ears, and his voice was softly as if he was whispering:

"in the whole universe, no one dares to cheat the mechanical race."

Yin Ming Zheng consciousness has not yet responded, the body has been conscious of a step of the whole body tensed up, this is in the face of dangerous enemies will have subconscious protection.

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At this moment, he suddenly realized that, no matter how good he was and how harmless his appearance looked, he was not a human race, but an alien with a huge spaceship and countless subordinates.

His vigilance should not be let down from the beginning.

[Yin Ming Zheng rejection: 99100]

[Yin Ming Zheng rejection: 100100]

[Yin Ming Zheng rejection: 99100]

the system looked at the rejection degree of up and down, high and low, and panicked a lot: "host, what to do, the rejection degree goes up again, how can you reveal your stuffing. ]

[it's not called revealing. ]

Shi Qing still looked at Yin Ming Zheng, saw the vigilance in his eyes, but was very satisfied.

You don't really think I'm going to keep trying to please him to reduce rejection? I am a mechanical race that can walk horizontally in the universe. If I believe what Yin Mingzheng says and believes, he "swindles" me and asks me to take my army to beat the Zerg away. After the fight, the repulsion only drops a little. How can I protect Yin Mingzheng until the end of the plot? ]

[even if you really want to do it, you have to wait for his rejection to brush off. ]

after the system suddenly realized, it began to worry: "but when the host is strong, how can the rejection degree drop? ]

[there are many ways. I don't want to break the rules, just let him know who is the leading one between us. ]

when Qingqing pressed his hand on the heart of Yin Mingzheng, he felt its intense beating, and showed his familiar sweet smile to Yin Mingzheng: "I believe you won't cheat me, will you?"

Yin Mingzheng controlled herself to smooth down her frown and smile, affirming:

"yes, I am your partner, how can I cheat you?"

Watching all the systems: two big pig hooves.

Yin Mingzheng was disturbed by this incident. She knew that the alien teenager didn't believe everything she said. She didn't know how to fool Shi Qing. She was thinking. She glanced at the TV set in the room, and her heart suddenly came to her mind.

"Shiqing, I'll find you a love TV show. Our human partner program is similar to that on TV."

Yin Ming Zheng coaxed Shi Qing out of his body, walked to the TV, and actually found a pile of discs.

Before the Zerg called, Yin Mingzheng, a veteran cadre who didn't drive, picked out a TV play that he vaguely remembered was about real love.

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He didn't worry at all that Shi Qing would learn something he shouldn't learn from it.

These are all Chinese films, but they don't have a lot of intimate plots like some foreign TV dramas.

When the disc began to play, Yin Mingzheng turned to smile calmly at the alien youth: "after reading this, you should know the human procedure."

He glanced at the number of episodes, more reassured, "there are 88 episodes in this TV series. Why don't you watch the TV series first? I'll go shopping on the spaceship. How about getting to know each other?""Good."

Hearing Shi Qing's promise, Yin Mingzheng relaxed a little.

Given time, he believes he can find the hole in the ship and get out of here.

Eighty eight episodes of TV series, an episode of more than 40 minutes, at least enough time to see tomorrow, he has enough time

-- yes.

The sound of mechanical touch called back Yin Mingzheng's thoughts. He looked at the past subconsciously, and then his body became stiff.

In front of the TV, Shi Qingzheng put his hand into the screen and closed his eyes as if feeling something. After three seconds, he took back his hand and turned his head to Yin Ming Zheng's sweet smile: "I've finished watching it."

Yin Mingzheng:

He forgot that Shi Qing said he was a mechanical race.

Before he opened his mouth again, the alien teenager had already walked up to him and pushed him to the ground.

Then, with his left leg straddling, he skillfully sat on the Yin Ming Zheng with a heavy figure, and pouted his mouth at the man and was about to press down.

"Wait --"

heard the sound of Yin Ming Zheng's almost panic stop, there was almost a delicate body above, but there was a heavy tonnage of alien teenagers cleverly stopped, good-natured to take away the pouting action, blinked, eyes showed a little doubt.

"I didn't do it, did I?" He pursed his ruddy lips to Yin Mingzheng again, "I see that in the thing called TV play, don't you want to do this? Put my parts and your parts together, and then the small parts in your parts collide with my small parts for about a minute or two. Don't you want to crash my small parts? Isn't this a necessary ritual for you before the human race

Yin Mingzheng didn't respond for a moment. Shiqing was talking about something until he saw the young man open his mouth and put out a small piece of red tender tongue and finger.

"Or are my little parts not to your taste?"

After showing his small parts, he looked at Yin Mingzheng complaining.

"You are so picky."

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