When standing awkwardly with the third prince, Yu chennian speculates from the bottom of his heart what tricks Shiqing is going to play today.

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Since Shiqing was hiding it from him, and he was not allowed to go in until the third prince gave him the food box. Of course, there was something in the box.

It's just some trifles. Anyway, the third prince dare not really give him any dangerous things.

Yu chennian's eyes are dark and his heart is sneering.

What if he knew it?

Several times before, when Qing deliberately teased him, he clearly saw that, is not to step into the trap.

If you don't make a fool of yourself according to these people's wishes, you will only suffer greater malice.

Just thinking about it, a scream came from the room.

The third prince recognized that it was the voice of Shi Qing, and he turned around and ran in.

Yu chennian thought about it and slowly turned around and walked in.

In the room, he was still wearing a red cloak, his face was white. He stood on the ground, his eyes were staring round, his round black eyes were full of fear, looking at the little green snake crawling to his feet.

The other princes hid far away, but there were eunuchs on the side, but they were afraid that their actions would disturb the snake, and they did not dare to go forward.

See two people come in, that pair of black eyes Lipton when out of the water light: "three brothers save me."

"Your Highness, don't come here!"

Before the Third Prince did not move, the eunuch who tried to lead the green snake away with something quickly stopped him: "this snake is called Zhuyeqing, which is very poisonous."

As soon as the words came out, the third prince immediately stepped back and did not want to move forward.

He is also full of ignorant face, quickly low voice asked to serve their own people: "what's going on?! Don't you just ask for a common snake

"Your Highness, the maids and maids only caught a snake without poison. I watched the black snake put in with my own eyes."


The little boy's tears fell down. He was afraid to move, but his tone was as arrogant as ever: "don't you hurry to get this dead snake away!"

Let this snake climb on me again. ]

the system was obedient and immediately manipulated the bamboo leaf green snake to spit out the message and continued to climb up. The target was clear all the way to Shi Qing's shoulder, and the green snake fell on the red colorful cloak, becoming more and more conspicuous.

The young master seemed to be so scared that he couldn't breathe. Instead, he was choking in a low voice. His face was full of fear.

One side of the eunuch even busy way: "young master, do not cry, do not speak, if you do not move, it will not bite you."

Therefore, the young master with tears on his face did not dare to move.

But he can't stay still.

The eldest prince was well protected. He was calm and said to the eunuchs: "don't try to find a way to do it!"

Eunuchs also enter the palace from childhood. Who can catch snakes.

What's more, if they bite him in the process of catching them, even if they have 100 heads, they will not be able to compensate.

The scene froze.

Shi Qing: [let this snake crawl to my face again. ]

the originally quiet bamboo leaf green moved slowly and climbed towards the delicate face of the youth.

The people present were more nervous.

Especially the third prince, this snake was found by him for Shi Qing. If Shi halal was bitten to death here, he would never get rid of the connection.

By the way!

He subconsciously took a look at Yu chennian standing behind him, and the big stone at the bottom of his heart slowly fell down again.

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And Yu chennian is here.

Shiqing, however, happened at his desk. It's a big deal that he'll throw all the pots to Yu chennian.

Anyway, every time something happens, the good thing is that their four brothers divide up, and the bad thing is Yu chennian's fault.

Even if there was an accident in Qing Dynasty, even if the father was angry, he would not sacrifice a grown-up prince.

But Yu chennian is not the same. His father and Emperor never love his son.

Yu chennian, who is very sensitive to other people's emotional transmission, naturally did not miss the third brother's malicious sight.

He is not a fool. After a circle in the bottom of his heart, he can get a rough idea of the third prince's plan.

Yu chennian's heart sank.

If Shiqing was bitten to death by a poisonous snake today, he must have been implicated.

None of these brothers would sympathize with him. It would be nice if he didn't fall into the trap.

If he falls down, his mother is afraid to be even more sad, and there is the second elder sister

In this case, we can only break the boat.

He lives as well as he does.

Either Shiqing dies or he dies.

Yu chennian gritted his teeth, raised his head abruptly and strode forward. He reached out quickly and ruthlessly and grabbed the bamboo leaf green snake under its head, so that it could not open its mouth. He pulled it from the young man's red cloak.Once again, he threw the green snake out of the window.

The green snake trembled on the ground and did not move.

"Young master!"

"Shiqing, are you ok? Come on, get up."

As soon as the danger was relieved, the princes, who had been eager to leave, were surrounded again.

To ask for warmth and help others.

There are also those who reprimand eunuchs: "what's the matter with you! Let the Viper enter the imperial study

Eunuchs who had been sweeping in the imperial study quickly knelt down to beg for mercy.

None of them dared to say that there could be poisonous snakes in the imperial study. They just begged for mercy, kowtowed too hard, and didn't slow down.

When the young master slowed down, he refused to let others help him. Anyone who dared to stretch out his hand directly hit him. Whether it was the eunuch or the prince, they all slapped open.

Yu chennian stood aside and looked at the little boy who was still in a despicable appearance before. He was like an angry milk cat. He sobbed and roared: "go away!! Go away

"I didn't see you come to save me just now!! Now I know to worry about me

Several princes' faces were a little chatty, and the eunuch beside the prince quickly explained: "I haven't seen you with my back to your highness just now. When you see that you are in trouble, if you don't want to, you will rush up. It's the maids who have stopped you."

"Yes, I don't want to misunderstand my highness. If I didn't stop me, how could he have abandoned me? Your highness treats me as a brother. "

The eunuchs around the princes all know that this young master is the person they all want to please. They all help to explain.

"Your Highness is also worried about your safety. If you disturb the snake and bite your highness, how can you do?"

"Young master, get up quickly. It's cool on the ground."

When Qing Dynasty, the young master didn't listen at all. He still beat his hand out to himself: "go away! go away! I don't want you

His white face was still with tears. When he was out of danger, his face was filled with air. "Yuchennian, call Yu chennian."

He is arrogant and indulgent. He has no scruples about it. Yu chennian is the emperor's son. He calls him with his first name and surname directly.

The four princes' faces were stunned, and their eyes were slightly unhappy and looked at Yu chennian standing far away.

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Is it true that this boy has found a chance to please him when it comes time.

No matter how the eyes are blowing cold knife, on the face, they are still with a face "we love brothers" smile.

The eldest prince was the eldest brother. He was the first one to stand out with a kind tone: "Ninth brother, are you scared? Shiqing is calling for you. "

Yu chennian quietly went to the front.

Behind him, there are four brothers' icy line of sight.

It seems that as long as Shi Qingyi is close to him, they can immediately cut off his competitor without hesitation.

Let the four princes more assured is that although Yu chennian came, but still as before, with a muffled like muffled voice.

He didn't take advantage of the opportunity to get credit, nor did he coax the frightened youngsters to increase his favor. He just stood in front of Shiqing as a wooden man.

He didn't even squat down, but looked up at him when he was still sitting on the ground.

In being spoiled, no one has ever dared to give him injustice, when Qing exposed this attitude in front of him.

This is just too much.

The several princes who died lost the grudge of "he actually saved Shiqing", but only left a strong mentality of watching jokes.

Sure enough, I was unhappy when I could not be wronged.

"What do you mean standing so high, squat down!"

As a result, although only 17 years old, eating is not very good, but the body size is abnormal than the other brothers Yu chennian quietly squat down, with the juvenile level.

He didn't think Shiqing would thank himself.

It was as if he didn't feel that Shiqing would regret his prank.

Sure enough, the first sentence the teenager said was to blame: "what are you looking at? If it wasn't for you, I would have been nearly bitten by a snake!"

The other princes immediately relaxed.

Obviously, indulgence never in their own body to find a mistake when the small ye will be wrong all blame to Yu chennian.

Shiqing still said: "don't think that you take that snake away is to save me. If it wasn't for you, I would go to get a snake over here! If I didn't get this snake, would I be scared! "

There's nothing wrong with the logic.

Although very unreasonable, but also very backward.

But the other princes were blind, and they all criticized Yu chennian one after another: "yes, nine younger brothers, this is your fault."

"Well, Shiqing, don't be angry. Get up quickly. Don't you like my jade gourd very much? I'll have someone bring it to you in a moment, so that you can have a good press. "Yu chennian is silent and keeps the original posture. He is still angry and refuses to get up.

The little boy was still wearing the red cloak, which made his skin white and tender. His hands were white and delicate, and pushed the people who wanted to help him away.

"I can't get up. I want to talk to your majesty!"

"Your Majesty asked me to come to the imperial study, and said that I can be regarded as half a prince. How can there be a prince like this? If I had not been lucky enough, I would have told him here."

He was willful and young. He wanted what he wanted from childhood. It's not surprising that he made such a fuss at the moment.

The third prince strained his whole body.

If it is true that when Qing made trouble to his father, Zhuyeqing came out of him.

He quickly pushed a silent Yu chennian, "nine younger brother, still in a daze what to do, still don't hurry to apologize to Shiqing."

Several other princes also responded.

"Yes, nine younger brother. I'll make up for it when I'm quick."

"You are such a big man. How can you be so dull? If it wasn't for you, how could Shiqing have nearly suffered a big crime?"

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This clearly did not do anything wrong, but also to be accused of the scene, let people look at for Yu chennian sad.

Yu chennian's heart did not fluctuate. He was used to it.

The ninth prince, who was tall and tall, but always looked humble with his head down, apologized obediently: "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

"Just know what's wrong?"

See he bowed his head, spoiled little boy more and more pedal nose face.

He snorted coldly, "you all get out of the way. I don't want eunuchs to wait on me. I want him to hold me up."

Don't wait on the eunuch, but the prince.

This is obviously insulting Yu chennian.

However, none of his brothers helped to speak. They just stood aside and watched jokes.

Maybe it's because Yu chennian doesn't move, and the young master doesn't like it.

Stretch out a foot to kick past: "do what Leng, still don't hold me to go back, this ground is dirty dead, I want to change clothes."

Shi Qing was spoiled and spoiled since childhood. Before the age of five, he was held in his arms by his servants. His feet have never been on the ground. Naturally, they are light and graceful, and have little strength.

Kick in Yu chennian leg, with the kitten patted with meat pad like, no pain, but a little itchy.

Yu chennian's heart is not very angry.

He has been used to being held up by others for a long time. As long as he is not excessively punished and deprived of food, his oral words are not painful.

He knelt down in silence and obediently put his hand between Shiqing Yao.

As soon as I met him, Yu chennian stopped.

Before this, Shi Qing and other princes were never willing to have any physical contact with him.

They played pranks and deliberately teased him, but they all despised and despised him.

And the mother is not his mother, he is so old, naturally can not be like a baby in the arms of his mother.

None of the people around him are sincere care, relying on him not to be loved, are cold words, words of contempt.

Therefore, Yu Chen is so old, in memory, this is the first time that he has such close contact with a person.

His first reaction was to be soft.

When Qing's body is soft and soft, it is the feeling of being pampered carefully.

Yu chennian once saw a litter of kittens born by a concubine in the palace. When Yu chennian passed by, he saw that the litter of kittens had been moved to the sun by the maids. The golden sun shone on their white fluff, as if flashing light.

They call low, roll and crawl in their comfortable nest. Maybe they know that someone is taking care of themselves, so they call their purses attractive.

Yu chennian, who was still a child at that time, was attracted at a glance.

It was the first time for him to see such a delicate and weak creature.

He couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like if he could touch it.

But he stood there for half an hour, until the warm sun became hot, and the palace girl took the nest of small milk cats that had been exposed to the sun back to the house, but he could not touch them as he wished.

After that, his adoptive mother was seriously ill. Every day, he wandered between eunuchs and maids. He also had to deal with the bullying of his brothers and the indifference of the dining room. He had no mind to think about kittens.

But now, feeling the soft touch from the fingertips, Yu chennian is not the God of the occasion.

Is it the same with the touch of milk cats.

Soft, obedient, delicate.

Then, when touched by him, Qing was fierce: "what are you doing in a daze? Don't you hold me up!"

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Yu chennian lowered his eyes and hid his thoughts in his eyes. He held up the young master in silence.

When you hold it in your arms, the touch becomes more and more obvious.When the body is soft, like no bones, tender and delicate, and very light.

Being served by the prince, he seems to be very proud, raised his chin, delicate face is full of natural should be spoiled of course.

"I'll change my clothes in the room and let Yu chennian serve me. You don't have to come."

Everyone present nodded with a smile.

It seems that it is normal for a prince to serve his ministers in yuchennian.

Yu chennian did not show any humiliating look on his face.

He just held the young soft Yao in his hand, as usual, holding Shiqing in silence and striding toward the inner room.

The imperial study also has an inner room. Generally, the princes who are stained with ink and so on can go in and change their clothes. Sometimes when they are sleepy, they can go in and sleep for a while.

The princes all have their own rooms, including Yu chennian. Although his room is the same as other brothers, he doesn't have a few clothes.

Naturally, there are rooms in Shiqing. If you push the door in, you will find a gorgeous arrangement.

There was a fluffy blanket on the floor and a small censer on the bed.

When Qing loves fragrance, the people in Imperial study all know.

In the daytime, he asked the eunuch to put the censer on the bed, so that the fragrance could be stained on the bed and mattress.

This is a strange problem, but no one dares to say that he is hypocritical.

Yu chennian quietly put the boy in his arms on the other side of the bed.

When Qing directly soft body, lean on the bed, and stretched out his feet, to kick his legs, the voice of a Jiaoli Jiaoqi: "take off my socks, I do not change clothes, just I was scared, want to sleep for a while."

To let a prince take off his shoes and socks is obviously another kind of humiliation.

This is still not painful for Yu chennian.

He sat obediently on the couch, stretched out his hand and gently pinched the young man's ankle.

This pinch, the youth's action is another meal.

When Qing's skeleton was thin, there was a little flesh on the ankle, but because of its small size, it created the scene today.

Pinched in the palm of my hand, she is very delicate, but with a little meat.

Yu chennian slowly took off the young master's shoes.

The Qing Dynasty was only a teenager this year, and the shoes were small.

His feet never step on the ground outside. Even the steps to the imperial study are carried by eunuchs. The imperial study is the palace people want to sweep sooner or later. Of course, the soles of his shoes are not as dirty as the teenagers said before, but they are very clean.

When the sole is clean, there is no defect in the socks.

Yu chennian holds the young man's ankle and turns to see him.

When he saw him looking over, he seemed very proud to raise his chin and pick his eyebrows. A foot kicked in his hand arrogantly and urged: "what are you waiting for? Don't you still dislike me for being dirty?"

Very annoying expression and words, but because of that naturally arrogant attitude, and the soft touch in his hands, let Yu chennian's heart grow angry.

He slowly pulled out the white socks.

Disgusted with his slow action, Shiqing directly raised Bai Shengsheng's foot and kicked him on the youth.

That foot is small and ingenious, the center of the foot is all tender meat, kick Yu chennian's body, only let his eyes dark.

Ding! Yu chennian's rejection rate was 145100]

in the study

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