After serving the young master, he has taken off his stockings.

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Yu chennian was silent and helped him take off his red cloak and reveal his slender body.

The delicate young master got into the bed and showed only a small white face, and his long eyelashes curled slightly, but he refused to close his eyes.

He did not say let Yu chennian go, but Yu chennian did not move. He just sat beside the bed with his eyes down, just like wood.

When Qing looked at him for a few seconds, he didn't respond, and his face showed dissatisfaction. He stretched out two white feet from the quilt to kick Yu chennian.

When Yu chennian raised his eyes and looked at him, the young master took back Ji with satisfaction and raised his chin:

"I'm going to sleep. You sing a little song, I want to listen to it."

Singing is something that only singers do.

The request of the Qing Dynasty was to step on Yu chennian's face on the ground.

Yu chennian, who had no response to his various orders, frowned slightly and looked at Shiqing with a pair of dark eyes.

He was born well, but there is no expression on his face. When he looks at it, he makes people feel astringent.

In the past, some palace people who deliberately abused Yu chennian made him angry. In this way, he could make people's hearts empty, and he could not care about other things to rush away.

When he was young, no one dared to move a little finger and say a heavy word to him. Naturally, it was the first time that someone showed this look in front of him.

The young master's white tender face showed a little timidity, a pair of round eyes and refused to admit defeat more round, delicate lips pursed, clenched a corner of the quilt and hid behind.

"You, you see what I do!"

A clearly afraid, but also forced to put on the appearance of open teeth and claws.

If you get upset, it's him again.

Yu chennian thought so, slowly lowered his head, voice low and deep: "I can't sing."

"Why are you so useless that you can't even sing a ditty."

Seeing that he put away that frightening look, Shi Qing's courage seemed to grow again, and hummed for a while, kicking Yu chennian's legs with his own jiojio.

His strength is not big. His feet are soft and white. The tender meat is not lethal at all. Yu chennian thinks he doesn't see it. He sits there and lets the young master vent his anger.

I haven't kicked ten times. I'm tired.

Because of the movement on her white face, her breath was a little uneven. She had to look at Yu chennian with complacency. As a result, when she saw that there was no expression of insult on the young man's face, the idea of complacency was immediately covered by anger.

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"I don't know what I eat on weekdays. The meat is so hard that I can't even kick it!"

He is like a kitten who just grabs people but finds his claws stretched out, but people are not bothered. He mews and barks in anger and refuses to make a rake:

"he can't even sing a little song! The meat is so hard. What's your use? "

His words of denunciation are not painful for Yu chennian, who has been used to punishing him for a long time.

Young people even have leisure to think in the bottom of their heart. It's very good to scold when listening here. At least he has a good voice, and his words are harmless. He can't feel pain when he kicks him with his feet. It's better to be teased by several imperial brothers and belittled by Shaofu when he goes outside.

All of them had accompanying reading, so did he. However, Shaofu didn't think highly of him. Several senior brothers often pointed at him and asked him to answer some difficult questions in class.

If you can't answer, you will be beaten for the prince.

Although Yu chennian was not a favored prince, he was accompanied by a serious official. He used to suffer from this kind of hardship at home. Gradually, he asked for leave and refused to be beaten again for Yu chennian.

Without accompanying reading, you can only play Yu chennian when you are on the hand board.

After all, most of them have Prince power behind them. They certainly don't look down on the unpopular Prince Yu chennian. If he gets another prince to shout, he will have to do something more.

Therefore, the imperial study is a place for other princes to study, but it is for Yu chennian to suffer.

No matter in winter or summer, he was punished the most. In winter and winter, his hands were frostbitten, but he was also beaten red and swollen, and he was also punished to copy books. He was the one who could only copy back to dawn in one breath.

Compared with these, Shi Qing's words are nothing.

The eunuch, who was waiting outside, heard the young master's sudden high tone, worried about what was going on inside. He hurried to the door and bent over like shrimps, "what do you want to tell your servants?"


When Yu chennian was scolded passionately, but he didn't get any response from the other party, he responded angrily. He glared at Yu chennian, who didn't have any mood fluctuation on his face. Unwilling, he went back into the quilt and covered himself with a strict reality."You come in."

The eunuch immediately opened the door and bowed down and came in respectfully.

Then he listened to the lazy voice of "I'm going to sleep, sing me a little tune."


The eunuch immediately opened his mouth to sing, which was obviously not the first time.

Yu chennian found out from his memory that several other imperial brothers made fun of the old Qing, saying that he was a baby and that he had to be lulled to sleep by singing songs.

Knowing that Shiqing didn't mean to abuse him, Yu chennian didn't feel much in his heart. He just sat there quietly.

The eunuch sang for a while, and the young master who should have listened to the music was comfortable and comfortable, but the young master frowned and shrunk to the quilt.

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From Yu chennian's point of view, we can see that Shi Qing buried his whole face in the quilt.

A few minutes later, the young master who was restless in the quilt came out of his head, and his white face was full of unhappiness.

He asked: "didn't you set off the brazier? How can it be so cold! "

The eunuch who served him quickly shut up and cautiously replied, "my Lord, the brazier has been here all the time, and he has already let the candidate choose the best red LuoTan. He has been lighting it all the time."

"But there is no heat in this room."

When Qing is not happy to drill into the bed again, "I have been lying for a long time, the feet are still raw cold uncomfortable."

"Would you like me to bring you a soup lady?"

"I don't like to use those. What if it's too hot for me?"

The delicate young master asked a lot.

After that, he looked around the room with round black eyes. When his eyes fell on Yu chennian, his eyes lit up and ordered Yu chennian to say:

"you! Sit on my side. "

Yu chennian sat in silence.

"Come here again, I can't eat you!"

Because he moved too far away, Shiqing was discontented and rolled up the bedding. The silkworm cub rolled to Yu chennian automatically.

Wait for feeling distance almost, he this just satisfied cocked up lip Cape, "you are born so tall, should not be afraid of cold, first help me warm feet."

At the same time, the young master stretched out his white feet. He didn't want to wait for the young man to reply. He pasted Yu chennian's Outerwear to the young man's waist.

Relying on Yu chennian's body temperature to warm his cold feet, the discomfort and impatience on his face went down a little.

Yu chennian still has no sense of resistance. He leans slightly to one side and looks at the young man who still retracts his whole body into the bedding, and only a small head emerges.

In fact, the room is already very warm, at least compared to the imperial study.

Yu chennian has never been able to get it on hand because of his share of the law. Every time the poor charcoal fire comes out, he will send him to his adoptive mother's room, who is ill in bed.

Therefore, his own room has always been no different from that of the outside. In addition, the room is cold and does not often bask in the sun. Every night he lies in the bed, which is like a bed of ice.

Now, Shiqing is in a warm room with warm blankets under it. The bedding is often exposed to the sun, but it is not warm enough.

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Spoiled children are always unsatisfied.

Foot Ya relies on Yu chennian's body temperature is no longer cold, he is also delicate and disgusted that this action will let the ankle expose in the outside.

Eunuch carefully holding the rabbit blanket to cover the ankle of Shiqing, he yelled away.

If the young master is not happy, he will lose his temper.

"Why is there only one pot of charcoal fire in the house? I keep three pots at home."

The eunuch hastily and carefully explained: "little master, this year's red Luo charcoal production is small, this charcoal fire is set, you can only put one pot in your room, even your Highness's room can only put one pot."

"Will I be frozen to death? I won't be so cold at home!"

His father was a descendant of an aristocratic family. His family had a history of hundreds of years, and Shi Qing was his only son. Naturally, he was provided with countless good things since he was a child.

As for the princes, they also had to take the red Luo charcoal according to the rules. In the Qing Dynasty, they really wanted as much as they wanted.

The eunuch hastily proposed: "no, I'll go to several princes and ask for help. Can you spare some of your Highness the charcoal fire so that I can have a good sleep?"

"No going!"

When Qing didn't think about it, he interrupted him. Bai Nen's face was full of anger: "when that snake was on me, they didn't come to save me, so I didn't pay attention to them."

The little boy hated to take back his feet and looked at Yu chennian: "you made me nearly bitten by a snake. You have to compensate me."

"Come up and sleep with me."

Yu chennian was slightly stunned.When he heard the sentence, he thought that he was making fun of.

As a result, Shiqing actually asked him to go to bed?

Perhaps he was surprised to see the unhappy eyes, young master puffed up his face, suddenly got up, grabbed Yu chennian's arm and pulled him to the bed.

I pulled it. I didn't pull it.

When the clear Leng.

He glared at his round black eyes, looked at his hands, and then looked at Yu chennian, who was suddenly attacked and did not move. His face became more angry.

The young master's soft voice was full of anger, "I let you come up!"

Yu chennian: "if you don't see me, I'm afraid it's to blame."

"If you can't see it, you can't see it. It's just a matter of taking less classes. They're always talking about what they can learn."

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Then he snorted coldly and said to the eunuch waiting at the bottom: "you go and tell Shaofu that I'm not well. The ninth Prince is taking care of me. We'll take a leave."


The eunuch retired respectfully.

When he arrived outside, he told Shaofu according to the original words of Shiqing.

Shaofu nodded to show that he knew, and did not ask why Shiqing was uncomfortable with his companion and asked the prince to take care of him.

It's no secret that Shiqing was deeply loved by the emperor and even surpassed his own sons. It's no secret that he was mad to offend Shiqing.

The other princes had no objection.

When Qing Dynasty remembers a grudge, he was almost bitten by a poisonous snake. He also records this hatred on Yu chennian. I'm afraid there are some troubles.

What body discomfort, what Yu chennian is taking care of.

On that character of Qing Dynasty, I can't bear any grievances. I'm afraid I'm trying to get revenge on Yu chennian.

Several people have a number in the bottom of their heart, but did not want to send someone to inquire.

Inside, Yu chennian, who is thought to be tortured and revenged by everyone, lies in a warm quilt in the warm room.

The young boy who was originally in the bed felt the warmth from him, and was finally satisfied and no longer boisterous.

He closed his eyes comfortably and squeezed himself into Yu chennian's arms.

This is the first time since Yu chennian has memory, lying on the couch in such a comfortable environment.

The air was warm, and the room was so clean that he could even smell the smell of milk.

It's not the smell of bedding, nor the censer, but the young master who has been sleeping comfortably in his arms.

He seems to like to drink goat's milk very much. Maybe it is because he loves to drink goat's milk that his skin is so white and tender, and his body can emit such a light milk fragrance.

Even if the white young master fell asleep, his feet were very restless. He closed his eyes and squeezed towards the heat source. He would not stop until Yu chennian was over.

Yu chennian seemed to hold him at the moment.

The body of the young man in his arms is soft and tender, which makes him dare not move. It seems that a slight movement can make this fragile and proud little thing hurt.

He has some strange feeling in the bottom of his heart, itching, as if the cat stretched out its claws and scratched without extending its nails.

It doesn't hurt. It's itchy, but I'm looking forward to it scratching again.

In such a comfortable atmosphere and little expectation, Yu chennian slowly closed his eyes and had a good sleep that he had never had in his memory.

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