The snow outside is light and silent, and the melting snow water under the corridor slowly drops down, making a sound similar to rain.

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There is a light smell of smoke in the room, warm and thick bedding is covered in the body, and a soft and tender small stove is squeezed in my arms.

When Yu chennian woke up, he thought he was in a dream.

Such a comfortable and comfortable scene can only be felt in his dream for so many years.

He moved his arm slightly. After feeling the softness of his hands, Yu chennian slightly bowed his head and saw Shiqing, who was sleeping in his arms.

The young boy's face was flushed. When he opened his eyes, he was always proud and proud. He looked down on the people's smart black eyes, which were hidden under his long eyelashes.

In this way, it seems that he is a very clever child.

Yu chennian naturally knew it was not.

At that time, when he opened his eyes, he would become the little young master who looked down on him and loved to make fun of him. He was so charming that he could not eat any bitterness.

He had been bullied since he was a child, but he didn't feel much about them at the bottom of his heart.

Yu chennian is arrogant in the bottom of his heart. He thinks these people are not worthy of his hatred.

He is like a snake in the dark, quietly dormant, waiting for the opportunity to kill those who stand in his way.

But he won't have any extra emotions, happiness or guilt because of the death of these people. These people are not worthy of it.

At one time, the Qing Dynasty was no different from several imperial brothers in Yu chennian's eyes.

But now, looking at the young master sleeping red face, and with a breath gently sprayed on his arm heat, Yu chennian's heart actually strange rise a trace of complexity.

Such a proud but fragile little guy.

It was like the milk cat he wanted to have but couldn't get it.

Ding! Yu chennian's rejection degree 142100]

the youth felt that the young man in his arms moved slightly, and his delicate lips moved with him. He was like eating something good in his dream, and his curled and beautiful eyelashes were also slightly shaking.

He knew it was time to wake up.

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Yu chennian closed his eyes as if he had been sleeping.

The body in his arms moved more and more fiercely, and he could feel the clean and dim rubbing in his arms, and the delicate hum in his arms.

After a while, the young master woke up. He opened the quilt and yawned.

The next second, Yu chennian felt that Qing's soft and tender feet were kicking his waist. For a moment, he seemed to tickle him.

Just wake up the young master's voice is a little waxy, but his tone is as arrogant as ever, "Hello! Why are you still asleep, get up

Yu chennian opened his eyes obediently.

When she got up from the quilt, Qing Qing's face was full of satisfaction of sleeping well. Seeing Yu chennian wake up, she hummed and raised her chin. Her delicate face was full of "you served well, I'm very satisfied":

"it seems that you still have some use. It's not so boring as they said. When I want to have a lunch break, you can warm my bed."

He used the tone of command, obviously did not intend to give Yu chennian a chance to refuse.

Yu chennian did not want to refuse.

At least compared with a few of the royal brothers outside, or this delicate young master can make him more relaxed.

When I ordered to be perfect, he called the eunuch outside to come in.

Yu chennian watched him sitting there with open arms and letting the eunuch dress him. When he was dressed, he sat back on the bed, waiting for people to wait on him to wear stockings and shoes.

In his life, Shi Qing didn't wear clothes and shoes by himself. Yu chennian thought that if he was allowed to come by himself, he would not wear them at all.

When they arrived at the imperial study, it was already in the afternoon. Several princes warmly and kindly said hello to Shi Qing, and the prince said that he had arranged tranquilizing Soup for him, which was really a gentle and considerate one.

They are very tacit understanding of the neglect of standing at the side of the Qing, slightly bowed his head, the body is not so tall Yu chennian.

No one asked the youngest brother whether he had suffered from it when he was in a bad temper.

No one had any objection to his inexplicable carrying the pot.

Just from this day on, when Yu chennian was still playing tricks by hand, I seemed to have found a new way to play.

He began to be keen on letting Yu chennian, the prince, do what the humble servants would do.

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For example, the Qing Dynasty required Yu chennian to arrive early every day, so that when he got to the imperial study steps and got off the sedan chair, Yu chennian could directly come to the sedan chair and carry him all the way to the imperial study.

You know, it used to be the work of eunuchs.

And at the same time, even at this time of lunch break, Shiqing is not willing to let go of Yu chennian.

He did not allow Yu chennian to return to his house, but insisted that he follow him back to his room.

According to Chen Yu's request, Chen Yu sang the same song as the eunuch of Qing Dynasty.And in a few Prince's beating around the Bush, the young master is not polite, from now on, he will serve Yu chennian.


This is not to take Yu chennian as a servant!

Still so undisguised.

He is also a prince at least. Even if his biological mother is humble and his adopted mother is an abandoned empress, he is also a prince. Even they dare not violate him in this way.

Of course, I'm not afraid of Yu chennian, but I'm afraid of my father's opinions. It's the Dragon son and the Phoenix's grandson. I don't think any other bullying will happen. If it's really compared to the palace people, no one can be sure whether the father will be angry.

Several princes and sons are secretly looking forward to their father's anger. At this time, they take the opportunity to comfort the scolded Shi Qing.

As a result, such a day has been passed for five days, but the emperor, who has always been familiar with all matters in the palace, has never made a statement.

If you don't make a statement, you will support it.

Sure enough, the status of the Qing Dynasty in the eyes of his father and emperor was much more than that of his sons.

At the same time, Yu chennian's position in his father's mind was less than they imagined.

Some of the princes who would have bullied Yu chennian for pleasure all despised the youngest brother more and more.

Anyway, there is no matriarchal power behind him, and his people are dull. Even his father and Emperor don't like him. It's a pleasure to bully him.

On the sixth day, Shi Qing arrived at the foot of the imperial study in a sedan chair, only to find that the youth who should have been waiting for him were standing in the snow.

The boots on his feet have been buried by the snow for a little while, and a layer of snow has fallen on his body. It can be seen that standing here is not for a while and a half.

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The young master's eyebrows wrinkled at once.

Since he was young, Jin Zunyu was not touched by snow and rain. He opened the curtain in anger and jumped down.

"Be careful, sir..."

This move can frighten the eunuchs who serve him. They are like nursing baby babies who have just returned to walk. They follow Shiqing carefully.

"Go away!"

Yu chennian looked at Shiqing from a distance, like an angry little lion. He drove away the people around him, and came to him with a kind of attitude of teaching and questioning.

"Who made you stand here?"

His soft voice was raised because he was not happy.

"They don't know that you have to carry me to the imperial library every day! You are covered with snow, how can I let you carry it! "

Yu chennian was stunned.

He didn't expect that Shiqing would be angry because of this. He thought that according to the young master's delicate temperament, he should directly change to a eunuch to carry the snow.

Seeing that he didn't answer, the young master became more angry:

"speak up!"

Yu chennian: "big brother, said that I do not have classes these days, he punished me to stand calm in the snow."

When the kitten exploded even more.

"Who doesn't know that I asked you to accompany me. Is he going to hit me in the face?"

Actually not.

The eldest prince is just looking for a reason.

Anyway, it was the same before. No one could step on his feet.

Now, Yu chennian's dark eyes are fixed on the young boy who is angry because of his punishment.

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He was so angry that his face was flushed, like a cub who found that his food had been snatched away by others, and he roared in a tearful voice;

"you are the people who serve me, why should they move?"

"Said it's mine!"


Angry finish saying, the young master is not happy to glare at Yu chennian.

"You're useless. Thanks to you've been with me for a few days, you've let them bully me like this!"

The eunuchs did not seem to be so angry, so they cautiously caught up with him, "young master, don't stand in the snow, your boots are wet."

Shi Qing was more angry because of his words.

"Yu chennian's back is full of snow water!! How can he carry me! Big brother, what do you mean? I'm here to accompany you, not to be inspired! Yu chennian carried me back for a few days, so he punished Yu chennian in the face

Eunuchs: --

This logic is not right.

Can be QIANJIAO wanpet grow up of the young but completely regardless of what logic is illogical, finished in one breath, angrily turned around and ran to the imperial study.

"I have to ask him for an explanation!"

After running for two steps, he turned back and looked at Yu chennian who was still standing in the same place and urged: "are you a fool! Don't keep up with me

Yu chennian took two steps forward and nearly tripped him with his stiff feet.

But he has always recovered quickly.

After two or three steps, I began to feel consciousness.Four, five, six

He chased the bright red figure in front of him in his red cloak. His eyes were brighter and his steps were more and more brisk.

Ding! Yu chennian's rejection rate was 100, 100]


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