When the Qing Dynasty angrily entered the imperial study, several princes sitting in the imperial study were stunned to see his embarrassed appearance of falling snow.

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Young master is usually a little delicate, from the first sight of him, they have not seen him with a drop of rain.

Every day when the ministers outside came to the palace gate, they would get off their sedan chairs and walk into the palace. The princes could not take sedan chairs in the palace.

The women in the back palace can sit down, but the back palace is completely separated from the former dynasty. If the empress wants to come to the front, they should also walk seriously according to the rules.

In addition to their father and Emperor sitting on the Dragon chair, only Shi qingneng had the treatment of entering the Palace door without leaving the sedan chair.

Since the Emperor allowed him not to get off the sedan chair, he could sit all the way to the imperial study, and all the way up the steps he had to carry on his back.

He has this confidence and pride. Recently, since he began to toss the gloomy lunar new year, I have become more and more fierce. After a whole day's work, the green cloud boots embroidered with gold thread are still white. It can be seen that his feet have hardly touched the ground.

But now, the delicate young master still has unfused snow on his black hair, and his red cloak is full of snow water, even on the soles of his two-way white shoes that are not stained with dirt.

"Shi Qing? Why don't the eunuch come in with his back on his back

All the princes stood up to look out for the cold and warmth. This was what the eldest prince said. He said it while laughing. He stretched out his hand to help him clear his cloak.

When Qing but directly avoided his hand, a pair of Pan round eyes filled with dissatisfaction: "big brother, what do you mean?"

Big prince:

Big prince: "what's wrong with me?"

"When you don't like it, I'll tell you. If you don't like it, tell me if you don't like it. What do you mean by bullying me like this!"

"I'm insulting? I How did I insult you? "

The big prince with a big black pot on his back is almost muddled.

Who didn't know the position of Shi Qing.

He is not stupid or crazy. How can he bully Shi Qing.

"You said no!"

The young master was even more angry. He turned around and ran to the door. Yu chennian, who was standing outside the door because of the snow on his body, ran back again.

"Who doesn't know that I want him to carry me off the sedan chair these days. How can you carry me when you let him stand in the snow for so long?"

The eldest prince said:

He is not bullying Yu chennian, how to clear the mouth when the time, become targeted at the Qing.

Even if there are ten thousand grass mud horses in the bottom of my heart, and I know that I can't get angry, I still force myself to calm down and swallow this tone.

With a smile on his face, he went to kiss Shi Qing's arm and said, "Shi Qing, I really don't mean that. It's just that my ninth brother can't do his homework at this time. As the eldest brother, I can't help but have some expectations for him. That's why he was punished."

"Ninth brother can't carry you. Can I ask other eunuchs to carry it?"


If the ordinary people, also see good to close, but when the young master's life, did not see good to accept these three words.

He was very shameless to shake off the prince's hand, and his attitude was very bad:

"those eunuchs who did not say that Yu chennian was good, and all of them had a bad smell. I would like to have Yu chennian!"

This is also in line with the young master's temperament.

If he has a good one, he will never choose the next one.

The eunuchs served in the palace were no more than ordinary servants outside.

They cut off their children and grandchildren since childhood. They have to get up early in the morning and go to sleep late at night. In addition, they don't eat carefully. Naturally, they don't get fat.

Being carried on the body is also hard to cut the flesh.

In addition, most of the eunuchs who have lost their children and grandchildren are not as well controlled as normal men. If they are too late, they will inevitably miss some.

In order not to let the serving master feel bad smell, most eunuchs will entrust people to take fragrant powder from outside the palace and use it on themselves.

In addition to those big eunuchs, the small eunuchs do not have much money on their hands. The perfume powder they buy is also cheap. It's not good for them to rub incense on their bodies.

But then smoke people, that is better than to let the owners smell the indecent smell.

This is why it is said that eunuchs are like half a woman when they cut off their children and grandchildren. After all, wherever they go, the fragrance overflows. It seems to others that eunuchs are very feminine.

Back to the main topic, Shi Qing came to do the accompanying reading. Of course, he would not take the servants with him. He always let the eunuch carry the sedan chair.

In the past, when he could bear it, after all, he had no choice. After being carried by Yu chennian for a few days, he tasted the sweetness.

He was very unreasonable to the prince"Yu chennian has been following me these days. Everyone knows that if you punish him, you are punishing me. Since I joined you as a companion, I have to enter the palace at daybreak every day, and I can go home when the sun goes down. Every time my husband plays the hand board for you. I try my best to you, but you beat me in the face and punish me. What's the reason?"

The eldest prince almost lost his breath and laughed.

"It's just that Yu chennian was punished. How can you be dragged to your head?"

"If you didn't punish him, how could I fall all over the snow!" he said

This logic, no one.

However, when the other princes saw that they had fallen out with each other, they were immediately happy.

Fan Yin Wind Point ghost fire, do not know how much fan point slip.

"Yes, big brother, this is your fault."

"When Qing was a young man, he was rich in clothes and food at home. When he came to the palace to be your companion, he had to bear hardships. His grievances were normal."

"Big brother, you give Shi Qing an apology. Don't do it again next time. He's very nice. He's humiliated out of thin air. What a pity."

For Shi Qing, he never had to worry about doing something wrong.

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Because all the people around him have the same idea.

Shiqing won't do anything wrong, it will only be someone else who has done wrong and provoked him.

If he did something wrong, please refer to the previous one.

Before facing all this is nothing to do, just because Shiqing wanted to harm him not to do, it became his wrong Yu chennian.

The emperor was very happy at that time.

And now it's his turn.

The eldest prince said:

When it's his turn to be treated like this, he knows how frustrated he feels when he says, "if you're wrong, you're wrong. You have to press your head to apologize.".

The eldest prince was the eldest son, and he always felt that he had great prestige among his younger brothers.

Being able to coax Shi Qing is just worrying about the prime minister and his father behind him.

But were pointed at the nose scolded, or in front of a few younger brother's face, to say that the heart is not angry is certainly false.

But no matter how angry, for the benefit behind the time Qing, he can only endure.

He took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile. He kept his teeth itching and tried to keep a friendly smile:

"Shiqing, it's the big brother who is not good. I won't do this again next time. Don't be angry, OK?"

The anger on the young master's face slowly came down.

He snorted, proud of the small chin, a pair of "I'm really tolerant" of the small appearance: "OK, look at your face, I'll forgive you this time."

This is a typical example of being cheap and selling well.

The smile on the prince's face almost didn't twist.

He looked around and saw that except for Yu chennian, who kept his head down as usual, he could not see any expression. The other brothers were all eyeful at his jokes and ridicules.

When did he have such grievances.

Endure again and again, in the end or not.

With a stiff smile on his face, the eldest prince said dryly, "I'm a little sleepy today. I'll take a rest in the back for a while. I'll bother some younger brothers until the young Fu comes to help me."

With that, he turned and left in a hurry.

From his back, he was going to be angry.

The other three princes looked at each other and talked to Shi Qing in a friendly way.

"Look at you wet."

"You are also a child's temper. If you feel uncomfortable in your heart, you should go back to the imperial study first. Look at the snowy water all over your body. If you don't change it quickly, how can you do if you have a cold wind?"

"And your boots. They're all wet on the top. Do you have your boots on the back? If not, send someone to my room to get a pair. Don't worry. They are all new. "

When Qing Dynasty, all the stars support the moon.

Several people are all a face of heartache, as if he stood in the snow for a while on what day of sin.

Yu chennian, who suffered a great crime, is still as indifferent as before.

Young master is used to this kind of treatment for a long time. He sneezes and rubs his nose: "it's OK, man. It's just snow and wind."

"I've got a change of clothes inside. Just change." Finish saying, he also did not forget Yu chennian, turned to look at always silent, silent as if does not exist youth.

The tone is no better: "what are you doing! Come on

Yu chennian, who has always been regarded as dull by the palace, followed him in silence. He had stood in the snow for too long before, dripping water all the way along the way.

The princes did not dislike Shiqing, but Yu chennian, so they made way one after another.

He did not see the disdainful expression of these brothers, but looked at the youth in front of him with steady and slow pace.

After turning out, Shiqing doesn't have a path to his house, but reaches out to pull Yu chennian's arm.

The youth subconsciously dodged.Young master a Leng, white tender face immediately showed dissatisfaction: "you do what!"

Yu chennian lowered her eyes, and her arms hung unnaturally on both sides: "dirty."

"Where is the trouble? It's snow water."

Shi Qing didn't care at all. He murmured in his mouth and held Yu chennian's arm.

He lowered his voice and whispered, "I want to hear if the eldest brother is talking ill of me. You follow me. If you are found, you should protect me, OK?"

"Of course."

Xu felt that he was a little weak in doing so. He might also feel that if he wanted to help Yu chennian, he had to be drawn in first.

The young master raised his chin with reserve: "I didn't call you because the eunuchs in the palace are not my talents. I value you. Although you are dull like a wood, you are tall at any rate. How much can you do?"

Shiqing seems to be totally unaware that he has let out his mouth. After finishing this sentence, he takes Yu chennian's hand and carefully looks around him. He stands on tiptoe and walks forward gently.

After two steps, he felt wrong again. Looking back, he saw that Yu chennian was still walking as usual, and his delicate face showed a look of hatred for iron and steel.

"You're stupid. You said you were eavesdropping. Keep your head down and don't let them see it!"

Therefore, Yu chennian lowered his head with a command and an action.

His eyes are still heavy, looking at the youth in front.

Shi Qing was in the appearance of "I want to be a thief". He lowered his head carefully and bent down to move forward. From Yu chennian's point of view, he could see that his boots, which were extremely small, stood on tiptoe carefully and moved forward bit by bit.

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Obviously, he is guilty of being a thief, but he can't see how to hate it.

Ding! Yu chennian's rejection rate: 95100]

the system does not understand: [the host didn't do anything? ]

Shi Qing: [maybe it's because I look good, hee hee hee. ]

when they arrived in front of the prince's house, the eunuch who should have been waiting outside was not there.

In order to show the frugality of the princes, the princes who came to the imperial study only brought one eunuch to serve them. The eunuchs who served with them were originally servants in the imperial study. Generally, they were accompanied by one eunuch and served the eunuch.

Different from accompanying readers, the eunuchs around the princes are all confidants.

After all, the maids can still get married when they are 30 years old. Eunuchs will stay in the palace all their lives. Therefore, they will be more loyal and reliable than the maids. The princes also like eunuchs to wait on them.

Now the eunuch of the eldest prince is not outside, that is, in the house.

When Qing pulls Yu chennian's arm, all the way carefully sneak to the door.

Yu chennian silently followed him to hide there. When he looked at it, he opened his eyes wide and round, and leaned over his body, carefully sticking his ears to the door.

In fact, there's no need to paste it. The emperor's voice is very loud. You can hear it standing at the door.

Because he's throwing things.


It should have been a teapot like pottery that fell to the ground.

Then there was the roar of the eldest prince: "he is something! If it had not been for his father's face, I would have given him some color! "

Then came the eunuch's voice: "Your Highness, your highness, please calm down, if you let people hear..."

"Hear it, hear it! But is a minister son, can the father emperor really because of a prime minister's son, despise his own eldest son?! Who gave him the courage to speak to a prince like this? Before, he only looked at coaxing him in the face of his father. He really regarded himself as a character and a companion reader. How dare he be so rampant when my highness is in power... "

Yu chennian is not surprised that the prince is like this in private.

Among the several elder brothers, the eldest prince was the most tyrannical. From childhood to adulthood, Yu chennian was punished by him without any reason.

It is said that several maids were missing in his palace before. Later, some people found those palace ladies with scars all over their bodies in the dry well. It was only because the eldest prince and his wife were favored that they forced the matter down.

He can hold back to the room to vent again, has been far beyond Yu chennian's expectation.

Seeing the front, Qing's face was full of anger and he wanted to reach out and push the door. Yu chennian held his hand and stopped him.

If this matter makes a big fuss, it is obviously unreasonable for Shiqing to be unreasonable.

Even when he arrived at the emperor's place, the eldest prince turned his back and refused to accept it. How could Shiqing, a little young master who had been spoiled by thousands of Jiao since he was a child, could have played with him.

The eunuch in the room was still trying to comfort the Prince: "Your Highness, please bear with me first, and then you can do it again. It's only the courtiers. Your highness is the real dragon son and Phoenix grandson. Let's see in the future."

"Yes, in the future, if there is a chance, my highness will certainly find them back one by one. I don't want his life. I will leave him by my side and let him serve me. His face is really excellent. Isn't he noble? When he has become his royal concubine's pet, he will be pressed on the couch to serve people every night. How noble he is. "Yu chennian's pupils contracted suddenly.

He has never been out of the palace since he was a child, and the emperor is not good at masculinity. Even if the other brothers have this preference, they will not tell him.

However, it is mentioned in the book that eroticism is only a word in Yu chennian's eyes.

It was the first time that he really heard these two words from other people's mouths.

What's more, it's still used in Shiqing.

The big prince inside is still imagining with an obscene tone: "when it comes, I will imprison him in the palace, lock the chain, only allow him to wear gauze clothes."

With the words of the great prince, Yu chennian's heart gradually jumped up.

It was as if he had really seen that.

Arrogant and arrogant when Qing was locked in the palace, according to his character, will certainly lose his temper.

Will be angry meow meow meow meow meow, with soft tender feet kick.

Or is it a direct hit?

The Qing Dynasty soon gave the answer to Yu chennian.

When Yu chennian fell into a daze because of the emperor's words, the young master directly kicked the door open and rushed in angrily.

"You son of a bitch!"

When the eldest prince and the eunuch had not yet returned to their senses, they looked at the young man who was charming and charming. He raised the round stool and went towards the prince.

"You still want me to be a concubine?"

When Qing roared, he took the bench and smashed it to the emperor's abdomen.

He rushed so fast that the eunuch didn't react. He watched his master smashed several times.


The eldest prince screamed and quickly covered himself to avoid. He almost yelled: "what are you doing? Stop him!"

"Bah, I'm so happy!"

Shi Qing took the bench and smashed it again. Seeing that the eunuch came up to stop him, he kicked him in the past: "go away --"

"Yu Chenhao"!!! Don't hide if you have the ability! I'm going to kill you today! "

Knowing that he had heard all of them, he broke his face. The eldest prince did not have the soft policy as before. Instead, he was in a mess to avoid and yell at him:

"I am the prince, you beat the prince, but it is a death penalty!"

Shi Qing didn't listen to him at all. He was very arrogant.

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"What a son of a bitch!! You are so dirty, I should have killed you! "

"Calm down, sir..."

Shiqing was stopped by the eunuch, and kicked people away again. He yelled at Yu chennian: "Yu chennian, what are you doing standing there! I didn't ask you to protect me! Don't stop this dead slave

Yu chennian has another command and an action in the past.

The eunuch was also a bully. He was afraid of Shiqing, but he was not afraid of Yu chennian. When he saw Yu chennian stop him, he directly used his strength. As a result, Yu chennian was more powerful than he was and stopped people.

Shi Qing was very angry. The prince was caught off guard and hurt a few times before. He was addicted to the girl's body. He couldn't resist at all. He just beat him to the front.

When the prince and the young Fu in front of him heard the news, they saw four people in a room, all of whom had disordered hair.

The eunuch and Yu chennian are still ignored by the public.

When the clear tired panting, is holding the table to breathe deeply, next to a round stool.

In the corner, there was a big prince in the corner, but there was no wound on his face. But seeing that he was covering a certain place with pain in his face, we could also see where he was hurt.

Seeing someone coming, the eldest prince immediately caught the eunuch who came to help him get up. "Don't worry about me. Go to the front and ask the father to come!"

The eunuch looked around, saw when Qing did not mean to stop, immediately obedient trot out.

Feeling that the patron was coming, the great prince's waist became hard again. He stood up against the wall with hatred on his face:

"Shi Qing! You dare to beat the emperor and son so wildly. Even if the father dotes on you this time, he will never stand on your side. I will wait

"Wait, wait!"

The little young master was still very arrogant and glared at the big prince fiercely, as if he didn't know the seriousness of the matter. The other princes who looked directly at him were sweating for him.

There is a reason why the eldest prince is cruel but still in his father's heart.

It's that he can cry.

In front of them these younger brothers, he is superior, reprimands scolds.

To the father of the emperor that is a good son can not do.

Otherwise, those maids who died before would not be so silent as nothing happened.

The emperor will arrive soon.

Accompanied by a eunuch's high "Your Majesty's arrival", the big prince's eyes lit up quietly against the wound.

He quickly stood up, eyes a red, face aggrieved to meet up: "father...""Your majesty

Before he walked over, a slender figure ran in front of him. Even the voice of shouting was higher than that of him, and the grievance was faster than him.

When he was chasing him all over the room, Qing sobbed and choked when he was chasing him all over the room:

"Shi Qing presents himself to his majesty."

This looks like a room full of princes are at a loss.

Where have they seen Shi Qing like this.

The young master is always rebellious and has a big temper. He would like to lift his chin to the sky.

Yu chennian also stood aside, witnessing the scene of the evil milk cat incarnation soft and soft.

He slightly deep eyes, silent continue to look.

When Qing is crying, delicate, and full of grievances, tears flow, that delicate face all over the face, looks very pitiful.

When the emperor looked at the tears on his face, he was stunned. Didn't he say it was when Qing beat the prince? Why is Qing crying so much.

"Get up, get up, what's going on? I'm crying like a little face. "

"Thank you, your majesty."

When Qing a bit stutters does not fight to stand up, the face is aggrieved wipe tears.

The wounded prince finally arrived at the moment: "the son minister salutes the father, the father emperor, you should give the son minister..."

"Your Majesty, you are going to make decisions for your courtiers The elder brother has been deceiving people too much, sobbing... "

Once again, the eldest prince choked. He couldn't believe that he looked at the young man standing beside him, full of grievances: "do I deceive people too much?"

Shiqing seemed to be frightened by the twisted look on his face. He showed timidity in his eyes, and retreated, carefully and timidly hiding behind the emperor.

"Just now I heard from my own ears that my elder brother said that I was nothing but the son of a prime minister. He also said that when he was in power, he would He wants me to be a concubine... "

The eldest prince gritted his teeth: "father, don't listen to his nonsense. How can I say such a thing? It is clear that he suddenly rushed in and hit me. You can see the wound on my body..."

On the young master's face is a burst of uncontrollable grievance, tears bar da da da big big along the cheek to fall.

The soft, soft and glutinous voice was not as arrogant and overbearing as before: "although the minister is not more noble than several princes, he is also the son of a courtier. Since childhood, he has always admired his majesty and yearned for several princes. His heart is all toward his majesty, but his highness compares me to a child molester. I am so disgraced and humiliated that I can't be angry for a moment That's why I started

"Don't believe him, father. Don't you know what kind of person your son minister is? I've always been gentle and thrifty! "

"If your highness doesn't admit what I said before, please tell me, if I don't have these words, I'm so timid and timid because of premature birth. How could I have made trouble to your highness without these words?"

The eldest prince almost didn't get angry.

He's timid?!!

He's been weak since he was a child?!!

Before when Qing carries a bench to chase him all over the room, the physical strength does not seem to know how good.

His face was distorted again: "father, I am your father and son!"!! The reason why we had a dispute was that he took the ninth brother as a servant and asked him to carry him up and down the steps every day. I can't get used to it. I don't believe you can ask the servant whether he wants him to be carried on his back these days. "

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Shi Qing didn't feel guilty at all and sobbed: "Your Majesty, I have a good relationship with my nine elder brothers. He loves my weak body, so he carries me down the steps personally. All the people in the imperial study know about this matter."

"Today Today, I saw nine elder brother standing in the snow. I didn't know how long he had stood, and his whole body was wet. I was distressed. I went to ask why his highness wanted to punish him. Because he was unhappy, he went to the back hall alone. When he was upset, he took him to make an apology. Unexpectedly I didn't expect to hear that in the past, but I heard that in the past, sobbing... "

The young master couldn't stop crying. He wiped away his tears and looked at the aggrieved: "Your Majesty once said that several princes are like my brothers. I regard the hall as my elder brother, but the great master regards me as a plaything. I think he always despises me as a plaything to be a companion reader."

Speaking of this, Shi Qing once again took a strong sniff: "today I beat my highness. I don't ask your majesty not to punish me, but only ask your majesty to wipe my accompanying reading on me. Otherwise, if I continue to be the companion of my great highness, I'm afraid that one day, I will be bound in the palace by him and do the thing of serving people."

The emperor's face changed several times.

He believed Shiqing's words. After all, he was young and admired himself all the time. Even if he had a temper on weekdays, he would never fight against the prince for no reason.

He pointed out Shiqing to the eldest prince as a companion, because he was optimistic about the son and wanted him to borrow the power of the prime minister.

He knew what kind of virtue the eldest prince was, but he never cared about it. He thought his son was clever in front of his eyes. As a result, he failed him so much.Even if he is the emperor, he will not be able to explain to the prime minister.

Before that, I thought the eldest son had the temperament of his youth.

But now it seems that it is useless.

Even a child in Shiqing couldn't be coaxed well, and it was so.

Looking at the emperor's face, the eldest prince knew that it was not good. He was flustered and knelt down quickly. "The father, the father and the children really did not. Shiqing bullied and humiliated the ninth younger brother. This is what everyone saw! Father

He was a little bit more aggressive and cleared his legs when he reached the point.

The young master immediately exclaimed, as if he was hiding from some great beast, and ran into Yu chennian's arms, looking like he was shivering.

This appearance, let alone the emperor, even several other princes who have seen his arrogant appearance before feel that he is extremely scared.

In addition, when the wall fell down, the crowd pushed and immediately began to speak.

"My father and my son's ministers testify that Shiqing and jiudi are indeed in and out of the same place. They have a good relationship, not as big brother said."

"Yes, my father and my son's ministers can testify. Today, Shiqing had a quarrel with my elder brother because he was punished by the elder brother to stand in the snow for more than half an hour, which led to the dispute."

The emperor looked at the eldest son's sight gradually cooled down: "you are just the eldest brother, but you are very powerful. I have never let you stand in the snow for half an hour."

The eldest prince looked at his father's eyes and felt cold. "Father, it's really not like this. Shiqing is really insulting his ninth brother! He takes the ninth brother as a servant! "

The emperor took a look at Shi Qing, who shrank in Yu chennian's arms, and felt more and more that this son was stupid.

"Even if you are lying, you should say something decent. OK, since you don't want to study in the imperial study, you can choose a good day in a few days, then you can go out of the palace and open your house."

The eldest prince was stunned.

If you go out of the palace and open the house, you will not be the crown prince.

"My father!! Father!! Listen to your son's explanation, father and Emperor... "

"If you come, take your highness back to rest. You will be forbidden for a few days."

"Father emperor!"!!! When halal bullies nine younger brothers!! Ask them! These are what we have seen with our own eyes! "

"Father and Emperor --"

the eldest prince was taken away.

The emperor comforted Shi Qing, who was hiding in Yu chennian's arms, saying that he had no way to teach his son this time, so that he could continue to study at ease. Then he drove back to the palace with the expression of "how could I have such a stupid son".

Several princes went out to meet him. Yu chennian was left to comfort Shi Qing, who was "crying fiercely".

As soon as the emperor left, the young man buried in Yu chennian's arms immediately raised his head and carefully looked at it. Seeing that he had gone, he came out of Yu chennian's arms.

He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

See Yu chennian also Zheng Zheng looking at himself, when Qing and raised the small chin, hum a, is still familiar with the Jiao Li delicate: "see what to see!"

"Don't think that you helped me just now. You are lucky. Since you said that in front of your majesty today, I will cover you in the future, but you still have to carry me every day. Moreover, you still have to come to my house every afternoon, and you have to eat the dishes I don't like, and, um..."

The little boy thought for a while, then waved his hand: "I can't remember for a moment. At present, it's like this. I'm sleepy. I'll go back to the room to sleep. When they come back, you can tell them that I'm tired of crying and go back to rest, and then come to me."

When he finished, Yu chennian was still staring at himself in silence, and a little angry appeared on his white face. He stretched out jiojio and gave Yu chennian a little kick:

"what are you doing in a daze? I'll talk to you!"

Yu chennian: "good."

Looking at the young master's satisfied face, he turned and left, and he was still standing in the room.

The change in Shi Qing's attitude was obvious.

Those who are higher than him and need to be flattered by him are like newborn baby cats. They are delicate and timid. They are careful to please and pretend to be weak.

Compared with his low status, Shi Qing was arrogant, overbearing and unreasonable. He was coquettish and forceful, demanding others to pet him and follow him.

When necessary, he will be soft to rely on his own arms, very natural request his protection.

Yu chennian suddenly has an idea.

If one day he will be able to gain power and sit on the throne.

At that time, will Shiqing show such a coquettish and timid look at him?

The milk cat that he could not touch in the past could be encircled in his arms in the future.

That moment of peace that only when Shiqing wants to take a nap will be permanent.

The young man's eyes were dark and heavy, but his expression was no longer as dull as the princes always thought. In one eye, his ambition gradually rose.

He lowered his head and looked at his hands. Suddenly, he wanted to ascend the throne and sit on the Dragon chair representing the highest power.At that time, when the hands held the slender waist, it was no longer the young master who complained that his hands were too warm. If he wanted him to take it away, he would have to take it away.

Ding! Yu chennian's rejection rate was 88100]


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