Since the first prince fell out with Shiqing and was driven out of the palace by the emperor, the remaining princes who had been close to him were even more intimate with him than their own brothers.

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After all, the first Prince Jane was in the heart of the emperor, and was a powerful candidate for the crown prince's position. As a result, he was beaten by Shi Qing, but was expelled from the palace instead of seeking justice.

Before, they just wanted to please Shi Qing, but now they don't dare to offend him.

Everyone knows that when I was indulged in arrogance, bad temper and like to get angry, before they thought that they were also the prince at all times, and that elder brother's brother was also on his lips when he was talking. I think there must be some points in his heart that he knew that they could not offend him.

As a result, the great prince's painful lesson can be regarded as a solid one, which makes several princes wake up.

Of course, they are very tacit understanding to forget that they also have fallen into trouble, as well as for the big brother was expelled from the "fight for Prince list" contribution.

Shi Qing was only 14 years old in the end, and he was spoiled and grew up. His father and emperor also spoiled him. He was definitely not allowed to eat any grievances.

Anyway, it's absolutely right to be careful with him.

So the three people are very tacit understanding of the neglect of the Qing Dynasty to Yu chennian's all kinds of intensified.

Since the last time when the Qing Dynasty said in front of the emperor that Yu chennian made friends with him, they were almost all together as long as they were in the palace.

But in the eyes of the three princes, this is not a good thing for Yu chennian.

If the Qing Dynasty used Yu chennian as his servant only occasionally, after the prince left, he simply wanted Yu chennian to follow him all day long.

In the eyes of the three princes, this is Yu chennian as a personal servant.

According to the information they heard, Yu chennian had a lunch break every day in the Qing Dynasty. It was said that Yu chennian was used to warm his feet.

Shi Qing is picky, but the rule of the palace is that foreign ministers enter the palace and eat all the food they give. Although he secretly dumped the food before, others would pretend to be invisible, but perhaps Shiqing didn't let Yu chennian finish the insurance for him. Every time he ate, he took Yu chennian to hide in his room and threw the dishes he didn't like to eat.

As for how they knew it, I only saw that the young master was no longer guilty and ran out with the food box in his arms.

Even on a rare rest day, Shiqing refused to let Yu chennian go. He had a waist token and could go in and out of the palace at any time.

On the day of rest, Shiqing still went into the palace and played with Yu chennian in the front garden.

This play, you have to use quotation marks.

He has been learning painting recently, but he has only learned it for three days. He said that he learned it from westerners. When he wants to draw a person, he must make the other person keep a few movements.

Obviously, Yu chennian was the "model" of the Qing Dynasty.

The noble prince was treated like this. Yu chennian lost his mother when he was a child. His adopted mother still lived in a deserted palace. From small to large, his status was not high. Only in this way can he endure the Qing Dynasty.

If they change into them, what warm feet, let them eat what others don't want, and keep an action for half an hour can't move, any one is enough for them to get angry.

How can a noble prince, the emperor's son, do such a mean thing.

But Yu chennian was able to bear it.

Therefore, the three princes felt that the youngest nine brothers were really cowardly and dull.

Because the first Prince stepped on thunder and was taken out of the palace by Shiqing. This time, they all learned to be obedient, and no one bullied Yu chennian as before.

After all, according to the logic of the young master of Shiqing, he should bully Yu chennian, but if someone moves Yu chennian, it is to hit him in the face.

The young master who wants to face and blow up will definitely trample on the man who hit him at all costs.

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They don't think there's nothing wrong with bullying his younger brother. After all, although they can't bully Yu chennian, it's good to see him bullied by Shiqing.

As long as you think of Yu chennian's humiliation, but they can only bear these insults, they are very happy.

On this day, it was lunch time again.

The lunch boxes were respectfully sent to their table by eunuchs. As usual, Shiqing raised his chin and called, "Yu chennian."

So, the young man sitting at the back of the room quietly stepped forward. He took his food box in his left hand and picked up Shiqing skillfully with his right hand, like a silent servant.

When he stood aside with two food boxes, the young master got up satisfied and swaggered toward the outside.

Yu chennian followed him silently.

Several princes who are asking the eunuch to open the food box for themselves look at each other.

They even have some sympathy for Yu chennian. At least they are also a prince. They are humiliated by a minister.

But the sympathy was just a flash.

And then when Qing came to Yu chennian in the inner room, he didn't feel humiliated at all.

As soon as he entered the room, Shiqing drove away the eunuch. He watched Yu chennian put two food boxes on the table and sat down cross legged.Yu chennian sat opposite him in silence, watching the young master open the food box with enthusiasm, then stretched out his chopsticks, and began to add what he did not like to eat into Yu chennian's food box.

"Is this beef?"

Shi Qing frowned and frowned, picked up a piece of meat and put it in front of him. He sniffed it gently, and his face immediately showed a disgusting expression:

"it's so fishy. Isn't there a decent cook in the imperial dining room?"

He curled his mouth and put the beef in his lunch box to Yu chennian.

"A lot of meat, fish bones."

"Why is there still a bowl of soup?"

Shiqing opened the bottom of the first layer, and brought out a bowl of steaming soup. He stirred it with chopsticks and saw the ginseng at the bottom.

Even in the imperial dining room, ginseng is very precious, and even because the imperial dining room grants a limited number of shares each month, the more rare things are more expensive.

The reason why the soup appeared in Shi Qing's food box was probably because the imperial dining room knew that he was in a special position, and that he was willing to bow down to the great prince. He was a cruel person and deliberately added it to please him.

Unfortunately, Shiqing is not an ordinary companion.

He was a young master who grew up with delicacies and delicacies. He could not see this bowl of ginseng soup. When he saw that it was ginseng, he was not interested in pushing it aside.

"Here you are."

After that, Shiqing murmured that there was too much water in the imperial dining room, and that the dishes were not delicious, and that they were forced to count. At the same time, he picked out some dishes that he did not like to eat and threw them into the yuchennian food basin.

When the selection is finished, the young master is satisfied with the meal.

Although he usually looks arrogant and reserved, he comes from a family of aristocratic families. He really eats seriously and slowly, and is extremely delicate.

Yu chennian's external image is silent most of the time. He can say two words to Shi Qing, but that's also when the young master asks him.

Watching when Qing began to eat, has been sitting on the opposite side quietly watching him pick Yu chennian began to eat.

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He first ate what he had in his own box.

Yu chennian sandwiched a chopstick to cook eggplant. Judging from the appearance, this dish has a very good color and looks delicious.

But really into the mouth, only people who eat know how hard it tastes to swallow.

Oil put a lot of, the outside as if burnt, but inside is raw, chew a few times, give a person the feeling is very indescribable.

If it is replaced by the spoiled young master of Shiqing, I'm afraid that the first taste will be able to spit out.

Yu chennian is still chewing and swallowing as usual.

Only those who live in the palace know how terrible the life of the master who is not favored in the palace.

The most important thing in this palace is the villains who step on the ground and hold high. What's more, Yu chennian's adoptive mother is the empress of Zhonggong who once stood high. Even if she didn't hurt anyone in the back seat, she was in the way of others.

When she was the queen, these people had a grudge, but they couldn't help it.

And when she fell from the back, into the cold palace, the stone will come one after another.

Not only these masters, but even the palace people watch the dishes.

For example, the imperial dining room is like this, favored, such as Shi Qing, do not need to say a word, he would like to send ginseng soup to please.

For example, Yu chennian, most of the imperial dining rooms are deliberately practicing. When a good meal is cold, it is necessary to put it into a food box, and the dishes are all fooled around at will.

Soup? You want soup? I really think I'm a very valuable person.

This is also the way that the imperial dining room asks for money. If you want to eat well and eat hot food, you should pay for it. If you don't pay, you can eat cold rice and cold dishes.

In any case, the Phoenix landing is not as good as the chicken. The masters who can be bullied and humiliated by them are sure to be unable to turn over in this life.

Yu chennian, as the adopted son of the abandoned empress, has grown up like this since he was a child.

For Shi Qing, it was just a piece of cake for him.

He was old enough to eat more food every day than his share of food. As long as other princes were hungry, they could send food to the imperial dining room anytime and anywhere.

Yu chennian was not favored. He certainly did not have this treatment. He even left a small portion of the case after layers of deduction, and even went to buy extra food with the share example.

In the past, Yu chennian could only bear it. The day was fine. At night, his stomach was burning with hunger.

But since Shi Qing had a fight with the emperor last time and established his position in the palace, his little tail has become higher, and he begins to throw the dishes he doesn't like to eat to Yu chennian.

Eating nearly one and a half dishes a day, Yu chennian didn't wake up hungry in the middle of the night.

After eating his own dishes, the youth began to eat the dishes given by Shi Qing.

Although the young master dislikes this and that, his dishes are all carefully prepared by the masters of the imperial dining room.After all, if he is not happy to eat, a lawsuit to his majesty there, the imperial dining room will definitely eat.

In fact, all kinds of dishes that Shi Qing disliked were very delicious. Even the ingredients were carefully selected. Yu chennian finished eating and finally drank the soup.

A bowl of ginseng soup, as if the whole body is warm up.

Ding! Yu chennian's rejection rate: 75100]

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Shi Qing was not unexpected.

No matter what he does these days, Yu chennian can automatically and spontaneously reduce emissions.

If it wasn't for the one month time limit, it would be nice to grind down his daily life and wait for him to fall down to 50.

When Chen Yu finished eating, he didn't even take a bite.

Seeing that the young man put down his chopsticks, his face showed a little unhappy, and he could not care about what food he ate and didn't say anything about sleep:

"how can you always eat so fast? It's clear that you have more dishes than me."

Yu chennian knows that this is the young master's problem of oppressing others in everything he does.

Shiqing is arrogant and arrogant. The most proud thing is that he can suppress others. The most annoying thing is that he is oppressed by others.

He looked at the angry young boy with a deep voice: "I don't eat so fast next time."

"Am I the kind of person who needs to be asked by others?"

Shi Qing was ungrateful at all. As soon as he put his chopsticks, he turned and sat down on the couch. He kicked off his boots and got into the bed.

"On such a cold day, there is only a basin of charcoal in the room. How can people eat? I can't hold my chopsticks."

He put his head into the quilt and got angry: "no more food!"

Yu chennian took a look at the food he didn't move much.

Although the amount of food is small, it is not enough.

The youth got up and proposed, "it's better to eat on the couch."

"How to eat on a couch wrapped in bedding."

The young master wrapped himself into a baby silkworm.

Silkworm baby is not happy in the bed roll over and over, finally squeezed out a small head, suddenly thought of something, eyes lit up.

Jiaoli delicate command: "you feed me to eat."

Perhaps he was afraid of Yu chennian's refusal. Waiting for him to answer, Shi Qing urged him: "what are you doing? Do you want to freeze me to death? Hurry up!"

Yu chennian looked at the little young master who wrapped himself up on the couch with only one head exposed. His eyes darkened. He obediently carried the food box and sat beside the couch.

Because all the dishes left behind were Shiqing's favorite dishes, the young master was too lazy to choose orally.

He lay down directly on his back, covered with thick warm bedding, hands and feet inside, only showing his head, like a chick waiting to be fed. He opened his mouth and waited for food in peace.

Yu chennian seldom has the opportunity to make such a choice for others.

He first took a spoonful of rice, steamed with the best Wujiang rice. It was crystal clear in color, round in appearance, and soft and glutinous in taste, just as it was when sleeping in his arms during lunch break.

The spoon was handed to the boy's mouth. He closed his mouth and began to chew. His face was satisfied that he didn't have to hold chopsticks in cold weather.

Yu chennian took another ball.

When Qing is still obedient to eat.

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Looking at what to eat and what to give, Yu chennian's heart gradually entangled with other tastes.

He felt sweet, like honey, because he was willing to let him feed at such a delicate time.

And because for Shi Qing, he was just a man who was very easy to handle.

This taste is like Yu chennian. When I was hungry, I climbed to the tree and picked the persimmon. After a bite, it was all astringent, but my burning stomach was saved. It was very complicated.

Young people are so complicated, and slowly feed the young people who have opened their mouths and other food.

Full, when Qing played a small yawn, a pair of always with pride of Pan round eyes also began to vaguely close up.

He's sleepy.

The sleepy young master didn't go to bed immediately. Instead, he rolled on the quilt and let himself go to the inner side. Then he patted the couch and urged:

"I want to sleep. Please come up quickly."

Yu chennian is still silent on the couch, skilled into the bed.

As soon as he went in, the boy with a warm air on his body rubbed to his side and pulled his arm out to drill into his arms skillfully.

Drilling, when Qing came out of his head and poked him: "how do I think you seem to grow stronger?"

Yu chennian felt the young boy's tender hands stabbing his body. His body was tensed involuntarily. His throat was a little astringent. His voice was normal.

"There are some."

These days, he ate and slept well every day, and occasionally he could drink some tonic soup. He was a fast-growing age. In less than half a month, he was taller and stronger along with his meat."You're growing so fast."

With a little envy in the tone of the Qing Dynasty, Baba poked Yu chennian with the same carefree attitude: "I haven't eaten less good food since I was a child, but now I'm still so weak. If only I could be as strong as you are."

Yu chennian thinks that the young master is also good.

She is delicate and soft, and every point on her body is just right. She looks slender, but she has soft meat in her hand.

Only that thin waist, like a hand can hold.

Because he was controlled by others since he was a child, Yu chennian preferred the feeling that he could grasp everything with one hand.

Obviously, Shi Qing is in this preference.

The young master still said: "fortunately, I am not very old now, and I can grow longer. When I am your age, I should not be like this now."

When he said this, young people gradually put together a 17-year-old young master.

His stature will certainly be higher, and his eyebrows and eyes will also be able to grow. If he had, he would not be much worse than now.

The thin skeleton can't be changed, but I don't know if Shiqing will be like this now, tucking himself in his arms and gently poking him with his white fingertips, which are tender and have no cocoons.

When Qing is envious of a few words, finished, then pick in his arms, and snore big sleep.

Yu chennian alone, inexplicably by the imagination of the future scene to make the whole body hot.

He did not move his body to disturb the afternoon break, but no longer sleepy.

Can only so stare at the beam, just so motionless, open eyes lying in the afternoon.

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