Yu chennian has a car.

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After all, he was the prince, and he was not the same as those soldiers who had to ride on horses all the way.

The matching car is very gorgeous. Even if he is not favored in the palace, he represents the emperor outside. This car is a nine wheeled vehicle, which is wide and even as big as a room.

It's a pity that its owner is not willing to go up, but insists on riding like other soldiers.

Seeing that the sun is getting bigger, Yu chennian's personal guards are really worried about this little master being exposed to the sun again.

He was Yu chennian's uncle. At first, his mother and brother were sent to the battlefield. As a result, they were fighting in the battlefield. However, the rice grain they sent was mixed with sand, and the quilts were all thin. When you take it apart, you can see that there are black heart cotton inside.

Even if the soldiers are willing to fight again, how can they fight.

Finally, Fei Hou's father and brother were thought to have died in the battle. All the black pots were pushed to them for granted. Feihou was also affected and put into the cold.

But no one knows, the youngest brother of the waste queen picked up a life and quietly returned to Beijing.

He is not stupid. When the court did something like that, he threw the accusation to him, and then quickly abandoned it. It is absolutely impossible to say that there was no emperor involved in it.

When the empress was in the palace, Yu chennian was still a child of a few years old. He could only hide his courage and quietly cultivate his influence. He also pulled the loyalty of his family.

If yu chennian didn't take the initiative to notice that someone was taking care of her, and then guessed that the family of the abandoned empress, they would not have been able to get on line so quickly.

This time, the personal guard sent to take care of Yu chennian was very loyal. Seeing that the sun was getting bigger and bigger, he was really worried. He went to persuade him:

"Your Highness, please go back to the car and take shelter."

"No need." Yu chennian waved: "officers and men can dry, why can't I sun."

Pro Wei also knew that the little master had a plan in mind, so he could only sigh. He went to the nine Wheeler and wanted to take water to quench Yu chennian's thirst.

He did not go for a while, then he returned in a hurry and whispered to Yu chennian.

Originally looking at the youth ahead, he suddenly reined in the reins, turned over and dismounted, and quickly walked into the car.

In the luxury carriage arranged according to the prince's inspection specifications, the ground is covered with heavy carpet, and the couch is also covered with a layer of white blanket, which is lit with incense and surrounded by light fragrance.

As if in a dream, a teenager was sleeping on the white carpet.

His body is also covered with a red cape, bright red color more set off that beautiful face white tender, at the moment is obediently closed eyes, obediently let people want to circle in the arms to take good care of.

Shiqing didn't know what method he used and secretly hid it in his car.

After the departure, he sleeps on the couch in a silent posture.

Since he left Beijing, Yu chennian's cold eyes gradually softened. He stepped forward and sat in front of the couch and whispered:



Because he was sleeping in a strange environment, the young master slowly opened his eyes, and his beautiful eyes were still full of drowsiness.

Yu chennian waited patiently for his drowsiness to pass. After Qingming appeared in his eyes, the young master knew that he was found. He immediately snorted coldly and lifted his chin arrogantly.

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The young man asked, "why did you follow me?"

"I want to fight too, can't I?"

But the young man still asked, "why do you want to follow me?"

"When Qing full face unhappy," said I also want to go to war. "

But Yu chennian still seems to have not heard it. He is still surrounded by a young man who has been sleeping before, holding the tender soft meat on his small stomach in his hand, and still asks in a low voice:

"why follow me?"

If you have no feelings for him.

What are you doing with me.

He is a charming young master. Why should he follow him to the bitter and cold land at the border.

The young master is tired.

He held out Bai Nen jiojio, who was not wearing socks, to kick him, and then pushed him with his hand: "you are bored. How many times do you have to ask?"

Yu chennian grabbed his hand and put it on his lips.

He touched Shi Qing's hand with his lips.

Just now, the young master, who was very arrogant, froze. His eyes were wide and round, and looked at the youth stupidly.

After a long time, he reacted, and suddenly took back his hand. The tip of his ear was red as if he wanted to drip blood, and his beautiful little face was also dyed with light color.

Shiqing stammered: "what do you do and do?"

Seeing his reaction, Yu chennian felt soft.

This is his young master.

Even in the eyes of the outside world, he sleeps in the brothel at night and is a prodigal.

But in fact, only he knows.

Shi Qing had never had such intimate contact with people.He would have been so flustered by a kiss.

Seeing that he didn't answer, the young master angrily went to take Ji to kick the youth's thigh again, "I ask you something! What do you think? "

Yu chennian does not dislike to hold his white feet. Few of them are soft and tender, which can be grasped by the youth.

Shi Qing's face is even redder.

"What are you doing?" he said! Let go

This time, the young man let go obediently, and watched the young master quickly withdraw and hide jiojio, shrinking into a red face and staring at himself with vigilance.

He finally opened his mouth. His voice was somewhat astringent and hoarse for some reason:

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"I'll send you back to Beijing later."

Maybe it's because he was scared before. This time, the young master who was always arrogant and refused to bow his head didn't say a word.

Yu chennian sat close, and the young master shrank even more fiercely. Obviously, he was scared to death, but he still scolded fiercely:

"if you dare to do anything to me, my father will not let you go! Your majesty will not let you go

"I won't do anything to you."

The young man looked at Shi Qing with a soft look: "Shi Qing, you are too small."

The young master immediately blew his hair:

"you are a little boy! How can a man say small

Yu chennian stretched out his hand and touched his small head for the first time under such active circumstances.

"You are too young, and I am too weak."

"When I come back from the border, you will grow up. Will you stand with me when I come back?"

The young master suddenly rolled to the other side of the bed, while trying to cover up the blush on his face, while stuttering ferociously, he got up and put on his boots in a panic: "you are really crazy. I shouldn't have come to see you."

He put on his boots and went to push Yu chennian:

"go away, I'm going back to Beijing."

The young man did not give way, but looked down at him, quietly asked for a promise: "promise me, before I return to Beijing, do not get close to others, OK?"

When Qing's face was full of blush, she was always with a pair of beautiful eyes, but she was reluctant to look at him at the moment.

Until someone outside opened the curtain and came in: "Your Highness, what's the matter?"

As soon as he saw someone coming, the young master's timid expression was swept away, and he was happy to raise his lips and look like "I'm not afraid of you when someone comes".

He has enough confidence to push Yu Chen Nian this time. His voice is as delicate as ever, and full of arrogance:

"the only people who can control me in the world are my father and his majesty. What are you, but you have been with me for a few days and want to take care of me. Go away! I want to go back to Beijing! "

Yu chennian fixed looking at the Qing Dynasty.

He didn't tell the young master that his people were all around the carriage.

Also did not tell young master, as long as he wants, Shi Qing will always be trapped in this car.

He just said in a deep voice:


The little boy thought that he was afraid of being found out, so he had to promise himself. He lifted his chin and snorted coldly, swaggering past Yu chennian.

Yu chennian stood in the same place, but still thinking.

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Only your majesty can control you.

Then I will be your majesty.

When Qing was sent back to Beijing, Yu chennian stayed in the car and didn't go to see him off.

He was afraid that he would not be able to help it.

I can't help but leave the young boy by his side.

On the bed, there are still some small bags of Shiqing, in which there are many golden sore drugs and various kinds of medicine for internal and external use.

There are all kinds of prescriptions in the aristocratic family all year round. Many of them are not available in the market. Shi qingneng sent them. I'm afraid he brought them from home.

The young master has always been very generous in his work. I'm afraid it will be enough for a person to spend several years in one breath.

Yu chennian did use it for several years.

He and his uncle had already agreed.

Once they had military power, they would not return to Beijing, in order to avoid the emperor taking back military power.

In addition, there were many wars at the border, either the Hu people or the barbarians. Yu chennian simply stayed at the border.

This garrison lasted four years.

In four years, Yu chennian has become the invincible God of war in the hearts of the people.

In the past four years, he has become a general in their mind from his Highness the ninth prince, who was regarded as the mascot of the generals.

This year, Yu chennian finally got the chance.

The imperial court issued an edict. The eldest prince conspired to rebel and tried to assassinate his majesty. The capital was in chaos and asked the ninth prince to return to Beijing and hand over military power.

At the same time, there was also a secret report of his spies in the palace: the emperor was in critical condition and was ill in bed. He wanted Yu chennian to come back in order to prevent him from setting up a new queen. Yu chennian led his troops back to Beijing to rebel.Yu chennian took over the imperial edict. While reorganizing and preparing to return to Beijing, he sent people to spread rumors in the capital that the emperor wanted the ninth prince to return to Beijing in order to make him a new emperor.

Sure enough, on his way back, he received an urgent report from the capital, and the prince rebelled again.

And he was the son of the emperor.

After confirming that the fish was hooked, Yu chennian went back to Beijing from a slow horse to a fast horse.

After several days and nights of chaos in the capital.

This once most hopeless ninth Prince leapt to become the biggest black horse in the battle for the throne by virtue of his military power.

He was different from the former Emperor who had no idea. The first thing he did after he was on the throne was to clear up all kinds of corrupt officials. With their blood, he created a new, Iron-blooded emperor who was absolutely right in front of all the ministers.

What is surprising is that the prime minister, who was in power when the former Emperor was in power, did not move the new emperor who cut off his cronies in large quantities.

When the prime minister was more clever, knowing that this was a bad master, he honestly held his position as prime minister as the background.

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Anyway, let's figure out the situation first.

As long as the emperor is not a despotic monarch, he is still a good boss.

Of course, it's time to flatter.

When the imperial court became stable, the prime minister said at the first time:

Your Majesty, you are so old that you don't even have a woman. You were delayed at the border. Now that you are on the throne, it's better for us to choose the imperial concubine.

Yu chennian refused directly on the ground that the former Emperor had just passed away and he wanted to be filial.

The prime minister felt that this was not possible. He was the emperor and then the son. Now that the imperial court has just been settled down, he must marry a queen and have a son of Zhonggong to stabilize the people's hearts.

He tried to persuade and persuade.

Finally see Yu chennian or refused to agree, can only temporarily press, and began to blow rainbow fart.

And he would not hesitate to step on his son's holding Yu chennian, saying that he was about the same age. He was also known as a romantic figure in the whole capital city. He had been redeemed by several brothel girls. Although I am the prime minister now, no one dares to marry this boy, so I am worried to death.

Your majesty, you are not the same, you do not love women?


You sacrificed yourself for the sake of chaotang and filial piety!

He said so for a reason. I heard that his son bullied the new emperor when he was a companion.

He had to trample on his son and make his speech unbearable, so that the new emperor would not care about this boy.

At one point, the prime minister was very strange. Why did he feel that when he finished blowing rainbow fart, the new emperor was not only unhappy, but also looked ugly.

He even crushed a tea cup handed over by a eunuch.

He felt that he was playing well.

Step on the son, hold the new emperor, with his son's bad reputation, to shape a filial piety for the new emperor is not infatuated with the good reputation, this is not good?

After going down to the court, he got together with a group of old friends in the teahouse. After expressing deep worry about his Majesty's not choosing a concubine at such an age, he returned to his house.

As soon as I got to the door, I saw a sedan chair standing there in the yard.

Yo! Standing outside the sedan chair looks like a father-in-law.

I don't wait for the prime minister to come over and ask who, what's the matter? I don't know that now when the new emperor ascends the throne, everyone dares not to visit the door for fear of being beaten into a clique.

He watched as the new emperor, who had just seen him in the court, came out of the yard with a drunk in his arms.

It's on the sedan chair.

The sedan chair is gone.

The Prime Minister stood in the same place for a while.

The new emperor is holding Isn't that his son!!!

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