When he wakes up, he is surrounded by the familiar smell of fumigation, which he likes to smell but not too strong.

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Then I closed my eyes and touched my body. It was a soft and thin blanket.

He opened his eyes and saw that the couch was covered with a red fox fur blanket, while his body was covered with a light quilt.

Red fox skin has always been cherished, and even aristocratic families rarely can save such a large blanket. The royal family has raised red foxes in captivity.

Wow. ]

when Qing went down barefoot, it didn't hinder him. After all, the ground was covered with soft blankets.

It was summer, but the whole hall was very fresh. He went over and looked at it. He saw that there were hollowed out cauldrons around the hall with ice cubes inside.

Did he finally start robbing people? ]

Shiqing shook his head and yawned: "how come I don't have any impression? ]

the system reminds us carefully that when the host is drunk, he comes in directly. ]

is not a surprise.

He wandered around and found that the hall was arranged according to his own preference. He knew that it was not a day or two for Yu chennian to think about taking him back.

The system is still a little worried. It's the first time it's ever seen this kind of direct return to the nest.

[host, no problem? ]

[what's the problem? No problem. Isn't that great? ]

when Qingmei Zizi sat back on the red fox blanket and rolled on it.

I've been waiting for this day for a long time. All in all, go to watch the TV series. Didn't you want to watch the temptation to go back to the village last time? It's time for you to see it. ]

the system hesitated to listen to the TV play.

Shi Qing got up and began to smash the door.

The people waiting outside heard the news and immediately told Yu chennian.

Yu chennian didn't expect Shi qingneng to sleep until now. He was entangled by the prime minister. He woke up and got up immediately.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister. I have a deep friendship with Shiqing. This time, I just took him to live in the palace. If I have any more, I won't keep the prime minister."

With these words, the new emperor left the hall in a hurry.

Prime Minister Shi: Your majesty, your majesty

What kind of friendship is deep, what he found is that the boy of Shiqing took the new emperor as a servant.

If yu chennian beat him, scolded him, or made a raft with Shiqing, it would be OK.

How can it be said that this directly brings people into the palace!!

The prime minister immediately thought of his son's more and more evil face.

In the past four years, Shi Qing had no lack of courtship. If he had not been the only son of the prime minister, his appearance and flighty character would have been surrounded by others.

That's why he hasn't decided to marry at his age.

Everyone knows that Shi Qing is fond of beauty and lingers in brothels. His good looks are not in line with the current elders' aesthetic appreciation of their son-in-law.

People are supposed to be good-looking, either gentle and elegant, or tall and strong.

Shiqing is good-looking, and looks better than a woman. At first sight, he is a restless master. However, no one dares to have a better son-in-law.

When you can see the people of the Qing Dynasty, the prime minister doesn't.

He is such an only son. Of course, he has to choose a daughter-in-law who has a good family background and has received the education of a well-known daughter-in-law.

As a result, we've been dragging around and now.

The prime minister is sorry!!

If he had known that there would have been such a marriage today, he should have made a hasty marriage for the time being.

Now, how is the son and the new emperor!!

Yu chennian doesn't want to think about the prime minister's idea now. He was born with long legs and martial arts background. Now he remembers that Shi Qing's steps are in a hurry, and the eunuchs who follow him can't keep up with him.

It was not until he arrived at the emperor's bedroom that the new emperor stopped.

He stood outside the door, listening to the familiar and clear voice of swearing inside, and clenched his fists nervously.

I'm afraid of being close to home.

These four years, countless times from the struggle out of life and death, Yu chennian's heart is the name of the Qing Dynasty.

He is spoiled by people to grow up with a delicate temperament, has always been heartless.

If yu chennian is dead, maybe Shiqing will be sad, maybe not sad, but it is certain that, according to his nature that he will never let himself be wronged, after a few years, Yu chennian will be forgotten.

You can't die. You will forget him when you die.

Countless fighting day and night, Yu chennian is reading this sentence through.

Now, it's time for him to pick the fruit.

When Qing this gorgeous open, but also Jiaoli delicate floret, in the end, or by his circle in their own territory.The young master inside is still cursing:

"who has no eyes dares to kidnap me? I'm afraid I'm not dead. Don't you know my father is the prime minister?!! Do you know that I have friendship with your majesty today

"If you can come forward, I can make you kneel down and call my grandfather if you dare to do so!"

The palace people who served outside had never seen such an arrogant person in the palace. What's more, it was the emperor's bedroom, listening with sweat all the time.

It was not until he saw the arrival of Yu chennian that he saw the straw to save his life. He saluted in a hurry: "Your Majesty..."

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Yu chennian waved and didn't let her continue.

After four years of fighting, the decisive man slipped his throat knot nervously, stretched out his slender hand and opened the door gently.

The voice of swearing stopped suddenly.

The palace people stood on the side, only to see that since they moved into the palace, they had always been expressionless, and his majesty, who was cold and concise, softened his face.

His tone was gentle and careful, as if he was afraid of scaring the little boy inside. He called out softly and softly:

"Shi Qing."

Shocked at the bottom of his heart, the palace immediately lowered his head in accordance with the rules and slowly closed the door.

In the house, the young master stayed after seeing that the man who came in was Yu chennian.

Yu chennian didn't go to see his frightened appearance. He couldn't wait to take the young master's tender hand and took him to the inner side of the hall all the way.

When Qing seemed to be scared, he walked barefoot on the carpet along his strength.

Yu chennian's goal is clear to a secret door.

It was arranged by the late emperor, so that he could escape temporarily in case of emergency, but after Yu chennian ascended the throne, he renovated it again.

This kind of secret door is a royal secret. Only emperors of all ages know that the people who built the secret door will be killed.

But Yu chennian doesn't care at all. He's like a child who can't wait to share with the people he cares about most when he gets 100 points. He pushes open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, a cold air came from it.

The young man stood at the door, looking at the scene inside, staring at the pan round eyes.

In the huge space, the four walls are covered with ice to ensure that the temperature of the room can always be kept low.

And the purpose of this is because the ice sculptures of various flowers are placed inside.

These ice sculptures are lifelike. If they are not clear and colorless, they really look like they are full of all kinds of real flowers.

Yu chennian stood in these flowers, his eyes bright looking at Shi Qing.

"Do you like it?"

Shi Qing said:

Shi Qing: "Achoo!"

He began to sneeze because of the cold wind.

Yu chennian quickly came out, closed the secret door, picked up the boy, all the way to the couch, put the youth on the soft red fox skin.

"Are you all right? Is it you? "

The emperor was very nervous about his precious treasure, and went to touch his forehead to detect the temperature.

He was a little upset.

Why forget it.

The delicate young master grew up in the palm of his hand.

He is afraid of the cold as well as the heat.

The emperor looked at the lovely lying flat on the red fox skin, his expression was a little confused, and for a time some suddenly.

In the past four years, the youngsters in those years have become better and better.

He once complained about his height, but now his height is a good height.

Even though it was summer, Shi Qing was still wearing a long gown, showing only the delicate and beautiful neck and clavicle.

There was no cocoon, and the white fingertip, which had not been done personally since childhood, fell into the plush.

The manicured fingernails are slightly clenched toward the palm because of the movement of the fingers, which is a sign of tension.

It seems that the young man finally realized that the youth who could be bullied and humiliated by him had grown up to be an emperor.

At the beginning, when they finally separated, Yu chennian showed his unusual mind.

Now, he is in the supreme position.

He grabbed him.

When Qing beautiful eyes gradually showed fear.

He carefully stretched out his hand, gently pulled Yu chennian's sleeve, his face showed a flattering, soft smile: "I'm ok, these days some cold."

He was like a kitten who was taken away from his mother's side. He did not dare to resist. He could only soften his voice and cry to please him.

This reaction is also expected by Yu chennian.

Shi Qing has always been able to shrink and stretch. When facing people who are higher than him, he is very obedient.

But obviously, the young master looked at Yu chennian's eyes, a little too scared. He was slowly moving his body behind his little heart.It's a pity that the emperor's whole mind is on him. Even if he moves slowly, he can't escape the eyes of Yu chennian.

Yu chennian looks at the young boy who is standing up. His beautiful face is full of care and guilty.

Still as lovely as it was.

The emperor approached his baby cat slowly.

He just wanted to hold him.

Hold his soft body in my arms and have a good sleep.

He's really tired in these four years.

Sleep literally.

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Yu chennian would never do anything to him without the permission of Shiqing.

However, Shi Qing obviously misunderstood his meaning.

The boy exclaimed, and suddenly backed back, but because he did not control his strength, he fell into the red fox skin under his body.

He stares round eyes, white face full of timidity, perhaps frightened, and forgets to get up after half a sound. He just keeps this posture lying on his back in the red fox skin and looks at Yu chennian.

He has always been wanton, and naturally does not need to learn how to protect himself in front of a man.

So when he was lying in a piece of red innocently and blankly, because of Yu chennian's vision and slightly shrunk, always full of arrogant beautiful face showed a bit of timidity.

That appearance not only won't let people not want to hurt him, but also can cause men's plunder.

It looks like you're trying to get.

Yu chennian's eyes are almost immediately dark down.

At the beginning, the proud and lofty milk cat was finally held in his arms.

He was choking to the point of explosion.

Since the first sight of Shi Qing, he has been bearing it.

Now, his young master is lying in front of him unprepared, like a carefully prepared gift, waiting for him to open it.

The emperor swallowed a knot in his throat.

He held back.

He can bear it.

He bent down, gently, slowly will be clear in his arms.

It's like it was four years ago.

At that time, he was still the prince who was out of favor, and the winter came automatically. Whether it was day or night, all he could feel was the cold.

Only in this period of time in the afternoon, can we hold the tender young master and enjoy the warmth for a moment.

Yu chennian's heart is full of tenderness. He tries hard to resist the fear of the time when Qing's * * should not appear. He is mute, as if he had thought of countless times, and coax the youth softly:

"don't be afraid, I don't do anything to you."

The system that was just frightened by the host's scream heard this sentence and then sighed with relief and comforted the host in a low voice:

[don't be afraid of the host, he says he won't do anything to you. ]

Shi Qing: [no, I feel it. ]

System: [? ]

Shi Qing: [the antonym of soft. ]

System: [???)??? ]

System: [ ]

Shi Qing continued to say: "I waited for him for four years, but he did not do anything to me. Is this unscientific? ]

System: [ ]

Shi Qing suddenly realized that it must be his antonym that is not strong enough! ]

[OK! Xiaotong, go to watch TV drama. It's not what you can watch next. ]

Yu chennian, who is holding the soft young man with his body's feelings, hears Shi Qing asking him in a low voice:

"are you really not going to do anything to me?"

Yu chennian lowered his head and could see that the beautiful young man in his arms was looking up carefully at himself.

That pair of clear eyes, full of timidity.

The emperor's heart has become soft.

Even if he had witnessed with his own eyes how arrogant the young master was, how he was able to rake things upside down and how quickly he changed his face.

When he was so pitiful and looked at himself carefully, he could not refute any request made by the young boy.


Yu chennian used a low voice as if afraid to frighten Qing. He coaxed the young master who was robbed by himself: "as long as you don't want to, I won't do anything to you."

Always good at kicking his nose and face, Shiqing immediately put forward: "I want to go home."

"Will you stay here with me first?"

The emperor coaxed him: "as long as you stay, I will give you whatever you want."

Perhaps his attitude is very good, the young master has been stiff body also slightly put a little soft, he soft waxy voice, coquetry like timidity asked: "you don't hate me?"

"They all said that I bullied you. After you ascended the throne, Zhao Wulang, who didn't want to deal with me, still laughed at me. He said that I was a grasshopper after autumn and couldn't jump. They also said that when you made a move, the first thing to do was to deal with me."

No wonder Shi Qing's reaction to him was so great that he was afraid of it.Yu chennian secretly wrote down an account for Zhao Wulang.

On the face of it, he tried harder to soften his voice and coaxed the timid young boy in a low voice:

"how could I hate you? At the beginning, you were the only one in the palace who was good to me. You also stopped other people from bullying me."

Speaking of the beginning, the emperor's eyes are soft almost to drop water, he bowed his head, a kiss of the youth with a light fragrance of hair.

"I won't deal with you, even if it's against people all over the world."

The promise softened the boy's body.

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He even took the initiative to the man's arms to rub, like a coquettish kitten, with his face rubbed Yu chennian's clothes.

Voice or soft, as if by a great injustice like: "I wake up to find myself locked up, really good fear."

This soft and weak coco pitiful look, as if he had been locked in the bedroom, full of indignation, not a glance at him.

This pair of face and before quite different person's face actually smoothly lets Yu chennian heartache.

He gently patted the boy's back with guilt: "it's my fault, I should be there for you."

Emperor this incomparably good manner lets when Qing more hair Shun pole to climb up.

"As soon as I wake up, I'm hungry and I don't have anything to eat. I'm still hungry. I feel flat."

The young man took Yu chennian's firm palm and fell on his abdomen.

Special aggrieved appearance: "hungry my stomach ache."

The emperor was more and more guilty.

He looked as if he wanted to make amends to the best things in the world.

"I'll have them bring food right away."

He kneaded his stomach carefully and gently, while calling for people to come in and let them go to the imperial dining room to get food.

This young master can be sure that Yu chennian is indeed obedient to him.

He was still a little uneasy. He glanced quietly at the emperor who had encircled himself in his arms and said:

"I don't want to eat the food of imperial dining room. It's terrible. I want to eat the big elbow of the East building."

Yu chennian was sure to respond and asked the palace people to send someone out to buy it.

Young master is happy.

After finding that Yu chennian's attitude towards him is indeed extremely smooth, he gets proud again, straightens up his back, cocks up his small tail, and asks in a delicate and delicate way:

"I want even a pair of chicken, red and green soup, and four Xi Yuanzi!"

Yu chennian rubbed his stomach hand did not stop, a mouthful should be under: "good, I let people to buy."

The young master is holding his head up more and more.

"I also want to eat the sugar man of Liu's family in West Street, the chestnut in South Street, and the one I've always wanted to buy. I've always wanted to buy it, but my father won't buy it for me."

Finish saying, when Qing and soft prone back to the emperor body, good and clever, once with the face rub him, voice whine of sajiao Jiao: "you buy me good?"

Yu chennian looks like a faint monarch who is fascinated by beauty.

"All right, I'll buy them for you."

The young master is more happy.

He even gets up, and MUA kisses Yu chennian's face.

The emperor froze.

Just now, when the blood stopped, it seemed that his heart was very fast.

"When Qing, when Qing..."

He hugged the little boy tightly, and some antonym became more antonym.

Because of the change of movement, Shiqing is sitting on him at the moment.

The teenager felt the stab and lowered his head suspiciously, "what's the matter?"

Then, Shiqing didn't mean to move and change the position.

Yu chennian:

He's really going to explode.

But he just held back, squeezed out a smile: "nothing, you take a nap, immediately those things will buy back."

Now, knowing that Yu chennian is obedient to himself, he looks as if he is not afraid of him. When he sees the emperor, he leans on the red fox skin, raises his small face and asks, "where are you going?"

"It's a little hot."

Yu chennian said in the cool Hall: "I'll wash my body with cold water."

"Then I'll go with you."

The young master stood up with excitement on his face and murmured in his mouth: "I heard that there is a hot spring in the palace, but before I was a minister, it's not good to mention it to the emperor. In fact, I wanted to go."

He happily stayed barefoot, also did not forget to flatter Yu chennian's arm, soft and soft: "you take me to go, I heard that the place where the water is carved with a dragon head, the dragon's mouth is also put in the night pearl, I also want to see."Yu chennian's mind immediately flashed out such a picture.

The boy stood in the water with his back to him in the misty white fog, showing his smooth and white back

Yu chennian:

He couldn't control the heat any more.

Finally, the emperor was forced to hold on and sat on the couch again in a posture that would not expose anything.

"Suddenly it's not hot again. I'd better take another day."

When Qing's face immediately showed displeasure.

Also, he still remembers that Yu chennian is now the emperor. He can't achieve his wish. He doesn't kick people with jiojio as before. Instead, he leans on Yu chennian's arms like a boneless one. He stretches his voice and scatters his coquetry.

"You can take me. You said I would give me everything I want, Yu chennian, Yu chennian..."

Yu chennian almost can't stand it.

In his mind, flashed countless times the idea of "just throw the time on the couch like this".

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Now he is emperor.

The world is his.

Of course, Shi Qing was his.

He can put Shiqing in the palace, give him everything he wants, let him wear gauze clothes, and let him be in his arms


Yu chennian's thoughts were interrupted by the cry of the youth.

When Qing full face panic, "you shed nosebleed?"

The emperor lowered his head, a drop of fresh blood on his clothes, and soon melted into the cloth.

When Qing seizes the opportunity, takes out a handkerchief from the bosom, goes forward with the white tender hand hand once and again clenches the handkerchief diligently to wipe the nose blood drop place.

"I'll wipe it for you."

He rubbed it and gave it a slap.

He rubbed it again, and if he didn't, he hit it again.

Less than three times, next to the clothes have been wiped slightly bulging up.

Yu chennian:

The emperor sprang to his feet.

No way!

He must not force Shiqing, nor let him hate him.

Yu chennian tried to calm his breath, "I, I, I go outside to breathe."

Finish saying, as if there are some monsters behind him, in a panic and hasty stride to escape from this hall.

After working hard for half a day, Shi Qing said Tut, man. ]

as soon as Yu chennian went out, a eunuch came up carefully: "Your Majesty, when you knelt down in front of you and refused to leave, you said If you don't see the young master, he won't leave. You see... "

As soon as the cold wind blows, Yu chennian is much calmer.

Of course, he couldn't have done anything tough to the prime minister. This was Shi Qing's father.

Kneeling for a long time is no good. Shiqing is the Prime Minister of the time, Laolaizi. He is so old. What should he do if he kneels down.

It's impossible to let people go anyway.

Yu chennian: "let people take the prime minister here and meet with Shi Qing to make him feel at ease."

The eunuch quickly replied, "yes, I will go now."

There is still a long distance between the front hall and the bedroom. When the prime minister was brought over, he felt very uneasy.

He only inquired about Yu chennian's accession to the throne, but did not inquire into how Shiqing bullied the Qianlong.

I only know it's a slave.

The new Emperor didn't seem to have a big heart. As soon as he ascended the throne, he stripped all his brothers who were still alive from the throne and banned them. He didn't care what was said outside. This is obviously a cautious eye.

It's like this to my brothers, to a courtier

The prime minister's mind was full of his only son who was tortured, imprisoned or wounded.

The new emperor was still on the battlefield. If he used all kinds of means on the battlefield to deal with Shiqing, how could his spoiled temperament endure!

It's over

Even if this guy is a jerk, it's his only child.

Next to the eunuch see his head full of sweat, quickly carefully asked a: "adult, are you ok?"

Prime Minister Shi: "not bad, not bad."

He is trying to comfort himself that he is an old minister and a member of an aristocratic family. Shiqing is his only son. No matter how the new emperor remembers his hatred, he should leave him some thin noodles.

At the moment, he was ready in the bottom of his heart. No matter how hard his son suffered, he could keep his life.

The prime minister walked faster than he ran all the way, but no matter how fast he was, it took him a long time to get to the gate of the hall.

Seeing him coming, the servants of the palace immediately raised their voices and called out: "Your Majesty, the Lord is coming."

Inside came Yu chennian's insipid voice: "let him in."

The prime minister was more nervous.

The eunuch next to him was trembling when he walked Are you all right, my lord? "

Prime Minister Shi: "not bad, not bad."He walked into the hall, uneasily and carefully.

What I saw was that his son was sitting cross legged at the table, gnawing at his elbow.

The new emperor, who had killed many people since he ascended the throne, was peeling a shrimp with his hand holding a memorial.

Peel good, and face doting handed to when the mouth.

The happy teenagers did not lift their eyelids, and did not notice their father's expression of myocardial infarction. They opened their ruddy lips and ate it naturally. They also found fault with delicate gas:

"if you touch vinegar, it's not delicious without vinegar."

The eunuch on one side looked at the crumbling prime minister, and quickly helped the man up: "my Lord, are you really OK?"

The Prime Minister of Shi said:

"It should be Fortunately It is... "

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