When he was eating happily, he raised his eyes and saw the prime minister.

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The young man's eyes bent and he swallowed the shrimp which was peeled by the new emperor in his mouth. He called out happily: "Daddy

Dad what Dad!!

At the moment, the prime minister can't wait to take his son home and lock him up for reflection.

What occasion is this?!!

This is the palace!

What are the people sitting next to me?!

That's the emperor!!

Give it back to Dad!

Give back my father!!

Then, even if the prime minister is roaring in his heart at the moment, on his face, in front of Yu chennian, he still wants to keep his face full of clouds and breeze.

Salute Yu chennian: "old minister, attend your majesty."

"No gift."

Before his waist was bent down, Yu chennian had already waved his hand to avoid the ceremony of the prime minister.

The prime minister didn't insist on it either. He straightened up and looked serious: "Shiqing! What do you look like in front of your majesty? Come down and make amends to your majesty! "

"No harm."

Yu chennian speaks faster than a teenager. He peels shrimp shells slowly on his hand. He looks in a good mood:

"the prime minister doesn't have to worry about what I was like in the past and is still what I am now."

"Yes, Dad."

Shiqing grinned and ate the shrimp meat handed over by the emperor. He raised his face and raised his hand. Naturally, he asked Yu chennian to wipe oil stains for him with a handkerchief.

A beautiful face to the evil smile is particularly happy, there is no fear of being served by his majesty today.

He even had the mood to ask the Prime Minister:

"is Dad here for something important?"

The Prime Minister of Shi said:

He could hardly wait to shake his son's shoulder.

He was scared out of his wits in the front hall.

This son of a bitch is very good. He can eat and drink well. He needs to be served by his majesty today.

Now he has the face to ask him what the father is doing here.

The prime minister reluctantly put the expression on his face to live.

He coughed and did not answer Shi Qing's question. Instead, he looked respectfully at Yu chennian:

"Your Majesty, the dog has been nagging in the palace for a long time, so let the old minister take him home."

"Shi Qing has agreed with me to stay in the palace."

Yu chennian's attitude towards the person he likes is very friendly, even can be called a spring breeze.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister. I will take good care of Shi Qing."

How could the Prime Minister not worry.

First of all, this situation is very wrong.

At the bottom of his heart, he ruled out the option that the new emperor wanted to retaliate.

Then he locked in his son's evil appearance.

He said!

Grow up like this, sooner or later cause trouble!

Prime Minister Shi felt that he could rescue him:

"Your Majesty..."

"Yes, Dad."

The tardy son spoke.

The boy stood up, ran down to his father, heartless smile, a pair of beautiful pan round eyes full of happiness:

"I want to live in the palace for a few days, you go back alone."

At this moment, Shi Cheng looks at his son in front of him.

There is only one word in my heart.

Eighteen years ago, he and his wife were still impulsive.

Shiqing is a crazy procrastinator, and Yu chennian is a step-by-step pressing.

"The prime minister is at ease. At first I was under the care of Shi Qing in the palace. Now I haven't seen him for four years. I just want to talk to him about the past."

The Prime Minister of Shi said:

All he had left in his mind was the sentence the new emperor had just said.

He was taken care of by Shi Qing.

Put stress on the words inside.

Since Yu chennian ascended the throne, all kinds of things about him, large and small, have been placed in the home of the minister who has a little contact with him.

He was studying in the imperial study.

He was humiliated by four princes and his companion.

As soon as he sat on the throne, in addition to Shi Qing, the rest of them were either imprisoned or found to take off their official hats.

This is good. At least the new Emperor didn't kill them.

And Shi Qing is the only lucky one among these people.

But at the beginning, he bullied Yu chennian more severely than several princes. It was heard that he was regarded as a servant, and he kept calling and calling all day long. He also wanted to be a dignified Prince and eat the leftovers of one of his courtiers.

The prime minister did not know these things at the beginning.

After all, my son goes to the imperial study during the day, strolls around the capital in his spare time, and goes back to his house to sleep at night.

The father and the son touch their heads twice in seven days and speak no more than one hand.He only knew that the boy was a restless man. He was always wandering in the blue mansions. He had a good face in front of the emperor. The princes in the imperial study also had a good relationship with him.

How could he know that the boy was so arrogant that he bullied Yu chennian, a hidden dragon under the emperor's eyes!

After knowing this, the prime minister could hardly wish to give the rabbit a good family law.

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But he really can't fight.

Madame, mother, elders in the mansion all take Shiqing as an eye bead to protect carefully.

Don't beat him, he will be stopped if he scolds.

The prime minister didn't feel that Yu chennian was really like this on the surface. Hello, Hello, everyone.

He must have a plot!


He was worried, and the new emperor said that he would not let people go, but he tried to pull people out here. Shiqing, a stinky boy, refused to be pulled out and said nothing. He turned his head and swung his tail and crawled back.


What a son!

But again angry, the son still wants to rescue.

When the prime minister cleaned up his mood, squeezed out a smile: "then your majesty can let Shiqing send off the old minister?"

"Nature is good."

Yu chennian is not stupid. He guessed the prime minister's expression.

Prime Minister Shi intended to speak ill of him in front of Shi Qing.

He managed to coax Shiqing back. What if he was misled by the prime minister again.

The new emperor immediately said, "I will send the prime minister along with me."

The Prime Minister of Shi said:

At least he was also an old man of the two dynasties. Before that, he became the prime minister under the superior of the former Emperor, who always had fantastic ideas.

If you can't take your son home, can't you stop the new emperor from being a light bulb?

He immediately said: No, your majesty, you are the real dragon, and the old minister is a handyman. How can you let the superior send the subordinates.

I'm afraid. My heart is not beating. If you really want to see him off, isn't the old man tired to do everything? I was supposed to help your majesty solve the problem, but it also implicated you. I feel guilty and miserable.

Seeing this, the prime minister continued to talk about it because the emperor personally sent him this special official waste, which was useless.

Yu chennian can only regret to give up this idea temporarily.

He is unstable in the end, always afraid that when he does not go, Shiqing will follow his father.

After thinking about it, he said to the bottom, "the prime minister is old, so I will give you nine wheelers."

Nine wheeled carriages have always been used by the royal family, but in the palace, only the emperor can use it. After all, the carriage is not suitable for use in the palace.

People usually carry sedan chairs by hand.

In history, some emperors gave them to their ministers, which represented the supreme respect and trust.

The prime minister was the old man and Prime Minister of the two dynasties.

Yu chennian gave it to him in the past.

Of course, the new Emperor didn't give the car to show how much he respected the prime minister.

The nine wheeled chariot can only be used in the palace and not out of the palace unless it is used by the prince outside.

At that time, the Qing Dynasty could only send the prime minister to the last long road in the palace.

The prime minister didn't know if he could understand the new emperor's idea. Anyway, the corner of his eye had been pumping.

Even if he knew that there was no accident, Shiqing would soon be able to return to his side. Yu chennian was still reluctant to leave the kitten he had just taken back to the imperial palace.

The new emperor always sent them out of the hall.

And down the steps again.

Finally sent to the front of the car, watching the teenager get on the car, just unwilling to stand in place, looking at the nine wheel car far away.

In the car, when the prime minister lifted the curtain and looked at the emperor who was still standing in his original place, he felt more and more disgusted.

"Shi Qing, what do you think your Majesty's intention is?"

"No plans."

The young master is still idle, not nervous and afraid of the appearance: "he did not see me for four years, some just miss me."

"Miss you?"

The prime minister was angry and laughed at his son's words.

"Were you not afraid to insult your majesty like that?"

"Your Majesty said he didn't hate me." Shi Qing blinked his pure eyes and looked very innocent:

"besides, I didn't do anything to him at the beginning. I just wanted him to eat the food I didn't like to eat, to carry me up and down the steps, and to warm my feet."

Prime Minister of the time

He reached out and touched his son's neck.

The young master was ticklish and laughed away: "it's so itchy, Dad, what are you doing?"

"I'll get closer to your neck for a while, so that I won't see you or have no idea."The prime minister was already in a state of desperation:

"I pity my family. I and your mother come to our son. We just want to hold you in our hands. As a result, we are used to killing children. You offend the emperor. We are afraid that we want the white haired to send the black haired..."

Shiqing was not able to laugh or cry.

"Dad, where is so serious? I didn't help Yu chennian a little at the beginning. He also said that he was grateful to me and said that I was the only one who was good to him in the palace."

The prime minister's eyes brightened, as if to see the hope of his son's survival.

Then he quickly calmed down and recalled what his son had just said.

Let your present majesty eat leftovers.

Let your majesty warm his feet.

Let your majesty carry him up and down the steps.

The fire of hope went out again.

Prime Minister Shi: "son, my father is no longer an official. I will resign. When you are the son of common people, you will have no reason to stay in the palace."

"Don't be too grateful. Dad doesn't want me to have only one son like you."

Shi Qing: "Dad, are you going to resign? I will stay in the palace if you resign. "

The Prime Minister of Shi said:

Prime Minister Shi: "why?"

"I like your majesty."

The little boy said it quite naturally.

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The Prime Minister of Shi said:

Shi Qing continued to be happy: "Dad, in terms of appearance, he is a dragon and Phoenix among people, on character, he is gentle and considerate, on family background, he is today's majesty."

"You and my mother haven't fixed a marriage for me for so long. Don't you want to find me one like this? Now, I'll find it myself. Are you happy? "

The Prime Minister of Shi said:

To be honest, he thinks his son has a problem with his brain.

"Dad just asked you if you would like to go home with dad. If you said yes, Dad would not sit in the official position."

"No return!"

Young master's tone is firm, the thief who responds quickly: "Yu chennian really didn't want to revenge me, Dad, you can rest assured."

Prime Minister Shi: "call your majesty."

He doesn't just think his son has a brain problem.

I think he has eye problems.

A man who had been bullied and humiliated by him, now he is in power, and he is fed with good food and drink.

Isn't that just one sentence?

The weasel is not kind to the chicken.

Now, the little yellow chicken of Shiqing told him that he had a crush on weasels.

Forget it. No rescue.

Prime Minister Shi said directly, "I don't care if you want to come up with a palace or not. Anyway, you are the only one we have. I don't want other people's children to stay in front of their parents in the future, only you, because you have been beheaded for offending your majesty."

"No, I won't be beheaded."

"I think your majesty likes me, too."

The Prime Minister of the time said that

What do you like?

It's like he humiliated himself.

Or like his arrogant attitude, regardless of the upper and lower.

Still like him a minister pressure on his head, let the emperor peel shrimp.

To be honest, even though Shi Qing is his son, he still stands in the position of father or passer-by.

When the prime minister searched all over, Shi Qing could not find any advantages in him.

Oh, yes.

He still has face.

But today is the real dragon emperor, the world is his, want to find a good-looking person is not simple.

How can you like your son, who is nothing but his face.

He was hit and even forgot his sad son's IQ.

You are not calm, are you

"Dad, don't you believe it?"

Mentally retarded son also happy: "maybe we can have a male queen."

"Oh, no, we should have a face in our family. The queen is a woman. If I become a male queen, it would be a shame to talk about it. Lord, I will be king."

The prime minister felt that his son was daydreaming.

He wanted to say to his son, "wake up, don't dream. Your majesty won't kill you. You dare to hope for a male queen or a king. How could I have given birth to such a mentally retarded son as you? It's really a great loss of fame, etc.

The carriage had drawn them to the gate of the palace.

The palace is very big, but these horses are royal horses, naturally they run very fast.

The palace man outside said respectfully, "my Lord, here we are."

The palace man was sent by his majesty today. He is at the entrance of the carriage, and it is not easy for the prime minister to go on talking about it.

He could only shut his mouth indignantly and glared at his innocent son. He was helped out of the car by the palace people.

Silly white sweet son still beckons to him on the car: "Dad, slow down on your way."The palace people on one side can be regarded as Yu chennian's confidant. Knowing how close the master is to the young master, he immediately smiles and flatters him with a soft voice:

"then I don't have to worry about it. If I'm afraid it's going to be dark and it's hard for you to go back, we can send you to the palace."

The emperor did not have this rule in his time, but the rule was dead, and people were alive.

Anyway, even if he made up his own mind, his Majesty would not blame him as long as he was happy.

Shi Qing thought it was a good idea, but the prime minister didn't want to be stimulated at all.

He waved his hand and refused to give it back. He strode towards the palace gate with an air of no return.

At the bottom of my heart, I am filled with solemn and stirring.

What should he tell his wife.

He said that our son was stupid and fell in love with his majesty today.

Or is it possible that his majesty is going to revenge our son and detain him in the palace.

As for what Shi Qing just said, he felt that his majesty also liked his dirty words, but prime minister Quan didn't hear it.

Who would like a person who humiliates himself in his low season.

Although he is old, he is not old enough!!

When people in the capital knew that Shi Qing was detained in the palace, they thought the same thing.

No one believed that Qing could come to a good end when he humiliated the new emperor like that.

He has been arrogant for so many years, and there are many people who don't like him.

Now the young master seems to have hit the iron plate. Zhao Wulang's "can't stand the combination of Shiqing" is going to blossom.

They also made up for the miserable life in the palace.

Since your majesty did not directly cut people off, it must be intended to let this person who had insulted himself have a taste of being bullied.

Maybe I'm crying in the palace now.


Must celebrate!

While their brain was replenishing, the scene in the palace was completely opposite to what was rumored outside.

Shiqing is just too comfortable.

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When he wakes up, he sleeps on a blanket made of good fox fur, and says what he wants to eat and drink. Within half an hour, someone rides a fast horse to buy it for him.

In the past, although he was also favored at home, the prime minister always thought that his children couldn't live too extravagantly. Although he would definitely buy charcoal fire, he would never think about those things for fun.

The family background is enough, but Shiqing can't enjoy it.

But Yu chennian was different. The Imperial Palace was his, and the private treasury of the former Emperor was also his. During the four years, he fought everywhere and destroyed many places where the enemy had stored gold and silver.

Those things, of course, became his.

Now, these things were given to Shi Qing by him.

It's like a dragon searching for gold and silver treasures all his life, just to put these things in front of him when he finds his beloved.

When Qing wants to have what, the day does not know how happy to live.

But he is very serious and has a sense of crisis.

[Tongbao, I don't think that's right. ]

the system is just beautiful. When I heard Shi Qing's words, he was forced to come out: "what's wrong with the host? Isn't that good? Now the repulsion has been reduced to single digits. ]

[didn't you notice that something terrible happened to me? ]

the system was nervous immediately: [what? what?! ]

Shi Qing was very distressed: "charm! I am so seduced Yu chennian, he can resist. ]

System: [ ]

Shi Qing: [shouldn't, why did he hold on. ]

since he took Shi Qing to the Imperial Palace, Yu chennian's uneasiness was suppressed, and the degree of rejection dropped several times a day.

The only regret is that he always insisted on not touching Shiqing.

No matter how provocative time Qing, how all kinds of small movements.

Everyone can see that Yu chennian is about to explode, but he really stood up.

Unfortunately, he can't collapse the human setup, otherwise, it would be a great joy to throw people directly on the bed.

System: [ ]

Shiqing pondered for a while and then suddenly said: "fortunately, I have you with me. Although I have only one system like you, I have to say that you are the best system I have ever seen. I feel really lucky to have you by my side. ]

System: [!!! ]

it has never been praised so much. It is immediately nervous and excited, happy and excited: [host, host! Me too. I didn't expect that you thought so. I was so moved by the host. ]

Shi Qing: [Tut, my ability to blow rainbow farts has not decreased. You are very happy. Why is it useless to face Yu chennian. ]

System: [???)??? ]

System: [ Sobbing, sobbing. ]Shiqing coaxed him: "OK, well, although it's an experiment, I really think that's what I think. ]

the coax system was immediately happy and flattered: [the host is also the best host I've ever seen. ]

after experimenting with his rainbow fart, Shiqing put the system back to watch TV series.

He thought it would not work.

Before that, Yu chennian was at war. He was in the capital.

Now two people sleep in the same bed every day, Yu chennian is also very energetic, disharmony is nothing.

He thought about it for a while and thought he had to find a way.

So on this day, when Yu chennian came back from the next Dynasty, he planned to hold his baby cat and enjoy his rest time.

The palace man said, when I left the palace.

Because his Majesty gave me the greatest authority, so he thought of the palace, and no one really dared to stop him.

And he went out on a horse.

Yes, it's the bloody BMW that has just been presented. Shi Qing likes it and Yu chennian gives it to him.

The expression on the face of the man still wearing the Black Dragon Robe immediately became overcast.

It may be because of the influence of his miserable life in the previous 17 years that Yu chennian was very careful and insecure.

He liked Shiqing and wanted to keep Shiqing in the palace all his life.

If it was not for fear that the young master would be sad, he would have done so.

These days, Yu chennian can't wait to hold all the good things in the world in front of Qingqing. He takes good care of this delicate baby cat. He is afraid that he can't take good care of him. Shiqing wants to leave.

Fortunately, the young master lived happily and did not mention that he wanted to leave the palace.

As a result, he went to court and Shiqing ran away.

Almost immediately, Yu chennian changed his casual clothes and prepared to leave the palace, while he arranged for people to investigate where Shiqing had gone.

When the news came back, he almost blew up.

Shi Qing went to the brothel.

Shi Qing did go to the brothel.

He is holding the affiliated state Shanggong, Yu chennian also gave him to play with the super large night pearl.

The aim is to show off.

Show off with Zhao Wulang, who ridiculed him as an autumn grasshopper before he entered the palace.

Zhao Wulang was also a dandy when he could fight with Shi Qing.

However, his fortune was not good. He was not so good-looking and popular, and his family background was not so good. Although his family favored him, he was not favored by the emperor as he was.

He felt that he was bleeding.

Since he was born, why should he be born to Shiqing.

Now when it comes to dandies in the capital, the first thing people think of is Shi Qing. Zhao Wulang, like a passer-by, has no water in the capital.

So he hated Shiqing and targeted at Shiqing.

This time, the Qing Dynasty overturned the car, and a spoiled prince who had been bullied before actually changed his body and ascended the throne. Zhao Wulang did not know how happy he was.

This is retribution!!

After hearing that Shiqing was taken to the palace, he was more happy after the news didn't come out.

This is double retribution!!

Now, he is happy to pour himself a glass of wine in the brothel.

As soon as it was full, the door was kicked open from the outside.

"Zhao's name is Zhao!"

The young master came in arrogantly, carrying his chin. He did not know how proud he was. In the eyes of the staring people in the room, he held out the huge pearl of the night.

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"Didn't you say you got a night pearl last month? Come on, I've got one too. Let's compare. "

Zhao Wulang finally came to his senses. He looked up and down, left, right and right with his eyes wide open.

Damn it, when Qing not only looks pale, the body is not emaciated, looking at ruddy don't say, he is actually a little fat.

Isn't this girl going to suffer in the palace!

"Are you ok?!"

"If you have something to do with me, I will be fine."

"When the Qing familiar swagger in, a foot stepped on the stool," you dare not compare, dare not say directly. "

This kind of thing is always useful to dandies.

Zhao Wulang immediately stood up: "you crazy what crazy, now who does not know you are autumn grasshopper hopping up."

"Don't tell me what's useful or useless, just say it directly and dare not compare it."

Of course, Zhao Wulang didn't want to compare with him. The Pearl of his night was placed next to the Pearl of Shiqing. It was like his grandson. How could he be willing to compare it.

So he held it for a long time, and then he said, "well Grasshopper after autumn

"When Qingle:" you can only say this, I said, I just a few days did not come to the capital to hang out, you become a counsellor bag. "

Zhao Wulang sneered: "who doesn't know that you have offended your majesty today. I don't need to know. I only know that your good days are over.""I'm afraid I'll go to the prison to see you if I want to scold you twice."

Shiqing squints and puts the night pearl down.

He stopped smiling and glared at people with a bit of momentum. At least Zhao Wulang, who had suffered several losses, was a bit of a counsellor.

He carefully hid behind the girls, "what do you want to beat me? I tell you Shiqing, now that the new emperor ascends the throne, no one is protecting you!"

Shi Qing raised his chin and said, "I don't know if I'm in prison, but if I want you in prison, you'll be able to stay for a few days."

Zhao Wulang: "hiss, you thought you were the young master who ran rampant in the capital before. Even before, you had no way to deal with me, let alone today."

"Well, you don't believe it, do you?"

Shiqing put his own night Pearl back, "say, if I let you go to prison, what should I do?"

Zhao Wulang: "then I will give you my favorite set of jade chess pieces."

One side has been like quail listening to the conversation between the two childe brother quietly attached to Zhao Wulang's ear:

"five brother, do you forget? You've never won a bet with Shi Qing. How many good things have you lost to him? This set of jade chess pieces was given to you by your uncle. If you lose, you can't explain it. "

"What are you afraid of! I'm sure to win this time! "

Zhao Wulang was full of confidence: "I'm an official's son. I don't steal, I don't rob, and I don't beat anyone. Even if your majesty wants me to go to prison, he has to find a way out."


When Qing's strategy was successful, a pair of beautiful eyes immediately laughed.

He went up, in Zhao Wulang's vigilant eyes, quickly pulled out a small medicine bag from his arms.

"I know you must take this when you go to the brothel."

After a second, Zhao Wulang realized that his medicine had been taken, and immediately became angry and said, "what are you doing with my medicine! Give me back

The young man on one side said in a low voice: "fifth brother, maybe he wants to irritate you and let you beat him. Don't you go to jail? Don't be fooled. "


Zhao Wulang thought about it, and immediately he was proud: "it's useless. I won't beat you if you do anything."

However, the young master did not have a bird at all. He found a new wine cup under the table, poured the medicine in, and poured another glass of wine.

Two people are full of muddle force, take not on time clear what to do.

As a result, Qing picked up the glass and drank it himself.

Zhao Wulang:??? Why do you drink my medicine? It's fun. You don't know. "


The door just closed was kicked open twice.

Yu chennian walked in with a calm face. As soon as he came in, the people who followed him immediately rushed in and surrounded the people directly.

Zhao Wulang looked at his younger brother: "who is this?"

He had never seen the prince before. He was a white Ding again. Of course, he could not see the new emperor.

As an emperor, Yu chennian naturally took a person who informed him that he was an emperor.

A guard in front of the imperial court closed the door first, then looked at the sound insulation to make sure that there was no problem, then he cleared his throat:

"Your Majesty has arrived, but you will not join your majesty."

A room full of people knelt down.

Except for Shiqing.

Zhao Wulang pulled his trouser leg anxiously: "I'm going to die. I don't want to kneel down!"

Then he saw the boots with golden dragon embroidered in front of him.

Then, the new emperor circled Shiqing.

His voice is a little hoarse, but with a bit of doting: "how to run to such a place again."

"I come to see my friends."

Shiqing is not arrogant at all. His voice is so soft that he seems to be able to squeeze water out of the water. He is sweet and greasy:

"how did you come out?"

"I'm just about to come out and have a look."

Knowing that Shiqing didn't come to have fun, Yu chennian put away his claws and looked at his young master with a soft face.

Then I saw the boy's face more and more red.

He used it more and more in his eyes.

Yu chennian felt that he was not right and quickly helped him: "when is Qing? What's the matter? "

Shi Qing's soft, weak and pathetic complaint:

"well Just now, Zhao Wulang gave me an aphrodisiac... "

"I think we should shut him up for a few days..."

Zhao Wulang:???

Who specially gave you a drink, it was your own drink!!

You yourself!!!!

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