Even if Zhao Wulang had 10000 words in his heart: "your majesty I am wronged," I have no chance to say it to him.

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Shi Qing looks like a pair of "ah ah ah, I can't say my medicine. How can I confront people?" she hems and haws, coquettishly rubbing her eyes with her eyes closed.

Anyway, I just don't listen.

Zhao Wulang would be angry if it didn't matter.

Naturally, Yu chennian was not a despotic.

How could he shut up a son of an official just because he liked two or three words. What's more, he could see that although the young man was coquettish in complaining, he also arrogantly regarded Zhao Wulang as his mortal enemy.

But he didn't really get angry with Zhao Wulang, and he really just wanted to shut down for a few days.

If the time halal angry, according to his small temper, where will wait for people to come up to make decisions, directly fight up.

So he just moved Zhao Wulang to his cell for a few days.

It's good to eat and drink for a few days. How can it be regarded as off.

After quickly solving Zhao Wulang, Xinjun immediately took Shiqing back to the palace.

Fortunately, although he kept a low profile and only took some bodyguards, the car was also a normal car, but the car was decorated with royal luxury.

It's a big place with soft blankets all over the place, and the driving is stable. It's enough for young people who are dizzy with medicine to toss around in the car.

The guards of the car and the outside guards are not far away from the car, so that they can protect your majesty at any time without worrying about hearing the sound inside.

Only Yu chennian's confidant drove in front of him. Although he was close to him, he could only vaguely hear some conversations from inside because of the big car.

First of all, his Majesty's voice softened, as if in a soft voice:

"darling, first bear with me. When I get back to the palace, I'll call the grand doctor to have a look and it will be OK."

Then it was like a little milk cat, soft and tender, with a long tune and a sweet and greasy grunt.

After that, his Majesty's voice suddenly rose, and then with a kind of forbearance and panic:

"Shiqing! Wake up first

"If you do, you'll regret it when you wake up."

The sweet hum grew more discontented.

I drove the car without expression, and my ears moved.

His keen hearing allowed him to hear the tearing sound clearly.

At first he felt that his majesty could not help it.

Until he heard his Majesty's voice that he was forced to explode:

"Shiqing, let go first..."


There was another thump, as if someone had been knocked down.

It should have been his majesty who had been knocked down, for he let out a groan.

At the moment, he is still trying to rescue:

"Shiqing, you are not awake now, are you good?"

For a long time to come, there has been a long soft coquettish voice.

The voice is too low, intermittent he also can not really hear, can only vaguely hear soft coquettish sound, occasionally and occasionally a few crack silk tearing sound appear.

Then the soft voice was stopped.

When it rings again, it brings with it a sobbing sound that has not been breathed for a long time.

His Majesty's voice was no better than that. He could hear it from his voice. He was about to endure the explosion.

But he was still strong and full of forbearance: "don't make trouble, I don't want to scare you, until the doctor Oh

There was a long silence inside.

After that, the compartment door in the middle of the car seemed to be closed.

Royal partition door, perfect sound insulation.

No matter how flexible his ears were, he couldn't hear anything.

He directly slowed down the driving speed. He forced the carriage to go slower than the foot of a man. It took more than half an hour to get there.

When he got to the place, he jumped out of the carriage with a serious look on his face. Instead of knocking at the door to say that we were here, he stood respectfully aside.

He is the leader. If he does not go, the rest of the imperial guards dare not go.

So a strange scene appeared at the gate of the palace.

A carriage stopped, and a group of bodyguards stood in a solemn manner, waiting for something.

There is also a gate outside the palace gate, which is not the time for going up and down, so that people can avoid being surrounded.

The guards waited patiently.

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After waiting for more than an hour, the curtain was lifted.

Then, inside came a slightly hoarse voice of satisfaction from his majesty: "go straight into the palace."


The conscientious bodyguard leader sat in front again and drove into the palace with his carriage.

In the car, Yu chennian satisfied circle into the arms of the youth, kiss his hair one by one."Sleepy?"


After being confused by physical work, young people should not open their eyes and nestle in men's arms. Their voice is soft as if they can drip water:

"you put Is that Zhao Wulang locked up? "


Yu chennian patted him on the back and whispered, "he is already in prison now."

Young master is happy.

Even though he was very tired, he still showed a happy smile on his face, and took his face to rub Yu chennian's clothes.

Then he rubbed down a piece of rag.

The emperor's majesty wanted to be restrained and forbeared before, so he angered Shi Qing, who wanted but could not get it. He destroyed a good dress by destroying his clothes.

Now he is satisfied and willing to apologize generously. His face is still full of confused expression, but his small chin is skillfully and reserved to lift:

"where did you make this dress? You can't help tearing it."

Yes, that's right. That's how the young master apologizes.

Yu chennian didn't feel wrong at all. He was still quietly coaxing: "it's the fabric that's not good. You don't like it. I won't wear this kind of stuff in the future."

After all, the palace only wants to make clothes comfortable for your majesty. The thinner it is, the more cool it will be in summer.

Besides, when they were making clothes, no one thought that anyone would dare to tear the clothes of today's emperor with violence.

When Qingna rubbed his face, his voice was tender and sweet:

"I like it. I'll make some sets for me, and you can tear them next time."

Yu chennian's action of patting the young master's back froze.

His mind almost immediately came up with a scene that happened in the car before, only two people turned to each other, and he tore.

Fortunately, although the weather was hot, he just had physical labor to vent. Yu chennian did not have nosebleed due to brain replenishment this time.

But the young master in his arms, who used to walk in the brothel in a fancy way but didn't touch a finger of the girl, was still enjoying it:

"I want a gauze dress, is there a gauze dress in the palace?"

Yu chennian's brain has completely stopped working.

Until the young master moved his body, Jiaoli delicate hem and haw: "what do you do stop, continue to shoot ah."

"And a fan. It's so hot."

Yu chennian quickly patted his back gently, while picking up the side of the feather fan, to clear the wind.

The young master was well served all the way. When he arrived at the gate of the hall, his majesty carefully took him out.

Fortunately, there are clothes in the car to change, otherwise it's really hard to get out.

When Qing lying in bed, sleepy want to sleep, the brain and excited can not sleep, on the soft big bed rolling, rolling back and forth.

Yu Chenzi was stripped of his curtain outside.

The young master is tired. He wants to eat shrimp which is peeled by the Emperor himself, dip it in vinegar, and eat half a bowl at a time.

So Yu chennian can only sit outside, across the curtain, vaguely looking at the young master may be uncomfortable, rolling on the bed.

His heart is full of pity, even when the mouth is always flowery, but he is really the same as himself is the first time, and is below, always have to suffer some pain.

The medicine sent to get has not been sent, Yu chennian's heart ache, can only speed up the speed of shrimp peeling.

When the curtain was rolling around excitedly, Qing was frantically poking at the system:

[Tong! Unification! Let me tell you what character Yu chennian is. ]

the system came out once before and was scared back by the mosaic.

Now, when it hears the host calling, it dares to appear quietly.

After a careful look at it, he made sure that there was no mosaic, and then he replied, "the system doesn't know. The system hasn't heard of it, and the system hasn't seen it. ]

[Tut, I know if you don't say so. ]

seeing Shi Qing's vows, the system asked curiously, "what's your character? ]

when she was in the bed, she was holding the soft bedding and rolling around on the bed.

[big. ]

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Shi Qing: [hee hee hee hee hee hee. ]

System: [what? ]

Shi Qing: [I work hard. ]

System: [isn't Yu chennian emperor? How can you do ]

Shi Qing: [yes, dry. ]

System: [???)??? ]

System: [ ]

I found one thing. It seems that every time I live in the world, his ability to work will be enhanced. Is there any magic principle? ]

he is still looking forward to it: [does this mean that he will be stronger in the next world. ]

System: [ ]

System: [ This is not supposed to change. Is it possible that it is due to the host side. ]

when you think about it, it's the same.After all, he is not a normal person in the first two worlds.

At present, only this world is a normal human being.

Knowing that Yu chennian will not get stronger and stronger, the young master is not depressed.

[then I can enjoy myself in time, while I can feel 100% happiness and feel more. In this way, is not 100 + 100 + 100, has been adding so much happiness? ]

the system is stunned.

It has a vague answer: it should be ]

so, just ready to eat and sleep, the young master lifted up the quilt, angrily opened the curtain, and yelled at the man outside who was seriously peeling shrimp:

"Yu chennian, Yu chennian, come here."

The emperor stood up obediently and washed his hands on the edge of the bed. Then he sat down beside the boy and gently touched his face: "what's the matter? Is it physical discomfort? "

He heartache way: "endure again, the medicine will arrive immediately."

As soon as the words fell, young master Bai Nen's hand grabbed his arm and pulled him to the bed.

Yu chennian didn't react. After all, Qingming was so tired before.



His clothes were torn again.

The palace man who was sent to take the medicine went back to the main hall with the medicine, and said outside: "Your Majesty, the maidservant has brought the medicine."

Inside came his Majesty's panting voice: "I'll call you later. Go ahead and wait."

This is two hours.

When the medicine was sent up, Yu chennian originally wanted to smear the medicine for the young master, but he didn't know why. When he applied it, Shiqing pushed him down again.

Before those worried when sober up will hate him, hate him, think he took advantage of the idea of the group bar group bar into the lotus pool.

Facts have proved that a young master who has a reputation for being romantic but never really gets close to people is really more and more interested in having meat.

This day, the two people entangled almost the whole day.

The next day, Yu chennian came back from the next Dynasty, and the young master happily bumped into his arms.

On the third day, he had just finished his political affairs when he was pulled to the hot spring.

On the fourth day, the young master searched the palace for books and found some old books of the former dynasty, which recorded in detail how the emperor of the former dynasty spent different nights with the three thousand beauties in the harem.

He said that he must try it with Yu chennian.

The two people are tired of being together every day, but it does not affect Yu chennian's handling of political affairs. On the contrary, his spirit grows day by day.

After half a month, he had to lift his chin when he walked. The young master finally remembered one thing.

He forgot Zhao Wulang.

Yu chennian also forgot.

His time is almost full of heart and eyes are immersed in the gentle countryside, each time dealing with government affairs do not know how efficient.

Is to wait until the work is finished, step into the hall, ushered in the moment of unknown surprise.

Every day in addition to dealing with all kinds of things in the court, that is, in the back hall with the young master, where do you still remember this passer-by a.

Also, Zhao Wulang's life in prison is not bad. It is because the Emperor himself let him go into prison, and no one is allowed to visit him. His family still think that he has provoked today.

What is Yu chennian's temperament? It has been shown incisively and vividly when he ascended the throne, which is the most vindictive.

Even if they are pleading, they dare not ask for mercy, for fear that in case of a bad operation, Zhao Wulang will be punished more seriously.

So, he was completely forgotten

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Fortunately, Shiqing didn't find anyone when he wanted to show off his new agate lion, so he released the man.

The first time I let it out, I was holding the agate lion and showing off with pride: "you see, this is from fanruo country. Their country is the best at making agate. This lion is the best agate, and the lion is carved by the most powerful craftsman."

Zhao Wulang was shut a belly fire, saw the mouth to be pricked: "also just so."

The young master is not angry.

Young master has a good temper.

He just touched his agate lion and said with a smile, "you can say casually that although I have a good relationship with your majesty, I will not put you in prison again because you did not praise my lion."

Zhao Wulang:

It has to be said that even though he fought with Shi Qing so many times.

He still wants to say that.

This guy is too much of a NEMA.

Shi Qing didn't find himself annoying at all. He held his agate lion and looked at Zhao Wulang expectantly:

"to tell you the truth, how about this lion?"

Zhao Wulang looked back at the prison he had been in for half a month.

Forcefully forced himself, squeezed out a smile: "good!!! That's great"I have never seen such exquisite agate carving. Look at the smooth curve of the lion, and then look at his eyes that seem to be able to survive, and this strong momentum."

"Good!!! Great!! What a rare treasure in the world

The young master listened to him patiently and finished.

"No more?"

Zhao Wulang just said that words have been forced to clean up all his praise words. Now, even if he is whipping, he can't say it.

"No more."

Shiqing's face, which was so beautiful that it was almost monstrous, immediately showed a look of disdain, and directly thrust the agate lion to the side of the attendant.

"Zhao Wulang's vision has always been bad. He said that he was good. The lion must be bad."

"Come on, I don't want it. You can send it back."

Zhao Wulang:

When he bites to death.

The young master saw through what he was thinking, raised his chin and was very proud: "look at your expression. Do you want to hit me? I am under your Majesty's protection, dare you? "

Zhao Wulang He didn't dare.

Therefore, Shi Qing, with a posture of being extremely ill beaten, wandered around Zhao Wulang for three or five times, enjoying enough of his mortal enemies, who wanted to fight but did not dare to fight, and wanted to scold, and he dared not to scold.

This is a elated look up, contented left.

Zhao Wulang:

What's wrong with your majesty!

It's amazing to have your majesty protect you!!

Your majesty is guarding Protect

He bowed his head in dismay.

It's amazing to have your majesty protect you.

It seems that in the future, his reputation as the second dandy in the capital will never be taken off.

When Zhao Wulang became the first dandy, he became the first dandy.

Because after finding the true love, in order to make himself deserve the true love (the prime minister and his wife thought), the young master who devoted himself to gnawing old for a lifetime actually began to study.

Maybe it's a talent, maybe someone above opened a back door. Anyway, he finally got a grade A and was ordered to explore flowers.

After that, he became an official.

At the beginning, some people questioned the young master's achievements.

After all, although they didn't know what was between Shiqing and yuchennian, they were famous dandies before that time.

Maybe it was the prime minister who opened the back door for him when he was in his father's life.

Prime Minister Shi said that he did not open the back door, although after knowing that his son really passed the examination, he also suspected that the back door had been opened.

In the court, people on the prime minister's side certainly can't say anything about the time, and the prime minister's influence is not really to the point that he said everyone said one thing.

Therefore, in a long period of time, shiqingdu incarnated as Shijie.

He is a tiger father without a dog.

He is better than blue and better than blue.

I'm a man of heaven and earth.

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Anyway, as long as he thinks that he is not good, he will take back.

The key point is that Shi Qing is different from the prime minister's direct and explicit scolding. He likes to quote all kinds of obscure poems, and then directly repeat them from head to toe and from left to right.

If you change a knowledge is not rich, you may be scolded and confused.

It can be imagined that after such a period of time, no one would doubt the literary talent of the Qing Dynasty for a long time.

After that, they began to murmur that the prime minister was so critical of a character that his son Shiqing could not do anything but hate others.

Can you bear it!

Must not!

He hummed and said nothing during the day. At night, he quietly entered the palace and blew the pillow wind for Yu chennian.

The next day, the young master went into the household department.

Hubu, it's in charge of money.

There are so many departments in the imperial court, and the yamen, no matter which yamen it is, must issue the money from the Hubu department before it can be distributed to them.

I have no other skills, but I have a little. I can play.

He built a forest farm for dandies and officials to play in. Charging for it was like robbing money.

It's just fun.

There are lots of people with money to send up.

Therefore, after a large number of income, the Qing Dynasty was promoted.

Then, he set up another letter station.

To set up a letter station, you have to set up a letter station first. At that time, a group of people were arguing about whether to spend money on such a letter station.

In the end, Yu chennian stood firmly at the side of Shiqing and established a letter station with his own private bank.

Then, the mail station was set up and charged according to the weight of the goods.

It seems that the imperial court is in great loss. Don't forget that the ordinary people who want to send letters are not only one person, but also deliver goods together with each time. In this way, you can send them back and come. In addition, there are officers and soldiers in the imperial court's letter stations, and no robbers dare to rob them. Many merchants entrust their goods to the letter stations.In the first year, he made a lot of money.

So, Shi Qing was promoted again.

By the time he was promoted to the Ministry of Hubu, there were already rumors about him.

People call him Jin Shangshu.

It means that he has a high means of collecting money. Since he entered the Ministry of finance, the Treasury has been very rich.

At this time, no one dares to provoke the fashion books, which are upright and can't bear any losses.

Fortunately, he didn't make trouble himself. At most, he was lazy when he was working.

Some people in the court are not used to it, but they are not used to it. The emperor dotes on it.

The events of the Qing Dynasty and Yu chennian finally came to light.

It may also be because of the sweet atmosphere between the two men. It may also be that the emperor was young, but there was no woman in the harem. He even chose a father in his belly in the imperial clan, and he became a posthumous son. His mother died of dystocia because of her depression.

It's normal that he didn't choose the first few imperial brothers. After all, they bullied themselves. How could Yu chennian choose his enemy's son to inherit the throne.

But Shiqing is still like that. When he is free, he wanders all over the street, eating this and that, but he doesn't want to go to the brothel. Yu chennian is not as insecure as before, but he is still very careful and vigilant against any rival in love around him.

When they were in their forties, their relationship was no longer a secret in the capital.

At the age of 45, the Qing Dynasty resigned. After Yu chennian's approval, he made great contributions to the country and granted him a king of Le'an.

Then, Yu chennian became the first emperor since the founding of the people's Republic of China to hand over the throne to the crown prince without death.

Without the fetters of their identities, they began to travel around the mountains and rivers without any cover up.

In history, there is no clear record of when they died and where the cemetery was built.

Only one thing is very certain. Later, the prince who succeeded the throne once left a sentence, saying:

the father and the king father said that the emperor's tomb would inevitably be stolen. It was only a matter of time. Before they went, they had told to bury them together in a beautiful place.

It's just that there are so many beautiful places that even if later generations are very interested in these two famous celebrities, they can't find out their graveyards.

The only thing for sure is that they were buried together.

Back in the task space, the system is still very excited:

[congratulations to the host for completing the task, please select: 1, continue the task, 2, rest. ]

Shi Qing: [1, come on! ]

[Ding! Please be ready to jump into the world. ]When

}} ※

, open your eyes and review the memory in the brain.

Ah, this time he is the school bully.

Bully, he is good at it!!

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