This is a novel about how Zhuo Junli, the male master, has gone through a miserable youth, a time when he was just working, and has come to the peak of his career after his success.

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Zhuo Jun left his father's family violence. His mother left home when he was a child. He grew up in the beating of his father.

Because he was short of food and clothing since he was young, he was very thin and weak in his childhood. In addition, his old clothes, which were incompatible with his peers around him, made him look very pitiful.

But he was not often bullied since he was young, because he has a good face, which belongs to the kind of school grass face in TV dramas, plus good grades, so he started from primary school.

The teacher loves this poor and hard-working child.

Students in the class, especially female students, also like to be good-looking and fresh, good at learning, and willing to speak freely for them.

For Zhuo Junli, campus life is better than home.

I went to high school.

Most of the boys in this period have girls they like, and what makes them angry is that most of them like girls who like Zhuo Junli.

This good-looking, good grades, and gentle school grass.

At this time, Zhuo Jun's popularity was just a little poor. Although there were one or two people against him, they did not dare to do too much.

Until senior two, a transfer student appeared.

Kwai's strong background, arrogant people, loose hands, quickly surrounded a group of brothers, and soon had the name of the school tyrant.

The school bully likes the most beautiful girl in the class.

Unfortunately, the girl confessed with Zhuo Junli. Although Zhuo Jun left with a good attitude of refusing, the girl still said that even if Zhuo Jun did not agree, she would still like him as before.

The school bully was angry.

While chasing the girl, he also bullied Zhuo Jun.

At the beginning, the teacher also tried to manage, but the school bully background is too strong, bullying people to let Zhuo Jun away from a bit of injury, want to criticize, he said he was not intentional, and finally can only turn a blind eye.

Zhuo Jun away from the nightmare of the campus era is coming.

The means of school bullying are very low-level, but they are not useful.

For example, what deliberately asked to have a room with him when he was assigned a room in the school. In the winter, he deliberately threw cold water on Zhuo Jun's bedding when he was not leaving, which made him cold all night.

Another example is what know Zhuo Jun left in part-time, deliberately called a younger brother to make trouble.

Or it's blocking people after school, threatening with various words, and then forcibly pulling people to the toilet, trying to shut Zhuo Jun away from the toilet for one night.

It can be said that Zhuo Jun left the school bully, his health was not good.

This is good, this time the school bully because taboo teacher, still can do a few small movements.

After graduation from University, it was the most tragic. Zhuo Jun left and joined a company, only to know that the company was the school's bully. As the only son of his family, he was parachuted into the company.

In school, the school bully was still afraid of teachers, but when he entered the society, he did not have such scruples. Zhuo Junli was tossed about by all kinds of troubles, but he signed a contract and could not leave his post. He had to bear with it.

Fortunately, he was the main character. After all kinds of humiliation, he stepped on this company as a springboard and started his own company. On his way to starting the company, the school bully still pursued him relentlessly and tried his best to make a stumbling block to him.

It can be said that school bully is the villain of Zhuo Jun's life.

Until finally, Zhuo Jun left on the top, completely uprooted the shadow of this life, sent the school bully bankrupt, and sent him to prison.

But the tragedy is that this book is so well written that readers like it too much. They want to let it become a world of its own. After it becomes the real world, what happens is out of control.

At present, the school bully forced Zhuo Jun to go to the toilet after pouring cold water on Zhuo Jun in the winter and shut him in.

At this time, Zhuo Junli should have waited until the sister who liked him came to rescue him. As a result, she fell asleep and there was no reason to go to the men's room in the middle of the night.

And then

Zhuo Junli froze all night in the toilet and died of pneumonia.

Such a tragic and scientific way to die is really a pity.

Obviously, I am the school bully. ]

System: [woo I'm sorry, host. I'd like to take back the golden finger, but it won't stop as soon as it works. ]

[it doesn't matter. ]

Shi Qing laughs: "I also like to bully people. ]

he got up and walked around the bedroom.

Why does this school have such a nice dormitory for two people? It depends on the original owner. As soon as he was a freshman in high school, he knew that he wanted to transfer school. He didn't want to squeeze a dormitory with a group of people, so he convinced his family to donate dormitory buildings to the school.

Not long after he transferred to school, the dormitory building was ready, but at this time, he saw Zhuo Jun's departure from his eyes and sacrificed his single bedroom. He had to leave Zhuo Jun in a dormitory to facilitate all kinds of bullying.By the way, it's also for surveillance, so as not to let him have personal contact with his sister.

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This bedroom is very good, the space is not very small, big window, there is a notebook on the table.

It belongs to the original owner. As a rich son who donated buildings to the school, he also has the privilege. For example, the teacher never comes to check the dormitory he lives in.

In the original plot, this setting is to write about the evil school bully, that is, by virtue of the teacher's not checking the bed, there is no lack of deliberately tossing Zhuo Jun away.

For example, this time the toilet is closed, and the teacher doesn't check his bed. Of course, he won't know if Zhuo Jun is away.

He shut him up all night.

One second before the time cleared, those subordinates of the original Lord just closed people in the toilet with him and left.

He took a look at the things Zhuo Jun left.

I don't know how many years of use of a schoolbag, the table is full of books, it is winter, the bed is still thin.

This was bought by Zhuo Jun from the summer. Later, because the original owner arrived, he deliberately made a stumbling block to prevent him from getting a scholarship. He also had no money to buy a new winter quilt.

At the moment, the top of the quilt has been completely wet, and the mattress under the bed is also wet through.

The bedroom has air conditioning, but the remote control has been in the original owner, since he deliberately let Zhuo Jun away from the cold, of course will not turn on the air conditioning to let the other party warm.

After searching for a circle and confirming the situation, Shi Qing rubbed his hands and went to find his poor roommate.

Zhuo Junli is standing and walking in the toilet.

His lips were white with cold, but there was no indignation in his expression, only calm.

In order to ventilate the school toilet, the window is opened, but without a window, the students go to the toilet and go away. If it is cold, it will not be cold. But if it is kept in the toilet, the feeling will be different.

At the moment, Zhuo Jun left no matter which direction he was standing in, the wind could blow on him, making his hands and feet more and more cold.

Actually, it's OK.

He thought while walking to bring heat, and now he has been shut down for less than ten minutes, and his body has not been completely exhausted.

The toilet is in the most corner of the playground, only 70 decibels. The front wall is solid and the door is closed. Even if he shouts at the maximum voice, the dormitory building and teaching building can't hear it.

And shouting can lead to a rapid decrease in body heat and physical strength.

There is a toilet in the students' dormitory. They will not come to the playground to go to the toilet, but the teacher's dormitory does not.

The teacher should come to the toilet after checking his bedtime. The teacher checked the bedtime from 10:00 to 10:30. He didn't look at his watch when he was locked in, but according to the time of self-study next night, it should be 9:40.

Ten minutes, nine fifty.

Hold on for another 40 minutes at most, and the teacher will come.

He breathes out and silently continues to walk up and down to improve his body heat.

After walking for less than a minute, the sound of pulling the chain suddenly sounded outside the toilet.

Zhuo Jun left the action to stop, a handsome face, slightly some light colored eyes revealed doubts.

According to his calculation, no one should come at this time.

Shiqing swaggered in.

Inside, a slender, handsome young man was looking at him with a little bewilderment.

He's so beautiful. It's the look that makes people feel clear at a glance.

Shi Qing: [wow It's beautiful. It's not school grass. It's national grass. ]

he tut: "tender, it seems that you can pinch out the water. Are the protagonists of student days so good-looking? ]

in Zhuo Junli's eyes, Shi Qing is looking at him with malice.

He was alert to tighten the body, feet slightly force, but skillfully exposed on the face of cowardice, bow head very afraid of the appearance.

This is Zhuo Junli's experience from small to large.

In the face of the perpetrator, only when he shows timidity and fear, and the other party has a sense of satisfaction, will he stop the violence.

While skillfully making this expression, Zhuo Jun centrifugal side calculation.

Shiqing won't hit him.

It doesn't look like he's carrying other tricks on him.

Is it to mock him?

However, to his surprise, the arrogant bully only put his hands around his arms, raised his chin and left Zhuo Jun:

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"what are you doing? Follow me."

Zhuo Jun centrifugal bottom more alert, but still timid on the surface, carefully raised his eyes to see when Qing, whispered: "where to?"

"There's so much bullshit. Just let you go."

When Qing seems to be impatient, one of the front grabbed Zhuo Jun from the arm, pulling him to go out.

Zhuo Jun left the foot frozen stiff, was caught off guard so a pull, the foot suddenly a stagger, nearly fell on the ground.

School bully a hand took him, ridiculed: "you can be really weak chicken a, really don't know why Tong Xinyu likes you."

Zhuo Jun left his eyes and his long, thick eyelashes quivered slightly. With his white and handsome face, he seemed to be more pitiful. This was his habitual action to make others sympathize with himself"Tong Xin Yu and I are just classmates. You really misunderstood me."

"No! Classmate, classmate, she gives you bread

Speaking of this, the tone of the school bully in front of him suddenly broke down.

Shi Qing reached out his hand and fell on Zhuo Jun Li's face. He patted him gently on the cheek:

"Tong Xinyu just likes your face. If you don't have this face, do you think she can see you

The handsome young man shrank back and hid:

"really not. I also confiscate the bread."

Just because of the wrong way to hide, his lips accidentally rubbed Shiqing's hand.


The school bully simply took back his hand at the speed of light, and even carried the hand behind him.

Seeing Zhuo Junli looking at himself in surprise, he snorted in a hurry. His face was still domineering and arrogant:

"what are you looking at? Did I let you see me?"

Zhuo Jun left to take back the doubts just now, the obedient lowered his head.

His tone is weak: "I really have nothing to do with childlike rain, I also said bread, I confiscate, you like her, go after her."

What's the trouble with him all the time.

"What's the use of chasing her when you have such a good relationship with her

Shiqing held out another hand and grabbed the young man's collar in front of him, so that he had to get closer to himself.

"Zhuo Junli, you really think I don't know. You confiscate this bread. Why did you take the eraser she gave you three days ago?"

"Last week, on Tuesday night, when she asked you to give him a lecture, why did you say that?"

"And last week, did you help her on duty? Tut, for her sake, I've delayed your learning time of 15 minutes. You have nothing to do with her. Will you help her like this? Do you think I'm stupid or blind

Zhuo Junli:

How did Shiqing know what he couldn't remember.

It's just an eraser. Last week, the boy's heart rain came. He had a stomachache. Please, he will help. It's normal.

Even more, almost all the students in the class who want to study hard came to him to talk about the topic.

As for the eraser

Zhuo Jun left slightly pursed his lips. After finishing the first two reasons, he continued to explain in a low voice: "the eraser was only picked up by her. She didn't want to give it to me. I bought this kind of eraser. It cost 50 cents in the school supermarket, which is not worth much money, so I...."

"So you take it."

"Do you know that this style of eraser is sold by a pair, you use a blue pig, she uses a red pig!"

Although the scene is a bit untimely, but looking at the school bully's ferocious care about two pigs, Zhuo Jun left unexpectedly strange a little want to laugh.

Of course, Shi Qing didn't care only about this. He gritted his teeth and said, pointing his right index finger on Zhuo Junli's clavicle:

"an eraser's five hairs, your five hairs, her five hairs, together are not one piece? You are in the show of love naked, you are still learning bully, how can you not even see such a simple truth, still say that you are not secretly communicating with her in song style! "

Zhuo Junli: "it's a dark song."

Shi Qing said:

After a few seconds, the school bully growled in anger:

"I know! I love to say that. Can you control it? "

Zhuo Jun left silence for a few seconds. Under the threat of school bully, he opened his mouth: "then I will return the eraser to tongxinyu."

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When Qing this just satisfied takes back the hand: "this is also almost."

"You'd better remember what you promised me, and if I see anything from her on your desk tomorrow, I'll throw it all in the trash can."

"All right, let's go."

He pushed Zhuo Jun to go straight ahead.

Zhuo Jun left and felt wrong.

He calculated the result, according to Shi Qing's words, he was jealous of the child's heart rain and gave them to himself. Shouldn't he take those things as his own?

As he walked, he calculated from the bottom of his heart that he was walking slower. The school bully who had been following him immediately urged him: "you belong to a rabbit! If you don't hurry, I want to walk slowly and freeze to death, don't you? "

Zhuo Junli looked to finish this sentence, then walked to his side, dressed in down jacket, the whole body wrapped up in the strict time of Qing.

Look down at your sweater again.

What do you think? When you walk slowly, it's him, not Shi Qing, who gets frozen.

However, the school bully who always takes himself as the center doesn't care about these things. He dislikes Zhuo Jun's walking too slowly. He takes his arm and runs back to the dormitory with him all the way.

When opening the dormitory door, when the forehead has a little because of the rapid running and sweat, a hot down jacket off.Then urged Zhuo Jun to leave: "hurry to take a bath, stay in the toilet for so long, you want to stink me!"

Zhuo Jun should leave, open the cabinet and take his clothes.

He loves to be clean, but since he lived in a dormitory with Shiqing, he has to be urged to take a bath every time. There are bubbles on his head several times, and the school bully has already kicked the door.

This time, he took a quick bath, but there was no movement outside.

Zhuo Jun from always feel a bit wrong, always hold the heart, always pay attention to the surrounding, for fear that when Qing and where to make a prank.

But until he took a bath and opened the door to come out, Shiqing just leaned on the head of the bed, playing games with his legs up and a toothpick in his mouth.

That is to say, he looks good, and his posture and movements look very pleasant.

"Oh, it's done."

Hearing the news, the school bully raised his head, looked up and down at Zhuo Junli, who was rubbing his wet hair, and whistled:

"why, where are you sleeping tonight?"

Where can Zhuo Junli sleep.

Now other dormitories refused to accept him because of Shi Qing's warning.

Go to the teacher and get angry with the master. He will be more serious in the future.

He could only stand by his bed and turn over the bedding:

"just go to bed."

"On the bed?" When Qing got up, wearing slippers to Zhuo Jun left the bed, touched his bedding: "your bed is so wet, how to sleep?"

This is very reasonable, as if Zhuo Jun was not splashing water on his bed.

Zhuo Jun is not angry.

If he was really angry with the time, he would have been very angry.

He turned the bed over. "This side is not too wet. I sleep on this side."


When Qing suddenly realized.

He nodded and turned to the bathroom.

Zhuo Jun left also did not care about him, only stuffy head to clean up his own bed, try to let the dry place fit the skin.

There was a tap coming from the toilet.

After a while, Zhuo Jun left the bottom of the bedding and turned to half. Suddenly, he heard Shi Qing's voice from behind: "Hello, get out of the way."

The young man turned his head blankly and saw that Shiqing was standing behind him with a basin of water.


When he saw that he only looked at himself and did not move, he raised his eyebrows impatiently:

"let you get out of the way, don't you hear me, don't let me throw it on you."

Zhuo Jun left can only get up, let to one side, looking at the time when he came to his bed: "what do you do..." Yes.

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When Qing Zheng was humming a song, very evenly and slowly, he sprinkled the basin of water on his hands all over the bed.

After sprinkling, the bed can't sleep any more.

He threw the basin to the ground in a good mood.

"Come on, now tell me where you sleep tonight."

Zhuo Junli:

He clenched his fists, and his hazel eyes grew angry.

Clay figurines also have three temperaments. What's more, his good temper and bullying appearance are not as powerful as talents.


What a bully!

When his fists became more and more tight, he raised his eyebrows and with a proud smile, pulled him to his bed and pushed him to the bed.

His bed was covered with good bedding, soft and fluffy. When Zhuo Jun was pushed, the whole person was half trapped and his clenched fists were vented.

After the reaction, he put his hands on the bed to sit up, but was pushed by Shiqing and sank in again.

So Zhuo Jun left can only be so trapped in the soft quilt, looking at standing on the ground, looking down at his school bully.

"Since your bed can't sleep, please follow me later."

"You don't have to be too grateful to me. As long as you stay away from the childlike rain, I am a good person to talk to."

He said it as if he was not the one who wet the quilt.

Zhuo Junli:

"All right, blow your hair dry and don't wet my bed."

Not sure what the situation is now, Zhuo Junli can only absolutely see the move.

"I don't have a hair dryer."

In fact, the school dormitories are equipped with hair dryer, but when the eldest young master disliked that hair dryer is not easy to use, he directly threw it away.

He has a good hair dryer, but Zhuo Junli, who is penniless and only has rice card money, can only rely on air drying every time in the cold weather.


When Qing went to the cabinet, found out his hair dryer and lost it in the past: "you are allowed to use mine first."Three minutes later.

Zhuo Jun from sitting on the chair blowing hair, while blowing, while turning to see behind, is drilling in the quilt lying prone to play games when Qing.

Maybe he noticed that he was looking at himself. The school bully raised his head, frowned and impatient. He took a hand and patted the pillow next to him:

"Why are you so slow, but hurry up! I'm so sleepy. "

Zhuo Junli:

He always felt that something was wrong.

Boys' hair is easy to blow dry, and Shiqing's hair dryer is a good brand. After a while, Zhuo Jun's hair is dry and can't be dried any more.

He slowly put the hair dryer, and was about to clean the dormitory before going to bed according to the usual practice. He just picked up the broom. When he was playing the game, Qing Qing looked up and saw it, and his face became more impatient.

"Where to sweep? Let them sweep it for me tomorrow. If you don't come up, I'll drag it down directly!"

I don't know why. Zhuo Junli always feels that Shi Qing's expression seems a little bit unable to hold oneself back?

Besides, it seems a little excited.

As soon as he sat down beside the bed, he took off his shoes and was dragged to bed.

"You sleep inside."

As if he was afraid that he would run away, the school bully pushed his roommates to the inside, wrapped him up in the warm and warm quilt, and sat up uneasily, and tucked in his quilt tightly under Zhuo Jun's stiff expression.

After that, Shi Qing reached out and turned off the light.

Quite can't wait to get into the bed, not polite to a kind of Octopus posture Zhuo Jun away from to hold tight.

Zhuo Jun left just uncomfortable to move the body, he was impolitely scolded: "be honest! If you are not honest, you will not sleep in my bed again

He didn't want to sleep.

In the dark, Zhuo Jun looked at the darkness with his eyes open, beside which was a warm and hot heat source.

I always feel that something is wrong.

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