Zhuo Jun didn't sleep very well from this night.

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Shiqing is very domineering, his sleeping posture is also very domineering naturally, like octopus embracing people, occasionally his hands even move dishonestly.

Every time Zhuo Jun left just gently and quietly took down the hand of Shiqing. After two seconds, that hand was put back domineering again.

And, more than ever before.

Even the legs were pressed on the youth.

Shiqing's weight is not as heavy as Zhuo Jun's imagination, but he was a person since he was young, and he is not suitable to sleep with people.

Xueba breathed soundlessly, and slowly took down the hand hanging on his body.

Shi Qing put it up again.

He took it again.

Shiqing put it on again.

He took it again.

Shi Qing: "what do you do when you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

His tone is full of dissatisfaction, and a little confused, but his hand with this sentence, once again the bully to the people tight.

Zhuo Junli blinked in the dark:

"your hand..."

"Well? What

When Qing closed his eyes and yawned, he put his head on the shoulder of the youth, with a natural look. He patted his pajamas with Zhuo Junli's hand.

"Go to bed and buy me breakfast tomorrow morning."

The young man did not speak, only in the dark according to the feeling, slowly put his hand on his own hand, trying to take his hand down.

Then the hand gave him a backhand grip and held him tight.

A warm source of heat came from another person.

Zhuo Junli:

He silently wants to pull back his hand.

When the clear grip more tightly.

And also very dissatisfied reprimand way: "don't make noise!"

Zhuo Jun did not move again.

He reluctantly exhaled his breath, forced himself to ignore the heat source and the hand held by him, and began to sleep.

Zhuo Jun did not sleep well this night.

He had been dreaming all night, dreaming that he was tightly bound by a ball python and couldn't move.

Golden ball python also around his body, a down and out of his pajamas, with the hot body temperature to touch him.

It's winter, but it's too hot.

No, Zhuo Junli, who was entangled by ball python in his dream, suddenly found the loophole in this dream.

Snakes are cold-blooded animals. If they want to raise their body temperature, they rely on external activities, such as basking in the sun.

Obviously, there is no sun here.

So it's a dream.

So Zhuo Jun left in the dream, while being entangled by the ball python, recalled the math problems that he could still remember.

The next day, Zhuo Junli opened his eyes in the early morning relying on the biological clock.

Next to him, when he was sleeping, his legs were still hanging on his body, his eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly open, just like a good dream.

Zhuo Jun left the body slightly moved, the original sweet school bully immediately turned over, skillfully closed his eyes and held the person firmly.

Zhuo Junli, whose hands and feet were suppressed, could not move

Now he knows what happened to his dream last night.

When Qing's strength is great, Zhuo Jun left hard for half a day, but he can't pull out his hands and feet.

Can only helplessly call him: "when Qing."

"Shi Qing."

"Well Who is it

The school bully, who was awakened in his sleep, opened his eyes and raised his head to Shangzhuo Jun's sight. His eyes were still confused, but his face showed a smile.

The original always arrogant voice brought a little happiness:

"it's you."

He kept such a happy smile, very natural to get over, and Zhuo Jun face to face.

The distance between the tip of the nose and the tip of the nose is just one silk.

Zhuo Jun left so helplessly that he poured a bed of water on his bed yesterday. He used his nose tip to rub his nose tip.

Zhuo Junli:

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His brain, which had always been able to infer everything, did not move.

And the most bizarre, or with his brain a blank, school bully is still playing in general, continue to rub his nose with the tip of his eyes full of thick smile.

From this angle, Zhuo Junli can only see his eyes.

Shiqing is a standard narrow eye. When he doesn't smile, he looks very arrogant and imposing, but when he smiles and bends his eyes, he looks clear and bright.

At the moment, this pair of black bright eyes, full of joy.

Zhuo Jun left or the first time with a person so close, his ears gradually red.

He can stand the cold eye.

Violence can be treated calmly.

I can also think calmly when I am so cold that I feel stiff.But in the face of the few people who get intimate, Zhuo Jun is at a loss.

He has always been able to calm down in his heart and decide what to do next. At the moment, he is a little flustered.

When Qing slowly, slowly will two people distance to pull apart some.

Such a posture allows him to see Zhuo Jun's expression on his face which is pressed by his own hand.

Zhuo Jun left because of his special growth experience and precocious than his peers, but also through some camouflage to protect himself.

But at this time point, he was not the king who turned his hands for the clouds and the hands for the rain, standing on the top of the mountain. He was just a student who indulged in learning all day and tried to reverse his life by learning.

At the moment, the young man's pretty and white face has been slowly dyed with blush. His eyes are full of panic. His long eyelashes are blinking with the master's thoughts.

There are only four words to describe it:

beautiful and delicious.

I can!! ]

because his hand fell on Zhuo Junli's pajamas, Shi Qing could feel his chest rise and fall with his tension.

One second.

One second.


It's soft and bouncy.

Zhuo Junli belongs to the standard of wearing thin clothes and taking off clothes with meat. Otherwise, he would not look like a poor boy when he was a student. When he grew up, he could become a full-fledged handsome man.

When qingneng across the clothes, feel the abdominal muscles.

He felt his clothes with great lust.

Sure enough, it feels first-class.

[tut Tut, cool! ]

System: [host, host, you are now set to bully him ]

I'm bullying him now, don't you see his face angry? Look, your angry face is red. ]

System: [ ]

it's about to cry:

it's not allowed to break the rules. ]

[where did it collapse? Did I collapse? ]

Shi Qing came over again and rubbed Zhuo Jun away with the tip of his nose. He watched the young man's body stiff, even his neck dyed pink, and his face became more and more happy.

Zhuo Junli began to stutter when he was pressed against his chest clothes and his nose was touched by intimacy:

"Shiqing, what do you do..."


School bully answered with a strong sense of reason. His hand slowly followed Zhuo Jun's arm and slowly grasped his hand. His eyes were full of satisfaction.

After that, he held Zhuo Junli's hand and slowly stretched out his index finger. Like a massage, he slowly turned around on the thin cocoon of young people's palms, raised his eyes slightly, and narrowed his eyes like a fox:

"you are very good today."

Zhuo Junli: What are you talking about? "

"Oh, I will speak today."

School bully's face with a trace of surprise, get closer: "say, you like..."

- bang bang bang!

When he was knocked at the door, he was knocked! When I get up, I get up

"Look what I've brought you, Shige! Are you up? Open the door

The atmosphere in the room froze for a moment.

They were still in their original positions.

Almost all the people in the Qing Dynasty pressed Zhuo Jun to leave his body. His right hand held his left hand, and his left hand pressed on his chest.

Face to face, nose to nose.

Close to an absolutely uncomfortable distance.

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"I still have Lu Tao in my dream," he said

Lu Tao is the one outside the door. Shi Qing has the best relationship with him in the class.

Zhuo Junli: "this should not be a dream."

School bully:.... "

He rubbed away from the youth, the whole person with the wind speed shrank in the cup, only one head.

"Why are you in my bed!"

Zhuo Junli:

Fortunately, without any explanation from him, Shi Qing recalled himself. He stretched out his slender hand and patted his head:

"yes, I asked you to come."

"I'm asleep."

After finding out what happened, the school bully's expression became vicious again, "what are you doing in my bed when you wake up! Don't hurry down! "

Zhuo Junli has given up explaining to him the fact that he held himself so tightly that he couldn't get out of bed.

Anyway, Shiqing never makes sense.

It's just

He put his hand on his chest and felt his heart beating rapidly. His eyes were at a loss.

What do you mean by what Shi Qing just said?

Does he think he's dreaming?

What do you mean by "you are very good today"? Isn't it the first time that Shi Qing dreamed of him?

Zhuo Jun left slightly dark under the eyes, all these doubts hidden in the bottom of my heart, the face as usual out of bed to open the door.Outside, Lu Tao was surprised to see what opened the door.

The boy scratched his head and walked away from Zhuo Jun to Shi Qing's bedside. "Ah, brother Shi, didn't we lock Zhuo Jun away in the toilet last night? How did he get out? "

The school bully was already distraught. At the moment, seeing Lu Tao mention Zhuo Jun Li again, he was in a worse mood and spoke in a very violent tone:

"what do you care about him! If you can't give me a decent reason, I won't kill you! "

Lu Tao has long been used to getting up angry with the boss. He is not angry at all. He smiles and hands the things he has been holding to Shiqing.

"You see, I sent someone to take it with me. I came home last night. I brought it to you today. You can have a look."

"What a piece of crap."

When Qing wrung eyebrows, carrying landing Tao handed over the things up and down around to see: "Buddha card?"

"This is not an ordinary Buddha's card, but a Buddhist card bestowed by eminent monks. The main purpose is to protect people's safety. Moreover, I heard that the temple's miraculous effect is to ask for the Buddha's card in his home, and the results of the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination can all play an extraordinary role!"

Shi Qing looks at the small Buddha card on his hand. With simple workmanship, even the rope is just a woven red rope.

"That's it? Even if it's useful, I don't expect to play super well. Even if it's a duck's egg, I'll still be happy in the future. "

He throws the Buddha card, and Lu Tao catches it carefully.

"Ah, Shi Ge, why can't you think about it? You think Tong Xinyu values learning most. If you give her this Buddha card and tell her what it can do, she must be moved."

"We don't care about grades, but Tong Xinyu cares. Her family is just ordinary. It's very important for them to get a good score in the exam."

Shi Qing was thoughtful: "what you said is reasonable."

"And it's really useful. I inquired several people and said it's useful. Don't you like her, Shige? If you do well in the exam, she will be happy

Zhuo Junli is washing in the bathroom, the door is not sound insulation, he can also clearly hear what two people are saying outside.

Shiqing likes tongxinyu, which is known to the whole class. The younger brothers around him also gather together every day to help the eldest brother find a way to hold the beauty home.

If before, Zhuo Jun left to hear what two people said, the bottom of my heart still had to be happy.

Shiqing and tongxinyu have become good. When they become, Shiqing will not want to trouble him any more.

But now

The young man looked at himself in the mirror and touched his chest.

Where the heart has returned to normal beating speed, but the mind is full of just school bully pressure on him, it is a little confused, but full of satisfaction expression.

Zhuo Jun lifted his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror full of confusion. He said softly, "I like..."

What's behind hi?

Why did Shi Qing want him to say that?

He has a vague guess in his heart, but this guess is too impossible, impossible to arrive, even if it looks like a fact, Zhuo Jun left also can't believe it.

Zhuo Junli is still the same as before. After buying breakfast for Shiqing and having breakfast by himself, Zhuo Jun left the dormitory with his schoolbag on his back in silence.

As soon as the young master who was biting the bun saw that he was going to leave, he immediately opened his mouth and called out: "you! Wait

Lu Tao immediately followed: "yes! Wait

The handsome young man stopped and looked back at them.

When Qing stood up and pushed the leftover food on his table: "come here, take it for me."

Lu Tao on the side immediately pushed his breakfast as well:

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"yes, take it for me."

"Take your uncle!"

Zhuo Junli was about to step forward when he saw Shi Qing turn his face and give Lu Tao a brain crack. "You're a repeater, you're addicted to learning from me!"

Lu Tao was collapsed by the neck of a shrink, quickly chat up with a smile: "then I don't let him take, I take it by myself."

So Zhuo Jun left with the breakfast of Shiqing, followed by Shi Qing. In the back, Lu Tao was holding his breakfast and carrying his schoolbag.

School bully: do you remember what you promised me last night

"As soon as I get to the classroom, I will return the blue pig to Tong Xinyu. Do you hear me?"

Zhuo Junli:

No matter how many times he listened to it, he always wanted to laugh when he heard him say blue pig in such a jealous tone.

Of course, you can't laugh.

He just as if timidly dropped his eyes, slowly asked: "is not I returned to her, you will not trouble me."

"Did I trouble you?"

When the cold hum, while talking, while holding the index finger once, point Zhuo Jun left the shoulder.

The tone is quite resentful: "it's you who have provoked me again and again!"Zhuo Jun left silently endure his not so heavy poke.

Only for their own discrimination way: "I really have no interest in children's heart rain."

Lu Tao, who followed the two men, silently bowed a sympathetic tear for Zhuo Jun from the bottom of his heart.

What's good about brother Shi is that it's unreasonable.

When Zhuo Jun left, he didn't hide from them.

It's really pitiful. I've learned how to be a bully. I've been staring at him.

Shi Qing obviously didn't feel that he was unreasonable. He broke his fingers to Zhuo Jun and calculated: "tell me, did you say 21 words with Tong Xinyu yesterday?"

"You said three words to Lu Tao. It's not too late. After self-study, you told me 11 words. We can't compare with tongxinyu. Do you still say you don't care for her?"

Lu Tao behind him:.... "

Good, Zhuo Junli, what are you talking to them for.

He quietly moved forward and patted his shoulder: "brother Shi, the point seems to be wrong. It should be compared with what tongxinyu said to Zhuo Junli and tongxinyu told us."

School bully:.... "

He looked at Lu Tao with a fierce look in his eyes.

Lu Tao:

He shrunk his neck: "yes!! How can you make a mistake! yes! That's how it should be

When Qing this just satisfied to take back the sight, toward Zhuo Jun leave raise eyebrow: "see? Lu Tao feels the same way. "

"If you don't want to suffer any more, you'd better honestly accept your rotten thoughts on childlike rain, or I'll catch you..."

Lu Tao broke in again: "if I catch you, it's over. There are so many girls in the class who like you. You say you have to hang up on Tong Xinyu. I think our representative of Chinese is very good. You and she can make a pair."


The school bully frowned, stopped and looked at his younger brother impatiently:

"can you stop interrupting when I'm talking

Lu Tao: I, I just give him a plan for the future, so he won't delay the time. Do you chase the child's heart rain? And, besides, the Chinese class really likes Zhuo Junli... "

"Like you, my uncle likes it!"

Shi Qing gave him another brain collapse, full of anger:

"what do you mean, you!"

Lu Tao didn't know how he provoked the master at all, and his face was full of grievances. "What's wrong with you, then Zhuo Junli, if you want to go after the class representative, won't no one take the child's heart rain with you?"


"The girls in the class are all Laozi's," Shiqing sneered

Lu Tao:

Lu Tao:

He looked at his eldest son's face: "I will never allow anyone to touch my hands." he raised his chin and threatened Zhuo Junli:

"do you hear me? If you dare to meet other girls in the class, you will die! "

Zhuo Jun left a blank face.

Lu Tao looked around and was wronged for him. He quietly and quietly pointed out his head: "that In fact, the girls in other classes who like Zhuo Junli are also... "

"You shut up!"

Shiqing's angry roar successfully turned Lu Tao into a little quail, and shut his mouth with his schoolbag and rice.

Seeing that he was about to walk to the teaching building, Shiqing suddenly stopped.

"You go up first. I'll go shopping."

Zhuo Jun left hand still carrying his rice, listen to ask: "breakfast put on your table?"

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"Put it on your desk."

School bully a face of course: "today change position, I want to sit with you at the same table."

Zhuo Junli:

"Remember last night you promised me, when I went upstairs, I would check it. If you didn't return it to tongxinyu, I would kill you."

The school bully is heading for the school supermarket.

Lu Tao saw him go, relieved, bumped into Zhuo Jun and left his arm: "I'm afraid you'll sit with tongxinyu. Don't worry. Shige likes tongxinyu. As long as you don't hinder him, he won't embarrass you."

Zhuo Jun from slightly twisted eyebrows, not easy to detect the movement of the body, do not let Lu Tao touch himself.

Lu Tao didn't find out. He was still murmuring: "what? In fact, I don't have any opinions on you. Just now I helped you speak. If I didn't speak for you, Shige would hate you more. So you copy yesterday's homework for me, and I'll hand it in after self-study. How about copying homework for me 。”

Zhuo Junli asked him, "does Shiqing hate me?"

"Why not? As soon as he knew that tongxinyu was assigned to be on duty with you last night, he was so angry that he shut you up with us. "

"But how did you get out? We also specially inquired about it. Mr. Wang has something to do today. The teacher who checks the bed is a woman and should not go to the men's room. "Zhuo Jun left slightly squinted.

"I can copy your homework for you, but tell me first when Shiqing fell in love with tongxinyu."


Lu Tao also a little can't remember, "it seems that tongxinyu confessed to you, when brother is not happy to trouble you, we just know that he likes tongxinyu."

"Anyway, don't mess with Shige. He's very cruel. The teacher doesn't dare to recruit him."

Zhuo Jun left slightly pick eyebrows.

When Qing was angry with him, it was because tongxinyu confessed to him.

Or is it because he was confessed by the child's heart rain?

After Zhuo Jun left upstairs, he directly found the blue pig rubber which had not been used several times, and went to the children's heart rain table.

Tongxinyu is indeed a very lovely girl. She is beautiful and straightforward.

See like the person to take the initiative to go to their own table, was originally with the same table, she immediately sat up straight body, to be more dignified, more dignified, full of expectations to see Zhuo Jun left.

Then, in her expectant sight, Zhuo Junli put the blue rubber on her desk:

"sorry, I can't use it, I'll give it back to you."

The look of expectation on the face of tongxinyu became lost. She was unwilling to pick up the rubber, "just a rubber. I just want to thank you for helping me with the topic."

"What's more, your old piece is not about to be used up. I found one here and I said

"Ah." All of a sudden, tongxinyu's voice came from behind. Tongxinyu's voice was very loud. She frowned and looked at Shiqing who came in from the back door with anger on her face.


when you get to Tongjun, you can see what you are doing with the rubber

"It's up to you!"

Tongxinyu knows that Shiqing likes himself, but he doesn't like Shiqing. He's not gentle at all. He's still so bad tempered. I heard that he fought with people outside. He looks good, but he's just a scandal!

She made it clear to Shi Qing so many times that she would not like him in any case, and this man was still shameless.

Moreover, he bullied Zhuo Junli.

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he was, and the tone of tongxinyu was not polite:

"I picked up an eraser, but I can't use it myself. When I see that Zhuo Junli's rubber is almost used up, I will give it to him. Is there any problem?"

"No problem."

When Qing put his hands in his pocket and picked his eyebrows, he asked: "you said you picked it up. Who knows if you picked it up or bought it by yourself."


Tongxinyu looked around and saw that the students around found that there was a dispute here. They were all curious and looked over, and their faces were red with anger.

Although she likes Zhuo Jun from this matter did not cover up, but she is a girl, eager to buy a rubber, deliberately pretended to pick it up and give it to someone she likes. How can she be willing to let others poke it.

Tongxinyu is just an ordinary girl who lives in the ivory tower. She really doesn't know how to refute it. She has to bite her hard:

"I just picked it up! Picked it up on the ground! No way


The good-looking school bully slowly tengtengteng took his hand out of his pocket. There was a brand-new blue pig eraser in his palm.

"Ah, ah ~"

he gave a faint cry, turned his palm over, and the blue pig fell to the ground.

Shi Qing lowered his head, his face showed exaggerated surprise, squatted down and picked up the blue pig;

"how can there be an eraser here? I don't know who dropped it."

Tong Xinyu:

She watched as Shiqing was so brazen as to hold the little blue pig and hold his God's hand with one hand.

Then, let the blue pig go.

School bully's face is careless, big square: "Zhuo Jun leave you, isn't the eraser nearly used up?"

"I just picked one up and gave it to you."

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