"Zhuo's hand is blue

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Tong Xinyu:

The other students who were watching the crowd said

They have never seen such a brazen person.

The child heart rain angry head, a slap on the table: "you deceive too much!"

Shi Qing: "I'm too much of a bully. What can you do with me?"


Tongxinyu really want to be angry, she is good, from small to big, there are not few students chasing her.

But this is still, this is the first time she met such a method of chasing people as Shi Qing.

Take a deep breath and take out your red eraser. "Whatever you want. Now, Zhuo Junli's eraser and I are a pair."

"Tut tut."

When Qing pick eyebrow, slow, take out another hand from pocket again.

Open your hand. In the palm, there is a little blue pig.

He was so badly in need of beating his own pig and Zhuo Jun from the pig together.

Pig's mouth to pig's mouth.

Still quite proud, blinked at the child's heart rain which was about to explode.

"We are a couple."

Tong Xinyu:

Ah, ah, ah, she felt like she was going to explode.

How can there be such a shameless person in the world!!

"By the way, you should know about the change of seats in the class today."

Shiqing, however, seemed to have never seen the expression of childlike rain that was going to explode. She was still that pair of languid looks, and her hands were leisurely on Zhuo Jun's shoulder, with a pair of good expressions.

"I told the old class, let me sit next to Zhuo Jun, later if you pick up any individual to give him, I can meet him."

"I can meet any more topics."

Said, school bully of course added a sentence: "but he is my deskmate, to talk about the topic should also first tell me, you have no problem."

Tong Xinyu:

Her eyes were red with anger, and she got up in anger. Shaking her fingers, she pointed at it for a long time before she could say:

"son of a bitch!"

Leaving this sentence, she turned and ran out of the classroom.

"Ah! Heart rain

Tong Xinyu's deskmate is a fat and lovely girl. When he sees his deskmate running, he gets up to chase him.

When Qing full face "problem is not big" expression, waved to her: "do not chase, will have a class, Tong Xinyu so love to learn, must come back to class."

He looked down at his watch and said, "she'll be back in five minutes."

Zhuo Jun left his eyes a little complicated and clear.

Lu Tao is also very miserable.

Finally, he didn't hold back. He went up and quietly said to Shi Qing: "brother Shi, chasing the person you like, it seems that it's not like this."

"What's the problem?"

School bully pick eyebrows, a face straight: "now is not very good? If I sit at the same table with Zhuo Jun, tongxinyu will not come to him. "

Lu Tao:

Yes, tongxinyu wants face. He will not leave Zhuo Jun.

But the same, she is more impossible to find Shi Qing!

You like other people's little girls, but you are good coax ah, not primary school students, put forward such an attitude, childlike rain will agree to the pursuit of time Qing is strange.

However, they always think fast when the elder brother just seems not to notice what is wrong, so one hand hook Zhuo Junli's shoulder, as if with some victory products, sitting in the position triumphantly.

When waiting for the change of position, when Qing as expected and Zhuo Jun from sitting together.

And for the next few days, he kept his promise.

Dutifully in the child heart rain and Zhuo Jun leave between when a light bulb.

Tongxinyu summoned up the courage to find Zhuo Jun from the problem, just started, Zhuo Jun left Zhuo has not come out, while sitting on the time Qing has been quick to put his book in Zhuo Jun away from the eyes.

The school bully first raised his eyebrows in front of the rain of childlike innocence, and then looked like "I am a good student who loves to study". He asked seriously:

"Zhuo Junli, what should I do about this question?"

However, after he had asked a question, he could still ask another question, another one, another one.

If Tong Xinyu questions him, Shi Qing can ask back with great reason:

"why? Who stipulates that you can only ask one math question, but can't I have more questions? "

Then the child heart rain was angry to run away.

This girl is a persevering girl. The more Shi Qing stops her from approaching Zhuo Jun, the more she wants to find every opportunity.

No class time is not only after class break can have, early self-study, lunch time, physical education, evening self-study, she can always find opportunities.However, the road is one foot high and the devil is ten feet high.

When you can still really dominate Zhuo Jun for 24 hours, you can't leave her.

Two people a dormitory, usually after school Qing pull Zhuo Jun away from the dormitory, tongxinyu a girl, always bad to run to the boys' dormitory.

It's needless to say that after class, Qing took Zhuo Jun to talk and talk about the topic after class. Tongxinyu couldn't find any chance.

As the whole class knows, Shiqing is on the bar with tongxinyu.

If he can't pursue the rain of childlike innocence, he can't pursue Zhuo Jun.

That is even to eat Zhuo Jun from the look closely, a hair silk do not let the child heart rain touch.

The younger brothers headed by Lu Tao said, "are you OK, brother Shi?"? Don't you see childlike rain? Do you feel more and more disgusted with your eyes? " To praise, Qing's move is really high.

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Before he bullied Zhuo Jun left, tongxinyu will only be more and more distressed, sometimes will sue the teacher, the teacher will criticize them.

But now, when brother don't do anything, is to dominate Zhuo Jun to leave.

Zhuo Jun from what you want to do!

But I have to be with Shiqing.

That's even going to the bathroom. Both of them have to go together.

It can be said that the perfect 24-hour control of the love enemy, so that the child heart rain is not touched at all.


Too high!

In this way, the teacher can not grasp the handle, do not say, childlike rain also can not use external force to intervene.

And be praised by a group of people is really worthy of the elder brother, is the fierce Shi Qing, recently the small life also very happy.

As a super rich second generation, he lives in school for the simple reason that his parents are busy and have no time to take care of him.

As a rich second generation, who was spoiled and grew up, playing all night when he was not living in school, it was a common practice to play all night.

Therefore, he was arranged to live on campus.

But even if he lives in school, he can satisfy what he wants as long as it is not too much.

For example, other students are not allowed to bring mobile notebook, he is reckless.

Because the teacher doesn't check the bed.

Similarly, because the teacher does not check the bed, when clear want to do anything can.

Recently, he even took advantage of class time to let people move a bathtub in his bedroom.

The whole school is not happy, but who knows that the whole school is not happy.

To say that the pressure is great, Zhuo Jun is from the biggest.

Now he is only a sophomore in senior high school. He has begun to play hard to learn.

If Shiqing didn't pull him to sleep every day, he would have been able to keep an immortal's sleep at two o'clock and get up at half past five.

The longest time to enjoy this bathtub is Zhuo Junli.

I don't know what he thought when he was in the bathtub. Anyway, the repulsion degree has dropped to 88.

After nearly two weeks, Zhuo Junli can also skillfully deal with the school bully who is like octopus on his body every night.

Before Shi Qingmei and tongxinyu fought against each other, the catchphrase was "even if I was a duck egg, I would definitely be better than anyone else".

Now he's changing his tune.

In today's physical education class, Tong Xinyu had just seized the opportunity of Shiqing to buy a coke. He went up to chat up with Zhuo Junli. This guy came out of nowhere and put his hand on Zhuo Junli's shoulder to lean on his side.

Skillfully raised his chin and raised his eyebrows: "Zhuo Jun, leave, go with me to buy Coke."

Yes, his mantra is: Zhuo Junli, go to XXX with me.

Moreover, Zhuo Jun, as the party concerned, can really follow Shiqing together. He doesn't care about being so angry that he wants to tear up the childlike rain of school bully.

Of course, no one can blame him for his coldness when talking about it.

After all, the whole class knows that Shi Qing is arrogant and overbearing, and the teacher can't control him.

Now Zhuo Jun left with him at the same table and a dormitory with him. If he gets angry, what should he do.

Zhuo Jun didn't feel anything left.

He went into the supermarket with Shiqing. Shiqing still bought two bottles of coke, one for himself and the other for Zhuo Junli.

No one thought there was anything wrong with him. He said that Zhuo Jun left to accompany him to buy things. When he was generous, it was nothing to give Zhuo Jun a bottle more.

In fact, there are few physical education classes in senior two, but their school is more special than other schools. They think that students' grades are better, but their bodies should also keep up with them.

Therefore, people's school physical education running, chatting, free activities.

Their school physical education is to learn Military Boxing.

The president has a good reason. Now he has learned Military Boxing, he can protect himself. In the future, he will learn military training faster.

In the winter, a group of students in sweaters and down coats followed the teacher, just sweating.Zhuo Junli, in particular, has been in poor health.

When I was a child, my father didn't care much about him. If it hadn't been for the pity of his neighbors and letting him eat from home from time to time, he would have been starved to death.

Growing up is not much better. I have to work part-time while studying. Sometimes I have to endure my father's domestic violence when I go home. I can't compare with my peers.

He studied very seriously, but he couldn't keep up with his physical strength. He was already thirsty. Then he was pulled to the canteen by Shiqing and handed him a coke.

Zhuo Junli took coke, said thank you, unscrewed the cap and drank it.

The younger brothers of Shiqing always thought that it was very strange. Zhuo Jun should leave this man. Although he is good-natured, he is a little lofty. If people give him anything, he doesn't want it.

As for the eraser of 50 cents, Tong Xinyu said that he picked it up by himself, and then put it directly into Zhuo Jun's table hole before he collected it.

As a result, when he changed to Qingqing, during this period of time, in order to prevent his "rival" from contacting with Tong Xinyu, he would also occasionally buy Zhuo Junli a piece of food.

But Zhuo Junli, who refused politely to others, accepted all the things that Shi Qing gave him.

After analyzing the meal, we felt that Zhuo Junli was afraid of getting angry if he didn't accept it.

School bully! That's not just talk.

Physical education is the last class, a class, the girl child Xinyu came again.

Then, she saw when Qing overbearing with Zhuo Jun left the shoulder, big square to the canteen.

Today Friday, after eating the canteen, we can go home on holiday.

Child heart rain this sister has a stubborn force, when the Qing more is to stop, the more she is to approach the male god.

Now she has been able to run to two people without changing her face, ignoring Shiqing and only talking to Zhuo Junli.

Today's sister is still shy and courageous, slightly red face: "Zhuo Jun from, I remember I and your house on the way, let's go together."

She likes Zhuo Junli, and of course she has paid attention to him and knows which way his family is going.

Zhuo Jun left his shoulder with Shiqing's hand, and he could clearly feel that, with the childlike rain saying this sentence, Shiqing's hands were not one point two points.

In fact, Shiqing doesn't have to worry about it. He won't go home on holiday.

Good school, he does not stay, go home waiting to be beaten?

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"No, I'm going to help the teacher get the next week's paper. I can't go with you."

Tongxinyu continued to ask:

"why don't I go with you? I have nothing to do today."

"I have nothing to do today."

When Qing is still like before that grinning to insert, full face rascal: "how about we three go together?"

Child heart rain hold fast for two weeks, this moment, in another wall, she finally can not hold back.

"Why are you so annoying! I've said that I don't like you, and I won't like you. I don't like you in anything you do! "

Zhuo Jun left almost immediately turned his eyes to Shi Qing.

At such an age, people like to say that in public, how should it be hard.

However, the school bully was still smiling and couldn't see the sadness of being criticized by his sweetheart:

"it doesn't matter, you are free. Anyway, I won't let you get close to Zhuo Jun. otherwise, I'll send you home, and you'll take advantage of it."

"You! Hugh! Think

"Son of a bitch!"

Tongxinyu was once again angry.

And when the Qing Dynasty more to Zhuo Jun away from that side, a pair got the booty of pride appearance.

The young man beside him had dark eyes and deep eyes under long eyelashes.

The school bully obviously didn't realize what he was thinking about in his captive spoils. When he had dinner together as usual, the two returned to their dormitories.


He was lying on the bed and asked Zhuo Jun Li, who was sitting at his desk reading a Book: "are you not going home this holiday?"

"Well, not back."


"Is it going to be a part-time job again, or going to the bar to sell wine this time?"

He was very disdainful, with an indescribable sour language way: "dress so tight, do you think the people who buy your wine really want to drink? They want you. "

Zhuo Junli's reading line of sight was stunned.

Before that, Shiqing once came to his part-time job to make trouble.

Deliberately toss him not to say, but also a big fight, provoked the bar boss to dismiss him.

At that time, it was not true to say that you were not angry.

But now he has a different direction in his heart.

The youth suddenly raised his head and turned to see Shiqing on the bed: "why did you go to my part-time job to make trouble before?""What, what, why."

School bully is obviously Zhuo Jun left the words asked by surprise, a good-looking face is first flustered for a moment, then calm down.

As soon as he lifted his chin, he looked like "the world is big and the earth is the biggest." he said, "I can do whatever I want."

Zhuo Jun left, however, did not stop asking as before, but continued to ask:

"you haven't used the bathtub several times. Why are you installing a bathtub?"

"You think everyone is as poor as you? If I want to pretend, I have money. How about it? "

Zhuo Junli did not let go of this topic, and continued to ask:

"and my bed is dry, I think I can go back to my bed to sleep..."

The school bully, who was good at playing games on the bed, suddenly got up, pulled the young man over, and then turned over and pressed him under his body.

When the clear dangerous squint, looking at the body Zhuo Jun from slightly enlarged pupil and face flash panic.

With one hand on Zhuo Jun's side, he patted the young man's white face with one hand:

"you talk a lot today."

The distance between the two is too close, so close to Zhuo Jun from being forced to lie on the bed, you can see clearly when you clear every hair on your face.

Zhuo Jun left early found that, in fact, the Qing Dynasty is not ferocious, but very good-looking.

The long and narrow Phoenix eyes, high straight nose, lips are always moist red, just because he is always a ferocious expression, and no one has ever said that he is good-looking, only that he is bad tempered and fierce.

And now, this bad tempered and fierce person, is slightly squinting Phoenix eyes, meaning unknown looking at him.

The hand on his face moved down slowly and fell down slowly.

Zhuo Junli's chin is one of the three bones of the shoulder blade belt. At the moment, he has a beautiful curve because of his deep breathing.

The slender white fingers fell on one of the three bones of the shoulder blade belt and declined. It was only through the air that it seemed to be measuring something.

The owner of the hand is getting closer and closer to Zhuo Jun. when he gets close to each other, he can feel his breath.

They both looked at each other's eyes, although there was no physical contact, the air around them seemed to be hot.

No one spoke, until Zhuo Jun moved uneasily from the body, and the tip of his finger accidentally touched the face of Shiqing.

School bully's face is much more tender than it looks, slippery.

Zhuo Jun left his body stiff, subconsciously apologized:


The school bully's body was also stiff. Then, he still held on and put on the appearance of "Laozi doesn't care at all":

"two big men, touch your face and fear something."

Zhuo Jun left but still red face, gently dropped long eyelashes: "I didn't mean to, you go down first."

"Not at all."

The careless voice of the school bully above is also a little empty:

"you can give me a definite word, whether you will sleep in my bed tonight or not."

Zhuo Junli realized that his tone was wrong and raised his eyes in embarrassment. Only then did he find that Shiqing looked natural and his white ear tip had been dyed red.

The party also didn't notice that he had revealed his secret at all. He blinked his eyes a little guilty, and said with righteous words:

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"I'm used to sleeping next to you these days. If you don't cooperate, I can only take tough measures."

Zhuo Junli seems to be able to feel the tenderness of Qingqing's cheek. He is a little flustered now. He just drops his eyes and says in a soft voice:

"I'll cooperate. You come down first."

Shi Qing was satisfied with this, and picked up her eyebrows and looked proud:

"that's almost the same."

With that, he turned over naturally and let Zhuo Jun leave.

Zhuo Junli is still red, and the collar of his clavicle has just been pulled down by someone. He himself still looks like he hasn't regained his mind. His chest is undulating and breathing, and his clear eyes seem to be moistened with water.

It has to be said that Zhuo Junli in his youth is really a great beauty.

When Qing almost a did not hold back and rushed to the person.

Fortunately, he still had some sense. He felt under the pillow and found the Buddha card given by Lu Tao last time and threw it on Zhuo Jun Li.

The dark Buddha card fell on the white clavicle, making it more and more white and beautiful.

The master of the clavicle held up his hands and grasped the Buddha card. Maybe he was a little excited just now. His eyes were slightly bright and he looked at Shiqing:

"what is this?"

"Oh I picked it up. It looks so ugly that it doesn't match my temperament. I think your neck is quite suitable. I'll give it to you. "

The school bully shakes his hands and looks very impatient.

Zhuo Jun left his eyes and looked at the Buddha card in his hand. He also looked at the face of the Buddha. His ears were red and the blood was dripping. The water in his eyes seemed to be brighter.Ding! The rejection degree of Zhuo Junli: 85100]

the air in the room seems to be sticky.

Perhaps feel uncomfortable, when clear Teng stands up: "I want to go home."

Zhuo Jun left holding the Buddha card and then stood up: "do you want me to send you?"

"Give me a fart. What can two big men give you?"

School bully went out with red ears.

Only Zhuo Jun left in the bedroom.

He looked at the Buddha card in his hand and hung it carefully around his neck.

When he was sure to hang it, the young man touched it. It was the first time that someone gave him this gift of blessing.

At this end of the road, Shiqing was headed for the East Street with a clear goal.

The system didn't dare to see it from the beginning, but now it's hard to see it. When it's hard to see it, it's time to clear up and quickly come out: "host, you have to go west. ]

[I know. ]

Shi Qing swaggered on the road: [it's time for good people and good things. ]

System: [? ]

[in the original plot, didn't Tong Xinyu meet a hooligan on his way home? Just Zhuo Jun left home, in order to help her own arm were broken.

Now Zhuo Junli is staying in the dormitory. Who can help her? ]

the system suddenly realized: [does the host go to help her? ]

[mmm. ]

today, tongxinyu didn't know why, and felt more and more flustered on the way home.

She attributed it to her fighting with Shi Qing and her bravery, but she didn't win.


What a nuisance!

I hate him the most!

They all said that they didn't like him, and they still beat him to death!

The key is that he will not die and beat her! He beat her to death!!

It's even more difficult for her to find a male god to say a word than to ascend to the sky. It's really vital.

The child heart rain gas only buries the head to walk, according to the familiar route into a small alley, this lane is not long, can walk out in a little time, this is also her inevitable route home.

As a result, she suddenly felt that something was wrong when she walked half way. As soon as she turned around, she quietly followed several boys who were also wearing high school uniform, but they were obviously not their school boys.

The child heart rain is frightened, hastily speeds up the pace to move forward.

As a result, she accelerated, and so did the boys.

"Little sister, what are you doing so fast?"

The boy laughs obstinately and runs directly to the front to hold the child's heart rain.

The other several immediately followed and skillfully surrounded the child's heart rain.

"My little sister is very beautiful."

"Changyin high school? Key high schools

"What are you shaking? My brothers can't talk with you."

Tongxinyu is about to die.

In a flash, countless social news flashed through her mind.

The young girl died in a bad way, the girl high school students were robbed, the bodies in the alley and so on.

With a scream, she crouched down and hugged herself.

"Hiss -"

when the girl's scream was really released, it was really ear shaking. The man nearest to Tong Xinyu immediately covered his ear.

"What's your name? Don't pay for it!"

Child heart rain a Leng.

It's not a disgrace.

She was not afraid, and stood up again, shivering: "I did not, did not bring money..."

"No money? Aren't you all rich people in Changyin high school? What to put on, pay for it. "

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"I said, you don't see our brothers are kind-hearted and fool us."

"I really, really didn't bring..."

These boys hesitated to look at each other a few times: "do not search?"

- bang!

The first one slapped him directly: "you're stupid, she's female, we're male, how do you search?"

"Search with your eyes closed. The little girl's film is smooth. You are afraid that we will take advantage of her."

"Or I'll do it. I'll close my eyes and put on my gloves."

"Are you stupid? Can you feel where the money is when you wear gloves?"

"If you're not stupid and you're smart, then how do you search? At the beginning, I said that we should recruit a woman into our association. Look, you're stupid."

Several people are struggling to be persistent. Tongxinyu watched them quarrel more and more fiercely. They even pushed and pushed each other. A man was pushed to her side and hit her.

Child heart rain is another scream.

This is when Shiqing came here.

He didn't talk much nonsense. While several people were arguing, he raised his feet and went to the nearest one.

"Oh, I'll go."

The man fell down on his horse. When he looked back, he saw Shi Qing, and his face immediately became ugly:

"Shi Qing! You've transferred to another school. What's the matter? We don't have a school with you. What do you care about us? "School bully lifted his chin and pointed to the rain of childlike innocence on the ground. "She is from our class."

The man: --

He recalled the fear of being dominated by the school bully.

"Well, since she's from your class, we'll put it on your face."

Shi Qing threw his schoolbag directly:

"don't fart, come and hit!"

Several people:

They don't want to fight.

The first one: "in fact, it can be discussed..."


Shi Qing stepped over and he fell down.

Others:.... "

"I'll clean you up or not..."


Another one.

"We didn't do anything to her, just bluffing Oh, I'll go. You hit me in the face

"You're deceiving people too much!"

Ten minutes later, Shi Qing picked up his schoolbag and patted the dust on it.

One side of the child's heart rain has already looked stupefied.

She carefully stood up and ran to the side of Shiqing: "Shiqing, you are so fierce!"

The school bully put his schoolbag to the back and looked very proud:

"nothing, they are too weak."

"I used to think that they could talk well in the face of the same school. I didn't expect that they would be so stubborn that they had to fight with me."

The child's heart rain is almost full of stars. Hearing this, the chicken pecked rice and nodded:

"yes, yes! They are so bad

A group of people who have been beaten black and blue: "and

Who's going to fight you!

But at the moment, the only witness, Tong Xinyu, has been completely black and white.

At the moment, she has seen the light in her eyes.

Shiqing is electricity!

Shiqing is light!

Shiqing is the only myth!

Male god?

It's a replacement!!

School starts on Monday.

With a red face and a delicate gift box, Tong Xin Yu came to the third row of tables.

Zhuo Jun left the book well, and his neck was crossed by the school bully next to him.

He has been familiar with such a sudden situation for a long time these days, and he has been able to put down his books skillfully and wait for the arrival of the child's heart rain.

"Zhuo Jun is not free, he is giving me a lecture."

Said, he naturally grabbed Zhuo Jun from the hand to his neck this side: "hands are not free, can not accept your gift."

"I'm not looking for Zhuo Jun to leave."

Shyly, she put the gift on the table:

"Shiqing, this is for you! I baked my own cookies. They are delicious

"For me?"

Zhuo Junli's peaceful expression suddenly stops. He looks at the school bully who is quite surprised, and then looks at the shy child heart rain.

The young man's eyes darkened.

He grasped the Buddha card between his neck.

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