On the way back together, they also met several students who came out to eat. When they met Shi Qing, they said hello when they saw him.

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When Qing can clearly feel that Zhuo Jun is closer to him consciously.

Although originally he is to hook youth's shoulder.

He felt like he was about to be sprouted.

[Tong, do you think he looks like a little dog protecting food. ]

the system looks left and right, looks up and down, and really feels a bit similar.

It doesn't understand: the repulsion hasn't dropped to 50. ]

Shi Qing: [personality characteristics, characteristics. ]

the school bully's attitude towards the youth around him seems to be a little happy. However, he would not be happy for such a trivial matter, so he could only be happy while hiding why he was happy.

When the Qing Dynasty to Zhuo Jun from blowing: "see? I'm so good. A dozen of them are definitely not a problem. Today, let alone just a few people, even if there are dozens of people, I don't have to be afraid. "

Youth or that pair of relatively win weak appearance, nodded: "you are fierce."

I was flattered.

The smile on Shi Qing's face is bigger.

So he took Zhuo Jun from the shoulder, all the way back to school.

The young man was also a little worried and asked him, "what if those people really come to the school to complain?"

"Cut! I'm afraid of them

School bully is very dismissive: "they come once, I'll play once."

Zhuo Jun from is to understand when Qing in the school bad reputation is how to come.

In addition to their class, the students of other grades all know that there is a time Qing in senior two, there is a figure at home, and people are very arrogant. They always fight and make trouble and make a lot of trouble.

Even the teachers didn't like Shi Qing very much. They thought that he didn't do well in his grades. He was a rich second generation and became a demon everywhere.

In addition to their own old class, other teachers definitely frown when they see Shiqing.

Before Zhuo Jun left, he also thought that Shiqing was a typical scum rich second generation, but now think about it.

Although Shi Qing's school bully has a reputation all over the campus, he himself has not been very good at school.

Even if Tong Xinyu and Zhuo Jun left the confession before, he began to target him, but it was all a little fuss, what to say cruel words, to block people to say cruel words after school, and to say cruel words in the bedroom.

In winter, he splashed cold water on Zhuo Junli's quilt, then pulled him to sleep with him. Zhuo Jun was shut in the toilet, and he was released in less than 20 minutes.

Zhuo Junli directly forgets how he looked at Shi Qing coldly in the bottom of his heart and classified him as scum.

At the moment, in his heart, Shi Qing is an awkward school bully who dislikes his integrity.

He is very concerned about Zhuo Junli.

Although, there are some wonderful ways to care.

Zhuo Junli grew up well. Although his family background was miserable, he was taken care of by others from childhood to adulthood because of his beautiful face.

Neighbors, teachers, classmates.

In this beauty world, almost everyone is not stingy to give Zhuo Jun warmth.

But he didn't like the warmth.

Even if they disguise well and disguise like again, Zhuo Junli can also feel that these people do it out of sympathy for him.

He rejected the sympathy of others.

He hated such a weak self.

He was even more disgusted that in order to survive, he had to show the pain and weakness together.

For the pursuit of the rain of innocence, Zhuo Junli is also exclusive.

He is totally different from the child's heart rain.

He grew up in the swamp and struggled to escape every day.

Tongxinyu was spoiled and grown up at home. Her way of liking people is to keep saying "like" to Zhuo Junli, thinking that she can let Zhuo Junli agree.

Funny innocence.

"Like" itself is the dopamine secreted by the human thalamus, and "like" comes from the view of the other person.

Appearance, figure, speech, behavior.

Zhuo Junli once thought about what he would do if he liked a person.

If it's someone he likes, he's going to have to circle them firmly.

This person can only like him, can only see him.

He'll give everything he wants.

But the people he likes can only love him forever.

Zhuo Junli originally thought that he would not endocrine dopamine in the thalamus in this life.

Until he realized the secret love of Shiqing.

Yes, secret love.

In an awkward way, Shiqing will pour cold water on Zhuo Jun's summer quilt, forcing him to sleep with himself in a warmer quilt.

Will also pretend to like a childlike rain, bully him, do not allow him and childlike rain have any contact.

And this Buddha card.

The Buddha card full of blessing was given to him by Shi Qing.Walking with school bully on the way back to school, Zhuo Jun left his hand still under his neck, holding the Buddha card with temperature because of its long-term skin contact.

From small to large, many people like him.

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There were many people who confessed to him and gave him gifts.

But for the first time, he had a totally different feeling in his heart.

Shi Qing's love has no sympathy, only tyranny and tyranny.

Zhuo Junli likes this kind of love.

He likes the kind of love that seems to be protected by a ball python and refuses to let him touch other people.

Maybe it's because the way he likes people is the same.

Next to Shi Qing, he was still muttering:

"if you want me to say, don't always go to that kind of place to work part-time. There are all kinds of people in a mess. You are timid and weak, and you still grow up like this. In case there is any plot against you and takes your money away, what will you do?"

As for Shi Qing, whether he was worried about Zhuo Junli's being robbed of money, or whether he was robbed of lust, this is the proof of freedom.

School bully likes to protect people, and Zhuo Junli doesn't mind satisfying him.

He still looked down, as if he was helpless:

"I am a student, I am not old enough, and I don't have enough time. Only this kind of place is willing to let me work."


When Qing embarrassed dry cough: "in fact, the scholarship should be given to you, but at that time, there was an accident."

The young man raised his eyes, a pair of clear eyes looked at him quietly.

The look on the school bully's face became more and more embarrassed. Finally, he waved his hand uneasily:

"all right, to tell you the truth, it's me that I don't like you. You're good with tongxinyu, so my mother didn't choose you."

"This scholarship is sponsored by my mother. Every quarter, the list and grades of students with excellent character and learning, as well as teachers' comments, will be sent to her. I deliberately let her not choose you."

Zhuo Jun guessed it before he left.

Only now did he know that Shi Qing, who looked very careless, looked like a child. He was not happy to do this kind of small action.

His gentle smile: "it doesn't matter. Anyway, the scholarship was originally sponsored by your family."

Time clear from him more and more close.

"Don't worry, I'm not that mean. I'll make it up to you."

Because of the close, Zhuo Jun from can clearly see when the Qing lean on the good-looking face.

At the moment, the school bully's long and narrow eyes are smiling and bending up, which is particularly charming.

Zhuo Jun left his eyes in a trance for a moment.

As if be enchanted to the general, also slowly, slowly rely on the past.

- "Shige!"

A cry of surprise broke the charming atmosphere.

The school bully who was originally smiling at Zhuo Jun left suddenly straightened up, and the tip of his ear was red. The hand that had been put on Zhuo Jun's shoulder was taken down quickly and uneasily.

Lu Tao, who saw them running over from afar, didn't find out what they would do immediately before. His voice was full of joy:

"brother Shi, we have half an hour to study in the evening. Let's go out and play games."

Zhuo Junli:

He raised his eyes slightly and looked at Lu Tao. His eyes were full of depression.

The school bully might be bothered to get out of the stage, and immediately replied:


"That what." He stretched out his hand to see the action should be to pat Zhuo Jun from the shoulder, but all fell above, and uncomfortable put down.

"Zhuo Junli, you go back to school alone. I will play games with Lu Tao."

Seeing Shi Qingyi's promise, Zhuo Jun moved away from his eyes and looked at him with a gentle tone:

"then you go, I'll go to find Tong Xinyu and ask her how to make cookies."

School bully:!! "

"To what! I won't go! "

Lu Tao's face full of question marks: "but brother Shi, we haven't played together for a long time..."

"Fart game, you know the game all day long. No wonder your grades are so poor. How can you get into college in the future?"

Lu Tao was scolded all over his face: "but I did not intend to go to university."

"Besides, don't you, Shige? Before or you said notebook computer play this is not fun, take us to the Internet bar

When the school bully was exposed, his voice became more and more bad: "OK, you can listen to what I say, OK. Now I say, no one is allowed to go out to play games. All of you can learn with me."

Lu Tao: Learning

"Yes, study!"

Shi Qingyue said that he was more reasonable and upright, and turned to Zhuo Junli:

"wasn't it about compensation before? Well, I'll compensate you for a part-time job. My younger brother's grades are not so good. If you help them with their tutoring, I'll give you tutoring fees. "Lu Tao on the other side said:

"Wait, brother Shi, I don't want to tutor..."

Zhuo Jun left not to see Lu Tao at all. He didn't say yes, he didn't say no, and he didn't ask how much money he had. He just looked at Shi Qing and asked in a soft voice: "are you coming?"

"Me?" When Qing is very disdainful smile: "even if I don't go to university, I can still be proud of the river and lake."

Youth as if some lost hang his head: "but you do not go to university, after graduation, we can no longer do the same table."

Lu Tao: "yes, brother Shi, you don't go to cram school by yourself. What do you want us to do? You don't know me. I've long thought of going to work happily after graduating from high school."

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Shi Qing seemed not to hear what Lu Tao said at all. He seemed to find that "not going to university" was "I can't leave Zhuo Jun after graduation".

Suddenly he changed his mind.

"Well, I'll make up for it, and you'll make it up to the university you want to go to!"

Zhuo Jun looked at him more and more gently.

Good tempered Xueba showed a smile and nodded: "good."

Lu Tao, on one side of the road: Can't you see me? "

"Brother Shi, I don't want to make up for the class."

When Qing turned around, he came to a brain collapse, lowered his voice, eyes fierce: "don't want to make up, you have to give me to make up!"

Lu Tao covered his head: "but it doesn't make sense. When you want to go to university, you can go by yourself. What do you want to do with me?"

School bully turned to Zhuo Jun and said, "wait for me, I'll do my homework for this boy."

After watching the handsome youth nod, he dragged Lu Tao forward for a few steps. He was sure that Zhuo Jun could not hear him. He said:

"are you stupid? You are paid according to the number of people who make up lessons. If I go alone, how much money can Zhuo Jun leave then?"

Lu Tao's face was bitter, and he couldn't understand the logic:

"Shi Ge You..."

He got another blow in the head.

When Qing eyes fierce looking at him: "you give me a little voice!"

So, poor Lu Tao could only lower his voice and said wrongly: "brother Shi, you are so rich, you can directly give him money, or you can go to make-up lessons by yourself, and then pay more money. Why do you want to pull me on as a cushion? You don't know me. I would like to sleep directly in normal class, let alone make up lessons."

School bully is not moved: "anyway I bear hardships, you can't pull down, if you dare not come, I'll kill you."

Lu Tao:

He felt he could save himself.

"Why don't you do that, brother Shi? You see, there are a lot of people playing with you. There are about ten people in the class alone, and there are 15 people in other classes. Can you choose one of them to replace me?"

"Well You're right. "

When Qing's face showed a thoughtful look.

Lu Tao rubbed his eyes and said, "right, right? I have a good idea."

As for the bad guy who took his place, he could only say that he was sorry, and then he would say, "dead teammate immortal channel.".

"Yes, it is."

When Qing touched his chin and nodded: "fifteen people, including you, is sixteen, and then counting me, that is seventeen, which is enough Zhuo Jun to earn."

Lu Tao:

He began to have a bad feeling in his heart.

The poor little brother asked carefully:

"brother Shi, do you mean

Shi Qing was very proud with a smile, and with encouragement, he stretched out his right hand and patted Lu Tao on the shoulder:

"you boy, you have a bright future. This is a good idea. If all of us come to let Zhuo Jun leave the make-up class, wouldn't we give him a lot of money?"

"Very good, very good, OK, you go to inform them, those who follow me, every day's lunch break, and the period from dinner to self-study in the evening, all come to make up lessons. Don't worry, I won't let you pay. I'll do it alone. See how I treat you?"

"You have to have a blackboard for make-up lessons. Don't you often go home and live? You're going to steal a little blackboard for me tonight

School bully finished, but also very narcissistic boast: "I can really be a good big brother."

Lu Tao:

Lu Tao:

His mind was full of memories of the little boys who followed.

Some of them are good at fighting, some are good at fighting against their parents, some are good at fighting with teachers, others are good at fighting wits with teachers, and some are good at playing chess with teachers.

However, there is no love of learning.

He's really going to cry.

Why do you have to learn from a boss these days.


Zhuo Junli couldn't hear what they said, but he could see that Shi Qing was very close to Lu Tao, with a satisfied smile on his face.He even reached out his right hand and patted Lu Tao on the shoulder.

Young eye son dark dark, silent looking at when Qing finished speaking, toward this side came.

School bully's face with a relaxed smile: "said well, I almost have 17 people to class, not too much trouble for you."

Zhuo Jun left shook his head: "can't."

He naturally pulled up Shiqing's right hand, took out a paper towel and gently wiped his hands:

"it's a little dirty, I'll help you wipe it."

With that, Zhuo Jun glanced at Lu Tao:

"he doesn't seem to like being clean, so don't always touch him with your hands."

The school bully didn't doubt it as expected. He turned to Lu Tao, who was dragging "I'm so sad, I'm going to die." he yelled at Lu Tao:

"can you please be clean and pat you and make my hands dirty."

Looking blankly at Lu Tao's clean school uniform Sobbing.

As a result, the matter of make-up class was settled.

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The next day after lunch, Shiqing announced that all the boys who followed him would bring books to make up lessons.

They have a group, although only a small number of people can hide their mobile phones under the teacher's sharp eyes.

It's not difficult to hide your mobile phone. The difficult thing is that you can resist not taking it to class when you have a mobile phone.

's children as like as two peas in the group, they heard the boss responded to the class.

Little brother 1: [ ]

younger brother 2: [ ]

little brother 3: [ ]

younger brother 1: [ ]

younger brother 1: [Ma Qin's mobile phone has been confiscated. This ellipsis was sent by him with my mobile phone. ]

Laozi's first boss in the world: [don't beep, come and gather for me after lunch. If anyone doesn't arrive, I'll give him a boxing lesson. ]

all of a sudden, the crowd howled.

At the moment, a witty little brother asked a question:

[brother Shi, there are so many of us at noon, and there is no room for us. Otherwise, I will not go, and there should be less burden if there is one less person. ]

[yes, yes, I won't go either. This classroom is full of people at noon, no matter which classroom you go to. ]

[yes, yes, I won't go either. You can take them to make up lessons. Don't think about me. I can sacrifice myself. ]

[and I don't have much time at noon. I eat very slowly, and I have to eat for more than an hour. ]

when you smile.

Laozi's first boss in the world: [OK, come to the rooftop after school, and you don't have to eat. I'll send someone to buy you some food and send it up. ]

[pack all the books of each subject in my schoolbag. I have to bring both paper and pen. Today is the bottom line. If anyone dares to test for duck eggs, I'll make your head into a duck's head. ]

[it's settled. Let's inform each other. If anyone dares not to come, I'll carry him to the rooftop in person. How I can fight you know, by then, this place will not be used for learning. ]

a group of younger brothers: [ ]

the rooftop is not a place for learning, is it good or not!!!

As we all know, the rooftop has always been the place where they all agreed to fight!

I didn't expect that.

Changyin high school this session of school bully, on the roof is actually not for the sake of dating, is for learning?!

People do things!

However, even though they were not willing to cry, under the absolute old (Wu) big (LI) Wei (Xie) Yan (PO), at noon school time, a group of people were still dejected to gather at the gate of Shiqing class.

As a result, such a scene appeared in the second grade teaching building of Changyin high school.

Outside a classroom, there were more than a dozen students standing there.

These students are very distinctive.

The school uniform is not well worn. It's half waist.

His hair was colorful and he had a stick in his mouth.

Those with tattoos on their necks are frightening.

The most important thing is that they all have a kind of depressing momentum of the coming rain and the wind all over the building.

It's scary to watch.

The students in Shiqing's class did not have time to go downstairs to eat. Now they dare not go to eat. One by one, they carefully look at the bad students blocking the door, and no one dares to get up.

However, Shi Qing, the initiator, slowly tidied up his schoolbag and waited for it to be ready. He hung Zhuo Jun's neck:

"OK, everyone is here. Go."

In the eyes of the students who stay in the class.

Zhuo Jun left the poor Xueba who was bullied by the school bully and kept silent and was dragged out of the classroom.

He even has a book in his hand!

It's insane!

Before the Qing Dynasty, bullying was his own, with two or three four or five younger brothers at most.This time, it was so excessive that we brought more than a dozen people to the siege?

As soon as this group of people left, the students who had not dared to make a sound came out of the classroom one after another and looked at the bottom of the building by pulling the railing.

After a while, the group of talents came down the stairs to the playground.

Looking around, nearly 20 people gathered together and walked forward, each carrying a bag, looking at the heavy, do not know whether it is a tool of evil.

In this group of bad students with colorful hair, tattoos and tall and fierce temperament, Zhuo Junli, who is white, clean and gentle, is very conspicuous in his school uniform and books in his hands.

If you describe it, it is probably a group of big gray wolves and a little white rabbit walking together.

Seeing them go to the opposite building where students often go to the rooftop, the students who see this scene are all cold.

This is to eat rabbit meat!

Immediately, the students with a sense of justice in the class rushed down the building like flying

Tell the teacher!

When he came to the collective office, there was a group of people making a lot of noise. Several men and women of the parents were quarreling.

Besides, there are several boys in other high school uniforms, all of them are blue and blue, and they are also noisy:

"look at my hands, my legs and my buttocks. I can't sleep at night because of the pain."

"Yes! We didn't recruit him at all! Inexplicably, he just casually found an excuse to hit us! "

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Parents love their children, and the momentum is more and more pressing:

"you see!! have a look!! The kids are beaten like this! Ah! You can't just ignore my kids because they're not from your high school! "

"You have to be expelled! He's a student. He's a student. He doesn't learn to fight everywhere. What kind of student is that! If you don't fire him, I'll go to the Education Bureau to sue you! "

"Calm down for a while, and we can't help but calm down

"What a fart! Look at the way my children are beaten up! "

Looking at the chaotic scene, the students summoned up their courage and went to the old class where they were talking to each other's parents:


The old class took time to look back: "wait a minute, what's the matter to say later."

The student is also a clever, patient wait for five minutes, see they are still in a group, afraid that Zhuo Junli, who is good-natured and gives back homework copy, will be beaten and disabled. He carefully pokes the old class.

"Teacher, Shi Qing took a dozen people to take Zhuo Junli to the opposite rooftop..."


The busy old class's voice soared eight times.

The parents who quarreled with them were stunned and then happy: "Shiqing!! It's time to clear!! My son said that's when Qing beat them! "

"He took more than a dozen people to beat people. What else do you have to say? Even if it's cover up, you have to be reasonable!"

Next to a few black faced: "yes, this catch a current bar!"

"Mom, I tell you, before Shi Qing transferred to another school, he was very good at fighting. He did all kinds of evil things."

"It's shameless of this man. He's beating one by ten!"

The students who complained were also surprised.

He didn't expect to complain by himself, but he happened to come across the same person.

At this time, there are already smart parents to pull him: "classmate, where is the roof you said? Is it just across the street? "

"Your school doesn't deal with it, does it! If your school doesn't deal with it, we will deal with it by ourselves! I'm going to record the video of the student fighting and bullying his classmates and post it to the Internet. I'll see if you don't handle it! "

Seeing the parents of these other schools running out with their children, the old class felt like he was going crazy.

"Ah?!! Wait a minute

He rubbed his own chicken coop head, collapsed to ask the teacher's classmates: "what's going on? Isn't the relationship between Shiqing and Zhuo Jun very good? Every day in class, the two are not very harmonious, with the same in and out

He was still thinking about it for the past two days. Since he had a good relationship with Zhuo Jun, Shi Qing listened to the lecture at ease in class. He also knew the problem after class. He was really close to the red.

How did it happen.

The classmate didn't know. He stepped back a step: "anyway, Zhuo Junli was taken away. There were about a dozen people, less than 20 people."

"Twenty?!! Oh, I'll go. Why can't these kids live a day

Old class crazy quickly called colleagues to chase those parents together.

At the bottom of his heart, he didn't believe that he would really hit people, or beat Zhuo Jun to leave.

The two people clearly feel very good ah, in class, they are still doing small movements at the bottom, holding Zhuo Jun's hand to see what palms.But first of all, no matter what, it must not be a big deal.

If it gets too big, their school will be over.

As a result, such a picture appeared in the school.

Almost ten parents of students are running ahead.

Almost ten teachers are after us.

He called out as he chased back.

"Wait a minute! Let's calm down. OK, it's our school business. We'll deal with it ourselves

In the end, however, a group of people went to the rooftop separately.

At the bottom of his heart was the joy of revenge.

He pushed in the front: "Mom! Watch me kick the door open


The roof gate was kicked open.

It's like being kicked out by students who have come to see each other many times before.

"It's over..."

Old class rubbed his bald hair and covered his eyes with sadness.

It's over.

Then, he didn't hear anything.

He put down his hand in a daze and looked forward.

I saw the students' parents and teachers staring in front of them in silence.

No matter how many times the door is locked, the students can pry the door open. On the roof of the appointment, more than a dozen students are sitting on the ground with a book in their hands, and a box of lunch is beside them.

Some people's mouth is still bulging, as if eating, and some mouth with a pen.

At the moment, hearing the news, they all turned their heads and looked at them strangely,

but in front of them, Zhuo Junli was standing, and beside them was a small blackboard with a simple test. On the small blackboard, a mathematical problem was written on the small blackboard. He held a book in his left hand and chalk in his right hand. On his white face, he looked at them blankly.

Time seems to have stagnated.

A few seconds later, the student sitting in the middle of the first reaction to come over, a face unhappy with the book to stand up.

"What are you doing?" he said

"Don't you see that we are learning? Really, disturbing people's study."

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