The scene was at the height of embarrassment.

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Those parents were uncomfortable all over, and asked their son: "what's going on? Didn't you tell me that he fights all day long? "

They thought that it was a bad student who bullied their son, and they ran after the roof.

I thought I could see a group of gangster students beating other students maliciously. The mobile phone video was ready.

As a result, what they saw was such a harmonious scene.

How can this be done.

Those gangsters are also confused.

What kind of person is Shiqing? Can they not know? Before in their school when they ran rampant, do not know how overbearing.

He is a man who, to put it mildly, is called dignified.

It's hard to say that all the students who didn't feel at ease were his younger brothers.

Money inducement, fist threat, in any case, he can not make any moves.

Because they didn't follow Shi qinghun, they robbed a small sum of money outside and blocked a student. All of them could be taught by Shiqing.

It's not easy to get rid of this guy. They still think that he's finally going to bully other schools.

What did they see??

Shi Qing is learning.

It's as ridiculous as aliens hitting blue stars, Mars hitting Saturn, and big wolf falling in love with little white rabbits.

Seeing that they didn't answer, the parents were anxious, "what's the matter? You're talking."

"I, we don't know..."

Finally, the old class squeezed in, coughed a few times, and sorted out his tie which he didn't know when to run to the back of his neck because he was running too fast.

"Well, Shi Qing, are you studying?"


The good-looking school bully wrung his eyebrows and shook the book in his hand, "can't we still come to dinner and eat books?"

"How can you talk to the teacher?" The old class this words just export, Zhuo Jun left to block in front of time Qing.

Young people are still like before, gentle and gentle, typical of a good student: "don't be angry, you suddenly burst in, you are kicking the door, and with a group of people, Shi Qing may be scared."


Lao ban looks at Shi Qing, who is still the biggest in the world, and then looks at Zhuo Jun Li, who is very serious.

The child, who is sensible and timid, thinks that others are also sensible and timid.

How is it that he coughs again? You teach them? "


Xueba was still gentle. He looked back at Shiqing and then turned his head:

"Shi Qing was worried that they would not be able to go to university because of their poor grades, and they knew that my family was in a difficult situation, so they paid me to come to make up the lessons."

"There are other students resting in the classroom. There are so many of us that we just come to the rooftop."

On the way, Lao ban thought about many kinds of pictures that he would see, but none of them was like this.

He gave a dry cough and felt that he was going to cough hoarse.

The voice was also dry: "very good, this is very good, you can worry about your own study, the teacher is also very happy."

Some other teachers took a look at them, then looked at Zhuo Junli, who kept smiling, and then looked at the parents who were so angry, but now they are like a leaky balloon. They immediately stepped forward.

"Parents don't mind. The learning atmosphere in our school is like this. Students with poor grades don't need to be urged by teachers, and they are also worried."

He said, pointing to Zhuo Junli: "look, this is not to find the first grade to help them make up lessons, not only let others lay a solid foundation, improve their lives, but also help their own achievements, worthy of praise."

In a word: the students in our school are not good!

We're looking for mistakes in our students, right?

Look at this book. Look at the words on the small blackboard. Look for it! Look for it!

After seeing such a harmonious picture of "friendly exchange and learning together", the parents who came to question and the teacher who had been coaxed with a good voice immediately changed their atmosphere.

Now it's the parents who are guilty and the teachers are right.

"Is there any misunderstanding? Although Shi Qing got poor grades, he Well... "

The teacher is not familiar with Shiqing, although I have heard of his great achievements, such as what background is strong, what has gathered a group of younger brothers in the school, and he is not polite to the teacher.

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But all he heard was negative news, the advantages of Shiqing I haven't heard of it.

Can't say, he immediately looked at the side of the old class.

How to say that he is also the head teacher of Shiqing. He should know his students.

Old class"But he has a good relationship with others. He is always willing to help others in school and likes to be with his classmates."

For example, when he goes to the canteen to buy food, he likes to go to the front of the line in a swagger.

"In class, I have never been as restless as some students, playing mobile phones quietly."

After all, he played directly, without any cover up.

"Usually I like to help other students, such as carrying water."

Although it seems that he is "in pursuit of" childlike rain, it's her turn to carry water, so he wants his younger brother to move.

"And he was Well It's very... "

The old class can't make up any more.

Zhuo Jun left very naturally: "he has a sense of justice, before I was robbed, he saved me."

With that, Xueba looked behind the old class, his eyes brightened and he pointed out: "teacher, they robbed me!"

For a moment, all eyes are focused on these gangster students to complain.

Gangsters:.... "

Under the dangerous sight of their parents, little sweat gradually appeared on their forehead.

"No! Parents, listen to my explanation, we really did not rob him, he Fishing law enforcement! Really? He walked over and the money fell, and then I went to pick it up and

Zhuo Jun left leisurely to add: "before they also robbed Tong Xinyu, is also when Qing rescued people."

Gangsters:.... "

This seems to be true

The first one also tried to rescue him: "although the former one was true, this man is absolutely not true!"

"He is clearly with the time Qing deliberately engage us, fishing law enforcement!"

Shi Qing came forward carelessly, put his hand on Zhuo Jun's shoulder, leaned lazily on the youth, raised his eyebrows and looked at these people:

"I said that before I transferred to another school, you bullied the lower grade students everywhere. If I didn't get used to it and stopped you, you would have been expelled 。”

"I didn't expect you to do the same thing again after I transferred to school, and after being stopped by me, you still want the villain to complain first. Do you want to face me?"

"That's right."

Zhuo Junli also frowned, and was disgusted with the appearance of politeness: "that 500 yuan is my part-time money, you have to be shameless to steal this money."


Shi Qing echoed with him and raised his arm and touched his elbow: "yesterday I hurt all over, but now my elbow is still hard."

The gangsters who were hanged all the way yesterday said

They were stunned.

How shameless are these two people!!!

"You're bloody. Mom, don't look at me like that. I really didn't rob this man, really!"

When Qing relies on Zhuo Jun to leave the body, or that pair of lazy appearance.

"Rob or not, you go to their school directly to ask if there is a criminal record is not good, before I did not transfer to school can still suppress them, let them not rob around to study hard, now I transfer school, they must be the same as before."

"What's more, how old are you all? If I call the police, even if you don't go to prison, you'll have to go to juvenile care for a few days."

Parents look more dangerously at their sons.

They know what their son is.

In addition, the school they are in is notoriously chaotic, so it's very likely that they don't learn well, but they always think that their son's grades may not be good.

I didn't expect to get to the point of blocking and robbing.

The gangsters looked at their parents' eyes, and the sweat on their forehead was more.

They trembled: "parents You don't really believe his lies. "

"We didn't really rob this man, it was Shiqing! It was he who combined with this man to deliberately design and harm us


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School bully's face disdain: "I am busy learning every day is enough tired, who has time to play with you, and you said that my design harm people, you said Zhuo Jun left? Who in our class doesn't know that he has always been a good student. He is the first in the grade. He's hurting you? "

"It's killing me."

As soon as this sentence came out, the younger brothers in the back all laughed one after another.

"Yes, I've seen too many TV dramas."

"He died laughing and deliberately harmed him. He thought he was the emperor. Everyone wanted to kill him."

"Even if we really don't like you, it's also a direct hit. Who is so idle and still doing tricks on you is not good for you."

"Cough, cough, quiet, all quiet."

Seeing that they were more and more disrespectful, the old class stopped in time and turned to look at the ugly parents"Well, it's like this. Now both sides hold their own opinions. How about this? You can take your children back to their school and ask the teachers and classmates about it. We will deal with this matter after finding out

If they had heard this before, these parents might have thought that Changyin high school had deliberately delayed handling it, but now

They look to Zhuo Jun to leave.

He was white and clean, handsome and weak, and had a confident look. He spoke slowly and politely, and his words were clear. He looked at them clearly.

This is a good student who can't lie.

As a result, their eyes again put on their son.

There are injuries on the face, I don't know where I got dirty. There are ballpoint pen paintings on the school uniform, and my neck is slightly tilted forward.

He is a lousy, uneducated bastard.

Take a look at Zhuo Junli, and then look at the son.

Look at the son, and then look at Zhuo Junli.

Gangsters are looking at their parents, looking at their increasingly disliked sight, gradually began to feel wrong.

"Mom and Dad, it's not what you think it is!"

Shi Qing: "anyway, the road is not far, go back to the school to check it out."

Gangsters:.... "

Shi Qing: "if they have done nothing for nothing, it should be OK. Oh?"

Gangsters:.... "

Shi Qing: "anyway, we can't run away here. It's the same for you to find us after you know it."

The parents were convinced.

They have a black face, with their own face full of "I really wronged ah", but in fact not much wronged son to say goodbye to the teacher, and stormy downstairs.

Then, on the roof, there are only a group of bad students who have been criticized for countless times, holding books and facing teachers face to face.

Finally, the strong old class opened his mouth first:

"well Don't be tired in the afternoon. You should study hard

Then, with an awkward but polite smile on his face, he gently closed the door that had been kicked open.


As soon as the door was closed, the students who were still pretending to be polite immediately cheered and discussed excitedly;

"did you see their expression just now? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

"I have never seen the old class talk to us so gently. By the way, brother Shi, those guys dare to frame you up. Let's stop him after school."

"Yes, yes, what a piece of crap! Even our elder brother dares to provoke him, and he won't die!"

When Qing strode forward, a person gave a brain to collapse.

"What's up! What's the jam! You! also! Time! Block people

Each exclamation mark represents a brain collapse.

After teaching my little brother, the school bully came back to Zhuo Jun, leaning lazily against him, and announced:

"there is still more than a year to go to the college entrance examination, you must be admitted to the University for me, otherwise, don't be my younger brother."

My little brother

You can see that they are dressed in this way, and their scores are definitely the bottom of the class.

And most people's idea is that after graduating from high school, they won't go to college.

Immediately, a little brother raised his hand carefully:

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"brother Shi, can I not be your younger brother?"


Shi Qing moved his hands and twisted his neck: "as long as you walk out of the roof today, you will not be a little brother but my enemy. I promise to have a cordial and friendly conversation with you every day."

The younger brother said:

"Don't you treat me as a passer-by if you don't want to be a little brother or an enemy?"

"No way."

Zhuo Jun left his feet steady, looking at the school bully leaning on his body, all over his face: "either be a brother or an enemy, you choose."

Finally, under the "friendly prompt" of the time Qing Dynasty, the sixteen younger brothers, including Lu Tao, all lost their faces and chose to continue to be safe as their younger brothers.

Among these little brothers, there used to be thorns.

But when he can't fight, he is cruel. If he is not satisfied, he will fight. If he is unhappy, he will fight. He knows that he can't attract the teacher's attention. He always fights in places where he can't find out.

And Shiqing is rich!

Play a stick, give a sweet jujube, he just transferred to school for how long, these people have been packed by his clothes.

The school bully is very good at fighting. He wants to show off. Of course, he chooses those who are obedient.

Like that kind of comparison two goods, dead carry is not soft, also can not be his younger brother.

And so on to confirm that everyone has agreed to come down, when Qing also looked at Zhuo Jun from one eye.

Although the expression on his face is: Lao Tzu criticizes.

Young people just see a trace of pride in showing off to the people they like.His eyes softened and he gave a gentle smile.

The school bully got a smile and was even more proud.

He leaned on Zhuo Jun and began to assign tasks:

"before the next test, each of you will have to give me a 10% increase in score. If not, you know."

The younger brothers trembled: "the total score is rising very much, is it a little too much, or five points..."

Shi Qing: "Laozi said the score of each subject."

My little brother

At this time, it's Zhuo Junli's turn to give sweet dates. He's smiling and looks very good:

"in fact, it's OK. We're only in senior two now. Your low scores are due to poor foundation. As long as you listen attentively in class, I'll give you a solid foundation after class. Mathematics is still a little difficult, but it's better to memorize by rote When it's over, understanding will be easy. "

Shi Qing added: "do you hear me? It's very simple."

My little brother

Zhuo Junli: "I will lay a foundation for you first. As long as you can listen attentively in class, it is not difficult to improve."

Shi Qing: "do you hear me? It's not difficult."

My little brother

School bully suddenly thought of what: "by the way, hand in your mobile phones. You can't play with your mobile phones in class, so you can give me an an Sheng Sheng to learn."

"Don't play tricks. I've seen you talking in groups before. If anyone dares not hand it in, hum."

The little brothers are eager to cry out

How can there be such a boss!!

How can there be such a boss!!!

But even if they cry how miserable, no matter how reluctant, ruthless boss also one by one to confiscate the mobile phone.

If the mood of the younger brother can be turned into the topic of microblog at the moment, it will be as follows:

ᦇ evade the teacher, not avoid the boss ᦇ

; the devil boss, online forced learning ﹤ br >

; why do you still need to see the score to recognize the elder brother ᦇ br >

in short, it is very hard.

Zhuo Jun was not affected by them at all, and he was still slow. He finished the basic content in a funeral, and then assigned homework and tasks.

In the eyes of the younger brothers, he is wearing a gentle smile, relying on his sometimes clear support and pretending to be a tiger:

"you should also do the homework assigned by the school, even if you can't, you must do it in advance. You must give it to me before the evening of that day, and I will check it."

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One of them was upset.

They should listen to their own boss that is, why Zhuo Jun left this one to see not a bit of force can manage this tube that.

"Hey, you twenty-five! You Ah

Before he had finished his speech, he was struck by a brain attack.

Little brother a look up, when Qing is a face fierce looking at him: "you say who!"

Little brother: "I'm sorry I, I said myself

He sat down carefully, his expression full of thirst for knowledge for a time.

"That's about it."

School bully said, and returned to Zhuo Jun left side, muttering with him: "you don't be afraid of these boys, if they dare to do anything to you, directly tell me."

Zhuo Jun looked at him tenderly, and his mouth was slightly tilted:

"OK, I will tell you."

It's so good to be protected.

Ding! Zhuo Junli's repulsion degree: 50100]

his eyes seemed to be deeper when he looked at Shiqing. He pulled the hand that Xueba had just used to hit his brain, and gently wiped his slender fingers with a paper towel.

Shiqing didn't feel uncomfortable at all. He looked at Zhuo Junli to wipe his hands, and roared at the younger brother who was looking at him:

"what are you looking at! One by one, they don't care about hygiene at all, which makes my hands dirty

When the younger brothers were wronged and bowed his head, he turned back and stretched out another hand, touching Zhuo Junli and holding his hand.

Zhuo Jun is white, his fingers are beautiful, long and white, and his nails are well trimmed.

When Qing is so magnanimous and square, touch his finger once and again, and his mouth is especially serious and says: "your hand looks good, beating back should be very cool."

With his touch, Zhuo Jun centrifugal as if by a feather scratch, itchy, he slightly raised his eyes, looking at the eager school bully, smile gentle.

"I'll beat you when I get back."

When clear dry cough a few, a face of serious: "I hired you but to give me make-up lessons, go back, you have to supervise me to recite the text."

Zhuo Junli: "I can beat your back while supervising your back."

School bully nodded: "not bad, you are very good, tomorrow I treat you to eat spicy hot."

Lu Tao, the nearest to them, stretched his claws carefully"Brother Shi, I can also beat your back and listen to you recite the text."

When Qing didn't speak, he just looked at his hand.

Lu Tao seconds understand, committee wronged to take back the hand.

He had a great sense of crisis in his heart.

Clearly before he was the brother's favorite younger brother, the result is inexplicable, Zhuo Jun from his position.

Now they eat together, they go to and from class together, they sleep together. Even learning such a terrible thing, they are all together.

The position of the first younger brother was robbed.

It's too bad, boo Hoo Hoo.

Lu Tao felt miserable. Other people, to be exact, except these little brothers, did not feel miserable at all.

On the contrary, they are very happy.

They are represented by their parents and teachers.

The teachers are saying that although Shi Qing didn't look good before, he was really quite impressive.

He not only works hard, but also drives other poor students to work together!

What kind of spirit is this!

This is the spirit of sharing learning happiness!!

Before that, they really had prejudices about people. They thought that this was a bad boy. They fought and bullied their classmates. They didn't say anything about it. They didn't like him.

But now, it's all clear.

Is that a fight! That's a good deed!

Is that bullying students! That's helping students!

What kind of school bullies the students.

Clearly is a brave, willing to help others, good learning, good students!!

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