When Shi Qing was addicted to molesting Zhuo Junli and encouraging his younger brothers to struggle, the school teachers liked him more and more.

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Who doesn't like such a good student who studies hard and drives other poor students together!

In particular, Qing still has special love.

On the one hand, poor students can improve their grades. On the other hand, Zhuo Junli doesn't worry about tuition fees, book fees, paper fees and so on.

Every time the old class comes into the classroom, he can't help but smile when he sees the school bully who leaves Zhuo Jun to recite the text even after class.

He has been a teacher for so many years, and this is the first time that he has not reached out to rescue, the other party has automatically and spontaneously put on the ventilator, and he is particularly enthusiastic about inserting an oxygen tube for other people.

It's really reassuring.

If the students all over the world can be as self-discipline as Shi Qing, and can also be enthusiastic about restraining others, it would be too pleasant.

The old class is getting more and more pleasant.

It's like today's evening study.

Their school evening self-study is really self-study, teachers generally do not sit in the classroom.

However, every head teacher will appear in various places in the evening.

- the gap in the back door

- the window in the middle

- the glass on the front door for the convenience of teachers' supervision.

Often before arriving, the magical head teacher will use the flexible walking position which is comparable to the cat, and is light handed and does not make a sound before the active appearance.

Staring at the whole classroom quietly, with a pair of dead fish.

X-rays are emitted from one eye and scanned up and down from head to end.

The main scanning points: the students' mouth, the students' hands hidden in the table hole, the students' sight straight to the eyes of a row of high books.

Generally, there are mobile phones or extra-curricular books hidden behind this tall book.

Today's old class is the same as above.

With a coquettish walk, the perfect way to avoid the front door glass, came to the middle window.

He only showed half of his body, a pair of eyes because of the baldness also more serious swelling, dead fish eyes staring at the students in the classroom.

After staring for half a minute, someone finally found out the existence of the old class in the original laughing classroom. He shut his mouth and quickly poked the people around him to remind him.

Then, more and more people found him.

In less than half a minute, the classroom seemed to take off from the noisy to the silent. The students looked at the books in their hands seriously one by one, or they were writing and drawing with pens.

It's possible that the tip of their pen is not next to the paper at all.

Under these false images of peace, Lao ban was pleased to find that two people had not changed since they had just arrived.

It was Shi Qing who left Zhuo Jun.

Every student seems to be equipped with a radar aimed at the teacher. Even if they don't see the teacher coming, they will immediately shut up and look at their nose, nose and heart when the surroundings are quiet. They dare not lift their heads and pretend to read books.

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Of course, the radar sometimes goes wrong.

For example, all of a sudden, no one spoke, and those who wanted to talk thought it was the teacher who came and didn't dare to say anything. They all buried their heads and shut up.

After waiting for a long time, I found that the teacher didn't come at all. At this time, the quiet classroom seemed to be filled with hundreds of quack ducks.

But when Qing and Zhuo Jun leave, but the perfect performance whether the teacher came, or the teacher did not come, are silent.

Not even the movement.

The old class opened the front door and came in. Looking lazy on Zhuo Jun's shoulder, he looked like an old man holding a Chinese book. His heart was filled with joy.

This is the performance of students not guilty.

And their relationship looks very harmonious. Looking back at the beginning, Shiqing always bullied Zhuo Jun from the secret, and then look at the present.

Sure enough, it was still his hard work at that time, which was the credit for more than an hour.

Of course, as a teacher in charge of a class, even if he is happy and proud at the bottom of his heart, he still has a cold face on his face. He goes to the platform and starts to criticize:

"I can hear your voices downstairs! Noisy! Why don't you make a noise? "

"It's been a long time since we've made the biggest noise in our class! You are all sophomores! Senior two! Two!! After that is senior three, and then the college entrance examination! It's a race against time! Still wasting time! I don't want to go to college, do I? "

Zhuo Jun Li listen to the old class sad words, heart without fluctuation.

After all, this is what the old class said, and according to his experience as a student, every teacher said so.All his attention was attracted by the time when taidafang was playing with his fingers while the old class was talking.

School bully always doesn't like to listen to these words. Every time the class holds a class meeting or the old class wants to make a long speech, he is particularly bored to play with Zhuo Jun's hand.

Why is it a player.

After all, in winter, everyone is dressed like a zongzi. It's good to show your hands.

For the sake of time, of course.

Even if it is zongzi, Zhuo Junli is also the best one to see.

"Don't think the college entrance examination is far away from you, not far! The college entrance examination is like a single wooden bridge. If you look at you like this, I don't think that when the college entrance examination is conducted, you will fall down from the single wooden bridge like dumplings. "

Shiqing gently touched Zhuo Jun's ring finger, moved slowly along the slender finger to the root of the finger. As if he had found something interesting, he pressed the relatively soft bone and turned around.

"You! It's the worst one I've ever had! "

His hand moved away from the base of his finger and continued to slide down, resting on the blue blood vessels of the youth, which were more and more obvious because of the white skin.

"Look at you one by one. What's the matter? I care about you. You don't like it. I tell you, your grades are all your own, not mine. The benefits you get from entering a good university are also your own. It has nothing to do with me. Now I'm strict with you. You think I'm not good. If I'm really loose, I'll wait until you grow up and graduate When the society comes, I'm not good! "

Shiqing began to press the blood vessels on the back of Zhuo Jun's hand. His blood vessels, like most boys, were slightly protruding, but not very conspicuous. It seemed to be very flat and could only be detected by touching it.

And with his caressing which is totally different from his usual style, Zhuo Jun left him completely free to move, just a pair of light brown eyes, but slightly sideways, gently staring at Shiqing.

School bully raised his eyes, on his line of sight, subconsciously, a pair of narrow eyes curved.

It's all natural.

Lu Tao, sitting behind them, rubbed his eyes.

Strange, how did he feel that when brother and Zhuo Jun were away from each other, it seemed that there were a lot of pink bubbles

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"Here, I want to praise a classmate, that is, Shiqing."

Hearing his name, the school bully did not feel guilty, so he touched his desk mate's hand and looked up.

Lao ban is still a little excited about this.

"Shi Qing didn't do very well before, and he liked to play at ordinary times, but he had a sense of crisis. During this period, he not only worked hard, but also led other students to work together. He listened carefully in class and took the initiative to let Zhuo Jun leave the make-up class after class. In a short period of time, his achievements improved a lot."

"This is a typical example. It doesn't matter if you start late, it doesn't matter if you try too slowly. There's still time! As long as you don't give up and start working hard from now on, even if you have poor results, you can also be rescued! "

Being praised, the school bully raised his chin and raised his eyebrows with an expression of "shouldn't this be it?".

Zhuo Jun looked up slightly, looking at such self-confidence, even if the whole class looked at, his hand was still firmly on the back of his hand, and his eyes were soft.

Old class also did not feel that Shi Qing's attitude is wrong, after all, he has long been used to this unrestrained student.

It doesn't matter. It's good to know how to study, but not to ask for anything else.

He left the classroom after filling the chicken soup for the soul as usual.

He did not go for a while, the class from silent to noisy.

Lu Tao this boy is like a monkey. He ran to the front: "brother Shi, the supermarket seems to be selling red rope, which is tied to the hand. Do you want to buy it?"

When Qing lean on Zhuo Jun leave body, frown a face disdain: "I want that why."

"I tell you, brother Shi, this red rope is meaningful. Although it's only one yuan, it's still in the school. It says that if you buy one and give it to someone you like, you can always be together."

He frowned at Shiqing: "if you buy this for that person, hey, hey, hey."

The school bully was dubious: "really? It's only a dollar. Is there such a cult? "

Zhuo Jun left is still calm, he asked: "you said everyone in the pass, then who started to pass?"

Lu Tao: "son of the supermarket owner."


Shiqing chuckled, "you all know it was he who sent the letter. He was fooling people into buying their things and making money."

Just ran to the front to borrow homework, Tong Xinyu heard, immediately stopped, wriggling, face embarrassed walked over.

"Well, in fact, this red rope can't be so useful. As we all know, the main reason for buying this one is that if you give a red rope, almost the other party will understand what he means. If the other party also feels it, he will buy a red rope and send it to him, which is probably equivalent to a confession token."Said, the child heart rain small voice way: "if is me, was like the person to send the red rope, I will be very happy."

Yes, she was hinting wildly.

It's been so many days. It's reasonable to say that if Shiqing or Zhuo Junli have feelings for her, they should also confess.

But she waited and waited. She didn't know how many thousand paper cranes she planned to send out during her break time. She couldn't wait.

Watermelon didn't come.

Sesame didn't come to confess.

It shouldn't be.

Tongxinyu ponders that Zhuo Junli may not like her, but in the whole class, in addition to her, Zhuo Junli has never contacted other girls.

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Still have time Qing, before he but is always jealous big hair's block Zhuo Jun to leave with her close.

When Qing doesn't like her, can you still like Zhuo Jun to leave!!

Tong Xinyu is very clear about her urine. In addition, she accidentally saw a senior high school student last time. She is worried that if the male God doesn't express her love, she will transfer her love.

As a result, she began to preach the red rope like a tray.

"How many things can you buy with a dollar, but if you buy a red rope for someone you like, it's priceless."

"This is not just an ordinary red rope, it represents love."

"This kind of red rope is not afraid of water, and you don't need to take a bath. Think about it, no matter what time and place, the red rope you send will be worn on the wrist of the person you like, just like you accompany her. How beautiful it is."

Shi Qing's eyes gradually brightened up.

"You have a point."

Even Zhuo Jun left, pretty face showed if there is thought, even nodded.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!

Child heart rain in the bottom of my heart crazy scream!

What do you mean!!

What do you mean by that!!

Are they all going to buy her red rope!

Oh, my God, my God!

Happiness came so suddenly that she felt that she was going to faint with excitement.

What to do.

If it is what she thinks, who is better to promise?

Zhuo Jun is gentle, gentle and easy to speak. He is suitable for being frank and informal.

When Qing Dynasty is domineering, no taboo, suitable for gentle and good temper.

Tong Xinyu feels that she is nothing.

She was neither informal nor gentle.

Forget it!

When the time comes, she will promise whoever confesses first!

After school, tongxinyu was excited and watched Shi Qing and Zhuo Junli pack up their things and leave the classroom. They quickly followed up.

Of course, she was not so obscene at the end of the line.

She just wanted to go to the supermarket to buy a red rope. By the way, she wanted to see if the two male gods also went to the supermarket to buy red rope.

Children's heart rain smoothly with the tide of people to walk in the time behind them.

Her two male gods are chatting, when Qing smile is particularly happy, Zhuo Jun Li looks at him with a soft smile.

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Both of them talked while walking, no matter which one they were watching, they were very pleasing to the eyes.

To the supermarket, tongxinyu tensely slowed down the angle, eager to give himself a telescope, stretched his neck to see.

After a long time, Shiqing and Zhuo Jun left before they came out.

Both men had a red rope wrapped in a small transparent bag.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!

The boy's heart rain is a groundhog scream at the bottom of my heart.

Red rope! Red rope!!!

Sure enough, it's red rope!!!

They're down the steps!

They're coming in his direction!

Zhuo Junli is already unpacking!

Did he find her already!!

Ah ah ah ah ah he took it apart!!

Tongxinyu held her breath nervously, and then she saw:

in the dim light, on the path with few people, the handsome young man took out the red rope, gently lowered his eyes, and put it on Shiqing's hand.

Tong Xinyu:

The school bully, who always dislikes outsiders' touch, didn't pull back. He just let Zhuo Jun leave and wear red rope for himself.

But she couldn't hear her. When she was red, she was proud with a face of "since you have done this, I'll be merciful." she put her red rope on Zhuo Jun's wrist, and at the same time, she seemed to be very reluctant:

"you gave me, and mine also gave you."

When he saw Shiqing wearing his red rope on Zhuo Jun's hands, he said, "I'm sorry."

She just stood there, watching her two male gods exchange the red rope.

Then, the two male gods, no matter in appearance or figure, could be regarded as top-notch, so they leaned together and took another path towards the dormitory."Tongxinyu" still exists:

She looked at the back of her two male gods.

Then, in the mind inexplicably thought of own before thought.

She also worried that Zhuo Jun was gentle, gentle and easy to speak, and she acted as if she could not make up for her personality.

As a result, they complement each other.

Tongxinyu imagined that these two characters met together.

If it's a good match, there's no sense of disobedience.

After thinking about it for a long time, tongxinyu held a broken girl's heart and faced the fact in despair.

So, her two male gods

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