Zhuo Junli saw the rain.

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To be exact, he sent out the red rope that he had planned to send back to the dormitory because he saw the rain.

As he wanted, Shiqing's red rope also came to his wrist.

On the way back, they did not hold hands or do anything else, just close shoulder to shoulder.

Under the street lamp, the shadow of two big long legs seems to be walking together.

They walked across the campus path.

Walk across the playground track again.

We went up the stairs together.

Finally, open the dormitory door and take a good bath one by one.

Wait until two people have brought the same smell of body wash, just nest on the bed together.

Recite the text.

When Qingbei, Zhuo Jun from listening.

The air conditioner was turned on in the room and it was warm. Both of them were wearing pajamas and half reclined on the bed.

When Qing and Zhuo Jun do not have books on their hands, the books are placed under the pillow.

After all, basically, as long as it is the text that Shiqing needs to recite, Zhuo Jun can recite it word by word.

So the school bully on his body, big long legs wantonly up, pressure on Zhuo Jun from the body.

The body temperature that belongs to another person comes from the other side.

In particular, the other party also wore his own red rope.

It's a very different feeling.

It's just a piece of simple knitting rope. Wearing it on the hand, it's like stabilizing the whole heart.

At least Zhuo Junli has never felt like this.

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Because the Qing Dynasty domineering is almost inclined to lie on the bed, his head naturally also inevitably lies in Zhuo Jun to leave the bosom.

Such a small bird's action let the school bully do, it seems to be marking the site.

The young man's hand fell on Shiqing's hair, and with his recitation, he gently pressed and whirled on the back of his head.

This is Zhuo Junli's unique way to relax. Once, in order to ensure his grades, he had a period of immortal work and rest. He got up at 5:30 and fell asleep at one.

Lack of sleep and a long period of concentration make his back of the head swell, obviously very tired, but how can not sleep.

Only massage the back of the head to get a little relaxation.

Now, he moved into the two men's room. When he finished his homework every night, Shiqing bullied him to go to bed early. In the morning, he went to his arms again. Zhuo Jun's immortal work and rest had not appeared for a long time.

When he was comfortable, he yawned and held Zhuo Junli's other hand, unconsciously plucking the red rope on his wrist.

The school bully plucked his hand, which was the one wearing the red rope. Both of them were born with white, and the red rope was lined more and more bright.

"My teacher, do you know that he was born in my life? So Well What's behind it? "

Zhuo Jun left quietly and said:

"so there is no expensive, no cheap, no long and no little, the existence of the Tao is also the existence of the teacher."

"It means that in the tradition of teaching, where should we consider whether he is older or younger than me? Therefore, no matter the status is high or low, regardless of age, the place where the truth exists is the place where the teacher exists. "

"If you understand the meaning, it will be easier to recite it."

When Qing looked up, turned a body, lying on his back in Zhuo Jun's arms, a bad smile looked at him: "if according to this, you are also my teacher?"

Zhuo Jun looked at him.

School bully's eyes are very good-looking. When he smiles like this, it seems that there are stars hidden inside.

Looking at it, Zhuo Jun left the corner of his mouth on his own:

"it can also be said."

The smile on Shi Qing's face is bigger.

"Are we not teachers and students in love?"

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Zhuo Jun left the smile unchanged:

"that's right."

Shi Qing had a long voice and a long cry with a bad smile:


He raised his eyebrows, and with a smile on his brow, he got up slowly and lay down on the youth in the direction where he had been lying. He grasped his collar and let his head drop slightly.

Zhuo Junli is half sitting against the wall, so even if Shiqing grabs his collar and makes him lower his head, he still has to look up to meet his eyes.

School bully's eyes were bright, so he laughed. He raised his wrist, turned the red rope on his hand and asked him:

"do you really give this rope to me

Zhuo Jun left also raised his hand, gently, with the red rope on his hand next to the red rope of Qing.

"Are you afraid?"


School bully pick eyebrows, as always overbearing wanton: "I have what to fear."

Zhuo Jun left with a smile.

As soon as the beauty smiles, everything seems to light up.Meirenxueba said, "I'm not afraid."

He is confident that he will be able to stand on the top of the crowd.

I also have confidence to protect Shiqing.

He slowly stretched out his finger and held the hand beside him, clasping with Shiqing's ten fingers.

His eyes are also bright, and the light brown eyes are heavy looking at the people in front of him:

"shall we take the same university? When I go to university, I still live together. "

"That's what I thought."

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Shi Qing answered quickly and took it for granted:

"otherwise, why should I study so hard?"

Zhuo Jun left fixed looking at the people in front of him.

The young man slowly lowered his head and gently rubbed against the tip of the school bully's nose. His voice was always warm and moist. At the moment, he was full of suppressed emotions:

"you promised me, and it will be mine."

"You can't change in this life."

Shi Qing grabbed his neck with one hand, and his eyes were full of potential: "good."

"You can only be mine in your life."

Ding! Zhuo Junli rejection degree: 0100]

the system jumped out again in surprise: "the host is wonderful!! Ah ah ah ah ah host I learned a new song, do you want to sing service! ]

[not required now. ]

when you look at Zhuo Junli, who is pressing down on your side, you are satisfied with the way:

[mosaic time, you can continue to learn new songs. ]

the system has gone.

Zhuo Junli continues to press down.

The slender and beautiful hand slowly reaches in

Under the pillow.

School bully:

Then, when the clear eye helplessly saw Zhuo Jun from under the pillow took out a "May 3.".

The youth is very happy to put the book in front of his eyes: "you go to bed to do a problem again, finish I give you judge immediately."

"With your current results, it's still very difficult to take the college entrance examination. You must be safe and sound!"

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His emotion is too much than usual, his eyes are bright.

Obviously, for Zhuo Junli, Shi Qing promised to be with him and go to university with him, which made him very happy.

"In the future, you can recite at the same time every morning, wash and gargle at the same time, and give them a make-up lesson at noon. I will set aside half an hour to lay a foundation for you alone. It is also the time for dinner in the evening."

Shi Qing said Will it be too tiring, especially if you are already very tired every day. "

The young man's mouth was full of pleasure, and he approached him affectionately and rubbed the tip of his nose:

"tiredness is only temporary. If it is difficult, think about going to university in the future, and we will be able to live in one classroom, one dormitory and one bed."

Shi Qing

Can you tell me, they are not one classroom, one dormitory and one bed now?

After confirming Zhuo Junli is serious, Shi Qing takes over "May 3" without expression.

[Tong, come out and sing. ]

the system appears blankly: [host, is it not mosaic? ]

Shi Qing: [no mosaic, come and sing, I'll give you the lyrics. ]

System: [? ]

System: [what song? ]

the time is clear and the side is numb. ]

therefore, on the ambiguous night when the two people confessed to each other and settled the relationship, they sang systematically.

Shi Qing did it --






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