The next morning, Shiqing leaned against Zhuo Jun and walked into the classroom with a yawn and a bell.

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Also is early self-study, only on duty born, see him not late also did not say anything.

Of course, even if he said it, Shiqing would not listen.

A school bully who loves learning is still a school bully.

He almost did not open his eyes all the way from Zhuo Jun to take his seat.

When he sat down, the young man coaxed the lover who was leaning on his shoulder with warm voice: "when Qing, wake up, it's time for self-study."


In fact, Shiqing has already woken up all the way, but he just wants to rely on Zhuo Jun's shoulder to play tricks, and then listen to BaWen gentle coax him.

Zhuo Jun left the real voice very gentle coax him: "open your eyes first, you didn't eat breakfast, eat this steamed bun."

In the morning, Qingzhao often sleeps in bed. Zhuo Jun left for a long time to coax him to get up and put on clothes. He just delayed his time and couldn't go to the canteen to eat.

He had to go downstairs to buy some steamed stuffed buns while he was cleaning and gargling. Then he came to the classroom with the school bully who was lying on the bed.

"I don't want steamed buns, I want strawberries."

First of all, Zhuo Jun bought me a pad to eat

Get satisfied answer, school bully this just satisfied open mouth.

The young man naturally handed the steamed stuffed bun to his mouth and watched him finish eating with his eyes closed.

The child's heart rain witnessing this scene later:.... "

She poked at her deskmate and pointed to the two people in front of her who fed the other. She whispered, "look."

The girl at the same table is busy with her homework. She raises her eyes and looks at the direction pointed by Tong Xinyu. Her face is blank. "What's the matter?"

Tong Xinyu: "don't you see Zhuo Junli eating steamed buns when feeding?"


"What's wrong with baozi? Didn't the old class say that if it was too late, he could have breakfast in the self-study class? "

Tong Xinyu:

Is the point breakfast!

It's Zhuo Junli! ]Have breakfast in time!

See child heart rain seems to be quite anxious appearance, the same table sister don't understand to see a look again.

One more look.

One last look.

Then it dawned on me.

"I know, you are heartache, Zhuo Jun left? In fact, it's nothing. I don't think he's unhappy either. He's getting better and better with Shi Qing recently. It's just a favor between friends. "

Tong Xinyu

Seeing that her face was blank, her roommate kindly gave her a hug:

"well, didn't you say you like Shi Qing last time? You can look from Shiqing's point of view. How comfortable he is when he is so sleepy that someone can feed him. "

Tong Xinyu

She didn't give up her head and looked at all directions of the work.

Then sad to find that, sure enough, only she felt wrong in the whole classroom.

It may also be because of Shi Qing's undisguised attitude, and he didn't let other students doubt anything.


Tongxinyu was lying on the table in distress.

Had to accept a painful reality.

The two male gods were forced to descend.

The third male god is online.

But it's also very special.

Tongxinyu is actually a very generous sister, even if the male god offline, her mentality can also be very peaceful.

From childhood to adulthood, she was able to count nearly ten gods of the same age, not counting the singers and actresses.

Every time she was offline for various reasons (mostly because she had a new God), tongxinyu could perfectly stop paying attention to them.

But Shiqing and Zhuo Jun broke the habit.

Maybe because they are in the same class.

Maybe it's because

These two people are so blind.

Tongxinyu witnessed that Zhuo Jun ran to buy strawberries after class. He washed them clean to give them time to eat.

Also witnessed the time Qing around looking for a variety of papers, as a gift to Zhuo Jun from.

Two people are the same table, and live in a dormitory, even if they do not leave the focus of Meng every day, no one thinks there is anything wrong.

As the winter gets deeper and deeper, the school bully seems to be in the hibernation season. The whole person is lazy, and everything depends on Zhuo Jun's leaving.

Put your hand on the shoulder of the youth, and then hang it on the other side naturally like a sloth.

When sitting, half reclining, walking without bones, with lazy eyes and yawning posture.

Before tongxinyu, because the two men were their own, the God had been watching them. At that time, Shiqing was not so sleepy as now.After careful calculation, he began to feel sleepy every day after she witnessed them exchange red ropes.

Taking advantage of the holiday to go home, really inquired about the same-sex love of tongxinyu, had to suspect that her two former male gods had done something in the evening after being sold domestically.

They are a dormitory!!

And it's still two.

Tongxinyu thought "Mom, is it really what I think?" on the other hand, he felt strangely, "Oh, no, they are so excited.".

She doesn't think she should be so concerned about other people's lives.

After all, since that night witnessed the exchange of betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betrothal betroth.

She's no longer a child, and knows what kind of impact homosexual love can have if it's exploded in high school.

Although she can't love because of sexuality, she won't and won't hurt them!

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The love between the two gods is guarded by her.

It's exciting to think about it.

But the child heart rain who keeps this secret is very tired sometimes.

Male gods, can you avoid suspicion a little bit!

Don't be so close, don't always touch my hand in class. I'll touch your hand. Don't eat strawberries and feed them to each other's mouth!!

It is they who fall in love with each other. They are afraid that what others will find is childlike rain.

She is frightened every day, but when Qing and Zhuo Jun leave, or a pair of them line is sitting on the end of the appearance.

Wake up, God!

You look down at the same red rope you're wearing on your hands!

You're in an underground relationship!

Can you stop being so aboveboard!

It's also good that even if tongxinyu is worried about losing his hair every day, no one in the class thinks that there is something wrong with these two people.

Good man, good relationship.

What's more, Shiqing is a bit overbearing. When a big man is sleepy, let another man feed himself and put it on others. That's weird.

Put it on the school bully, that's for granted.

In fact, in many people's eyes, Shi Qing's behavior is the same as that of the old rich people who were lying comfortably and letting people feed themselves.

The most important thing is his natural and generous attitude, which has no hidden meaning.

Even in class, the teacher in the above lecture, he can also be particularly skilled hands to Zhuo Jun off the shoulder, a "uncle I appreciate listening to" appearance.

This attitude is really wrong.

If there is something between the two, how can it be so undisguised.

It's because it's nothing.

So, until the winter vacation, no one in the class found out what was wrong with Shiqing and Zhuo Jun.

Even if both of them had a red rope on their left hands.

Even if they get bored with each other all day.

Even if every time someone in the class talks with Shiqing, Zhuo Junli can turn Shiqing's attention to himself with a gentle smile.

No one noticed that the two most handsome boys in the class were together.

After the score was announced, the old class said it was time to hold a parents' meeting.

When he said this topic, he felt Zhuo Junli's small hand and leaned lazily on Zhuo Junli's body, with his thighs clinging to the youth's thighs.

And the old class is also very pleased to look at this scene, the heart is very sigh this world fate is so wonderful.

At the beginning, Qing tried to find Zhuo Jun to leave trouble.

Now the relationship has been so good, every day in an activity, the results have been rocket like rise.

His psychological activities fully show what is called "black under the lamp".

"In a word, your scores will be announced at the parents' meeting. When the parents have another meeting, we can go home on holiday."

Shiqing yawned lazily:

"teacher, my parents are busy, can they not come to participate?"

"No way."

"Don't you want your family to see such a good self?" the old class said: "this time you have made great progress. It's better for parents to take a look at your progress."

He said, but also very proud to announce: "the teacher here, save you from the beginning of school to now all the test papers, also made a performance increase table, when you go up, which time down, all at a glance, here I want to praise Shi Qing, most of the students in the class are up and down, a small part of them have been maintaining the original results No change. "

"But only Shiqing! His performance has been rising. It can be said that this time the parents' meeting was held, except for Zhuo Junli, who always kept the first grade in grade, the second one could be praised

Looking at the proud old class, the school bully turned to Zhuo Jun and said in a low voice, "I've always been the first from the bottom, and there's no place to drop."The young man looked at him tenderly and gently pulled his little thumb:

"what the teacher said is right, you are very good."

Flattered by lovers.

School bully ear tip rubs red, dry cough: "I certainly know I am fierce."

Then, also slowly hook hook Zhuo Jun from the finger.

Two people in the bottom of the small action, the top of the old class is still seriously said: "now you senior two, senior three is not far, this class meeting is very solemn, the teacher should tell your usual results, and the degree of hard work to parents, convenient next better urge you, so must come to a parent to attend the parents' meeting, can't do not come, you know?"

The sound of knowing was heard from the bottom.

Zhuo Junli has always been able to do two things with one mind. When he heard the old class's words, the smile on his lips stopped and slowly faded down.

The school bully was acutely aware of his mistake and got together strangely:

"what's the matter?"

The youth shook his head: "it's OK."

See when Qing really believe his words, continue to play with his fingers bored, Zhuo Jun from the eyes slightly dark, drooping eyes.

He thought of his father.

The father who beat him from childhood to adulthood, never had a trace of paternal love, not only did he not support him, but also tried every means to take away his scholarship.

Once upon a time, Zhuo Jun could endure or avoid.

He is like a dormant eagle, waiting for the fluff to fade away.

After adulthood, we can get rid of the domination of domestic violence father.

He can be patient.

Anyway, he's been putting up with it for so long, and it won't matter for a long time.

But now

Zhuo Junli looked at the yawn of Shiqing.

In fact, except for the first night, Shiqing didn't carry much time later. It was basically the same as before. However, the school bully was very sleepy every day. He was so lazy that he couldn't bear to carry it in his arms.

Shiqing was the first treasure he had in his life.

He can't stand that man's destruction of Shiqing's view of him.

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Once again, the young man lowered his long eyelashes, and there was no emotion on his beautiful face.

The next day, the parents' meeting.

The old class stood at the door of the classroom early in the morning and said hello when he saw the parents coming.

At this time, Zhuo Jun left the front, some embarrassed in his eyes, and said softly, "teacher, my father can't come."

"Well? What's the matter? "

Zhuo Junli, an obedient and sensible grade one, is simply the most favorite student in the old class. Naturally, he knows the family situation of Zhuo Jun and what kind of man his father is.

Now as soon as I heard that Zhuo Jun could not come from his father, her eyebrows wrinkled immediately.

What kind of father is this.

Even if you don't eat or drink at ordinary times, it's too much for children to work part-time and get scholarships. It's not even possible to attend a parents' meeting!

"He broke his leg and couldn't come."

As soon as I heard that it was like this, the old class's anger was slightly relieved.

"It's OK. If you can't come, you can't come. Your grades are very stable and you work hard. In fact, the purpose of the parents' meeting is to let parents urge students. You don't need to be urged. Don't worry about it."

"Well, go downstairs and play for a while. After studying for such a long time, you can also relax."

Zhuo Jun from the sensible nod, politely thanks: "thank you, teacher."

After thanking him, he turned and left.

The old class looked at the young man's slender back and sighed.

The child is so sensible and kind.

Why is there such a father.

Downstairs, Shiqing is just like my grandfather's feet on the basketball, basking in the warm sun.

Let me tell you a joke. ]

System: what? ]

Shi Qing: [yesterday I called someone and asked them to break the leg of the domestic tyrant so that he would not come to school to make trouble. What do you think? ]

System: [what? ]

Shi Qing: [by the time my man arrived, his leg had already broken. ]

System: [? ]

Shi Qing: [do you know how to break it? ]

[it is said that he drank too much, slept at home, fell off the bed and broke his leg. ]

he took a pen out of his pocket and swayed it on his hand:

what angle do you think is necessary to break his leg from the bed? This involves mathematical calculation. ]

System: [? ]

[the system does not understand. ]

Shi Qing: [generally speaking, the domestic violence man broke his leg at an angle that is basically impossible for ordinary people to reach. ]The system came to light.

The system is clear.

Then: [is someone a name? ]

then he raised his eyes, looked forward, and gently raised his eyebrows: [someone is coming. ]

Zhuo Junli is coming this way.

In the sun, the young man's white face with a smile, soft short hair, because of the sun and covered with a layer of gold.

When he came this way, he looked like an angel landing on earth.

Then, the angel sat down beside Shiqing.

Shi Qing asked him, "what have you just done with the old class?"

Zhuo Junli: "my father has a broken leg and can't come to the parents' meeting. I told him this."

"Broken leg?"

The school bully's face showed a surprised expression, obviously concerned about the lover's father: "is everything ok?"

"No big deal."

Zhuo Jun didn't say that he was sad, nor did he say that he was sad. He just sat down in front of Shiqing, and then he was held by the other side and was close to each other.

He held Shi Qing's hand.

School bully's hands and his ferocious appearance are not quite the same, because he has not done any work, whether it is looking or touching are tender.

Kneading his soft palm, the whole heart seems to be able to calm down.

Zhuo Jun left the voice low: "I don't like him."

"Who don't like, your father?"

Shi Qing generously allowed him to knead his hand and said with understanding:

"I don't like me either. My parents have been with me for less than a year since I was young. They gave me up for work, but they said that they love me very much and threw me to Baum. He said that he would come to them if he had anything to do. I would smash the money every time I had something Where to find them. "

The young man was stunned and raised his eyes to Shi Qing.

He had thought that such a disposition as Shi Qing should have been spoiled and brought up since childhood to be so wanton.

Looking at the school bully that face does not matter, Zhuo Jun centrifugal pain him at the same time, there is a little joy in the heart.

Shi Qing is not close to his parents.

Does that mean that he is the closest person in Shiqing.

At the thought of this, the youth's heart softened into a mass.

His eyes seemed to twinkle with bright starlight. In the sun, a beautiful woman's face became more and more white and beautiful. He approached Shiqing and gently let him lean on himself.

"You have me, and I have you."


When Qing raised a happy smile, "I have you good."

"But my parents still have advantages. My mother grew up abroad and was more open-minded. My father asked me to live. As for the rest, there was no more."

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The school bully shrugged: "so I don't have to hide our affairs from them, and I'm not afraid that they will be angry."

"I'm not afraid."

The young man's soft smile, eyes full of tenderness, whispered: "my father has no time to be angry."

Maybe he'll break his leg again.

Maybe next time it could be the arm.

And maybe, the arm and the leg.

He will not appear in front of Shiqing, will not occupy the sight of Shiqing even for a second.

The more they say, the closer they are, and the closer they are to each other.

Shiqing found a bag of almonds from the schoolbag and leaned on Zhuo Jun's body. You and I were one by one. Everything was sweet.

Seeing this scene from afar

She looked at the pink bubbles around them, and really wanted to kneel for the two gods.

This is on the playground!!!

There are a group of people standing on the playground!!

They're so naked!

She felt like she was suffocating.

Today is a parents' meeting.

At ordinary times, even if not, most students will not think about such deep-seated problems as "my male classmate and my other male classmate are a pair".

But parents are adults, ah, well-informed, in case they are found out what to do.

Record demerit, drop out, gossip!!

Tongxinyu broke her heart for her two male gods.

But looking at the two people who are sweet and honey, she can't directly run to say, "I know you're together, but can you pay attention to your words and deeds? It's really easy to be found and dangerous"!

She is anxious!

She worries!

She had nightmares about the discovery of the relationship between men and gods.

But now, holding his own broken girl's heart, looking at Shiqing from afar, maybe feel tired, and don't mind sitting on the dirty flower bed, directly lying on Zhuo Jun's leg, comfortable in the sun.

Lie down!

Zhuo Jun left!

On the legs!On the legs!!!

Although this picture is very beautiful, yes.

It seems that people can't help but have a little heart. It's right to pop and jump.

But it's a playground!

There are people all around!

With a brain full of "lying trough lying trough lying trough" for a long time, the child heart rain finally found that he was a white tension.

Around the students playing ball games, chatting, did not notice this side.

Even if someone is passing by and sees it, they just glance at it and don't pay attention to it.

Child heart rain carefully close to a few to know why.

Holding such an aesthetic posture, Shi Qing is reciting the text with a tone that can't be loved.

It's true. I can't love you.

Even if they are intimate with each other.

When one side is stumbling over the text while the other side is listening carefully, the senior high school students who are in the state of "I love learning, learning and loving me" will never think of anything else.

When the rain passed, Shiqing just finished.

He couldn't bear to sit up, hooked the young man's neck, eager to try: "here is a little sun, let's go to the shade and sit for a while."

With that, he pointed to the far left side of the playground.

There is a big tree over there. It is said that it was specially transplanted from the school when the school was built. Even if the two of them sit in the back, they can't be seen on the playground.

Zhuo Jun didn't think much about it. He really thought that the lover felt sun drying. He agreed to get up with Shiqing after he agreed to come down. They went to the big tree together.

The child heart rain looks at their back, feels that he is really the emperor is not anxious, eunuch is anxious.

People are not stupid, of course, they will not be so exposed to the world.

She patted her skull and thought she was really sick.

The next half an hour, the rain strolled back to the classroom, sitting on the steps to play mobile phones.

Her mother gave her her cell phone before she came into the classroom, so she could take a break.

Playing and playing, the parents' meeting is over.

The parents came out one after another. Tongxinyu came to the door and saw that his mother was talking to the old class, so he simply leaned on the railing and waited.

As a result, the next second, looking at a very young beautiful sister stepped out on high heels.

She was beautiful enough to be unforgettable at a glance. Her makeup was exquisite and her lips were slightly raised.

Long and slender legs, foot on a pair of very high, high-heeled boots.

In terms of height, it should be over 1.75 meters.

From the gas field point of view, at least 2.7 meters.

Tongxinyu just looked at it at random and was shocked.

Beautiful sister came to her, slightly pick eyebrows, red lips also followed micro PICK: "classmate, are you a student of this class?"

Childlike rain stupidly nods.

"Do you know where Shiqing is? I'm his mother. "

Children's heart rain Mom.

Shiqing's mother is so young and beautiful.

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She quickly nodded: "Shiqing is in the playground."

Enthusiastically pointed to that very obvious super tree: "I saw them go to that tree before, should be in the cool."

Beautiful sister, ah no, beautiful aunt smiles at her again:

"thank you."

Then she went downstairs with her 2.7 meter aura and high-heeled boots.

Children's heart rain is still in shock.

After a few seconds of shock, she suddenly realized a problem.

Shiqing is separated from Zhuo Jun!!

Both of them can be tired of being crooked in class. What's the possibility of hiding behind a big tree that no one can see

She was shocked all over her body, and her cold sweat came out. She went to the inspector's neck and looked in that direction. When she could not see it, she ran along the railing to the left. When she ran to the head, she could finally see what was happening behind the tree.

Zhuo Junli seems to be leaning against the tree, when Qing fell on his shoulder, from this angle, she can only see the back of the head.

In other words, Shiqing and Zhuo Jun are face to face, face to face.

This position

This action

Is it the legendary

The trees are thumping!

Tongxinyu look down again, the gas field two meters eight when the mother has been in the direction of the big tree.

It's over. I'm in trouble.

Her brain was blank, and she turned and ran up the stairs.

Pedaling down the stairs.

She tried to run 800 meters, but just in time, my mother just walked to the uncle's less than half a meter away, so she made an emergency brake around her in front of her.

"Shiqing, Shiqing, mom, no, auntie, wait a minute! Wait a minute, wait a minute

Tongxinyu, wheezing and gasping, has exhausted all his life's energy and yelled loudly:"How nice your lipstick is! What brand is it? "

She did her best.

It's so loud that the gods can hear it.

When one hand is on the tree and the other is on Zhuo Jun's shoulder, Qing hears the movement. When the young man hears that it is time for his mother to come, his face flashes with panic, and the corners of his mouth smile up.

"Kiss me, or I won't get up."

Zhuo Junli is really a little flustered. He is just a poor student now. Even if he has some means, if something goes wrong with Shiqing, he can't deal with Shiqing.

Even when it's time to say that you have a bad relationship with your parents.

That's his parents, too.

If the other side asked him to transfer, he had no way.

He also lowered the voice, under the consciousness of clenching the hand of Qing: "don't make trouble, your mother is coming."

"Kiss it or rub it."

The school bully is still not in a hurry or panic. He is determined not to achieve his goal:

"we haven't kiss. If you don't kiss me today, don't mention my mother, even if the emperor comes, I won't get up."

He urged: "kiss quickly, kiss quickly, kiss a surprise."

Zhuo Jun left her long eyelashes and fluttered nervously. I didn't know whether it was because of nervousness or shyness. Her white cheek was stained with a trace of thin red.

Worried that Qing's mother would come when she dragged on, he slowly approached her, and her lips fell gently on the cheek of the school bully.

Can't hold people can only watch, mother with two meters eight gas field came to the tree behind the children's heart rain, looking at the scene in front of him:.... "

She was stunned.

Didn't her loud voice remind them of the couple!!

"Auntie is not what you think. We are arranging that winter vacation drama, that sleeping beauty. You know, the dreamer has a kiss, They're rehearsing! "

When she was beautiful, her mother's face was shocked and angry. She only looked at them with a smile.

Tong Xinyu didn't notice that she was turning her head in an emergency, and then she found that:

Shi Qing! Unexpectedly! Still holding Zhuo Jun to leave the hand!

The one with ten fingers clasped!!

Mom, she's crazy here. They're dragging their feet.

You talk about underground love can have points!

Then, she helplessly watched the school bully Da Fangfang raise and hold Zhuo Junli's hand:

"Mom, introduce Zhuo Junli, my boyfriend."

Tong Xinyu:

When my mother was still like that, she came forward with a smile and looked at the beautiful young man whose face had been dyed red. Her eyes were full of satisfaction:

"as you said to me before, you are a good child. My mother wishes you all."

Zhuo Junli gradually improved from a stiff state.

His eyes lit up a little bit, and he turned his head to see when he was clear.

The school bully was still smiling and looked very unreliable. He held his hand and shook it:

"it's all said. It's a surprise to kiss."

Zhuo Jun from the whole person seems to relax, he looked at the lover, the lip angle also slightly cocked up.

The air seemed to be filled with pink bubbles.

Bai Cao Xin Yu feels that he has been forcibly stuffed with a sack of dog food

After experiencing the ups and downs and then the ups and downs.

She finally realized.

She should be under the car.

It's not supposed to be in the car.

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