It was like a dream. Zhuo Junli was sitting opposite his mother, watching her stir the coffee on the table and boasting to him with red lips:

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"before his father and I thought, why did Shiqing's grades improve so fast? We all thought that there was something fishy about it. He had been counting down from childhood. If there was no one, how could he have achieved

"We called to ask, the boy told the truth, said you are Xueba, good grades, with him to study, really a good child, Auntie must thank you."

Zhuo Jun is still hesitant.

When his mother saw his hesitation, did not ask.

She looked at her son who was sitting beside Zhuo Jun, drinking clean coffee with an impatient face.

Look at that domineering aura.

Look at the way you can fight.

Look at the way he grabs Zhuo Jun's slender white fingers after drinking coffee and plays with them in his hands.

In my opinion, my son can't bear the loss.

In fact, she came here to see if it was not the bastard who forced her to do it.

As a result, I felt relieved.

Although Zhuo Junli didn't speak much, he looked at his son's eyes, which was really sweet and greasy.

She picked up her coffee and took a sip. "Mom, it doesn't interfere with you, but you both remember that sex can't happen until you're 18."

Zhuo Jun's face turned red.

It's rare that I didn't calm down again. I promised with a red face.

On the other side, Shiqing frowned and looked unhappy, but holding her lover's tender hand, she didn't attack. She just leaned over to Zhuo Junli:

"she didn't aim at us, didn't my mother grow up abroad? Foreign countries are relatively open. My grandmother Jinjiang is afraid that my mother will be affected, so she tells her every day what she can't do before she is 18, or she will be locked in a chain by a man named Shen He. "

Zhuo Jun left red face and nodded to show understanding.

In fact, he really didn't expect to be so long-term. The most important thing is that in his mind, only when he has achieved achievements can he be qualified to do something with Shiqing.

When they were talking, my mother always looked at them.

She nodded in her heart with satisfaction.

No matter how you look at it, Zhuo Junli is the perfect son companion she once dreamed of.

According to the information she inquired from the head teacher, Zhuo Junli is really good.

Excellent performance, gentle temperament, hard work and reliable.

Although the gender is not quite right, it matters.

Anyway, their husband and wife make money because they like to work hard and want to leave it to their son.

It doesn't matter if two men don't have children to inherit the family property. It's sad to have children who don't inherit.

Met her son's boyfriend, when the mother looked down at her watch: "OK, I have a meeting in the evening, so I won't disturb you. Shiqing, since you all have boyfriends, think more about it before you do anything. If there is a conflict, please come to me at any time. Don't break up with a little thing like a child."

"I'm not breaking up with him."

School bully holding Zhuo Jun from the hand: "we agreed to go to the same university."

When the mother's expression suddenly subtle up, she looked at her son, and then at Zhuo Jun Li, her face showed a look of desire to speak.

"I remember, Junli was the first in grade, right?"

Her eyes gradually dangerous down: "Shi Qing, you do not because of this relationship, let Jun Li and you together into the ordinary university, their head teacher told me that he can go to a university."

"If you fall in love, as long as your grades don't decline and your mother doesn't interfere, but what kind of university you go to, it's almost as if you decided to leave your half life. You can't patronize yourself and don't think about him. It's irresponsible."

When Qing tut.

"Where are you going? I mean, I'm going to take the A-level."

Shi's mother; "

Her look was more subtle.

Several seconds passed before nodding:


"I haven't heard that a can spend money, but since you want to go in, let's try our best. Do you remember that Uncle Zhang? He had a relationship at a university. "

School bully is a Leng first, then react to come over, rub of stand up: "Mom, what do you mean, I say is I take an examination of myself."

"Mm-hmm, I believe you."

When mom nodded perfunctorily, she picked up her small bag, looked down at her watch and stood up:

"come on, you are the best, OK, mom won't make trouble with you, I really want to leave, Jun Li, you can watch the time clear, don't let him learn to be stupid, next week I and his father are free, we have a meal together."

With that, she stepped on her high-heeled boots and left.

When Qing still holds Zhuo Jun to leave the hand, has been looking at when the mother went out, that is always full of self-confidence on the face just showed a little "do not look carefully, can not see" grievance.School bully complained to Zhuo Junli: "she is so obvious that she doesn't believe me. What do you mean? Can't I take an A-test by myself?"

Zhuo Jun left gently touched the back of his hand to comfort him, and his voice was warm and gentle: "there is still more than a year, the opportunity is still very big."

"Even if you really can't pass the exam, B university can do it. In fact, it's almost the same."

"That won't work."

"The more you don't believe me, the more I want to pass the exam."

The young man nodded with a smile and slowly pulled him to sit down.

The two were close to each other.

"I believe you can do it."

Lovers' encouragement, private space, dim lights, these seem to turn into ambiguous atmosphere.

A little sweet, around the two people.

Shiqing contentedly cocked up the corner of his mouth, a pair of narrow eyes slightly narrowed, and slowly approached Zhuo Junli:

"today's rest, we have a lot of time."

Zhuo Junli obviously thinks so.

He laughs a little complacent, which is very rare.

"I'll show you a baby."

Shi Qing also followed with a knowing smile, full of meaning:

"must be a big baby."

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Then, he looked at Zhuo Jun from the pocket took out a piece of folded good paper.

Shi Qing said:

A little happy, the young man unfolded the paper and handed it to the stiff faced Xueba.

On the top of it was: "winter vacation study schedule.".

Zhuo Junli: "you see, this is my analysis of your current learning progress and your learning speed, which also describes your subject short board and how to overcome this short board, you are more suitable for teaching papers, as long as you do according to this schedule, after the winter vacation, your score can be improved to the top 10 at least."

"Although it's not very high, it can at least keep up with the progress of the class. If we continue to work hard, University a still has hope. It's really not good. We can go to university B. in fact, we don't need to go to the best one."

Shi Qing

With his "enthusiastic" eyes, he stares at the schedule held down by the slender hand:

"what a big one! Baby

Zhuo Jun left his face a little red, but his eyes were bright and a little happy.

"If you like it."

"I like it. Of course I do."

The school bully picked up the schedule and looked up and down: "my brother, if I want to go to the best school."

"No, it's learning. It's coming."

Then he added, "but you have to stay with me."

Of course, Zhuo Junli will accompany Shiqing.

Shi Qing lives by himself. This summer vacation, both of them are bored with each other.


They were in one room for countless nights.

Do it! Roll! Son!

The light in the guest room has not been on, because Zhuo Jun left the room when sleeping.

After all, every night before going to bed, they are nestled in a warm quilt.

Often at this time, when Qing will turn on the air conditioning, wearing light and thin pajamas that can show beautiful ankles, the head occupies the arms of young people.

Back! Class! Wen!

In addition to touching his hands, kissing his cheek, rubbing the tip of his nose, he can drill into other people's arms when he sleeps.

Nothing else.

Zhuo Jun left but didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. He was still learning by himself and tutoring Shi Qing at the same time.

After the winter vacation, Shiqing's performance improved as expected.

Then, he began to "torture" his younger brothers.

During the winter vacation, the children were all in waves because of no supervision. Although the scores did not drop to the time before the make-up class, they were definitely not as good as before the holiday.

Then, he was taught by the time.

People want students to improve their grades. They are sincere and sincere. They can do it by hand at most.

Shi Qing wants his younger brother to improve his performance and direct his fist.

Will hold the resentment of a winter vacation all in their body vent out, the younger brothers suddenly feel, learning is how beautiful ah.

At the bottom of the car, the rain of childlike innocence has given up for them to cover up.

After all, she was desperate and gratified to find that it seemed that she was the only one around her who found something wrong. Everyone was blind to the love and all kinds of sweet interaction between Shiqing and Zhuo Junli.

Seeing the third year of senior high school getting closer, she no longer indulged in male gods and began to study hard.

Senior three is coming.

This is a very special year.

This year, several gangster students who robbed tongxinyu were forced by their parents to transfer.

Then, they met Shi Qing, who moved his wrists and showed them a benevolent smile.

Gangsters:.... "After that, even if they were killed, they didn't want to join Shiqing's "learning Legion". They were forced to learn with tears.

The other kids are happy.

After all, it's great to see people who are worse than themselves.

They always feel that people have become more and more abnormal since their relationship with Zhuo Jun gets better.

For teachers, it was the time to rein in the precipice.

Become a not only their own school, but also with other students to study together.

For Zhuo Junli's domestic violence father, it was a disastrous year, because he always broke his legs and hands in a fancy way.

The college entrance examination is coming soon.

The entrance of the examination room is almost crowded.

Of course, these people are not students, but parents.

The students are all in the exam.

When taking the last exam, Shi Qing wrote very quickly, with firm eyes and focused eyes.

Passing invigilator looked at him and nodded at the bottom of his heart.

This must be a good student with excellent results.

Very confident.

My father and mother are waiting outside.

Because driving is not allowed here, they packed a small shop across the street, drinking milk tea and waiting.

His father didn't understand when he was very gentle. He was still wearing a suit and talking softly:

"they were in the college entrance examination, and we couldn't help. Why should we wait outside?"

"It's a tradition, students, parents and so on."

When my mother was holding a straw in her mouth, her eyes were looking at the computer in front of her, and her hands were beating fast on the keyboard. She answered her husband with one heart and two purposes:

"if we don't come to see our son's college entrance examination, he thinks we don't pay attention to him

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He thought we didn't value him

He was silent for a few seconds, but he still couldn't help it: "then you can come by yourself. What do you want to do with me? You can't let me take anything. How boring I am sitting here now."

When my mother stopped, she raised her eyebrows and looked at her husband:

"Why are you always so thoughtless? Don't you know what happens when you leave home? How could his alcoholic father come to see him? You're here to play the role of his father. Do you understand? "

When my father suddenly realized that he touched the spectacle frame in a gentle way.

"Yes, I forgot about it. I did his father's broken leg this time."

This time, the guy didn't know what to think. He even wanted to block Zhuo Jun from leaving the college entrance examination.

Maybe it's because since Zhuo Junli grew up, he found that he could no longer control his son. Maybe it was because he didn't want to see Zhuo Junli, who had no feelings for him, was admitted to a good university and had a good future.

When dad knew, he broke his leg again.

Legs are broken, of course can't attend the college entrance examination to accompany the children.

Even if it's not broken, he can't accompany him.

"Boss, boss."

A bodyguard with a height of at least 1.9 meters, very strong, muscular, and wearing black and sunglasses came.

He came very well in the crowd.

When he arrived, Dad followed him and put the notebook in front of him, "here comes your computer, boss."

"OK, thank you."

When Dad gently smile, turn on the computer, also began to work.

Tong Xinyu's father and mother took a small stool and sat under the tree. Just now, Tong's mother was attracted by the frightening bodyguard. She kept looking at him. She saw him enter the shop and stood up to have a look.

"Mom, one, two, three, four, five bodyguards, who are these people?"

Father Tong was sitting on the bench with a fan:

"who do you care about? Anyway, it must be the parents who come to accompany their children in the college entrance examination."

"Yes, I don't know how Xinyu did."

Tong's father: "it should be. Didn't she say she wanted to go to a university? I'm not sure she'll say that? "

Tong's mother: "how can I remember what she said was that she wanted to go to a university because she wanted to continue to eat dog food. Lao Tong, did you starve her when I was on a business trip? How could the child want to eat dog food?"

"No, I'm good to eat and serve. Besides, we don't have a dog."

"Is the child under too much pressure and has something wrong? I didn't have time to ask today, why don't you ask?"

"How can I ask? I didn't hear you clearly. It's driving."

Two people are free to quarrel, parents in front of suddenly began to surge.

"Come out, come out!"

"Some students are coming out."

Zhuo Jun left after standing in the banner, did not go outside, he did not wait for a while, when Qing came.

With a smile on his face, the youth stepped forward to meet him.

School bully put on his shoulder, eyes full of can't wait to call his mother."Out?"

In the small shop, when my mother answered the phone, "your father and I are waiting for you here."

"Oh, well, OK, it's just that I'll go out with your dad tonight."

When my father heard the news, he stopped his keyboard tapping hand, lifted the spectacle frame, waited for his wife to hang up the phone and asked:

"why? They're not coming? "

"No, come here."

"Today is Shiqing's 18th birthday. He and Zhuo Jun left the hotel."

When the father frowned:

"this child is always like this. He is always in a hurry to do anything. At least he has to eat the cake."

"Come on, don't waste your time. Come on, come out and have dinner with me. What are you doing?"

My father pressed "send" on his mobile phone.

On the child's gentle smile, I remember

"Yes, it's a reminder. By the way, you let them go to the hotel I bought last month, and the hotel has reserved rooms for them."

When dad finished, the couple left together.

There are bodyguards all over the place.

Time Qing can't wait to pull Zhuo Jun to leave the hotel.

All the way, the young people were blushing.

In order not to distract himself before, he never went to understand this kind of thing in detail.

When I was in the car, I started to check the information with my mobile phone while I was blushing.

School bully saw, close to his ear, low and long voice: "don't look, to I teach you."

Zhuo Jun blushed even more.

When I arrived at the hotel, I went to take a bath.

[all, order songs. ]

the system appears: [host, what song do you want? ]

Shi Qing: [for that song, I've been waiting for a long time. Finally, today, there's this lyric. ]

the dedicated system started singing immediately.

It's time to wash.

Then he let Zhuo Jun leave to wash.

Zhuo Jun was a little nervous when he left the washing room.

In order to make him not nervous, Shi Qing opened the curtain of the bathroom to encourage and comfort him.

Just don't know why, he seems more nervous.

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Then, in order to keep him from being nervous, he cleared the light outside.

His intention was to wait until everything was done before turning on the lights.

I didn't expect that until the next day, when the light was sprinkled into the room through the French windows, there was no light in the house.

The system has hit a wall several times.

Now, he tried to get out carefully. He was relieved when he didn't see the mosaic.

Then it sees its host lying on the bed with a complicated face.

Complexity means that one side is satisfied and the other side is distressed.

The system is so scared that it asks, "what's wrong with you, host? ]

time clear: [ All, I'm not very good. ]

System: [don't be afraid of the host, I can give you a golden finger. ]

Shi Qing: [forget it, I have already experienced your golden finger. ]

Shi Qing: [but why is there no treadmill in this room. ]

System: [? ]

Shi Qing: [well, there are only French windows. ]

System: [?? ]

Shi Qing: [of course, I don't mean it's bad, but it's a little cold. ]

Shi Qing: [it's a pity that I'm just an ordinary person. Although my spirit is still very active, my body can't hold on. ]

System: [???)??? ]

Shi Qing: "Achoo!"

The door pushed open from the outside, to get breakfast from Zhuo Jun left, when he came in, he heard the sneezing sound of Shiqing. He quickly put down the meal and sat carefully by the bed.

"Did you catch a cold?"

"A little bit."

When Qing looked at the young man with a guilty face, he stretched out his hand to touch his forehead, and waved his hand carelessly: "it's OK. It's OK to have a sleep tonight."

Zhuo Jun left but still very guilty: "all blame me."

"How can I blame you? I took you to the window."

"This design is really good, our future home, on the installation of such a bar."

Zhuo Jun left his face even redder.

He gently massaged the back of his wife's head and said, "OK."

"And the treadmill you said last night, I'll remember that too."

Shi Qing closed his eyes and began to feel better.

In this happy holiday without learning, Zhuo Junli started his business.

In his first year of college, he bought a house for two people.

In the second year of college, he bought a house with a swimming pool without any teacher.

In his third year of college, he didn't want to buy a car. He bought a car that could move inside but would not shake outside.After graduation, Shi Qing still parachuted to his father's company.

The second year after graduation, he and Zhuo Junli had been invited to dinner together.

The two married in the third year after graduation.

You can't get a certificate in China, but you can have a wedding.

Tong Xinyu appeared as a classmate.

She sat in her classmate's seat and listened to the murmurs of the students next to her.

"I can see that Zhuo Jun left and when Qing is not right, just because they have no intimate action, so they don't think much about it."

At the beginning, the gangsters are also successful students: "you don't know it's normal, when brother and Zhuo Jun leave are insidious, they want to hide things, you can still know?"

"But I have to bless them. Really, I feel that the luckiest thing in my life is to meet them. Otherwise, how could I be today?"

Similarly, later admitted to a university younger brother: "yes, I really have to thank Shige. He is really a good man, but I don't know if they were together in high school or university. It should be a university."

"I also think it should be university. They didn't show anything in high school."

Tong Xinyu: ha ha.

Flower bed hot leg, after class on the shoulder, touch hands in class, when the whole person is hanging on Zhuo Jun, OK.

It doesn't reveal anything.

A bunch of blind people.

Next to her, her husband made a good crab for her and put it into her bowl: "heart rain, eat crabs."

Childlike rain came to him and kissed him on the face, "thank you, dear."

The two began to eat crabs in love.

When Qing and Zhuo Jun left the wedding is not much sensation.

Maybe because they are not public figures.

When they were 30 years old, Zhuo Junli was on the rich list, and an entertainment number forwarded his photo. It was only then that he was discovered that he was a handsome young man who started from scratch.

A large number of fans settled in.

Entertainment number also ate a wave of traffic, tasted the sweet, and began to tap this handsome rich man.

Then they dug out the time.

Fans on both sides began to argue about who can be called the first handsome guy in the rich world.

Until two people hang up wedding photos at the same time, indicating that they are partners.



Zhuo Junli and Shiqing do not show up in public, but their names are always floating in the lake.

I only know that they are high school students, college students, the third year after graduation from university held a wedding.

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A person familiar with the matter once said that Shi Qing's picture was actually exploded when he took over the company, but it was revoked by the above request within three hours at that time.

The same is true of Zhuo Junli.

However, there was an employee who worked in Shijia company. Zhuo Junli often came to see Shi Zong. Others looked very gentle, but he was very picky about the people around him.

Like secretaries.

They may be the only secretary who is the boss of a middle-aged bald uncle.

In order to show fairness, Zhuo Jun left the secretary with a bald uncle.

Then, the reputation of his vinegar King began to spread in the rivers and lakes.

People only know that Zhuo Junli is a very gentle person. He seldom gets angry and uses his resources for the sake of time and Qing Dynasty.

For example, when Shi Qing was 30 years old, a female star took a picture of him at the dinner party and said some specious words in order to get warm.

After that, Zhuo Junli bought her entertainment company.

As a result, the star did not appear on the screen until his contract expired.

He proved it with his actions.

Good looking, gentle temperament does not mean good temper.

Shiqing is a playful person. Unlike his workaholic parents, he prefers to leave the company to others and play happily.

Zhuo Junli retired at the age of 43 to accompany him.

Put down your work and go sightseeing with him.

It was not announced at the time of their death, or after their death, when all their property was donated to charity, the outside world knew that they had passed away.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that they chose to cremate.

And it was cremated together.

[congratulations to the host for completing the task: Please select, 1, rest, 2, continue to complete the task. ]

Shi Qing lies on the reclining chair: [1111]

[Ding! Please be ready to jump into the holiday world, the holiday world. ]

when he opened his eyes, he saw a man kneeling in front of him. He was dressed like a dog, but his words were not so good.

He was saying, "my Lord, as long as you can let me know where my mother received the jade bracelet, I will exchange the rest of my mother's life!"

Shiqing squints slightly and takes a quick look at the memory in the brain.His identity in this world belongs to the great devil, will deliberately lure people to exchange precious things for another thing, but he has a rule, that is, do not exchange money.

The man at the bottom is trying to trade his mother's life for that jade bracelet.

The man is still saying: "although my mother is a vegetable now, but her life must still have, adult, you can help me, now I am in debt of gambling, my mother lives alone, and now she has no way to tell me where the bracelet is. I have to take that bracelet to be rich!"

Shi Qing leaned back and looked at the fate line of the man in front of him and raised his eyebrow: "your mother's life span is only her own. You want bracelets, and you can exchange them with your own things."

The man froze.

This is totally different from what he heard.

But he was so anxious, "what can I do for it?"

"Let me see."

Shi Qing looked at him up and down, his eyes showed disdain: "you have no conscience, you are not good-looking, people are not diligent, and your body bone is so bad because you suck Du, your character is even weaker. In order to gamble, you pushed your mother down the stairs. There is nothing for me to change."

"Yes! Yes

A man heard, more anxious: "I must have, you do not help me, I am finished!"

"All right, but you can't change the bracelet directly. You can change it with your voice."


The man thought of the debt collectors outside, gritted his teeth and nodded: "good! Voice! My Lord, what can I change for my voice

"Your mother had a cat, didn't she?"

Shi Qing yawned.

The man thought for a while: "it seems that she has a cat, which is given to her by her friend."

"What kind do you remember?"

"Remember! Remember! French blue cat

"Since you sold your family property and left, your mother has only lived with this cat. She knows where the bracelet is. You can use your voice to understand the cat's voice. However, your voice is too hard to hear because of tobacco and alcohol. You can only choose it by yourself."

Man: "I change!! I'll change it

The bracelet was said by his mother to be worth millions, but because it was given by his dead father, she said she would not sell anything for him to gamble.

He even hid the bracelets.

When he was pressing questions, he pushed her downstairs in a hurry.

When he thought of having this bracelet, he could not only pay off the gambling debts, but also turn over the salted fish. His eyes were full of hope.


Shi Qing stretched out his hand and gave him a piece of paper: "sign your name, your voice, in order to hear your mother's French blue cat say a word."

"When you finish asking the cat question, you will lose your voice, but never mind, it will tell you what you want to know."

The man can't wait to sign, and he can't care about anything else. He turns around and pushes the door out.

When I open my eyes again, I will be in the place where my mother lives.

He opened the door and saw the cat.

Shi Qing was sitting on the beam of the house, swinging his legs, humming, looking at the man and the cat face to face in a good mood.

"Come on, tell me where my mother's bracelet is."

The cat opens its mouth:

"@ @ #ා¥ ¥ @% & ා"

a man who doesn't understand a word:

He wanted to continue to ask, but found that he could not make any voice.

When Qing satisfied to see that man hoarse voice, face dejected to leave, this just lightly jumped off the ground, the cat in his arms, touched its head.

"Good boy."

"Good French."

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