Shiqing walked in the street with the cat in his arms. He was beautiful. He was wearing a small black cloak, which just fell on the ankle. There were beautiful flowers embroidered on it, and it floated with the owner's walking.

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When he came to a window, he stopped and looked at himself.

It's early autumn. Some passers-by are wearing overcoats, some are wearing jeans, and some of them are wearing autumn trousers.

But no one is like Shi Qing, dressed like a filmmaker.

But they couldn't see him. No one jumped out to take pictures.

The system, tell me, what's the difference between the vacation world and the mission world? ]

[of course. ]The system pops up: "the host doesn't find out, is your appearance in this world your original appearance? ]

Shi Qing found that the face on the glass was exactly his original appearance.

Slender body, beautiful facial features, eyebrows and eyes as if always with a bit of elegance.

It's just not short hair. The long black hair is tied up by a jade crown, and the rest of it is scattered and criticized. It just makes this face a bit more demonic.

He raised his hand and looked at himself in the glass. His slender fingers fell slowly on his cheek. The demon king in the glass slightly raised his lips.

It's even more sinister.

The system carefully reminds Shi Qing: "the host, the vacation world, don't care about the people. You don't have to make yourself look like a villain. ]

when you pick up your eyebrows, you just hook your lips, smile and tilt your head: "who told you, I'm not a bad guy? ]

System: [ ]

Shi Qing slowly dropped his hand and touched the cat in his arms: [OK, what's the situation in the world. ]


Always feel like the host itself is the devil.

It began to transmit the memory with trepidation.

Because the world is a holiday world, there is no plot content, but there are more important character profiles.

For example, Shi Qing is a great demon. He is cold-blooded and merciless. His greatest pleasure is to take away the things people cherish most and watch them collapse and despair.

His favorite thing is to destroy all kinds of feelings.

Friendship, love, kinship.

What he can't see most is people's happiness, and his favorite thing is to destroy it.

For example, the man who pushed his own mother downstairs before, the demon king was jealous of his mother's maternal love for him, so he just bit by bit lured him to trade with his mother.

The demon king also has enemies. His birth is mainly because there are too many evil ideas and negative energy in this world, so he appeared.

But as long as the devil wants, he can live forever, so no one can really deal with him at present.

Although he was called the devil king in the west, it was still in the East. His opponent did not call him the devil, but called him the devil.

The setting here is a bit like a hodgepodge. There are prefectures and monks. The opponent of the demon king is the monk.

The underworld couldn't beat him and couldn't control him.

In fact, the monks have not been able to fight against the underworld, but the reason why they are enemies of the demon king is that their idea is to save the common people, which naturally includes the victims who are lured by the devil to lose everything.

The demon king didn't bother to argue with them. He was addicted to various kinds of family destruction and death. When he found that ordinary human beings were no longer fun, his thoughts suddenly turned to the monks.

Think about it, if you can seduce a pure minded, one-sided Taoist, that would be fun.

When the system finished transmitting, he said cautiously, "host, this is your identity. How do you feel? ]

then open your eyes, the fundus of your eyes flashes red and blinks gently: [good, good. ]

[that is to say, I am going to seduce the monks now? ]

System: [no, no, host, this is the vacation world, you don't have to follow the human set. ]

Shi Qing: [but don't you think it's fun to seduce monks? ]

System: [ ]

Shi Qing: [think about it, a pure minded monk who was seduced by me and gradually degenerated. ]

System: [ ]

Shi Qing: [I can't wait. Please tell me who the monk is. ]

when the system is full of data question marks, it is carefully transmitted.

Monk Qing.

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An orphan was thrown under the mountain gate when he was born. His master picked him up and became a Taoist.

It may be because he grew up in Taoism. Meng Qing was devoted to Taoism, fame and wealth. He didn't pay attention to him. He studied Taoism. From childhood to adulthood, he didn't even touch a girl's hand.

He is twenty years old, but he is so pure that he can blush when he hears other people talking about bed matters. He is even more ancient than ancient people.

Before that, he had been trying to help those who had been lured by the devil.When he finished reading, he raised his eyebrows slightly? ]

System: [good looking is good looking ]

Shi Qing: [just look good. ]

System: [???)??? Ah? Ah, host, where are you going? ]

the devil king is a collection of all kinds of resentment in the world. If there is resentment, he can get there by lifting his feet.

Resentment is a kind of resentment. If you don't eat enough, if you don't sleep well, you will feel resentful even if you have a cold.

It is not so much that he can come to the place where there is resentment, but rather that he can come wherever there are people.

There are so many Taoists, big and small, living in the halal temple. Of course, it is impossible to have no resentment at all.

The devil's shoes fell on the front of the halal temple.

There are also some ordinary people walking around.

When you close your eyes, the scene in front of you is no longer a group of people walking around, but wisps of smoke floating.

The special skill of the demon king can see the energy of a person.

This skill is more convenient for him to attract.

In the numerous gray, green and even black smog, a wisp of white smoke is mixed in it. He is the only one who is completely white in such a big view of halal, which makes Shiqing feel a little pathetic.

When Qing so cocked up the corner of his mouth, closed his eyes and raised his feet.

When I opened it again, I was in front of a room.

He breathed forward, and the door opened slowly without a sound.

The devil fell silent and walked in slowly.

Behind him, the door slowly closed again.

When he came to the bedside, he could see a young man sleeping on the bed. His eyes were closed, his face was reddish. It was early autumn, but his forehead was covered with tiny beads of sweat. His lips grew slightly and his eyebrows wrinkled.

"I'm sick."

The devil opened his mouth, his voice was low, a little hoarse, with an unspeakable charm.

The youth on the bed did not hear his words, still slightly frowned, struggling with the pain in his sleep.

When Qing slowly stretched out his hand and fell on Meng Qing's forehead.

In just a few seconds, the young Taoist priest's locked eyebrows were stretched out, his uncomfortable expression turned to peace, and his breath was deep and even.

Shi Qing laughed and deliberately reached the Taoist priest's ear. His lips fell on one side and whispered through the air:

"I'll help you recover. You need to exchange things."

The young man in his sleep suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes, which seemed a little round because of their wide opening, were staring at the demon king.

See him wake up, the demon king smile more sweet, slowly close to the face of white jade youth in front of his eyes, and his eyes to the eyes, face to face.

He opened his lips slightly and called out in a long voice: "little Taoist..."

"You are awake."

Meng Qing:

Face to face with this almost perfect to completely flawless face, the young Taoist priest's face was almost visible to the naked eye, and even his neck was slightly red.

He finally responded. He suddenly got up with a red face and hid himself in the corner of the bed. His face was bewildered and helpless. He looked pitiful.

"You, you, you, who are you?"

Looking at the Taoist priest who is nervous to stammer, but still trying to maintain his shock, Shi Qing becomes more vicious. He goes straight to bed and approaches the young Taoist priest in the corner who wants to shrink himself into a group.

"What are you hiding from? Haven't you been looking for me before?"

Meng Qing looked at the evil spirit in front of her, but she had a face that people couldn't bear to feel evil after seeing it. Her face turned red inexplicably.

He hugged his knees and squeezed into the corner. He quickly lowered his eyes and tried to calm himself down with the beating heart.

The little Taoist took a deep breath and did not dare to look at the face again, so he lowered his eyes and replied, "Shanxin is joking. I have never seen you before. How could I want to look for you?"

"Can't you find it if you haven't seen it?"

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When Qinggu didn't pay attention to the other party's stiff and evasive appearance, he got closer. He sniffed a little, and suddenly came a sentence:

"you are so fragrant."

"Little Taoist, aren't you a man? It's more fragrant than some girls. "

"I, I..."

Meng Qing's face is even more red. He grew up in the mountain gate and always keeps the etiquette with people. When he meets Shi Shi Qing, he says that people are fragrant at first. Now he just doesn't know what to say.

After holding it for a long time, I blurted out:

"the soap used by my brothers and sisters is the same brand. If Shanxin likes it, I can tell you the name."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Shi Qing laughed. He slowly took Meng Qing's hand and felt the little Taoist's body shake suddenly. He leaned forward and leaned forward. On the cheek of the young Taoist priest who was so nervous that he kept blinking, he sniffed up and down through the air"Your fragrance comes from your soul."

"They don't have one."

The young Taoist priest tried hard to pull back his hand, but I don't know why. He was considered to be a high Taoist among his peers, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull back the hand he held in Shiqing's hand.

He can only blush, feel the strange man firmly grasp his hand, blush as if to drip blood.

"Good faith, please let go."

"Not at all."

Shi Qing held his hand and dropped the white, slender and stained hands on his lapel:

"what do you feel, little Taoist?"

Meng Qing, who had never been so intimate with people, was about to jump out of her heart.

He didn't want to feel anything. He just took his hand back: "good faith, please let go. It's against etiquette."

"If you don't let go, I'll call someone..."

The voice of the young Taoist priest suddenly stopped. He looked at Shiqing, who was smiling at him, hesitated and moved his hand on the other side's lapel.

"You You don't have a heartbeat! "

Meng Qing suddenly took back his hand as if he had been scalded. His eyes were clear. He quickly turned over and reached the pillow. He took out a charm from it.

The expression of shame and embarrassment on his face turned to fierce, and his eyebrows wrinkled fiercely. The charm was directed to Shi Qing and looked at him with vigilance:

"monster! How dare you break into the halal temple

The expression on Shi Qing's face was not afraid at all. He even slowly lay down with his right hand supporting his hair. A really evil face was full of laughter:

"is it a monster without heartbeat?"

"Little Taoist, your master didn't teach you. Isn't it just demons who don't have heartbeat?"

Meng Qing is no longer as weak and easy to bully as he was just now. After confirming that the beauty in front of him is a demon, he immediately finds an explanation for his reaction in the bottom of his heart.

Demons generally bewitch people. He blushed and heartbeat just now. He must have been bewitched!

That's right! this is it!

The young Taoist priest's face was more resolute, and his words were very hard:

"this is the halal temple, not a place for you to indulge! If you don't leave, I'm not welcome! "


Shi Qing was still looking forward to it. He stretched out his voice and slowly lay down on Meng Qing's bed with his head on his pillow. He had already regarded this place as his own territory.

"Come on, you are not polite to me. Let me see."


Meng Qing didn't go down the mountain with other elder martial brothers before, but there were so many demons, none of them was like Shi Qing, who was not afraid of their halal view at all.

He was angry and inexplicable, and felt that he had been looked down upon. He reached out his hand and was about to hit the charm on his hand.

But the charm fell in front of Shiqing, but he held out his hand.

The power can also be regarded as a great charm, lightly falling in the palm of the devil's palm, as good as the kitten.

Meng Qing:

It's impossible. It's the best charm he's ever drawn.

"Little Taoist, do you have any other moves? No, I'm going to bed. "

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Meng Qing was more angry by the evil king's cheap tone.

He gritted his teeth: "you wait!"

After that, he turned around and ran to the side of the box where he had put the mantra. He found out the one given by the master. He felt it a little reluctant. He picked up his wooden sword hanging on the wall. Several moves, he took the charm and used it on the yawning monster on the bed.

Once again, the charm fell quietly, without any effect.

"How could..."

From childhood to adulthood, the young Taoist priest, who had seen many powerful charms, fell into a trance and couldn't believe that he was playing with his own charm.

"I told you, I'm not a demon, you take to deal with the demon thing against me, useful only strange."

When Qing turned over, Meng Qing leaned closer. His eyes were full of enchantment. His white fingertips pointed at him and slightly hooked.

"When you've had enough, come up and squint with me."

How could a Taoist sleep with a demon.

Meng Qing hesitated to look at the king of the bed, the foot back a step, and then turned to run.


he bumped into the invisible border, which didn't hurt, but had strong elasticity, so he was bounced back.

As soon as he fell on the bed, he was immediately hugged by Shiqing from behind, and rolled into the comfortable quilt with him.

The young Taoist priest felt the hot temperature behind him, and his face became more red. He tried to struggle to open it. But for some reason, the monster behind him just gently waved his hand, and he was entangled with an invisible force. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of it."Monster! You let me go! This is the halal temple. If you dare to attack me, my master will not let you go! "

"Your master? That's the one with a big beard and a little guts than a mouse? "

Meng Qing struggled even harder: "you are not allowed to slander my master. My master's Taoism is profound. If you break into the halal temple, he finds out that you must die!"

"Your master won't kill me if you don't kill."

Shi Qing reached the Taoist priest's ear and lowered his voice. He said in a soft voice:

"and he can't kill me."

"Little Taoist, didn't you always run after me? Now that I'm here, why are you hiding

Maybe it's because he talks in his own ear. Even if he doesn't get it, the breath sprayed over makes people feel uncomfortable. The young Taoist priest's face is even redder:

"when did I run after you?"


Time Qing slowly let go of the shackles of Meng Qing's power.

Meng Qing was so happy that she was about to get up. However, she found that she was clearly conscious, but could not move at all. She could only keep her original posture and lie on the bed.

He felt that his body had been moved over, from his back to Shiqing, into lying on his back on the bed, above, the monster who looked at how the demon was smiling.

The genie stretched out his hand and, like playing with something fun, pressed his white fingertip gently on his chin:

"did you forget? How many good things have you ruined me? It's like the last time that man was willing to trade his conscience for a chance to win the lottery. If you hadn't blocked it, the deal would have been a deal. "

Shi Qing looked at the young Taoist priest whose pupils suddenly tightened after hearing his words. He was more happy with his smile:

"why? Do you remember? "

Meng Qing stares at Shiqing: "it's you! You are the devil

"Don't always be a monster. It's impolite."

When Qing slowly lying on the young Taoist priest's lapel, relying on him can not move, a pinch of his nose.

"Call me Shiqing, or Lord devil, whatever you want."

Meng Qing: devil

"So stubborn."

The Demon Lord was not angry, but slowly climbed up to the top, slightly lowered his body, looked at the young Taoist priest's red lips, and a red light flashed in his eyes.

"I heard that you grew up in the halal temple when you were young, and you didn't contact outsiders. In other words, you are here..."

Under Meng Qing's nervous sight, he pointed his chin with his finger: "am I the first to touch it?"

Shi Qing offered a friendly proposal:

"ah, little Taoist, have you ever been kiss? Why don't I help you and let you feel what it's like?"

He said, smiling and pressing down slowly.

Demon King deliberately slowed down the action, a little bit, let his face, pressure to Meng Qing direction.

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It's close.


The last centimeter can be touched with just a little movement.


The young Taoist priest finally called out the name. When he saw the demon rising slowly from his body with a proud smile, he realized that he had compromised with a demon, and his anger in his eyes became more serious.

He closed his eyes tightly and decided not to be cheated. He just closed his eyes and said firmly:

"if you want to kill me, please do as you please. Even if I die under you, my master will surely help me to revenge!"

With that, he began to mutter the Tao Te Ching.

"What are you doing? You've been chasing me for so long, don't you know I never kill people?"

When Qing turned over and lay down beside Meng Qing: "you don't know, that man came to me again. This time, he changed his voice."

Meng Qing's voice of chanting sutras had already disturbed his mind.

Shi Qing continued: "he wanted to exchange his mother's life at the beginning, but I didn't want it. It's just the voice."

"Tell me, is it worth your efforts to help such a man?"

The young Taoist took a breath:

"they were just seduced by you."

"Seduced by me? I didn't find him when he pushed his mother downstairs

Meng Qing couldn't say anything to refute.

Shi Qing's hand fell on the young Taoist priest.

It's early autumn. Meng Qing is wearing a Taoist suit. When she sleeps, she wears a middle coat. The advantage of this kind of clothing is that it's breathable and comfortable. The disadvantage is that as long as the people nearby want to, they can put their hands along the inner cloth.

Now, the devil's hand is on the verge of reaching in.

When Qing can feel, Meng Qing's heartbeat is very fast.

I don't know whether it's nervous or afraid. In short, he can't see it on his face.

Shi Qing: "you like to save people, which is very good, but sometimes you have to find out whether you want to save people in the end or not."Meng Qing gnawed his teeth: "he is wrong to harm others, you are wrong to harm people."

"Did I harm people? Who said I hurt people? "

"They are willing to exchange, I'll give it to them forever. I haven't forced them to exchange with me. The silver and goods are paid off. What will happen to them after that? It's none of my business."


The young Taoist priest opened his mouth and closed his mouth. He could only say: "in a word, everyone has his own life. You should not interfere with them."

"I interfere with them because they feel pain."

Shi Qing's hand drew a circle on Meng Qing's clothes, with a pair of charming eyes, and looked up at the young Taoist priest whose face was always red:

"I'm doing good deeds, Taoist priest."

"As a devil, I'm always fair. People don't want to trade with me. I'm sure I won't force them. Every deal I make is done voluntarily by both sides."

Said, when the Qing hand, out of thin air out of a piece of paper.

"Well, little Taoist, it's time for you to sign."

"I helped you get rid of your cold before. It's time for you to exchange things."

Meng Qing: Aren't you willing to make every deal? I'm not going to change it with you. I'm not going to change it! "

"Yes, both sides are willing."

"Except you."

When Qing smile happy, is a hand, a inkpad appears in his palm.

Smiling, the big devil took the young Taoist's hand, pressed the inkpad on his index finger, pulled his index finger and dropped it on the paper.

The fingerprints fell, the deed took effect, and slowly disappeared in front of them.

"All right."

Shi Qing, who was comfortable and comfortable, got into Meng Qing's arms, took his hand and let him put it on his lapel. He felt the heartbeat gradually from silent to slowly ringing.

"Little Taoist, you are mine."

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