When it was time for Zhenglin high school to go to class, some young students with schoolbags on their back noticed the two men sitting outside the milk tea shop opposite the school gate.

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Both of them have black hair, and they are also wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. They are both very beautiful and attractive.

The most attractive thing is that they have the opposite temperament.

A wanton evil spirit, wearing sunglasses, chewing gum in his mouth, in a good mood.

The other sat upright, with a pretty face frowning, and looked at the people around him with a friendly and clear vision.

When Qing cut a handsome hairstyle, two long legs directly up in Gui Gui's whole sitting Meng Qing's legs, body crooked leaning against the chair.

Seeing the young Taoist priest glaring at him, he raised his eyebrow and took off his sunglasses.

"Pay attention to your attitude, little Taoist. Now I am your master."

"You are not!"

Meng Qing more angry, eyes full of not accept: "I did not promise to sign a contract with you."

"I don't care."

The devil willful will wear sunglasses back: "anyway, the contract has been reached, you have been my people."

"Until you die, you belong to me."

When did Meng Qing, who had received positive energy education since childhood, ever seen such a brazen person? She blushed and opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

Shiqing teased him: "do you want to scold me? Come on, scold me. I'm listening

Meng Qing clenched her teeth and held it for a long time and said:


"What kind of swearing is this? I'll listen to your abusive words."

Meng Qing almost didn't faint. He glared at him angrily. He turned his head and looked at the other side, facing him with the back of his head.

Shi Qing: "angry?"

Shi Qing: "the gas is so small."

Shi Qing: "Hello, little Taoist, how can you not look at me when the master talks to you?"

Meng Qing drooped his eyes and tried to get rid of other thoughts and began to recite the Tao Te Ching.

Shi Qing: "don't you want to know why I'm looking for you?"

Meng Qing: No, No.

Shi Qing: "don't you really want to know? You'll follow me all your life. "

Meng Qing: Taoist recites the Sutra.

Seeing that he was clearly planning to ignore himself, the devil swayed his legs on others:

"in this case, I won't tell you that you and I are made for each other."

The young Taoist priest's chanting stopped.

He turned his head in disbelief, widened his eyes and looked at Shiqing: "what do you say?"

"Oh, pay attention to me?"

The handsome man in sunglasses leaned back: "don't you want to hear it?"

Meng Qing suspiciously looked up and down when Qing, suddenly a loose eyebrow.

"You must have cheated me."

"How could you and me be Taoist?"

When clear pick eyebrow: "how impossible."

"And you're not a Taoist. You're just raised by a Taoist and learned Daoism."

"I am a Taoist."

The young Taoist priest retorted: "I've been a teacher since I was a child. How come I'm not a Taoist?"

"Well, you are a Taoist. Do you have a certificate?"

Meng Qing was silent.

Shi Qing continued: "Dao Sheng Zheng, do you have it?"

Meng Qing paused for a long time, then hesitated: "I am too young, until I am a few years older..."

"Come on." The devil interrupted his words impolitely: "sixteen or seventeen years old can get a certificate, you are still small in twenty this year."

"Admit it, Zhengxing. Although he has always been timid, the old man's Taoist method is quite good. He can barely enter the profession by means of calculation. It is not because you and I are made for each other."

"You're talking nonsense!"

The young Taoist priest's ears were red: "you, you are a man, and I am a man, how can you..."

"Why not?" "Do you still discriminate against homosexual love? What about the equality of all living beings? "

In fact, Meng Qing had never touched on this topic before.

But now he was determined to refute Shi Qing, and he said, "men are born with Yang, women are born with Yin. The balance of yin and Yang is the right way."

"If you have to say that, then I also say that heterosexual is born with Yang, and homosexuality is born with Yin. Balance of similarities and differences is the right way."

When Qing finished, he put down his legs, got up and sat down beside Meng Qing, feeling his stiff escape.

"Little Taoist, you can't say it to me. This is life. You have to admit it."

The young Taoist priest tensely pursed his lips: "I don't like homosexuality. You've found the wrong person.""If you don't like the same sex, you like the opposite sex?" The devil was smiling and not angry at all. Instead, he put his hand on the Taoist priest's shoulder and took off his sunglasses. His eyes were full of smile:

"as long as you say who you like, I will immediately terminate the contract and leave without any delay."

Where did Meng Qing go to find a person she liked.

From childhood to adulthood, he had little contact with either the same sex or the opposite sex.

He hemmed and hawed for a long time before he choked it out:

"how can anyone like me if I have a heart for Tao?"

"It doesn't matter. I know that Taoists in your halal temple can marry and have children. When you have someone you like, tell me again. I promise to let go immediately and never delay you."

Finish saying, when Qing picked up the double skin milk on the table, scooped up a spoon, handed to Meng Qing's mouth, smile to be more charming.

"You haven't been down the mountain except for catching demons, have you? Come on, open your mouth. "

Meng Qing turned her face to avoid it, and closed her mouth without saying a word. Obviously, she didn't intend to eat.

The devil slightly raised the corner of his mouth: "master orders you, open your mouth."

The power of the contract let Meng Qing open his mouth uncontrollably. He looked at Shiqing angrily, his eyes full of anger.

"Look, just listen to my mouth? You are a hard eater but not a soft one. This is not a good habit. "

When Qing smiles and feeds the spoon double skin milk to the young Taoist priest: "come on, eat it."

Meng Qing was angry.

Meng Qing was angry.

Meng Qing wanted the devil in front of him.

Then he chewed a few mouthfuls, and the taste of double skin milk gradually exploded in his mouth.

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The little Taoist, who had never eaten double skin milk, stared at him slightly and chewed faster. Shiqing looked at him with a smile. Seeing that he had finished eating, he handed over a spoon.

The little Taoist priest was completely conquered by the delicious double skin milk at the moment. He ate a spoonful of it when he was fed, which was very delicious.

Shi Qing realized the joy of feeding, and the more happy he was.

The double skin milk was soon finished. He snapped his finger, opened the border and waved: "two more cups of milk tea, one cheese cake."

After ordering, he winked at Meng Qing again:

"the cake in this house is very delicious, you must like it."

After hearing the voice of the devil's order, Meng Qing reached out and touched the corner of his mouth

He has fallen.


In the bottom of my heart, the young Taoist priest called himself degenerate. After the cake came, his sight could not help turning around.

The cheese colored cheese cake is cut neatly and placed on the plate. There are several beautiful strawberries on it, and there are three words all over the body.

"come and eat me ~"

"eat me ~"

for Meng Qing, who has never eaten dessert since childhood, this simplicity is too exciting.

- Gudong.

The young Taoist priest rolled his throat and swallowed his mouth.

He cut off a small piece and handed it to his mouth with a fork.

The demon king's temptation with a smile: "come and have a taste. It's delicious."

Meng Qing tried to bear to open her mouth, and closed her eyes. She didn't look at this lovely and delicious cake.

When Qing got close to his ear, he breathed in his ear softly.

"Are you waiting for me to kiss you when you close your eyes?"

The young Taoist priest blushed, opened his eyes and twisted his face: "you, you No shame

"Oh, new words, we little Taoists can swear."

The devil handed the cake to his mouth: "open your mouth."

The tip of the nose is the sweet and greasy smell of the cake. Meng Qing licked his lips and told himself that "I was forced by the devil" and opened his mouth carefully.

When the soft and smooth cake came into his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After eating a few times, Shiqing has already handed over a spoon.

This time Meng Qing opened her mouth faster than before.

When they finished eating the cheese cake, Shiqing handed him the cup of milk tea. He also held the milk tea, and once again comfortable, he put his long legs on the other people's body.

Maybe it's short mouth and soft hand. Meng Qing didn't stare at him this time.

First of all, I carefully looked at how Shiqing drank milk tea. When I learned it, I carefully handed the straw to my mouth. Learning from Shiqing's appearance, I took a careful sip.

Mellow milk tea along the straw into the mouth, and warm flow in the throat, so that he is comfortable also learn when Qing slightly squint.

"Good to drink?"

Someone nearby asked him.

The young Taoist priest who had never drunk milk tea nodded and replied with a little praise: "it's really delicious."

When he finished answering, he turned his head and saw that the devil was looking at him with a smile. His face was full of "I am a demon".Meng Qing:

He closed his mouth and drank milk tea indignantly. When he didn't go to see it, he was clear.

This demon must be trying to seduce him!

He grew up in the halal temple since he was a child, and the progress of Taoism has always been the fastest among his brothers. Can he still be lured by some food in this area!

Thinking like this, the young Taoist priest bowed his head firmly.

Inhaled -

drank a mouthful of sweet and greasy milk tea.

When he was drinking, Shi Qing at one side came to him again. His magnetic voice was low. He was talking seriously, but he seemed to be trying to charm people.

"Here comes the man we are waiting for."

Meng Qing was stunned. She quickly raised her eyes and looked down at Shi Qing. She saw a student with a schoolbag and school uniform on his back. He was standing there quietly, as if waiting for someone.

The young Taoist priest looked at the student strangely. He was clear and refreshing, and his whole body was not obscure. How could he provoke this demon.

"What are you going to do to him?" he said

"He's just a student. What can I do to him?"

When Qing got to the ear of the young Taoist priest, he said in a low voice, "you should know my ability."

"As long as I look directly into a person's eyes, I can see through these eyes what this person wants of me, whether it was in the past or ever."

Meng Qing slightly frowned, looking at that fresh and fresh, how to see is just an ordinary student's youth: "he has appeal to you?"

No, this student should not. From the perspective of aura, this student should be a type of family harmony, parents' love, good character and learning.


Shi Qing raised his index finger: "I see that his appeal is that I can keep a soul who committed suicide for one day."

The young Taoist priest frowned more and more.

According to the rules, the souls who died of suicide must go to the ghost world immediately, which is also to protect these souls.

They commit suicide because they want to leave the world. When the world consciousness perceives it, it will reject them subconsciously after they become souls.

For each second, it's a torment for these souls.

"Did you agree?"

"How can I promise something that hasn't happened yet?"

The devil once sucked the milk tea in the straw. Seeing Meng Qing's serious face, he grinned and slightly hooked his lips: "but when it happens, I will promise."

"A year's life is worth a soul for a day."

The expression on the young Taoist priest's face suddenly became more serious.

"Life is determined by your own destiny. It's wrong for you to buy and sell privately. What's more, if you really change it, staying in the human world is like stepping on the tip of a knife under your feet. Even if you really stay, it won't appreciate each other."

Shi Qing: "this is not necessarily."

Meng Qing is very sure: "certainly."

He said seriously and seriously, "I have seen a soul who committed suicide. It was trapped in a place for only three days because of a magic weapon, and it was driven crazy by the pain of every second. Before we extradited it, it disappeared."

Shi Qing: "little Taoist, not every soul who has committed suicide is like the one you have seen."

Meng Qing would like to say more. Suddenly, she turned her head and looked at the school gate.

"What a lethargy."

When Qing propped up chin, a pair of shallow red eyes also looked at that side.

People are dead when they just die. The stronger the stillness is, the more just they die.

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For example, the death that two people feel at the same time is basically within an hour of death.

The demon king took a sip of milk tea, raised his eyebrows at Meng Qing, put on his sunglasses, and looked at the soul who walked towards the student:

"it seems that the soul who committed suicide is him."

He stood up and held out his hand to Meng Qing and waved his head in the direction of the school: "let's go and have a look."

The young Taoist priest stood up in silence. When he didn't go to see it, he handed over his hand.

Shiqing shrugged: "little Taoist, master, I command you to hold my hand."

"Demon! What else can you do but use it! Shameless

Meng Qing can only scold, while watching his hands out of control towards the devil.

Shiqing held the young Taoist priest's hand and scratched his palm. With the other hand, he lifted the sunglasses to the eyebrow, revealing a pair of good-looking eyes and blinking at each other.

"Although I can only deal with you with this move, it can't stand up well."

Meng Qing's face became more red.

Since he met with Shiqing, his face was no longer calm.

"Demon! You... "

"I know. I'm shameless."

Shiqing put down his sunglasses, took Meng Qing's hand, and let the young Taoist priest lean on his side, looking very proud."You are my destiny lover, to you, why should I pay attention to those false names? You say so."


The demon king was smiling: "well, the master now gives you a limit. After that, every time you say anything about demons, demons, you have to kiss me, don't seal the top."

Meng Qing:

He looked at the devil angrily. He couldn't think of any other words to replace him. So he closed his mouth and acted as a mute.

"Why don't you talk?" he asked

"Little Taoist? Meng Qing? Good? Qing Qing

Meng Qing couldn't stand it. She stood still and roared at Shi Qing angrily, "demon! Shut up

Voice just fell, he reacted to come over, quickly covered his mouth, straight Leng Leng looked at when Qing.

When Qing put his cheek together and pointed to: "come on."

Meng Qing:

He could only watch his body close to him and drop a dragonfly kiss on the demon's white cheek.

Even if it only stayed for 0.01 seconds and quickly pulled back, the young Taoist priest's face was still rubbed and reddened.

If it was light red before, it is gorgeous red now.

He kept rubbing his lips with the back of his hand, his face was full of shame and anger, and his mouth was full of that sentence: "you are shameless..."

The atmosphere of the two young boys at the school gate is also very good.

High school students wearing school uniforms and schoolbags, when they saw the people they were waiting for, ran to meet them. His eyes were full of joy. He held his schoolbag and welcomed them happily. When he came to the other side, he stopped nervously and rubbed the shoulder strap of the backpack unconsciously.

"Miran, you came to school today. Are you OK with your parents?"

Milang is the boy who came by. He is pale and beautiful. When he hears his lover's words, he shakes his head slightly and tries to hook up his mouth:

"it's OK."

"Is it really all right?" Chen Zeyu breathed a sigh of relief, his face again showed a sunny smile, a little afraid of the way: "I went to see you before, they did not let me in, I thought you were going to be transferred."

Chen Zeyu and Mi Lang are both high school students. They are students of the same class with excellent results. In addition to these similarities, they also have a special common ground, that is, they have no feeling for girls.

After expressing their feelings to each other, the two people are together smoothly.

This love affair lasted for a year. It didn't die down like other people liked when they were young. Instead, it was like wine in the cellar. Although it was hidden deep underground, it became more and more mellow and delicious.

They began to plan their future carefully. They went to the same university and major together. After graduation, they looked for jobs and rented houses together.

Even when they reached their age, they even thought of going to the orphanage to adopt children.

But the love of adolescence can not be hidden, even if they try to hide, it is still detected.

Rumors, all kinds of rumors, with slander, abuse, one after another.

Miran was directly locked up by his family, and he was not allowed to go to school again. At the same time, he began to handle the transfer procedures.

Chen Zeyu was beaten by his father with a stick, forcing him to give up the relationship.

He couldn't get out of bed, but he still held on to his teeth and refused to give up until the seventh day. In the face of his son who did not give up, his parents compromised and put him back to school.

Even if Chen Zeyu went to see him many times, he was chased downstairs every time, and he didn't even see his face.

Chen Zeyu has no choice but to wait every day before going to school, hoping that milang can come.

These days, he was frustrated.

I didn't expect that. Today he waited.

After learning from the mouth of Miran, the cheerful boy is happy like a bird, carrying a book around his lover.

"It's OK. It's OK to make it through this time. In the future, we don't have to be afraid that others will find out."

"Some people are sure to gossip. Don't be afraid. They will talk about what we should do or what we should do until we are admitted to the University and leave here."

When he spoke, Miran's pale face was always smiling, and his eyes were full of gentle looking at optimistic lovers.

Seeing that Chen Zeyu was going to take him to school, milang stopped and asked, "Zeyu, what do you think of our future?"

"The future..."

Chen Zeyu didn't know why milang suddenly asked this question, but he quickly replied:

"we should have become engineers and have our own house, eh There may be a mortgage, but it's OK. We're still under a lot of pressure. When we get to age, we'll adopt a baby. Whether it's a boy or a girl, we'll raise him well. He calls me big dad and you'll call you little dad, because I'm three months older than you. ""Yes Chen Zeyu clapped his hands, and his face was full of longing for the future: "we must hold a wedding ceremony in the future. Although we can't get the certificate now, there will be a wedding in other people's weddings. There is no big problem for my parents. We will grind them slowly for your parents."

Well, when they do, we have to stand in the middle Chen Zeyu coughed a few times, deliberately lowered his voice, and learned the pastor's tone:

"Mr. Chen Zeyu, would you like to be a partner with Mr. milang?"

Miran looked pale at his energetic lover with a faint longing in his eyes. He whispered:

"I will."

Chen Zeyu was stunned, and then he reached out with a smile to pat milang on the shoulder: "I know you want to, I also..."

His voice stopped as his hand fell empty.

The gentle lover in front of him just stood there and said to him, "I'm sorry I left you."

Chen Zeyu was staring at the gradually transparent lover.

He guessed it clearly in his heart, but he refused to admit it stubbornly: "Miran, wait a minute. What's wrong? Yes, yes, I must be dreaming. It's a dream. "

He lowered his head, looked at his hands, and kept hypnotizing himself: "this is a dream, this is a dream..."

"I'm sorry..."

Mirang looked at Chen Zeyu in a trance and apologized with one force;

"I'm sorry Zeyu, I didn't support it. They kept scolding me and saying that I had made my family lose face. Relatives came to see me one by one and said that I was sick. I was locked in the house and could not go anywhere. I could only sit there and listen to the outside talk."

"They said that I was sick and wanted to put me in a mental hospital. They said, I was abandoned and I was raised for nothing. Even my parents said that I wish I had never given birth to me. I was so afraid that I would be sent to a mental hospital. I was afraid that I would be treated as a patient. I could do nothing but sit there and listen to them. At night, I couldn't sleep all night, It seems that everyone is talking about me, and everyone thinks that I am sick... "

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Chen Zeyu is in complete confusion at the moment. He shakes his head and cries: "we are not sick. This is not a disease. We are born to like the same sex. We are the same as others."

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm so cowardly. I'm afraid they'll look at me. I'm afraid that they'll send me to the mental hospital. I'm afraid that the aunt who used to treat me in the yard will take her granddaughter away from me as soon as she sees me. I know I'm not sick, but everyone thinks I'm sick. They want to cure me, I don't want to cure me, and I can't either... "

Chen Zeyu subconsciously went forward to comfort the broken lover, but he only held an empty one. He stepped back in a daze and looked at the lovers who had become transparent a little bit in front of him.

Finally, I realized something.

He called out, "Millan."

"What have you done to yourself?"

Mirang looked at Chen Zeyu, as if brewing infinite sadness in his eyes.

"Last night, I quietly opened the door, climbed onto the roof, and then jumped down from it."

"How relaxed..."

He was in a trance, as if he had gone back to last night. His parents argued about which mental hospital he should be sent to, and blamed each other for not taking good care of him, which would make him a pervert.

A pervert -

is he abnormal in their mind?

He has not had a good sleep for a long time. At first, he wanted to sleep, but his parents watched him in turn. Every time he closed his eyes, he would shake him up and force him to admit that he was sick.

Later, I couldn't sleep.

As soon as you close your eyes, it seems that someone is talking to him all the time.

Trash -

perverted -

disgusting homosexual -

when he jumped off the roof, when he fell heavily on the ground, those voices were gone.

How relaxed

But after relaxed, is regret.

It is not regret that he gave up his life, but that he left Chen Zeyu alone.

"I'm sorry..."

He said for the countless times, "I'm really sorry..."

"I really, I really want to marry you. I'm sorry..."

He slowly disappeared.

This young, has not yet had time to bloom life, in this most lively wanton age, ended.

The same young lover half kneels on the ground blankly, a pair of hands do not know how to fall, fumble on the ground.


"Millan? Mirand

He looked around where there was no one around him and shook his head persistently. "This is a dream, this must be a dream, I am dreaming..."

Yes! yes! He's dreaming!

It's not true. Mirand must be at home. It's not true.

It's just that even if he repeats it.In the eyes, but still as if there is something broken.

Not far behind him, the devil took Meng Qing's hand and asked him, "do you still think this deal should not be done now?"

Meng Qing was silent.

Half ring, he just said: "before is poor narrow-minded, whether it is the same sex or the opposite sex, in fact, is the same."

When Qing circled his hand: "yes, just like you, me and them, are the same."

Meng Qing didn't break away this time. He only asked, "but what can they do if they only stay for one day?"

One day, not counting the night, is only 12 hours.

He looked at the half kneeling boy, shaking as if he could no longer support him:

"they will have a wedding."

"A wedding I've wanted for a long time, but I can't wait for it."

Chen Zeyu went to milang's house.

He saw the dried blood on the ground.

I saw passers-by who were talking about it.

He didn't believe it.

He stood there for a long time until he saw Millan's parents come back.

The couple helped each other and couldn't stand crying. Their relatives were comforting them all the time.

A relative said: "how can this child be so impulsive, you care about him, but also for his good."

Some relatives also said, "big sister, don't you cry, didn't the doctor say that? The child left without suffering. "

Chen Zeyu just looked at it.

There were people everywhere, but why did he feel empty around him.

He stood for a long time.

Standing, he felt that he should not stand still.

Mirand likes his sports best.

So Chen Zeyu began to walk forward. He didn't know how long or where he was going.

He just kept walking, thinking as he walked.

How could this happen.

Why is that so.

They just like each other.

Milang is good-natured, and even ants are reluctant to step on them. He has not hurt people, and he has not hurt people. Why is it he who experiences these things.

He is so sensitive, so care about other people's opinion of a person, how to endure long day and night.

He walked on and on, and finally, he came to a hall.

The man inside asked him what he wanted to change.

He said he wanted Miran back.

The man said again, the dead can't come back.

Yeah, I can't come back.

Chen Zeyu, who had been numb and didn't cry, seemed to be turned on by this sentence. He covered his face and finally couldn't help crying.

The dead can't come back.

Mirand will never come back.

Their future will never come again.

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When Chen Zeyu was crying, Shi Qing stood by to watch him cry and handed him a tissue.

"Thank you."

When Chen Zeyu finished crying, he straightened up, his eyes were still red and swollen, but his expression was very clear.

"I want to have a different wedding, will you?"

When Qing nodded, reached out, a contract from scratch, fell in his palm.

"The tears you leave here, for a wedding."

"Sign it."

White jade paves the road and flowers fall to the ground.

When the newcomers enter the stadium, they shoulder to shoulder and look at each other as if they were happy.

Miran's face is still very pale. He committed suicide. The world repels him all the time.

It's like a little mermaid with changed legs. Every step, it's like walking on the edge of a knife.

When I was a child, I didn't understand why the little mermaid could dance even though she was like this.

But now, when he looks at Chen Zeyu, the pain seems to be ignored.

Meng Qing stood at the top of the table and watched the two men come in slowly. After a nervous glance, Shi Qing asked, "Mr. Chen Zeyu, would you like Mr. milang to be your partner?"

Chen Zeyu fixed his eyes on milang:

"I will."

"Mr. mirang, would you like Mr. Chen Zeyu to be your partner?"

A pale smile appeared on Miran's face and said softly, "I will."

"Then, whether rich or poor, rich or poor, poor or ill, whether..."

When Qing looked at even standing difficult Mi Lang, toward his direction slightly blew a breath.

Originally all the time in the pain around Miran found that the pain has disappeared.

Without the shackles of pain, he would be able to put all his mind on today's happiness.

After all the words found on the Internet have been finished, Meng Qing finally added a sentence:"Now I declare that Mr. Chen Zeyu and Mr. mirang are partners."

He is still the first time to do such a thing, said a little guilty do not know what to do, the devil simply on the stage, took his hand to lead people down.

There is only one new couple left on the stage.

They don't have time.

But the atmosphere around them was not at all anxious.

Miran even chuckled and stretched out his hand to straighten his collar for his lover:

"you look so handsome today."

Chen Zeyu also tried to smile, as in the past when two people get along, shake his head, "this is prepared by those two gentlemen, I have never worn a suit."

"I didn't wear it either."

Miran looked down at his suit. "I didn't expect that I look good in a suit."

Chen Zeyu: "you look good in anything."

"School uniform is not good-looking," Millan laughs

Chen Zeyu: "school uniform is also good-looking."

Miran: "unfortunately, I can't wear it any more."

With this sentence between the two people again silent down.

They tacit understanding did not speak, just holding hands, sitting on the wedding table, like a small animal warming each other, nestled together.

At the top of the wedding, a huge clock was walking.

Da, Da, Da.

The second hand pushes the minute hand, and the minute hand pushes the hour hand.

Even if they cherish it, the moment of separation still comes.

Miran can feel that he is being ostracized by the world. He tries to lift his lips to make himself look more relaxed:

"I'm sorry for you, but you will Good

Chen Zeyu firmly held his lover's hand, weeping and shaking his head to retort: "it's not your fault. I know it's not your fault."

"You're right. You don't want to..."

Mirang stares at his lover, reaches out his hand and gently falls on his cheek.

"I'm sorry."

"Thank you."

He slowly dissipated, with the direction of the wind, was taken to another world without Chen Zeyu.

"Miran, Miran!"

Even if he had known that at the moment of real separation, Chen Zeyu could not help but stand up and chase after his lover.

But if you can't, you can't.

Seeing Meng Qing staring at this scene, Shi Qing waved and sent Chen Zeyu back. He held the young Taoist priest's hand and painted his palmprint with his fingertips.

"Can Taoist master have a feeling of parting

Meng Qing Leng a few seconds to react to come over, quickly red face took back his hand: "you don't always move."

The devil raised his eyebrow: "I haven't moved my feet yet, but if you want, I can."

The young Taoist priest had never been able to resist him. However, he could only face so red and put his hands behind him.

Anyway, I will never give the devil a chance to do something.

Seeing him like this, Shiqing reached out and a contract fell on his palm.

The demon king slowly folded: "tut Tut, it's another year of life."

Meng Qing was stunned. "Did you really take Chen Zeyu for a year?"

When Qing raised his eyes, "do you have any opinion?"

The young Taoist priest hemmed and hawed to say that it was immoral. People were pitiful enough. However, Chen Zeyu volunteered for this. As he said before the Qing Dynasty, the silver and goods were paid off and both sides were willing. He had no position to say that.

Seeing that he was speechless for a long time, Shi Qing suggested: "since you have some opinions, it's better to exchange the contract between Chen Zeyu and me with something else. If the contract is destroyed after you get it, the thing I exchanged with him will be returned to Chen Zeyu."

Meng Qing's eyes lit up and asked, "what do you want?"

When Qingxie smiles, he reaches out his hand to the Taoist priest:

"if you take the initiative to hold hands with me all day, I will give you the contract."

Hand in hand for a whole day, for a year of life.

It's not a loss in any way.

Meng Qing hesitated to extend his hand.

Gently, holding the soft palm of the devil.

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